Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 16, 1995, Image 2
Lancaster Livestock LANCASTER, PA DECEMBER 12, 1995 Cattle Calvei Hogi Sheep Goats MONDAY’S'AUCTION 776 65 36 394 252 LAST MONDAY 945 69 153 685 416 LAST YEAR 672 70 398 1101 678 CATTLE: Slaughter steers steady to 50 higher; slaughter heifers firm to SO higher, cows steady; bullocks 3.00-4.00 higher, bulls 1.00-2.00 higher. Supply included 61 percent slaughter steers, 19 percent slaugh ter heifers, 14 percent cows, with the balance bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS; High Choice and Prime 2-4 1200-1400 lb 68.50-69.50; Choice 2-3 few 4 1150-1435 lb 66.00-68.25, few 65.00-66.00; Select and low Choice 2-3 1125-1425 lb 60.75-65.00; few Select 1-2 1050-1300 lb 57.00-60.00. HOLSIEINS: Choice and Prime 2-3 1350-1550 lb 58.00-59.35; Choice 2-3 1200-1550 lb 55.03-57.50; Select 1-2 1200-1450 lb 50.00-54.75. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; High Choice and Prime 2-3 1100-1200 lb 65.60-66.50; Choice 2-3 1000-1300 lb 60.30-63.30; Select 1-2 9SO-1175 lb 55.75-60.00. COWS: LO DRESSING BULK HI DRESSING Breaking Utility and Com mercial 2-3 34.00-36.00 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-2 30.00-34.00 Caimer and low Cutter 1-2 27.00-30.00 BULLOCKS; Choice 2-3 1200-1425 lb 55.00-59.50, couple 60.75-66.00; Select 1-3 1100-1300 lb 51.00-55.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200-1600 lb 41.00- few 46.00-49.50, couple 50.00- Yield grade 2 1200-1500 lb 37.75-40.00, individual 2065 lb 37.75. CALVES: Vealert not fully teited; slaughter calves weak to 5.00 lower. SLAUGHTER CALVES; Good and Choice 225-350 lb 45.00-55.00, 350-550 lb 35.00-45.00. RETURN TO FARM; Few small frame 85-110 lb Holstein hulls 30.00-50.00. HOGS; Insufficient volume any one clast for a market test SHEEP: Slaughter lambs fully steady; slaughter ewes weak to 5.00 lower. Supply included 70 percent slaughter lambs with the balance slaughter ewes. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 1-2 50-80 lb 95.00-120.00, 80-90 lb 85.00-95.00, 90-110 lb 75.00-82.00. NEW CROP LAMBS: Choice 30-50 lb 140.00- 50-60 lb 115.00-130.00. SLAUGHTER EWES: Choice 1-3 50.00- Utility and Good 1-2100-150 lb 32.00-40.00, 2-3 150-250 lb 20.00- GOATS; All goats sold by the head. HAY, STRAW, & CORN Sale Starts Every Friday At 10 AM GREEN DRAGON MARKET & AUCTION 955 N. State St. Ephrata, Pa. (717> 738-1117 1 mile North of Ephrata on N. State St. Out of Stata Buyara-Caah or Cartlfiad Check Only 'ACCESS PLUS™ permits Call tor pricing on bln* aaaamblad and taay chan out oltha bin dtllvarad to your farm . from tha ground. lS* LmcwtoLivestock PARADISE, PA „ . . , Auction DECEMBER 12, 1995 Wednesday ■ ratal report boo ben Cattle Calve. Sheep Goat. dtocnUauadnuUlfurtbarooUcebecauae of I—batanHal raceipta. TODAY LAST TUESDAY LAST YEAR CATTLE... USDA ... Supply included 28% slaughter steers and 63% cows steers steady to weak, si. heifers steady, cows steady to 1.00 higher, bullocks and bulls mostly steady. SLAUGHTER STEERS: Choice 1-2 few 4 1175/1450 lbs. 66.00-69.00, Choice and Prime 2-3 1200/1450 lbs. 69.25-70.50, Select and Low Choice 2-3 1150/1450 lbs. 62.00-66.25. HOLSIEINS; Choice and Prime 2-3 1350/1530 lbs. 58.25-59.50. HEIFERS: Choice 2-3 1050/1430 lbs. 61.25-66.25, Select 2-3 1050/1200 lbs. SS.OO-60.00. COWS; Breaking Utility and Commer cial 2-3 bulk 33.00-36.50, high dressing 36.50- Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 low dressing 29.00-32.00, bulk 32.00-36.00, Canner and Low Cutter 1-2 low dressing 25.00-28.50, bulk 28.50- BULLOCKS: couple lots Select 1-3 1085/1275 lbs. 40.25-44.75. BULLS; Yield Grade No. 1 1480/1275 lbs. 40.75-42.00, No. 2 1300/1675 lha. 37.75-40.00. CALVES...VeaIert steady. Supply included 814 in graded tale of which 90% told to return to farm. VEALERS: couple High Good and Low Choice 19S/Z7O lbs. 34.00-39.00, 80/110 lbs. 22.00-32.00, Standard and Low Good 70/90 lbs. 15.00-20.00, couple lots 55/65 lbs. 8.00-10.00. RETURNED TO FARM: 25 head 12Q/125 lbs. Holstein bulls 94.00-97.00, 365 head 90/115 lb*. 103.00-108.00. 25 head 85 lbs. 88.00 and IS head 80 lha. 40.00, 125 head small frame 90/115 lbs. 73.00- and 60 head -80/85 lbs. 32.00- 10 head 110/1 IS lbs. Holstein heifers 143.00, 25 head 100/105 lbs. 179.00, 30 head 90/95 lbs. 149.00 and IS head 80/85 lbs. 100.00, 10 head small frame 90/100 lbs. 127.00-140.00 and 45 head 65/85 lbs. 20.00-32.00. SHEER-INSUFFICIENT VOLUME FOR A MARKET TEST! GOATS...INSUFFICIENT VOLUME TOR A MARKET TESTI Billies: Large 130.00-160.00; Medium 90.00- Mutton: Medium and Large 60.00- Nannies: Medium and Large 55.00- Kids: Prime 55.00-68.00; Good and Choice 45.00-55.00. , High Capacity 40* roof <t*ft) illowi mort (tong* and atiyacltinarthin convantional 30* roof (right) Replace your bulbs and save electricity with SCREW IN FLUORESCENT LIGHTS 5-7-9 113 Watts 5.49 ea. Watts 5.79 ea. Hydro-Sh(ald'“ Waathar, Guard pravanla watar from running down hoppar Light Bulbs _ . . 25 to 100 Wane 34 P Ea. Braes Base - 5000 Hrs. Northeast Agrl Systems, Inc Flywoy Bustnwt Park 139 A W«tt Airport Rood UtJtz PA 17543 MhMI Ph (717)569 2702 ■Hllllil 1-800-673-2580 680 906 6 0 687 1006 II 1 610 1034 3 1 B&R CATTLE CO. RO 1, Marietta, PA 17547 Office Phone: (717) 653-8164 Specializing In Stockers & ’> Feeders . JOHN BOWMAN ph. (717) 653-5728 RON RANCK pi). (717)656-8849 Contracts A. ~*uie Call For Information ■ Broilers ■ Breeder ■ Turkey ■ Hog Finishing Call For Our Free Brochure “What Is Contract Production?” In Stock-36" 148" Wide Kr«ft Paper -Mmnus* VA Feeder Sales MARSHALL, VA DECEMBER 12, 1995 State Graded Feeder Cattle 978 head Mid at ManhO 63.00 63.00 - 47.00-SS.OO -400-500 66.00 • 55.00-63.00 57.00 55.00- SOO-600 59.00-64.00 55.00- - 54.00-57.00 49.50-61.00 600-700 60.00 - 57.50-65.00 49.00-SB.OO 50.50-57.00 700-800 - - 59.00-63.00 61.00 58.00- 800-900 62.2 S 61.50 61.50 - 59.75 900-1000 - - 57.50-59.75 - 55.50 1000-1100 - - 63.00 - - WYTHEVILLE, VA DECEMBER 12, 1995 Feeder Cattle 123 head Steen 38 head Medium and Large 1 Small 1 Medium and Large 2 30CM00 57.00- 49.00-54.00 53.00-59.00 400-SOO - 46.00-52.00 51.00-57.00 500-600 • 44.00-50.00 50.00-56.00 600-700 52.00-58.00 43.00-49.00 48.00- 700-800 53.00-58.00 - 45.00- 800-900 50.00-54.00 - - BLACKSTONE, VA DECEMBER 13, 1995 Feeder Cattle 134 head Steen 23 head Medium and Large 1 Small 1400-500 - 36.00 - 47.50 800-900 50.00 - 51.50 - 900-1000 48.50 - 51.50 DUBLIN, VA DECEMBER 13, 1995 Steen Medium 1 Large 1 Small 1 Medium and Large 2 300-400 48.00- 58.50-64.75 400-500 65.25- 57.00 58.75-66.50 500-600 63.75- 58.50-65.25 51.00-55.00 61.75- 600-700 63.75-68.25 58.75- 56.50 S6.SO-SB.2S 700-800 61.25- 59.50-61.25 - 57.50-58.75 800-900 60.00-61.00 60.00-61.00 56.00- 900-1000 59.25-59.50 54.25- 1000-1 lOq.—- 52.00 LEBANON VALLEY LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. | 1 mile East of > Fredericksburg | along Rt. 22 I PHONE ' JONESTOWN (717)865-2881 Flea Market Auction every Tuesday at 12:30, Tool*,: Egga, Produce, Etc. Buyers & Sellers Welcome "5 Oslmovo Stars 305 Untvwttv Awe FeOwoMbug. MO (Former* Long lumber) Wmw\ New Holland Livestock LANCASTER, PA DECEMBER 14, IMS Cattle Calvet Sheep Goats TODAY LAST FRIDAY LAST YEAR CATTLE: Slaughter iteen needy; oowi 1.00- higher, bulli mostly steady; slaughter heifers and bullocks not fully tested. Supply included 4S percent slaugh ter steers and 36 percent cows. SLAUGHTER STEERS; Choice 2-3 few 4 1190-1425 lb 65.50-68.00; few Choice and Prime 2-4 1150-1375 lb 68.00- one lot 70.85; few Choice 3-4 1425-1550 lb 64.00-65.50; Select and low Choice 2-3 1125-1400 lb 62.25-65.50, 1400-1575 lb 60.00-63.50. HOLSTEINS: High Choice and Prime 2-3 1265-1500 lb 58.50-59.10; Choice 2-3 1100-1525 lb 55.00-58.50; Select 1-2 1130-1400 lb 49.00-54.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS: Few Choice 2-3 1000-1200 lb 60.50-64.00. COWS; LOW DRESSING BULK HIGH DRESSING Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-3 35.00-39.00 39.00-41.75 Cutter and Boning Utility 1-3 31.00-34.75 34.75-37.00 Canter and low Cutter 1-2 26.50-30.00 30.00-3250 BULLS: Yield grade 1 1300-1865 lb 40.00- yield grade 2 1000-1600 lb 36.00- CALVES: Vealen fully iteady. Demand good for Holitein built and heifen to return to fame. VEALERS: Couple Choice 170-275 lb 96.00- high Good and low Choice 80-110 lb 22.00-30.00; Standard and low Good 60-80 lb 15.00-22.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90-120 lb Holstein bulls 100.00-125.00, few 125.00- 80-90 lb 80.00-100.00; small frame 90-110 lb 75.00-100.00,70-85 lb 55.00-75.00; bulk 90-115 lb Holstein Heifers 150.00-180.00; small frame 80-105 lb 90.00-140.00. SHEEP: Slaughter lambs and slaughter ewes steady. Supply included 85 percent slaughter lambs with the balance slaughter ewes. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 1-3 90-110 lb 70.00-82.00, 110.00-130 lb 60.0-75.00, 70-85 lb 90.00-110.00. NEW CROP LAMBS; Choice 3S-4S lb 175.00- 00. few 2S-3S lb 200.00- 50-60 lb 130.00-155.00, few 65-75 lb 100.00-120.00. SLAUGHTER EWES; Few Choice 2-3 40.00- Utility end Good 1-2 28.00- few 2-4 20.00-25.00. QUALITY FEEDER CATTLE Financing Available * Fixed Interest Rates • Interest Due when Cattle Are Sold • No Monthly Payments BCARFF BROS. INC. Cattle Dealer a • Licensed A Bonded 2300 Fallston Road • Fallston MD 21047 Lance N. Searff Farm (410) 877-0370 Fax (410) 877-7802 ■ Contract Feeding Programs ■ Marketing of Finished Cattle ■ Dairy Heifers VINTAGE SALES STABLES, INC. 10:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M. SLAUGHTER CATTLE AUCTION- laRLY® STEERS, BULLS. HEIFERS. JLb75™ Y COWS FEEDER CATTLE OUR STATE GRADER COWS. FEEDER CATTLE STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT L ROBERT FRAME. SR.. PRESIDENT. 934 559 202 238 TOIS WEEK 1301 575 420 212 LAST WEEK 1252 571 351 328 C. Reward Searff, II Home (717) 445-4355 Fax (717) 445-7237 Mobile (717) 940-2633 Lancaster County Weekly LANCASTER, PA DECEMBER 15,1995 Cattle Calves LAS! YEAR CATTLE: Slaughter seen and beifen film to 50 higher, cows 2.00-3.00 higher; bullocks 3.004.00 higher, bulb 1.00-200 higher. Supply included 43 percent slaugh ter steers. 8 percent slaughter heifers, 35 percent costs, 4 percent bulls, with the balance feeders. SLAUGHTER STEERS: High Choice and Prime 2-4 1150/14001b5.68.00-69.50; one lot 70.85; few choice and prime 2-3 1200/1400 lb, 69.25-70.5-; choice 2-3, few 2-3 1125/1425 lb. 65.50-68.00; 1425-1550 lb. 64.00-65.50; seleect and low choice 2-3 1125-1425 lb 60.75-65J0, 1400-1575 lb, 60.00-63.50; select 1-2 1050/1300 lb. 55.75-60.00. HOLSIEINS: Choice and prime 2-3 1265/1550 lb. 51.00-59.35; choice 2-3 110Q/ISSO lb, SS.OO-38.50; select 1-2 1100/1400 lb, 49.00-34.73. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS; High choice md prime 2-3 1100/1200 lb, 65.6046.75; choice 2-3 1000/1430 lb. 60.0045.30; select 1-3 9SO/1175 lb. 55.0040.00. COWS: Breaking utility and commer cial 2-3 34.00-39.00; 39.0041.75; cutter and boning utility 1-3 30.00-34.75; 34.75- earner and low cutter 1-2 26.00- 30.00-32.50. BULLOCKS: Choice 2-3 1200/1425 lb, 55.00- couple 60.7546.00; select 1-3 1100/1300 lb, 51.00-55.00. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1200/1900 lb, 40.75- few 46.00-49.50, couple 50.00- yield grade 2 1000/1600 lb. 36.0040.00. CALVES; Vealera steady; slaughter calves weak to 5.00 lower, demand good for Holstein built and heifers to return to farm. VEALERS: Couple choice 170/275 lb. 96.00-98.00; high choice and low choice 80/110 lb, 22.00-32.00; standard and low good 60/80 lbs, 15.00-22.00, couple lots 55/60 lb, 8.00-12.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES: Good and choice 250/350 lb. 45.00-SS.OO, 3SO/550 lb, 25.00-45.00. RETURNED TO FARM: Bulk 90/125 lb, holitein buUi 94.00-125.00. few 125.00-132.00, 80/90 lb. 80.00-100.00; null frame 90/110 lb. 73.00-100.00, 70/85 lb, 32.00-70.00, bulk 90/115 lb, holitein heifen 143.00-180.00, mull frame 90/110 lb. 90.00-140.00. W. Conly Searff Home (410) 838-5883 Mobile (410) 790-2650 2550 1540 3505 1651 2777 1671