Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 02, 1995, Image 119
so iloobcsmiii stock, most wmooom • s 1985 Delta Lowboy Trl. j| * Specials of the Week • « 48’x102” Spring Susp., Special Build S * *qs Pontiac Gran Am. 4 dr.. 10,000 mile« > j For Combines or Can Haul TVvo Log | # blue, auto, front damage $6,500 • 5 Skidders J• <Qschew SlO Extended Cab, J J $15*500 080 J • Green/Black, V 6 Auto, m « (717) 754-76*7 1 1 Water Damaged $11,500 • <B BT USED EQUIPMENT BODIES (2) 10’ Eby Cattle Bodies (2) 12’Eby Cattle Bodies (1) 15’ Eby Cattle Body (1) 20’Eby Cattle Bodies (I)2l’Steel Grain Body (1) 21’ Eby Cattle Body (1) 24' Eby Cattle Body GOOSENECK 1994 Featherlight 4 Horse slant load 1988 Wilson 22'x7’x7’ 1986 Barrett 22’x7’x7V4’ Tall Double Deck 1984 Eagle 2 Horse 16'x6’x7’ M.H. Eby, Inc. 1194 Mam Street (Route 23) Blue Ball, PA 17506 (717) 354-4971 (800) 292-4752 FAX. (717)355-2114 4435 State Route 29 West Jefferson, OH 43162 (614) 879-6901 (800) 752-0507 FAX. (614) 879-6904 Thla on« will bs gam bstara you know It Turbo Dteod, AT, A/C, *B,OOO MDoo, Clou 3 Hitch 4 WHBBL DRIVB DUALLY #4 DODOB *BOO Ran Find* Cummins Turbo CNasal, S tpd„ SLT Laramlt Pkfl, Tow Pkg, BS FORD F-SBO XLT Mg 7.3 Uaaal, Auto, UmNtd dip Auto, only 30,000 Mllaa . —, — 0 *k 4x4 cm CAB M FOIID P*so Turbo Dlaaal Auto, 2 Tom Point, 4:10 Otars, 42,000 MHta, It la Hie* Ukt Now, Only 7.T00 Mllaa. Auto Loadad wttti all Opdona. H’a Partaat M.H. Eby custom-builds aluminum truck bodies for the agri-transportation market. Nobody offers more sizes and options in • LIVESTOCK BODIES - Lengths to 32’, choice of heights and widths. • GRAIN BODIES - Lengths to 24'; landscape and general purpose dumps to 12’. • FLATBED BODIES - Lengths to 32’, choice of 5 widths. For greater payload capacity, Eby’s aluminum design is equal in strength to steef and up to 40% lighter. Our corrosion-resistant components never need painting. That means minimum maintenance, improved appearance and higher resale value. Eby products have superior standard features. Ai custom options for virtually any application. Agrici Is your business- building bodies to haul it is ours. (Mbv~ 1194 Mam Street (Rt 23) • Blue Ball, PA 17506 • 800/292-4752 • 717/354-4971 • FAX 717/355-2114 — ■= 4435 Sfate Route 2g , Wes , Jefferson 0H 43162 * 800/752-0507 • 614/879-6901 • FAX 614/879-6904 RTE. 422 WEST LEBANON, PA (Across From Lebanon Valley Mall) DIESEL SUPER CAB 4x4 94 OMC SSOO BLB Good Looking Rig, 8.8 Turbo OKul, AT. A/C. All Tbo Toys, Tow Pkg., Captain Chairs, Only 27,000 Pampsrsd Milas Only 87,000 Milas, 7.3 Dloasl, AT, A/C, 2 Tons Paint, Chroma, Slmulatora, Good Looking PERFECT 84 FORD F-380 SUPER CAB 4x4 Tht Nlcaat Anywhtra, Only 21.000 Original Mllaa, 7.3 Dlatal, AT, A/C So Claan It Squatkt, Saa ThlaOml • • • * 80 CHEW 2500 4x4 Rtady For Work, 3(0 F.l. VB, S Bpd„ (2,000 Mllaa $8,900 LET'S GUAM OUT THE BARR 87 CHBVT DUMP 82,000 Orlglntl Mllaa, V 8,4 ap, Tsar Pkg, Vary Claan BIO.BOQ •••••••••••••••• ••• THOMPSON MOTORS INC. J Repairable Vehicles Bought ft Sold # Springtown, PA 610-346-8588 m 89 FORD P-SBO " ' m LEBANON. t»A 4x4 CHASSIS S 3 FORD P-3SO Everything You Wanted, Mg 7.3 Meaal AT, 4:10 Qaare, 84,300 Mllaa, Short 137 W.B. : rp n 4 ' MANY possmunss SO POND SUPERDUTY CHASSIS 440,4 Bpd„ 137" WB, flood Condition $10,900 STAKE BODY DUMP SB FORD F-SBO 12 FI. Body, Rwnovoblo Sldaa, 34,200 Mllaa, 361, AT, Wary ClMn Dlaoal, H.D., 3 ap, 4:10 Boon, 2*,000 Mllaa Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 2, 1995-039 PHONE 717-274-2000 4x4 DUALLY CLUB CAB 93 DODOS LB Awaaoma Power, Cummin* Ttirlto Dlaaal. AT, A/C, Clean Aa A Pin, You'll Like, 44,000 Mllaa g- gn DIESEL CREW CAB DUALLY S 3 POND PSSO XLT Walt Till You Sea Thla One Taatafully Dona Cuatom Paint, 7.3 Dlaaal, 4 Spd. O/0,4:10 Qaara, Only 24,400 Mila, Thera Are Nona Nicer STAKE DUMP SB FORD F-BUFBR DUTY Uko Now, Only SOO Mllot, Auto, Powor Stfoko Turbo Dloool, 12 Ft. Bod, Brand Now Track Warranty 4x4 DIKSBL SUFIR CAB B 4 CHIVY 3*oo BItVBRADO Hoavy Duty, *M Ton, knpraaalvo *.* Turbo, Will Full Vbur Load, Auto, 31 AMO Hllaa Worklnxman'o Bpoctal SB CHBVY 3300 4x4 Nloo Looking Truok, 3*o Vt, Auto, A/C, BxcallantßedyOilLT <10.900 Chevy C 65, 1978, VB. 5 spd, 18' steel bed w/lift gate, $1,500. 410-833-9091 For sale by farmer: 83 Chev Scottsdale K-20,4x4, 350/4sp, 9000 GVW, dess 111, hitch, tawing package, 102 K, needs some body work, engine runs 100% but used oil, $2,500. (717)367-3801. Killbrew 4-box hydraulic side dump trailer, needs work. 410-810-1957. Mack truck parts, engines, transmissions. K&K TRASH REMOVAL 410-766-6571. Oil tankers w/vapor recov ery, trailers ready to work! *BO Freuhauf 8600 gallon, $9OOO OBO; 79 Freuhauf, 9000 gallon. $6OOO OBO; '75 Pennco 8500 gallon, $6OOO OBO; 72 Frehuauf, 8200 gallon. $6OOO 080. 410-272-6807. Three(3)- Dump Trailers. 26'Parker. 28'Parker. 28'Fruhauf, 32‘Stenco. One(1)- 45'80x Storage . Trailer. (610)367-2515. Three(3) Stainless Steel Farm Pickup Trailers For Storage Or Repair. < 4800ga1., SSOOgal. and ■ SBOOgal. (610)367-2515. TRUCKS: DT 466. (3) to > choose from; Mack dumps, , (2) to choose from. ROAD TRACTORS: 1990 Mack 350, 9 speed, vdry dean; 1991 Volvo, 400 Cat, extra dean. 717-463-3701. Tractor and trailer, 87 Freightliner, Conv Cab, non-sleeper, setback front axle, A/C, PS, new wetline, low miles, very dean; 86' Muv-afl 35T trailer, 45‘ long w/dovetail loading and re mote control winch. Both $31,500. 080. Will sell se parate. 410/679-8401 or 579-6498. Utility Trailer 6V4 'Xl6'Tan dem Axle 8000 Lbs. GVW, $lBOO. (610)856-1386. 16 PABBINOER •5 FORD P-260 Plenty of Roam Far Everybody, V», Auto, Fit * flur A/C A Heater, Rawly To Travel $6,900 WORK SPECIAL 03 OMC 2600 4x4 (.5 Turbo Maaali S Bp., A/C, 4:10 Oaara, H.D. 3/4 Ton, Clean Thick w\ * *. -* ■»»> k.gWFVi'AATI ' • ■ "* 1 TON 4x4 DOm. •• FORD FS(O Big 7.3 OtoMl, ( op. A/C, H.D. Suaporllon, Tow Mg. ExmMml Body HOMEY HAULER •4 CHEVY CUf CAE DUALLY 4(4 • AT Qooowiook Hltsh (IIFBR CAB DVAIXT CHEAP Hrow>y~uo flood Tow HaoMno, 4(0 VB, ■ Bp., dfln Cholio.OuonAnlio $6.800