JAMES BOYER DRPC Manager Pennsylvania DHIA’s DRPC has become the first dairy records processing center in the nation to provide reports for Milk Urea Ni trogen (MUN) testing. “While other DHIA labs have offered MUN testing for several months, none of them are provid ing MUN testing as an integral part of their DHIA program,” said Joe Hayes, the project leader responsible for the implementa tion of MUN in Pennsylvania’s DRPC. Hayes, a former Clinton County dairy fanner who has worked for Pennsylvania DHIA for the last quarter century, is no stranger to innovations in the computer industry. He was involved in the conver sion that brought the first com puterized laboratory in the nation to Pennsylvania during the 1970’5. Hayes was the project manager for the program which made Pennsylvania DHIA the first and only processing center in the country to provide both protein and non-fat milk solids analysis through! its DPRC. And Hayes was an important contributor to the project that gave Pennsylvania the first lab in the country that replaced large, expensive computers in its DHIA lab with networked PC’s. “An important part of MUN testing is the analysis done by a vet practitioner or feed dealer in consultation with the herd owner,” Hayes said. “Our MUN report is an effort to support that process. “The other DHIA’s dial are testing for MUN right now don’t really offer any analysis, because they’re basically just lists that are printed off the lab machines that don’t go through the Processing Center,” he said. “As a result they simply don’t have access to the kind of data we do to cross tabu late MUN results against lactation number, days in milk, herd group ing. and so on. “We offer a MUN report that looks, acts and feels like the Herd Summary that our farmers are already comfortable with. A stand-alone DHIA lab can’t pro duce that kind of information. “For individual animals, we also show the MUN results right on the monthly report along with all of the cow’s other vital stats. Again, if you’re just printing com ponents off a printer in the lab you can’t offer that kind of complex, convenient service,” Hayes saio. MUN analysis is also available in electronic form through Pa. DHIA’s ARIS program, and on Pennsylvania DHIA’s electronic lab bulletin board. For LER herds, or herds using a DII compliant program (such as Westfalia’s Dairyplan, or de Leval’s Herd- Master Galaxy) the DRPC also offers an option to make lab results, including MUN, available on diskette in a form that can be brought directly into a herd own er’s on-farm computer. “Unlike most other DHIA labs, we aren’t just a front end that feeds numbers into a processing center hundreds or thousands of miles away.” said Dixie Burris, Pa. DHIA’s lab manager. “Because Pa. DHIA controls and owns its own processing cen ter, we’ve historically had a much tighter integration between our lab and DRPC,” Bums said. “And if you look at our track record of innovations, that close working relationship has always paid big dividends to our farmers, who get the benefits of new laboratory technology first” Pennsylvania DHIA introduced MUN testing the first of October. The service, including the new report, is available on a Hist come, first served basis to DHIA mem bers for an additional charge of IS cents per cow. Nonmembers can also make use of the new service. Interested dairymen should ask their Pa. DHIA technicians for more information, or call the DHIA service center at 1-800-DHI-TEST. & HEAT LAMPS and 125 W & 175 W Bulbs THERMOSTATS *22°° Pa. STATE COLLEGE (Centre Co.) The new Pennsylvania Holstein Association membership year changed Oct Land members who have not renewed should do so by Nov. 1 to enjoy a discount According to a news release, all current members of PHA were recently mailed a renewal applica tion. Those without application forms can contact the association at (814) 234-0364, or write to the Pa. Holstein Astoication, 839 Ben ner Pike, State College, PA 16801. The annual membership is $25. Each member who also is a mem ber of National Holstein receives a $6 savings for each registration of a calf under three months old, a subscription to the organizations periodical Pennsylvania Holstein Profiles, a subscription to Farms hine newspaper, and participation in educational, promotional and service programs. Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 21, 1995-A3l Holstein Association Offers Early Membership Discount MEWS There are local, district and state level events such as bam meetings, tours, picnics, annual' meetings, shows, sales (domestic and inter national) and a strong youth prog ram, second to none. The association also has a strong marketing program and has been acting as an agent to market thou sands of registered Holsteins all over the world. It also owns and operates a farm at Middletown, near the Harrisburg Airport and major routes, that serves as a stag ing area for cattle to be sold or held for export According to the news release, “Possibly the most important ben efit of all is the fact you can share your thoughts and concerns with other Holstein dairymen. You don’t have to have a bam full of registered cows to take part and enjoy the fellowship that comes with being a member of Pennsyl vania Holstein Association.”