Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 02, 1995, Image 121
S.W. WISCONSIN DAIRY FARMS FOR SALE 220 acres, ISS till, 48 tie stall bam (w/room for more), Harvestore, silo, cattle shed, machine shed, drying bin, Ig. brick home (Excellent condition) Call to see this one today. 436 acres, 198 till., 80 stanchion dairy bam, 20x80 Harvestore, silos, bunk, 48x80 machine shed. 40x60 cattle shed, 40x60 hog house, 18x20 bam, 16x24 bam, 30x36 cattle shed. Remodeled 3 BR home. Call: TIM SLACK AUCTION & REALTY Fennimore, WI 1-800-820-3454 \ Beautiful End-of-Lane i f Setting j I Great views overlooking the Mohawk i Valley. 156 acres mostly open, f rolling meadows of productive soils. | \ 11-room farmhouse with Ige brick fireplace, f \ VT 63-cow barn with all equipment. j \ Two large silos. Several outbuildings. \ Enclosed 40 x 90 shed, ideal for storage or A <(. horses. Don’t miss seeing this one for the x r low asking price of $155,000. i r Open to offers. Low taxes. \ i i } Valley View Realty j PO Box 99, Sharon Springs, NY 13459 \ f 1-800-741-7149 J Northumberland Co. 309 Acres, 256 Tillable, 3 Tracts 117 Acres, 78 Acres, 113 Acres. 2 Sets of Farm Buildings, Silos, Grain Storage and Lots of Hi-Tensel Fencing. Located Southeast of Sunbury PA. Lancaster County 95 Acre Dairy Farm, 68 tillable, free stall w/double 4 parlor, 3 concrete stave silos. Located near Washington Boro. $565,000. Harry Zimmerman 717-299-4885; 1-800-472-2641 1271 Lititz Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 VEGETABLE/POTATO FARM OR DAIRY FARM 1200 Acres w/700 tillable acres, 500 wooded, 77’ x 177' pole bam w/loadlng dock containing 45' x 55' refrigeration cooler, repair shop, fertilizer storage 2/4’ concrete containment walls, tools, and equipment buildings, dairy and calf bam w/atlached 125 head free stall, 4 large forage silos. 3 steel gram silos. All tillable land m use, growing mostly spinach, cauliflower, broc, field com; 4 bedroom single family home with modem kitchen and mground pool; 2 bedroom mobile home EXCELLENT MULTI-PURPOSE PROPERTY Ideal for various vegetables. Property can be subdivided, ideal commercial campsite location bordering Trout River Asking $475,000.00, possible financing, VCR tape available. Century 21 Fleury Realty Malone, New York 518/483-4000 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA FARMS, FARMETTES, LAND AND CABINS Our Farm and Land Division currently has many farms, farmettes, land parcels, and cabins available in central Pennsylvania. We would be happy to send you a free farm and farmette list and/or rural land and cabin list. See the October 28th or November 25th issues for a complete farm and farmette inventory Farm and Land Division (814) 364-1705 (814) 466-6688 (814)364-1169 (814) 238-2525 Fred Strouse Mel Hockey Terry Glngher Jim Harpster Jerry Shulman Produce Shipper, Inc. Port Jefferson Sta., NY 1-800-645-7776 248 S. Allen St., State College, PA 16801 (814) 334-4000 1-800-876-3395 . SB SB B B 370 acres of rolling farmland and wood land with spectacular views of country side in lower Schuylkill County near Pine Grove, PA. Included is a very private three-bedroom house nestled near the center of the property. This large parcel borders state game land and has endless possibilities for farming, hunt ing, pastureland or even development. Call today for the details! HORNING FARM AGENCY, INC. ~ (610) 286-5183 Gerald Eberly S. (717) 445-6788 j Cabin in excellent condition, 3 bdrms, bath, completely furnished, borders State Land for exc. hunting, all on 230+- acres, $245,000 #1413 Nice Farmette with remodeled colonial home, 3 bdrms, bath, Lr, Dr, kit, fmly rm, full basmt, misc storage sheds + bank bam for cattle, horses, etc. Stream thru property, all on 18 acres, $126,000 #1383 80+- Acres, great hunting area near St. Forest Land, good views, perc test complete, ready for home/cabin, open & wooded land, $64,000 #1361 Mtrwp [fcfl Avenue I « Welleboro, PA 16M1 wJffWV 717-724-3500 " V real ESTATE AND INSURANCE PRICED TO SELL 142 Acres at $2OBO/Acre 93 Tillable Excellent Hunting Large Pond & Polonia Nursery Call: ED FRY (410) 778-2372 Coldwell Banker Ist Realty, Inc. (410) 810-2121 %45 Acres Wooded, excellent view, | stream, 5 miles from Woolrich. $45,000. • 5 X 175 Acres +/- Columbia County, Pine * ** iwsp., Lots of Township Road Frontage, v W/Little Fishing Creek. $175,000 1 7 630 Acres Clinton County Surrounded | % by Sproul State Forest. Hyner Run, Hyner i X view State Park, Paved State Road Runs 5 X Through Property. $350,000 • 1 ? 880 Acres Lycoming County, Pine T ? creek Valley, Watson Township. $500,000 £ X 400 Acres, Clinton County,'Bald Eagle S X Range $300,000. « X Many Other Parcels of Land Available A X Call for Additional Details, | \ Big Woods Land Co. 1 % (717)769-6445, | % (717) 769-6035 Evenings I n a. a. a. a. a. a. 8 8 8 8 B> i B>i s>i Hi s>■ sii tii siifttfciftiiJUil CENTRAL VIRGINIA: Farms and land available from 5 to w 5OO acres, reasonable prices, very low fixes, farmer friendly communities, agricultural economy, free catalog State Wide Realty Co. Famwille, Virginia 804-392-6163 Farms & Rural Properties Low Prices, Low Taxes, Free Catalog PROSPEROUS FARMING AREA near Richfield Springs. 310 gently rolling, well drained acres with 165 acres tillable. Two good homes. Bam has 58 stalls with pipeline, cleaner with spreader shed, heifer facilities. 30x50 pole barn with 2 large doors. Owner wants offers! $185,000. JUST LISTED! Mort Wimple Associates Real Estate Saks - Management U.B. ROUTE 20 ESTABUSmO 1953 SLOANSVILLE N.T. 12160 (518)875-6355 Farm Catalogues fax: isisi 875-6749 \ 1350 cows - older facility but extremely } well kept, 2 Hay bams, 8 Bay 5 \ Commodity Bam, Double 16 Parlor, \ Single six herringbone vet bam, calf ) hutches. All equipment Livestock & real ► estate turnkey operation. Priced to selll \ Vista Nueva \ 505-356-6616 FARM FOR SALE Madison County, NY 177 Ac., 114 tillable. Good corn and alfalfa ground, 70 big tie stalls, pipeline 6 units, 4 box stalls, room for 45 Heifers w/heads locks, all under 1 roof. 24’x70’, 18’x50’ concrete silos, 21’x36’ sealed silos, liquid manure storage, 2 machinery sheds, 4 BR, 2‘/j BA, 3 car garage, ranch house. Located on a quiet road. Asking $250,000 and possible owner financing to qual ified buyers. Cattle and machinery also available. (315> 684-9708. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 2, 1995-C4l HANOVER: Adams County farmettes 8.2 to 27.0 acres, secluded, perked and probed. Some deed restric tions to protect your prop erty. All have considerable hard road frontage. Also available 132 acre farm with brick house, welt and septic, some outbuildings. 717-867-3968. Hanson Associates Profes sional help locating, in specting and financing Wisconsin farms. (800)343-2330. Horse lovers, Dillsburg area, targe ‘3BR stone ranch home includses a 6-stalt horse bam w/3BR apartment on 16 acres in private setting. (717)796-1454 Mon-Fri, evenings 8 weekends (717)730-0930. Land wanted; wooded acreage or farm with wooded acreage in north ern Berks Albany Twp. Ideal area near Hawk Mountain Sanctuary for fu ture homesite. (610)926-6638. L00K... N-Umbertand Co., PA; Approx. SA building lots for sale. Lot indudes 2 weds 60 gal. per well, in cludes septic system, underground utilities and road. Beautiful rural set ting. Available w/lot part ownership in new apart ment w/garages. Farm house and bam on residue w/16A farmland, trout stream, ideal for horses, must see. Finandng avail able. 717-286-2033. MANHEIM TWP, LAN CASTER COUNTY. PA. Service garage, lowing business, body shop, stor age yard. A great oppor tunity! 717-569-4264; 1-800-836-8113 Realtor. TIOGA COUNTY PA: #559... Potential home site, 30+/-A, perked complete, mixture of field/pasture, $25,500 #606... 4 wooded building lots w/town water/sewer hookups available, edge of town setting, possible owner financing, $9500/per lot #617... Nice hunting area, 81+/-A, 11+/-A open, vari ety of hard woods, $70,000 ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE CO. 717-659-5684. Tioga County. 308 Ac., House, Barn, $400,000 Range. Harvey Remax. (717)398-3511 or 7388. Valley View, PA: 14A, 4BR home, 3 baths, 2 fire places, swim/dam, 2 pas tures, 3 barns. Guest home, 2BR, 1 bath. Also, business property. Main Street, 5 rooms, loading dock, 2 lots. Rent w/option to buy. Call collect 702-655-8184. WANTED TO RENT FARMLAND IN UNCAS TER COUNTY, PA. 717-872-7801. Wanted to Rent or Buy; Small Farm/Farmette. Acreage w/Cabin or house. (717)765-8696. Prefer Franklin or Surrounding Counties.