Technicians Train STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) —Three Pa.DHIA techni cians recently completed a field training seminar in State College. The seminar involved five days of in-depth study. Prior to this seminar, each tech nician received their initial train ing. By the time technicians receive the in-depth training of the seminar, they have approximately two to four months of prior train ing and experience. This serves for better communi cation and interaction at the seminar. The three who recently com pleted their advanced training were Ross Grooms from Arms trong County, Mary Schmidt from Crawford County, tuid Troy Lid dick, of Dauphin County. Quality certification through National DHIA requires that prop er training be documented for the inspector’s viewing, Each year. Pa.DHIA holds spring, summer and fall confer ences to constantly update all tech nicians on any changes arid - new programs. Mini-conferences are held in each county on a bi monthly basis to answer any ques tions or address concerns. 1/4” Please feel free to contact Pa.DHIA at 800-344-8378 if we can assist with your dairy operation. From the left, Ross Grooms, Mary Schmidt, and Troy Llddick, complete advanced training for Pa.DHIA technicians. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 25, 1995-AlO Lancaster County The Next Los Angeles? The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry agricul ture committee along with the Lancaster Farm and Home Foun dation will hold a ‘Town Meet ing” on Thursday, December 7, from 7 to 9 p.m., at the Farm and Home Center. The focus of the program is “Lancaster County— The Next Los Angeles?” Preserving the viability and sus tainability of agriculture is a top priority of many organizations in Lancaster County, but at the same time there exists an accelerating change of properties to non agriculture land uses. This is a trend similar to growth patterns in such areas as Orange County* CA, and Cook County, IL—which now boast very little agriculture. The meeting format will include 10-15 minute presenta tions from representatives of the business community, farming community, planning commis sion, and the tourist industry. This will be followed by a panel discus- Christmas Early-Blrd Gift Shoppers Order that special gist for Dad today. (Prompt Delivery) WOODWORKERS! BOSCH m M List Price $472.00 Special Now Only *329.00 + *lO.OO worth of blades FREE! PA residents add 6% tax unless exempt sion on public policy and keeping agriculture strong in Lancaster County. Presenters include Ron Bailey, Lancaster County Planning Com mission; Harry Flick, Pennsylva nia Dutch Convention and Visi tors Bureau; Darvin Boyd, Core- States Hamilton Bank; and Dale Hershey, dairy farmer. Panelists include Nelson Rohrer, Manhcim Township Board of Commission ers: Terry Kauffman, Lancaster County Commissioner, John Bar ley, Pennsylvania House of Rep resentatives, 100th legislative dis trict; and Noah Wenger, Pennsyl vania Senate, 36th legislative district. Following the panel discussion will be an open forum for ques tions and discussion, moderated by Jim Shirk, the Chamber’s agri culture services manager. The town meeting is open to the public, free of charge. For more information, contact Jim Shirk at 397-3531. ‘ OUR ' JIG SAW Model f#7s6Mia • Cuts Wood or Metal • • Variable Speed • • Orbital Action • • Weights 3 'A lb. • Free Delivery! Order Today! 6 PC. CARBIDE ROUTER BIT SET 'ery on all this special Send ck. with order. (in Case) Super Sale *229.00 IP AIR ER CREW! rial Deal Free Router !0.00 Value 'urchase Of Router