Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 28, 1995, Image 1
016192 12.99 x M amTastfi^^armlna •* c■ f I w _ /111 J I ] A ml H II 111 II V Vol. 40 NO. 51 Kathy DaHart and QoMonShaatanhalm. public relations spokaaparaon tor tha Maryland Polled Hereford Associa tion, poaa wflh Kathy’a ataar “Fred." tha two advocata AVU^MAMAIa. tiona. Shaatonhabn waa honored recently at the Eastern National Uvaatoek show with the dedication of tha Polled Hereford Standard of Perfection In his honor. DeHarts Appreciate Docile Nature Of Herefords KAREN BUTLER Maryland Correspondent JEFFERSON. Md Fifteen year-old Kathy DeHart loves Poll ed Hereford cattle. She loves them so much that she and her family keep four steers on their property. That’s nothing out of tfate ordin ary for this 4-H and FFA member, who also happens to be Maryland Polled Hereford Princess. Until you realize that the De- Hart family lives in the middle of a development “Other people walk their dogs; we walk our steers,” said the ener getic spokesperson for the breed It’s easy to tell the priorities of this family. “The cattle keep the family together. They’re some thing we all do that we can enjoy,” said Kathy’s father. Jack. Jack and Nancy DeHart have two children at home: Kathy, and her brother Kenny. Two older daughters. Rose and Helen. live away. In addition to the steers, the tidy two-acre homestead is home VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Farming Staff HARRISBURG (Dauphin Co.) There are some signific ant, changes with how the state Department of Agriculture intends to enforcing the stale Dog Law. According to a recent news release, state Secretary of Agricul ture Charles Brosius has 60( Por Copy to three breeding ewes and a mar ket lamb, 10 turkeys, one rabbit, and a border collie pup named Buster. Crowned Princess at the Mont gomery County Fair this August, Kathy has been involved in the Maryland Polled Hereford Asso ciation (MPHA) as a junior mem ber for three years, hi addition to her public speaking dates and ap pearances at shows such as the up coming Red, White, and Blue sale at Frederick, Kathy is making a priority out of recruiting new junior members. She thinks Polled Herefords are especially suited for youth to work with because of the gentle nature of the breed. Polled Hereford Pub lic Relations volunteer Gordon Sheetenhelm echoes this senti ment ‘This is an opportunity for youth to have a positive experi ence with the cattle. I’d hate to see , some youngster get injured work (Turn to Pag* A 34) Revised Kennel Regulations Get Approval announced efforts to make the PDA Bureau of Dog Law Enforce ment “more responsive while returning it to firm financial footing.” Primarily this means the PDA Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement is seeking to allow veterinarians the authority to issue dog licenses as part of the rabies vaccination Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 28, 1995 EVERETT NEWSWANGER Managing Editor QUARRYVILLE (Lancaster Co.) Half of the 500 turners who bought $lOO-per-ihue stock in a corporation to develop foreign and domestic trade attended an update meeting held at the Hoff man building Tuesday evening. Many Amish fanners were in the audience. Allen Weicksel, who formed the Pennsylvania Producers Research and Development Commission, Inc., presented his elaborate plan to establish export and distribution Systems in various foreign coun- Poultry Association Recaps Year’s Activities LOU ANN GOOD IjmcMter Farming Staff WILLOW STREET (Lancaster Co.) —October was proclaimed as Poultry Month by the Lancaster County commissioners during the Lancaster County Poultry Associa tion banquet held Tueadayevcning at the Willow Valley Convention Center. Growth in the layer and broiler industry has placed Lancaster County in the number one spot for producing layers and pullets in the nation. Mark Price officially handed over the reins of leadership of the association to George Georges, president of the board. Georges is affiliated with Wenger Feeds in Rheems. “We promise we will be agres sive in promoting poultry products to the non-farm community.” Georges said of the association’s focus in the upcoming year. Set Clocks Back Tonight For those fanners who have been using Daylight Saving Time throughout the summer months, the time has come to change back to standard time. The change becomes official at 2 a.m. on Sun day morning, Oct. 29. For that extra hour of sleep, turn your clocks back one hour before you go to bed on Saturday night If you are a dairy farmer, you will likely warn to change your milking time gradually over several days. program, and reduce the age of dogs required to be licensed fiom 6 months to 3 months old. While this would require action by the state Legislature and approval by die governor, the PDA has used its authority to alter the regulations covering the operation of dog kennels and how dogs are to be treated while in transit. Local Farmers’ Foreign Trade Update Given tries and domestic distribution in thcU.S. Actually two corporations have been formed, one for the research and development side of the business and the other to pro tect the wealth of the corporations. While the plan includes small business and has been expanded to include statewide representation, many of the Lancaster, Chester, York, and Lebanon County far mers joined before the October 1 stock price increase because of the promise that raw production pro ducts from agriculture would have special emphasis in the distribution Georges said that strong support is growing for the association despite a smaller number of (Turn to Pago A 24) PCC Honors Bupp, Eckenrode, And Robinson STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) Three desert ing suppor ters of cooperative education programs were recently honored at the Leadership Recognition Banquet of the Pennsylvania Council of Cooperatives (PCC) Annual Meeting last week at the The distinguished service award was presented to Joyce Bupp. In the photo from left, Harold Martin, director, Mid- America Dairymen, made the presentation, Bupp, and hus band Leßoy Bupp. The state Independent Regulat ory Review Commission (IRRC) last week approved a package of revised dog kennel regulations as part of a final review process. That means the regulations which affect the operation of state licensed dog kennels should take effect soon. The next step is to have the new Four Sections system. Now the price of stock is 54,000 per share. Weichsel listed countries that are being worked or contacted to include Russia, Vietnam, Mexico, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Latvia. He said they have prospec tive Russian partners to establish a contract for joint ventures. While the prospect of large potential profits was presented, right now the expense of making these international contacts is com ing from the money raised from stock sales. Several farmers have put leins against their farms as backing for the $400,000 line of credit the export corporation needs to purchase products for distribution. While expectations are running high among farmers who ate look ing for additional income and markets from their products, it may be several yean before any real profits come back to the farm from this venture. Penn Stale Nittany Lion Inn in State College. Receiving the - Distinguished Service Award was Joyce Bupp of Seven Valleys. Joyce and her hus band Leroy milk 225 registered (Turn to Page A3O) regulations published in the Pen nsylvania Bulletin. They then become effective. Licensed kennel operators then have 90 days to comply. For some operators it may mean redesigning or upgrading kennel facilities. The state Department of Agri culture has authority over the (Turn to Pago A 25) $25.00 Par Year