AlB-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 4, 1395 Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection Novel br 1, 1995 CATTLE CALVES HOGS WEDNESDAY (EST) 133,000 4000 3*4000 WEEK AGO (EST) 124000 4000 354000 YEAR AGO (EST) 129,000 4000 3tOJOOO WEEK TO DATE (EST) 374000 17,000 1,002,000 SAME PD LT WK (EST) 3*4000 17,000 1,071,000 SAME PD LT YR (ACT) 304000 IROOO 1,082,000 PREVIOUS DAY ESTIMATED STEER AND HEIFER...IO4OOO. SOURCE: USDA MARKET NEWS, WASHINGTON, D.C. Shenandoah Valley Livestock Harriaonburg, Va. Odobar 24 1995 (Report auppbad by aucttai ' STEERS: 300-499 LBS. SO.OO-79.00t 500-699 LBS. 45.00-69.00; 700-1000 LBS. 46.50-63.00. HEIFERS: 300-499 LBS. 39.0055.00: 500699L85. 36.0060.00; 7001000 LBS. 32.0055.00. BULLS: 300-499 LBS. 50.0060.00; 500-699 LBS. 48.00-57.50; 700-1000 LBS. 38.00-SS.OO. HOLSTEIN STEERS 3-499 35.00-50.00; 5-699 36.00-45.00; 7-1100 38.0047.50. STOCK COWS: BEEF 670.00. BABY CALVES: 13.00-101.00 SLAUGHTER COWS: 17.00-36.00 SLAUGHTER BULLS: 30.004L25. SLAUGHTER LAMBS: CHOICE AND PRIME YGI-3 BLUE O 7550; GOOD AND FEW CHOICE YGI-2REDOT9.7S. FEEDER LAMBS: MED. A LGE. lA2 70-84 LBS. RED SH 79.00; SMALL FRAME IA2 BL SH 79.00; 6069 LBS. RED BK 79.75. SLAUGHTER EWES: 15.0028J0. BOARS: 19,00. VEALS; 58.00; SLAUGHTER CALVES 50.0060.00. SCHULER BULK FEED WAGON Handles All Feed Material FOR OVER 75 YEARS TODDllSfarm farm equipment EQUIPMENT, u. DIVISION M HAGERSTOWN, MD (301) 791-0422 Greencastle Livestock GREENCASTLE, PA NOVEMBER 2, 1995 CATTLE: 212: COWS: Uneven, moatly 1.50 lower. STEERS: Pew atandatd 48.0052.75. HOLSTEIN: Select few 48.25-51.00; few atandaad 40.0044.25. HEIFERS; Pew standard 38.25-44.75. COWS: Breaking utility and commer dal 31.0034.75; cutter and boning utility 31.-00-38.75; canner and low cutter 36.(1030.75; ihelli down to 17.00. BULLS; Yield grade 1 few 1400/1980 lb»; 35.25-41.00; Yield grade . 2 few ’ 1290/2170 Ibc; 31.501K.50.' 4 FEEDER CATTLE: HEIFERS: Few M-l 430/615 lb«; 40.0045.00. CALVES: 312: StfodenL: end good 75/100 lbs; 33.0036.00; utility 55/85 lbs; 24.0034.00. FARM CALVES: No 1 hoi stein bulls 90/125 tbs; 80.00102.00; No 2 holstein bulls 80/ll0lbe; 33.0070.00 few to 80.00; No 1 holstein heifer* few 95/100 lbs; 1.001.15; No 2 holstein heifers few 65/85 lbs; 30.0080.00; Beef cross bulls and heif ers few 75/95 lbs; 33.0055.00. t HOGS: 7. SOWS: Pew 1-3 430/610 Up; 32.0035.00. FEEDER PIGS: 24. k SHEEP: 10: Good and choice few So|N> lbs; Lambs 47.5065.00. GOATS; 2; Medium at 26.00; Large individual at 42.00. Indiana Farmers HOMER CITY, PA NOVEMBER 2,199 S CATTLE: 305: Heifen: Steady to 2.00 higher. STEERS: Choice 117S/1400 lb.; 42.75-67.50; Select 53.00-61.75; Standaid 42.00- Holsteins: Select 46,50-90.50; Standaid 34.00-45.25. HEIFERS: Choice 1000/1400 Ibi; 61.00- Select SO.OO-59.50; Standaid 33.00- SHEEP 14000 14000 19,000 44000 44000 54000 COWS: Breaking utility and commer cial 31.00-35.25; Cutter and boning utility 27.50-31.00; Canner and low cutter 23.00-27.00; Shell, down to 16.00. BULLS; few yield grade 2 35.00-38.75. FEEDER CATTLE; Steen: M-l 300/450; 50.00-61.00; one at 66.00; MAL 2 350/900 lb.; 32.50-46.00; Heifen; M-l 3SO/7SO lb.; 23.00-57.00; MAL 2 300/800.27.00-44.00; Bulla: M-l 300/500 Ibi; 40.00-43.00. CALVES: 65; Good ISO/300 Ibi; 36.00- Standaid and good 75/100 Ibi; 25.00-40.00; Utility 60/90 Ibt; 15.00- FARM CALVES: Steady to 10.00 low er; No 1 hol.tein bulla; 90/120 Iba; 62.50-8S.00; No 2 hol.tein bulla 90/110 lbs; 30.00-57.50; Beef cross bulla and heif ers 75/120 lbs; 37.50-72.50. HOGS; 45: Barrows and gilts: Steady; 1-3 22(V2S01ba; 39-30-43.75; 2-3 280/290 lbs; 39.25-40.00. SOWS: Boars: 200/300 lbs; 26.00-31.00. PEEPER PIGS;' 30: 20/40 lbs; 9.00-20.00 Mid. SHEEP: 20: Choice 70/100 lbs; 71.00- Slaughter sheep; 19.00- GOATS: 8: Medium 30.00-44.00; Small 13.00-23.00. Pennsylvania Livestock WAYNESBURG, PA NOVEMBER 2,1995 CfttTtp* 1 SLAUGHTER COWS: Utility and com mercial 32.00-39.00; Cutler and booing utility 29.00-34.00; earner and low cutter 23.00- shdli 23.00-33.30. BULLS: Yield grade 1 1300/2000 lbs; 36.00- Yield grade 1 1000/1400 lbs; No hernia is unrepairable, even after several previous railed attempts. We specialize in outpatient hernia repairs, .md most patients are able to return to full work with-in several days. PLEASE CALL COLLECT OR WRITE FOR MORE INFORMATION MID RTLHNTIC SURGICAL SERUICES 217 Harrisburg Ava., Suite 201 Lancaster, PA 17603 (800) HERNIA 8 MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED 30.00-42.00. FEEDER STEERS: MAL 1 300/500 lbs; SO.OO-68.00; 2SO/280 lbs; 50.00- M 600/900 lbs; 50.00-61.50; HEIFERS: M IAL 300/SQO lbs; 40.00- Ll4OO/630 lbs; 40.00-54.00; BULLS: MAL 1300/620 lbs; 40.00-60.00. CALVES: Veal: Prime 60.00-72.00; choice 50.00-60.00; good 40.00-48.00; Farm Calves: #1 holslein bolls 90/120 lbs; few 25.00-60.00; #2 holstein bulls 80/100 lbs; few 20.00-S0.00; beef X bull A hfn/hd 35.00- HOGS: Banows A gilts: #l-2 210/255 lbs; 44.00-50.00; #2-3 2SS/280 lbs; 35.00- Sows: #l-3 300/500 lbs; 30.00- Feeder pigs: 1-3 IS/20 lbs; 1-3 2S/35 lbs; 10.00-24.00/hd. LAMBS: High choice 75/110 lbs; 65.00- Choice 90/10S lbs; 70.00- Feeder Lambs: Good 65.00- Sheep 28.00-40.00. GOATS: Large S&00-85.00/M: Medium 30.00-48.00/tut), Snail 10.00- . t HORSES: 28.00-SO.OO. I >rW, Grange Convention Nov. HARRISBURG (Daup|fr Co.) Grange members nationwide will attend the 129th annual con vention of the National Orange here on Nov-13-19. Convention headquarters will be the Harrisburg Hilton & Tow ers. Onc N>. 2nd St., (717) 233-6000. Youth headquarters is the Harrisburg Hotel, 23 S. 2nd St. (717) 234-5021. " Tlieconvention’s primary pur pose is to develop Grange policy addressing legislative issues of concern to Grange members. Resolutions originating frothlocal chapters will be discussed by state delegates, and action taken by these voting delegates will result in National Grange legiflative policy. Additional events will also take place during the week-long meet ing, including national recogni tions, exhibits, talent contests, workshops, and seminars. The Grange, which is also a fraternal Order, will confer the highest degree of the Order to eligible I LOOK WHAT’S NEW! n!| We lime chicken house Bl pits. We ipnj liquid lime on wells, girders ft pit |DJI floors. Helps kill SB, 5,M darkening beetles ft fly •'ll larrae. Brightens up your | chicken house pit. All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken House V* . Veal Barns - etc. Vr^/‘ it 717-949-3212 Lewe Message togricuAurs/ e HisMotms Jersey Shore Livestock Market, Inc. Auctioa mmj Thnraday at 4HW pja. Janey Shore, h. Report aippHod by Aactloa Thuraday, Nor. 2, IMS RETURN TO FARM CALF 70.00-120.0 a GOOD VEAL; 4000-59.00. COMMON VEAL: 15.00-39.00. CHOICE STEERS: 62.0046.50. SELECT STEERS: 59.0063.00 COMMON STEERS: 43.00-SS.Oa COMMERCIAL COWS: 31.0035. 0 ft FEW 37.50. SHELLS; IS.OO-26.00. CHOICE HEIFERS; 60.0065.00. SELECT HEIFERS: 57.0062.00. COMMON HEIFERS: 42.0056.00. GOOD FEEDERS; 510059.00. COMMON FEEDERS: 29.0051.00. BULLS: 34.75-40.00 GOOD HOGS: 41.004150. members on Sat., Nov. 19. at the Zembo Mosque in Harrisburg. Most convention events are open to the public, except the degree conferrals and the daily business meetings, which are open only to Grange members. The National Master’s Address on the opening day will be open to the public. There are over 31.000 Grange members in Pennsylvania, 448 local chapters, and 82 Junior chap ters. The State Grange was organ ized in 1873. Contacts are • Robert E. Barrow, National Master, and Dolores Bartow, Sec retary to the Master, National Grange, 16*6 *«” St.. N.W., Washington, O-C. 20006 (202) 628-3507, FAX: (202) 347-1091. * Gordon Hiller, Master of the Pennsylvania State Grange, 1604 N. Second St., Harrisburg, PA 17102-2447, (717). 234-5001, FAX; (717) 234-7654 and Nettie Martsolf, Convention Coordina tor, (412) 287-1132. 27.0030.00. 13-19