Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 02, 1995, Image 4
A4-Lancsster Finning, Saturday, December 2, 1995 Belleville Poultry N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report X^ST*^” 5 ck. K: 32sc rzm Poultry•»Markets I Report Supplied by VSDA Tuikeyi: none. prices PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A” BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS Guineu: none. DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES: Rooiten; 4.00-6.50 ea. EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM SMALL Bantams; 1.25-2.2 S ea. MAINE 1.25 1.20 .94 .68 Heavy hern: 1.25 ea. NEW HAMPSHIRE 1.18-1.22 1.13-1.17 .87-.91 .61-.65 Sl^"^; 7 * «kl4O « MOSTLY I ‘2?’}'« I Ifc! 20 90- 94 M6B Muscovy drake.: ea. “v AND S 1:1“ 90 * SEItST"- Weekly New York Egg Market VERMONT 1.25 1.20 .94-.9S Bam pigeon.; 2.00 ea. Northeast QUOtCS MOSTLY .94 Fancy bird.: 2.50 ea. • Phea.anU: none. National . und “ 4 lb * - From Friday, Nov. 24 to Nov. 30 Egg Market 4.00-6.00 ea., over 6 lb«. 6.00-6.75 ea. pm. MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. WHITE Lancaster farming „. NOVEMB f R 29 > 1995 . NY Phil jumbo 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 -STAFF- mediums and Midwest: FrOZCH EggS EX. LARGE 1.01 LOl LOl LOl LOl Everett R. Newswanger and generally unchanged elsewhere. The NOVEMBER 28, 1995 LARGE .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 Managing Editor market tone was steady to weak, mostly Prices were unchanged to lower for MEDIUM .87 .87 .86 .85 .84 A r ac» H barely steady to weak. Demand was fair to whole egg, and unchanged on the balance. PULLETS .61 .61 .61 .61 .61 Lou n uoo , a good, mostly moderate, and best where The market tone was barely steady to OFF GRADE .87 .87 .87 .87 .87 Andy Andrews, Staff featured. Supplies were mostly adequate steady. Demand was light to moderate, and BROWN Vernon Achenbach Jr., Staff on aU sizes with mediums and jumbos mostly fill-in to cover immediate needs. EXTRA LARGE 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 _ . . occasionally fully adequate. Breaking Floor stocks were generally adequate. . AO ~ c , M , M « M M i m Ephrata Office Phone stock supplies were adequate for the light Breaking stock supplies were adequate, (717)626-1164 demand, and prices were unchanged. Spent and the undertone was cautious. MEDIUM .89 .89 .89 .89 .89 MCIUC wwDttonuncure hcn offerings were light to adequate for WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES °FF GRADE NEWS CORRESPONDENTS slaughter needs. (CENTS PER POUND IN 30 LB. CON- UNDBRGRADES Joyce Bupp, York County TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 AND CHECKS .43 .43 .43 .43 .43 Seven Valleys (717)428-1865 HackettStOWU CONT.) Mow, Rndfom Count* Pmilfrv Sr Foo RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE BREAKING STOCKS: FRI. 42-44 LBS. .46-.45, 48-50 LBS. .56-.58,50 LBS. Carolyn Moyer, Bradford County FOUliry & 59-63 61-63 63-70 BLENDS (/) TEEWR AND UP 58-59 Tioga ft Susquehanna HackelUtown, NJ. 74-90 WHITES 44-48 45 48-54 Roaring Branch (717) 324-2482 Report Supplied by Auction SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) Randv Wells Indiana Tuesday, November 28, 1995 73-77 74-75 77-80 SALTED YOLKS Delmarva „ . Manon Center (412)397-2529 Broiler Judith Patton, Union I pohorn mm I - 34 SWEETENER. GENERALLY 28-32% NOVEMBER 29, 1995 ujr Mlfflmburg (717)966-4770 VHYFD mwi 20 ’ ‘ EGG SOLIDS. Movement of ready-to-cook whole birds NOVEMBER 30, 1995 MIXED FOWL .20. was slow to moderate at best Offerings RANGE Gall Strock, Mifflin FRYERS .20-.40. b were fully adequate to ample and extra pro- Muscovy Ducks - Drakes .98 - 1,08 ea. Belleville (717) 935-5675 BANTAMS .10-.70. duct was difficult to place. Live supplies Muscovy Ducks - Hens .70 - .94 ea. Linda Williams, Bedford, ROOSTERS .60-1.20. were moderate to heavy; weights varied Pckm Ducks .40 - .60 ea. Huntingdon ft Juniata TURKEYS .40-1.15. E. PA &NJ from light to heavy and were mostly desir- Red Fowl 4-4.5 .30 - .42 Bedford 18141623-5745 BUNNIES EACH 1.50-1.75. Poultrv lble t 0 he,vy ' Proce,,in 8 «chedules were Pow J |-6 50 - .72 uediord (B 14) b2d b/4b DUCKS 40-125 rouiiry very heavy Le „ , |king Crossbred Fowl 5-9 .40 - .60 Gay Brownlee, Somerset RABBITS 75-1 10 NOVEMBER 27, 1995 prices were unchanged at 56 to 67 cents. Crossbred Roosters 4-6 .70 - .86 Salisbury (814) 662-2127 DircrtKic Final majority prices were unchanged Trade sentiment was barely steady. In the Crossbred Roosters 7-11 .40 - .52 riucuiNd z.uu-z. to. compared lo previous Monday. Availabili- parts complex, all items were at least Guinea Fowl 1.10 - 1.30 ea. David Hiebert, Westmorland EGGS: WHITE EXTRA LARGE & iy 0 f live supplies following the holiday adequate for prompt shipment. Leg items Banty Roosters 3.00 - 5.00 ea. Scottdale (412) 887-5929 JUMBO .85-.95, LARGE .70-.90, weekend was adequate to instances limited and wings were in the closer balance at Banty Hens 1.00 - 2.75 ea. I .. r ,. _ .. MEDIUM .SB-.68. BROWN EXTRA for this week’s estimated processing sche- most plants. Silkies 1.75 - 3.25 ea. Loretta boiaen. Ramons LARGE & JUMBO 1.01-1.09, LARGE Jules, Demand was moderate to fairly ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF Geese 9-16 .30 - .56 Portage (814)736-8266 .85-.90, SMALL .65-.65. good. Finished sales remained seasonally BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA Pigeons 1.50 - 2.75 ea. James Martin Mercer ’* active. Undertone was steady. (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. White Pigeons 2.50 - 3.00 ea. Sandv Lake 1412)376 2682 NfiW York HEAVY TYPE HENS (7 POUNDS WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT Rabbits 4-6 .90 - 1.14 y ' ' r 0(I ivfnrho* AND up ) * PINAL PRICE. CENTS PER 11/2911/27 11/2711/22 11/20 2,4542,366 Rabbits 7-11 .90 - 1.14 Beth Miller, Cumberland LB., GENERALLY FOR SLAUGHTER 4.91 2,433 4.87 *BROILER/FRYER Bunnies 2.00 - 5.00 ea. Newville (717)776-6571 NOVEMBER 29, 1995 THE WEEK OF 27-NOV-95 RANGE CURRENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR Guinea Pigs 2.00 - 3.75 ea. Mediupi prices were lower, and the large MAJORITY WTD AVG AT FARM BUY- IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES Goats 50.00 - 66.00 ea. Lola Szymanskl, Maryland sizes were mlricet tone ER LOADING 12.5-14.5 CENTS/LB. MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIP- Kid Goats 40.00 - 50.00 ea. Westminster (410) 848-5241 remained unsettled and cautious. Demand 12 5-13 12.85 AT FARM PRODUCER MENTS OF BRANDED AND WING Pullets 4-6 .40 - .52 Karen Butler Maryland was mostly moderate. Supplies were LOADING TOO FEW TO REPORT FOB TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM Total Coops Sold 702 Fmrlpnrk fintlfiQfl 441fi adequate or available, PLANT TOO FEW TO REPORT * DELMARVA rrouencK tou ) o»o o«foo PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO WEIGHTS UNDER 7 LBS. SUBJECT TO BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE Joanne Morvay, Maryland VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A DISCOUNT. ' 50-67 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 57.31 ahum fin a nvmfciln fVi Pa AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CAR- NO. OF BOXES 8,200 *8 of 9 plants 1 1 Sfiii direct tO US * 1 Taneytovvn, (410) 751-0451 TONS. DELIVERED STORE DOOR, reporting. f foi CBSh t CENTS PER DOZEN. V rot caan. o RANGE EXTRA LARGE 97-99 . * Fowl t> LARGE 94-97 medium 80-83 Barry L. Garber » * Di n . nn . <> ' (717)367-8649 \ * Bantams Subscription Information G ® G <; * puiiets <; Subscription Price: I Pressure Washing I 5 * Rabbits \ $25.00 par year; $48.00 - 2 years / 1821 Maytownßoad <> * Guineas $35 00 per year outside of. v—<—v Elizabethtown,PA 17022 tj * ChllkafS pa, nj, md, de, ny, oh, va &wv V i * Turkeys t> s6Boo -2 Years -w- -w- Cleaning and Disinfecting <[ * Lambs Non-Rgfundable fl_E % a ‘Layers ‘Pullets ‘Breeders ‘Broilers * Goats «[ Lancaster Farming (ISSN is published | ■ All |Now offering FREE ESTIMATES for all your I !* weekly for_s2s 00 per year, $4B 00 - 2 years by \ pressure washing needs. Wouldn’t it be nice to POULTRY <> er nx ar S o? B ° x 1 E . Main s,r ! et : J know the cost before the work begins! \ (718) 498-4810 \ Ephrata, PA 17522 Second Claes postage paid at Aimnilhir Ephrata, PA 17522 POST MASTER- Send address &CMUIIOIIS " ' ■■ ■ ■ —■» changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Mat ■■ Mnaan m Mm ■ UM M Street, PO Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522 THE END OF TE/tT INJURY (717) 733-6397 Lancaster (717) 394-3047 f A. IVU dtUnC I O FAX. 717-733-6058 jN Ay For address change form or new Pullet Performance TEAT SAVER” subscription, ace near Mailbox Markets ruiiei renormance v ... .„ .. . . ... . pullet management program / > pushes the udder & teat away from Members of National Aaaociation of / r the dew Claw. Apply tWO weeks prior Agricultural Journalists Layer Performance Basic // J tn frpohpninn Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and . recordkeenina nroaram " — lO Tresnenin 9- National Newspaper Association. National layer recordKeepmg program Advertising Representative j.l. Farmakla, inc. Laver Performance This product can be purchased at your local Farm Stores oj Feed Phone (203) 966-1746 |ayer management program Mills or by contacting your local animal health centers. Available On Microfilm Copies of Lancaster Farming are available on microfilm from university Microfilms international, 30Q North Zeeb link control system to Layer Performance s U r~* { Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan Any questions about their ser- If/N. ■ J (jf f \ vice should be directed to the publishing manager ESP \\J IvW. Oy j/v \ : Egg Supply Projection PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR FMfl® A The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typo- , ‘ graphical errors that do not lessen the value of an adver- Egg Marketing Accounting System \ —• The “TPATQAV/PR” snnnliarl Kw tisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omis- -C Io e ■ ■ 160 in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited -<Z, Supply Ltd. to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue y Chetek Wisconsin 54728 or the refund any monies paid for the advertisement. For Information Phone (715) 924-2136