Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 20
A2O-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 21, 1995 Estimated Daily Livestock Slaughter Under Federal Inspection October 18, 1995 CATTLE CALVES HOGS SHEEP WEDNESDAY (EST) 133,000 5,000 362,000 17,000 WEEK AGO (EST) 130,000 6,000 354,000 19,000 YEAR AGO (EST) 128,000 6,000 358,000 19,000 WEEK TO DATE (EST) 391,000 16,000 1,045,000 50,000 SAME PD LT WK (EST) 383,000 16,000 1,043,000 47,000 SAME PD LT YR (ACT) 378,000 17,000 1,067,000 54,000 PREVIOUS DAY ESTIMATED STEER AND HEIFER...IG4,OOO; COW AND BULL 27,000. SOURCE: USDA MARKET NEWS, WASHINGTON, D.C, Grantsville Livestock GrantWiile, Maryland Report Supplied by Auction SaL, October 14, 1995 STOCK BULLS AND STEERS 200-500 LBS. 45.00-65.00. STOCK HEIFERS: 40.00-55.00. SLAUGHTER STEERS GOOD TO CHOICE UP TO 6100; MEDIUM TO GOOD 50.00-58.00. HOLSTEIN STEERS GOOD 45.00-48.00; LIGHT 40.00-45.00. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS GOOD TO CHOICE UP TO 60.00; MEDIUM TO GOOD 45.00-SS.OO. ai/LLS HEAVY LIGHT 40.00-4t.00. COWS FEW HIGH DRESSING UP TO 40.00, UTILITY HOLSTEIN 32.00-35.00, The Purafire heater provides a consistent, cleanburning and fuel efficient source of warmth for all types of poultry and swine houses With near 100% efficiency, it uses less energy to yield greater Bills for your money. Choose from two models: the CBOM variable output (40,000 - 80,000 BTUH) and the C 225 (225,000 BTUH) Each is LP or natural gas compatible and can be mounted inside or outside your confinement house Tyvek Disposable Coveralls Low cost, efficient protection with zipper closure Available in Medium, Large and X-Large jjKp Lifter Hand Cleaner Greaseless, waterless hand Srid cleaner Excellent for !■ removing livestock odors ■■ 16 FI Oz S 2 50 each Moldex 2200 Dust & Mist Respirator • contoured to fit face • molded polymesh shell resists collapsing in heat I & humidity • straps securely attached U-Tube Lamp & Supplies Save energy with the U-Tube bulb that costs 5 times less to operate than a standard bulb SLS 23 - 23 watt equivalent to 90 watt incandescent Full Um of Parts ki Stock For Your Poultry and Hof Needs FARMER ROY A(a* c ' 410 East Lincoln Avenue, IMyerstown, PA 17067 717-866-7565 • 1-800-845-3374 K 3 Swine A Poultry Systems Specialists 10/21 CANNERS 25.00-30.00, CULLS 24.00 AND DOWN. VEALS GOOD TO CHOICE 65.00- MEDIUM TO GOOD 45.00- 808 CALVES: 30.00 AND DOWN. HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES RETURN TO FARM 90-120 LBS. 50.00-80.00. HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES RETURN TO FARM 100-120 LBS. UP TO 137.50. BEEF CROSS CALVES RETURN TO FARM UP TO 75.00. HOGS: TOP QUALITY 45.0M7.75; HEAVY 44.00-45.00, LIGHT 30.00-45.00, FEEDER PIGS BY THE HEAD 10.00-38.50. SOWS: UP TO 42.50. MALE HOGS: 18.00-30.00. LAMBS: 68.00-74.50; CULLS 65.00 AND DOWN. SHEEP: UP TO 36.00. 'ni/IttrJttn myuri rua ' JJ T 4 U |* v Fiberglass fan housing won’t rust or corrode, plastic shutter, solid one piece fiberglass propellers & heavy duty motor. • It \m ■ Fiberglass Maxi-panel Fans Exclusive lifetime guaranteed fiberglass housing never rusts and never needs painting. High efficiency motors for greater electrical economy. Choose from 14", 18", 24" or 36" sizes. 11010037-14” Fan $215 11010052-18” Fan $239 Disposable Scalpels Individually foil-wrapped stainless steel disposable, sterile scalpel with blade protector 10 scalpels per box. Hi-Lo Livestock Thermometer Shows "at a glance" the lowest and highest temperature: since the last reset plus the present temperature. Mercer Livestock MERCER, PA OCTOBER 17, 1995 CATTLE 328.. PDA ...Compared with last week's <ale..iteen 1.00 to 2.00 higher, hcifcn 2.00 to 2,50 higher, cows 2.00 to 5.00 higher. STEERS; High Choice and Piime 1075/1475 lb». 64.25-66.25, Choice 1125/1475 Ibt. 62.25-65.75, Select 56.00-63.00, few Standard 52.50-55.00. HOLSTEINS: High Choice and Prime 1275/1550 lb». 59.00-62.50, Choice 1150/1450 lbs. 56.00-59.00. HEIFERS; High Choice and Prime 1025/1425 lbs. 64.00-68.50, Choice 1000/1375 lbs. 61.00-65.50. Select 54.50- Standard 46.00-54.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commer cial 36.00-41.75, Cutter and Boning Utility 32.00- Canncr and Low Cutter 29.00- Shells down to 24.50. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 975/1425 lbs. 42.50-47.75, few No. 2 925/2250 lbs. 33.50- FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Medium Frame No. 1 475/800 lbs. 45.00-47.00; HEIFERS: few Large Frame No. 2 400/600 lbs. 58.50-64.00, few Medium Frame No. 1 300/650 lbs. 37.00-44.00; BULLS; few Medium Frame No. 1 250/425 lbs. 41.00-49.50. CALVES 84...VEALERS: Standard and Good 70/110 lbs. 25.00-36.00, Utility 55/75 lbs. 10.00-20.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 110/115 lbs. 85.00-107.50, 90/95 lbs. 65.00- No. 2 90/125 lbs. 35.00- few No. 1 Holstein heifers 100/105 lbs. 140.00-175.00. few No. 2 80/95 lbs. 67.50-130.00. Few beef cross bulls and heifers 70/110 lbs. 40.00-67.50. HOGS 34...8ARR0WS AND GILTS: AAA Glass-Pac Fiberglass Ventilation Fans 11010032-14” Fan V. HP $305 11010011-18” Fan V. HP $345 11010069-24” Fan V. HP $399 Hours: Mon Sat 7:30 US 1-2 24/260 lbs. 49.25-49.50, one lot US 1-3 245 lbs. 46.50. SOWS: few US 1-3 350/800 lbs. 39.50-41.00. BOARS: few 450/825 lbs. 28.00-29.50. FEEDER PIGS 0...N0 MARKET TESTI SHEEP 3... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: couple Choice 80 & 100 lbs. 79.00 & 80.00. GOATS 0...N0 MARKET TESTI Valley Stockyards Athena, Pa. October 16, 1995 Report nip pi led by auction HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES TO 182.50. VEAL CALVES TO 77.50. VEALBR BULL CALVES TO 120.00. SLAUGHTER CALVES 40.00 AND DOWN. GRASSBRS A FEEDERS 43.00-94.00. LAMBS TO 99.00. SHEEP 27.00-29.00. HOGS 200-250 TO 44 JO. SOWS 28.50-34.00. BOARS TO 24.00. PIGS 17.00-22.00 EACH. HEIFERS, FAT 28.75-37.75. STEERS, NO GOOD ONES. FEEDER STEERS 33.00-51.00. BULLS 36.50-44.75. GOOD COWS 32.75-36.50. COWS MEDIUM 27.50-32,00. COWS POOR OR SMALL 26.50 AND , n S ™® : “ town 70.00-75.00; GOOD 65.00-70.00; SLAUGHTER EWES 20.00-29.00. CATTLE MARKET STRONGER. GOATS* 2400-7900 CALF MARKET STEADY. HORSES, NONE. PONIES, NONE 1 l^ > nmmiiisii , ttiiijlliii I* I mil imiiii. «—■*„ , Jimi'"".' .1 iim WIMIJ?* PAUL B , ~ *y* - *‘4 " 'k * SUSPENDED COMFORT STALLS if! n ia S 9 I j ' il 3j| f 3 1 I ms if) 1 &*> a) 3 ! 3° i, | PAUL B. § Call or Write For H Additional Information And Your Nearest Dealer For Modern Tie Barns Coated With Baked On Top Grade TGIC Polyester Urethane Powder After Fabrication SS-4S SS-450 SS-25 GOATS 12.00-50.00. DAIRY SALE THURS., OCT. 19.7:30 P.M. Morrison Cove Livestock MartiMbwf, Pa. Octobar 16, 1995 Report «appß«J bj mcUm CATTLE 112. STEERS CHOICE 62.00-67.50; GOOD 60.0042.00. HEIFERS: CHOICE 61.00-67.00; GOOD 58.0041.00. COWS: UTILITY A COMMERCIAL 33.00- CANNER A LOW CUTTER Of cn.l4 50 BULLOCKS: 45.00-Sl.oa BULLS: YIELD GRADE NO. 1 33.0044.00. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS 55.0040.00; BULLS 45.00-55.00; HEIF ERS 4000-50.00. CALVES 139. PRIME, NO MKT. TEST; CHOICE 70.00-77.00; GOOD 52.004000; STANDARD 22.00-35.00; HOLSTEIN BULLS 90-130 LBS. 55.00- HOLSTEIN HEIFERS 90-130 LBS. 80.00-160.00. HOGS: 230. US NO. 1-2 36.00-37.00; US NO. 1-3 35.00-36.00. SOWS: US NO. 1-3 33.0042.00 BOARS; 31.00-34.00. FEEDER PIGS: 102 HEAD. US9IA3 20-50 LBS. 1000-24.00. SOOfIOuQSEFDOQEIOQ • All welded construction to give many years of trouble free service • Stall constructed with 1.9 0.C., .133 wall, high strength tube and 2” square tube post with V* ” wall CHECK THESE ADVANTAGES OF SUSPENDED COMFORT STALLS • More comfort for cows • Easy cleaning, bedding & milking with no rear stall post • No rust problem • Adjustable tie rail • Trough dividers • Less trampled teat problems than with conventional stalls ZIMMERMAN, INC. Hours Mon. Thru Fri. 7 to 5 INC V 1 295 Woodcorner Rd. Lititz, PA 17543*9165 1 Mile West of Ephrata _71 7-738-7365 Hp^aMiigi