Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 146

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    D6-Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, October 21, 1995
CASE 1190, diaaal, 43 hp,
Brady and Casa chopper turf Urea, aide tickle, 1,200
llarito. High quality. $2.25. hra., $5,800.
Dealers welcomed. SUM- 410-833-9061
717-687-8266 eVISAM NH 28 ter,lfl# blower '
717-667-6266 8-B.ISAM yofy 814-634-9311
Brady stalk chopper, good days; 814-445-7309
working condition, $BOO. evenings.
Case 310 crawler loader
Brillion 8’ ft 10' packer/ and JD 1010 dozer for
seeder; Brillion S’ft* land- parts, most parts available
scape seeder; Nl ft me- 610-932-5576
chanical transplanters,
pull-type ft 3pt hitch. Thom
Wheary Jr., 717/687-0102.
Deere 3300 through 9600.
IH 1420 through 1680.
Others A hoods. Trade &
Finance Larry Stator The
Combine Man'
1-800-248-2151 or Steve
717-249-2317 (
Deere 4400 diesel, very
good, $5,950.; 6620, super
nice. $27,900.; 7720 Titan
11. $37,900. Finance. Call
Sam. 717-630-2736
Deere 643, $6,250.; Deere
443, $4,000.; Deere 244,
$1,250. Call Stephen -
Leave Message.
717-249-2317 or
Deutz DXI2O, 4WD, 4300
Hours, Good Condition.
DISC JO BWF, 14'. folding,
excellent, $1,375.
combine: engine $500;
steering axle & wheels
$500; hydrostatic unit
$1,000; rotary screen
$150; cab $250; straw-
Walkers $150; feeder
house complete $350; and
morel (717)382-4878.
Dismantling for Parts: Hun
dreds of farm tractors new
and old several JD 2 cylin
ders also dozers and track
loaders. Call for any part
you might need. Atkins
Tractor Salvage. Union WV
24983. Phone
Dismantling for parts:
Case, NH, Bobcat, IH, Hy
dro Mac, Toyota and Mus
tang skid loaders. New,
used, reconditioned parts
for Kubota, Ford, Wiscon
sin, Perkins engines,
Cessna, Vickers, Sun
strand hydrostatic trans
missions. G.D. Equipment,
Distributor for Agro-trend
Snowblowers. Available
from 4'-9'. In stock are
6'SA, $1,800; B'DA,
$2,985; 9'HD DA $3,825.
10% off these prices til Oct
31. 1995. (717)286-7851.
Eager Beaver S/A trailer,
$4OO. (301)371-9346.
5* snow blower powered by
18hp Onan engine;
1-Landscape trailer
IB'x76*; 2 bottom plow;
cultivator; T sickle mower
for 2pt hitch;
F 2 Gleaner combine, 435
oomhead; 13' grain head;
Farmall 350; FarmaN 656;
White 2-85; NH #2B
blower; McCudy 190 bin
wagon. 717-458-5193.
FARMALL CUB, late style
w/new 5' Woods Belly
Mower, $2,300.
Farm all 230 fast hitch w/
blade, needs paint, $1,600.
Farm all 460 w/fast hitch ft
PS, $2875; Ml #lO picker,
nice, $650; MF #B2 plow,
4X, 3pt, $450; JD 8W 14'
disc, $1275; White #251
10' disc, $950; BrilNon 12'
packer, $950.
Farmall 656 diesel, good
rubber, work ready, $4OOO.
Farmall 806 diesel tractor;
Oeutz 4506 tractor w/Kelly
loader. Both good condi
tion. 814-634-9311 days;
814-445-7309 evenings.
Farmall Cub tractor old
style, VG condition, hy
draulics. (717)235-1766.
Farmall FI 2 on rubber,
runs nice, $650; IH 660 D,
rebuilt engine, 80hp.
717-529-2943 8-B:ISAM
Case 930 tractors. Used or
rebuilt. Steel and pulley
available. 80-96 hp $3200
930, 500, RC, SC.
717-529-2943 8-B:ISAM
Case IH 585 tractor, cab,
$7,900. Miller's Repair,
Case Int 275 diesel, 31hp,
Cat D4D direct drive, 80%
U/C, runs strong, $7500.
ready to work, $350.
Com picker, Nl 323, IR,
good condition, $1250.
Susquehanna Co.
Com planter, 2-row con
verted from horse-drawn to
3pto is a JD, also a horse
drawn corn planter; also a
JD. (717)597-2832.
Deere 213 rigid, big auger,
$3,450; Deere 443,
$3,950; Deere 6600 gas,
immaculate, $5,950; Deere
213 flex, dial-a-matic,
$4,250. Call Stephan
717-249-2317 leave mes
sage or 1-800-248-2151
Deere 215 flex, very good,
$4,250; IH 820, 13' float
bar or rigid, emmaculate,
$1,450 & $1,250. Call
Sam. 717-630-2736 or
Hesston stacker and
mover, $1275; now round
baler, $7,400; Woods 15’
cutler, $4,200; Bush Hog,
$7,400; new Lahman 38hp
skid loader. $ll,BOO, 20hp,
$8,200; new flexi round
bale mover, $3,300. Don
Erdiey Equipment, Lewis
burg (717)524-2410.
STARTERS with 3 yr.
warranty for most domestic
tractors and select imports.
With 6 month no risk
money back guarantee.
Call Gary D. Sneath at
IH 0-6 1947 Rune Good,
Looks Fair, Good to Re
store, Photos and Delivery
Available. (717)328-2336.
IH 1066, excellent condi
tion, $8,500. JD 3020 D,
good rubber, $5,500. Far
mall M live hydraulics, P/S,
$1,850. Farmall 300, good
condition, $1,400. Farmall
240 utility. 1080 original
hours, $3,000.
IH 120 silage wagon, 3
beater w/roof, $1,250.
IH 1486 tractor w/cab,
540/1000 PTO, good solid
tractor, runs excellent,
easy starling. Franklin Co.
IH 424, gas w/PS ft 3 pt.,
runs well, $2,500.
IH 460 utility diesel. PS,
TA, new tires, two remotes,
many new parts, FH
$3,750.00 080.
IH 464 diesel tractor with
IH#lB5O loader with 5' hy
draulic bucket, new rear
rubber, 3pth, PTO, 2104
hours. 717-896-8242.
IH 4786 4WD 3pt hitch,
3800 hours, dual wheals,
excellent condition,
$15,500 080.
IH 510 Drill 18-7 Double
Disc, All. Grain, Like New.
$2550 080.
(717)949-3769 7:30-SPM
Ask for Dan.
IH 574 53HP, 1645 Hours,
New Rubber, Excellent
Condition, $B5OO.
Farmall H, 1953, all ra
stored, new paint and de
cals, all new tires, plus
PTO 8' mower new paint
also. AC G, all restored, re
built motor, new paint, de
cals, w/IR cultivator, phis
G used parts for complete
tractor. (908)577-1807.
Farmall H w/loader, F-12,
runs nice. Parting out: F2O.
717-529-2943 8-B:ISAM
IH 574 diasal w/loader,
2450 hrs., excellent condi
tion, $6500.610-932-5578.
IH 615 combine, 3-30* A
10', $4,950.; 1971 K
Gleaner, 2 wide A 12', very
good, $4,950. Call Sam
5302 Amish RD., Gap, PA
17527 717-442-0461 call
between 8:45-SAM EOT.
.Cultivators, hayrakas, slit
tillers, Truax no-UN grass
seeders, round bale
Int. 205 combine w/10'
hume reel, on steel in good
condition, $1,500. Challen
ger 1800 plastic mulch lif
ter, $1,250.
irrigation equipment: 60
» of 4* and 3* pipes/
ns; fittings, 6 cyl. ir
rigation pump, $2500 or
080, (609)881-0234.
JD 1209 mower condi
tioner, new tires, very good
condition, $lBOO.
JD1530 diesel w/loader,
very nice condition,
$6,900.00. (717)865-5561.
JD 2010 diesel, $3,500. JD
35 loader. JD 2R cultivator.
JD 3300 combine w/9'
grain and 2RW com head
$4,500. JD 5 bottom plow,
hydraulic reset, old. MM
com shelter, PTO drive. Nl
2RW harvester Uni head.
Landed chisel plow. Ask for
Ed, (301)842-2932.
JD2OIO gas tractor, NF,
PS, 3pt hitch, nice paint,
$2,600.00. (610)593-1199.
JD 213 Head w/Hiniker
flex. Augar needs work
$650.; 8' INT. Drag disk
$150.; York Co.;
JD 220 flex head, excellent
condition, can deliver,
$5,700. (610)381-3043.
JD 237 Com Picker, Good
Condition; JD 3PL Rotary
Hoe. (717)463-3270.
JD 24T baler w/lhrower. IH
990 hay bine. IH 47 baler
w/lhrower. AN field ready.
JD2SSO, 240 loader, 84'
bucket, 2600 hrs., dual out
lets. hj-k>. 717-867-4486.
JD 300 2RN head com
picker, nice condition,
$3900. 610-286-5609.
JD 300 3R com picker, 1
owner. (717)733-4516.
JD3OO com picker, 2r nar
row, very good condition;
field ready, $3,950.
JD 301 A, gas, low hrs. w/
side mount sickla, power
steering, LPTO, $4,500.
JD 3300 combine with 343
3RN cornhead cab, AC/
heat, excellent condition,
shelling com now, $7500.
JD 336 baler, field ready,
used 1995. JD 16A flail
chopper. (717)235-1766.
JD 343 com hood, $1200;
JD 2000 plow, 6xlB, vary
good condition, $3200.
JD 346 baler with #4O
thrower, excellent condi
tion, $4200.906-735-4262.
JD 346 baler, very nice;
two wooden rack wagons,
one pipe wagon.
JD 3970 new knives,
electric controls, tong
tongue, nice, $6,300. JD
3940 electric controls, long
tongue, good condition.
Gian R. Martin,
JD 4010, diesel, WFE,
PTO, no 3 pt., 85 HP.
LP TO, $3,700.
JO 4020, n#w S - tires,
great condition, SC. Jeffer
■on Cty, (3004)728-0862.
JO 4020 side console,
needs work, $5,800. Nl
2RW picker/ shader $6OO.
Toyota 5,000* forklft
diesel, $2,500.
JO 40 standard w/loader,
WF, 3pth, PTO, runa good,
needs paint, $2,750.
JO 435 w/loader, engine
needs work, $4BOO.
814-588-7873 NO Sunday
JO 4400, only 2000 hours,
runs good, good tires,
$7BOO. 800/818-3322.
JD 4420 combine, 2,300
hours, always inside, AC,
dial-a-matic, can deliver,
$15,000. (610)381-3043.
JD 444 W corn head,
$2850. 717/437-2604.
JD 444 com head, $1,200.
Nl 324 picker, 8 roll,
$1,250. Field ready. No
Sundy calls,
JD 444 WR corn head,
$2750 OBO; JD 545 H, 5
bottom plow, $BOO 080.
717-845-5873 leave
JD 4450 4WD, PS,
$36,500. (717)530-8069.
JD 450 crawler w/bucket,
good condition.
JO 4R conservation
plantar, 2 row vegetable
planter. (717)788-4833 or
JD 5-bottom rollover plow,
$3,500. Clark 35001 b fork
lift, gas, $3,500.
JD6O3 Rotary mower, 6',
like new, $5OO.
JD6O, tricycle, running con
dition, good tires, 3pm, live
PTO, $1,950.00.
JD 643 6RN com head, lo
tin, sharp, $7500.
JO 643 com head, $4,500.
JO 6600 del., rotary
screen, only 1900 hours,
always shedded.
JO 6600 gear, diesel, al
ways shedded, good rub
ber, $B9OO. 800/919-3322.
JO 6600 hydro, really
fancy, nice rubber,
$10,600. 800/919-3322.
JO 6600 sidehi combine,
gear, 215 (lex head, $6OOO
JO 6620 hydro w/215 flex
head, 643 com head, all
excellent shape, 2300 hrs.
JD 675 Skid Loader. Excel
lent Condition, New Drive
Train, Rebuilt Engine, New
Hydraulics. $B7OO 080.
JD 690-B excavator,
$22,500. Cali
(610)944-9871 after spm.
JD 709 stalk feeder, 3pt
hitch, T wide, good condi
tion. 610-593-5574.
JD 8200 21 hole grain drill
w/fsrtUizer and grass seed.
JD 2500 6 bottom by 18'
reset plow. ‘79 Dodge 4x4
pickup $7OO. Stump Acres,
York County,
JD 830 electric start w/
PTO; unstyled G, styled G,
R. 1029 unstyled D on
steel. Evenings or leave
message. 717-222-4432.
JD 8R com head *843 in
good working condition.
Garage kept $B,OOO 000.
Can deliver. Harrington,
DEL, (302)284-8774.
JD 915 grain- head, extra
nice, just finished beans,
$6200. 717-437-2604.
JD B tractor, $2000; 1076
F 250, 4WD, $lOOO.
717-247-7682 after SPM
JD cyclone B $BOO. JO
3plh 3 bottom trip back
plow $6OO. Mechanical
transplanter 2R $l,OOO.
12', like new, $1,500.
pull type, $5OO.
FORD 2600, diesel,
$4,000. 410-6338081
FORD 8700, CAH w/duals,
1,800 hrs., no 3 pt.,
$lO,OOO. 4138338081
300, gas w/Henry lift,
$1,850. 4138338081
gas, ready to work, $5,600.
TERRAIN Warner Swas
sey (Ford 4000 gas tractor)
14', 4,000 Iba., $3,800.
6,000 lbs., 8' pneumatic,
$3,000. 4138338081
FOR SALE: Small farm
equipment, plows, pack
ers, discs, harrows, mow
ers, crimpers, tedders,
rakes, etc. Trade ins wel
comed. NH mowers, rebuilt
and guaranteed, engines,
hydraulics, crimper hoo
kups available. KIRK
Coopers DR, Kirkwood,
PA. 17536. 717-5233298
Ford 4000 gas, select-o
speed, P/S, WF, locking
diff, good rubber, dual hy
draulics, $3,850.
Ford 800 tractor w/loader,
First $1500; ARPS 3pth
backhoe. Call
Ford 900 tractor with 602
mounted 2 row Ford com
picker. York Co,
Ford rollover plow, 4-bot
tom on-land hitch with coul
ters, $1500.00.
Fox 300 chopper, 2R com
head, grass head.
Grinder mixer, only 5 years
old (feed mill), Nome mod
em miH, Volumetric station
ery mill, 49 ton overhead
storage. Want out of busi
ness, must sell. Must Seal
Cut feed Mis in half. Jacob
or Rin 201/694-9114
201/696-8562, Farm
HAY RAKE Nl 5 bar,
rubber teeth, front whl.,
$BOO. 410-833-9091
HAY RAKE NH 56, field
ready, $l,OOO.
taI Waukesha (arm, indust
rial engine parts. MAM
Surplus Salas, 807 Zerega
Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473,
(718)828-9026; fax
Hasslon 1060 disc mower,
good condition. Evenings,
JD eng. and power unit on
hand 219, 239 T, 276 T,
6-329, 6-3S9T, 6-414 T,
6-466 T, 6-619 T, also sev
eral 3 eye. JD eng.; We are
a Stocking Dist. for Re
liance overhaul kits for JD.
lOOkw gen. set 3306 CAT
low hours 5200. 1 60kw
Det power $4300; 1 30kw
Del power $2800.; 1 3408
CAT eng.; Det. engines
and power units for farm
and saw mill ale. including
hard to find 671T.1.8. 8 6V
S 3 turbo; Reiff Diesel;
717/446-9907 or
JD 8 Gleaner combine
heads, good selection. Call
us for your needs.
800/919-3322. Zeisloft
Farm Eq.
JO H. 1046, electric start,
hyd. PTO. now paint, de
cals and many new parts,
new front rubber, excellent
rear. 717-833-4872.
J.O.MT w/6‘ JD belly
mower, 3pt hitch, runs
good, $2,950.00.
JD modal 40, new tires on
rear, new paint, runs excel
lent, 3pt hook, 7 Made on
back, tractor looks new,
$3,875. (717)528-8606.
Farmall M in Good Condi
tion. $l9OO.
Farmall Supor M w/
mounlad picker $2,000. 3
bin wagona, $360 each. JD
4R com planter 494, $5OO.
JD Vanßrunt drill $5OO. Int
3 bottom plow, tet hitch,
$2OO. Rawed from (arm
ing. Cal Let tar Chan nail
(717)382-4404 or Bruce
Channel (717)993-5427.
Farmer* - Dealers -- Your
advertising pays for itself
whan you advertise your
equipment in the farm
equipment section.
717-394-3047 or
Ferguson 1020 tractor, ex
cellent condition, live PTO,
new tires, must seel
Ferguson TE2O PTO, hyd.,
3PT, drawbar, includes
scraper, tiro chains,
$1,000.00. (717)252-4355.
F Gleaner, grain, 90%
tires, chopper, $4,960. Call
Sam. 717-630-2736
New Holland 411 diacbine,
excellent condition, $6OOO.
New Idea 12 Roll Husking
Bed w/Elevalor, Excellent
Condition. (717)949-3769
7.-30-SPM Ask for Dan.
New Idea 2RNI2 Roll Bed,
Late Style, Good Condi
tion, $1950 080.
(717)949-3769 7;30-SPM
Ask for Dan.
New Idea 2RW w/12 Row
Bed, Field Ready, Must
Sell. $1950 080.
(717)949-3769 7:30-SPM
Ask for Dan.
NH 30' elevator w/corn
shoot $700.; Nl 10 Com
picker $500.; INT 31 fron
tend loader $350.; JO
ABG-200 2R front mount
cultivator w/hew pts $250.;
All equipment in good con
dition.; 215/679-9010.
NH 328 2b spreader,
$1375; Bush Hog 7T, 3pt
chisle, $975; Nl 323 picker,
$1850; BriHion 14' packer,
$1050; Oliver 14' wing har
row, $875; Bin wagons,
NH 357 grinder mixer w/
scales, A/C, $2,450.
NH 38 flail chopper,
$l,OOO. (301)898-7426.
NH 479 haybine $1,400.
JD 14T baler w/#2 kicker
$4OO. Ford 3pth hey rake
$275. IH gram dr* $450.
AM equipment good condi
tion. (717)432-4058.
NH 553 skid loader, late
model, good rubber, good
running condition $7400.;
NH 796 Spreader, 410 Bu„
Double Beater, Tailgate,
New Net, 1000 RPM, Very
Good Condition.
NH 850 round baler. NH66
baler. NH Smoker 30* ele
vator. (717)235-1766.
NH L-22S skid loader; new
tires, $3,500 080.
tin .U. » ail model 155. Cal for bro-
JJN d Tl^*l3w , 2?Si? chore on aooeaaoriaa, op-
2/4_y»w-o(d, $4,600 and pan*. Raboilt 30'
(717)367-9443. and 36’ NH elevator*. Re
cydert, we build bait ele
vators tool (1) NH drag ele
vator. (1) 16' NH akelton
elevator. We will rebuild
your New Holand 155 for
if price of new. We will
trade or buy your used or
damaged elevator. THANK
YOU. Thom Wheary, JR.
Nl 12A excellent, $1350; Nl
14A rewooded, $l7OO. Nl
manure spreader parts,
new 8 used. We ship UPS.
Thom Wheary Jr.,
Ml 323 Com Pickar, Good
Condition; MF 300 Com
bine, Runs, For Parts; IH
13' Transport Disc $lOOO.
Ml 324 oom pickar, WR.
NH 68 Haylinsr hay baler.
Pull-type opt chisel plow,
manual lift. Southern Chas
ter County, call
N 1324 wide row picker
theller. 717-993-2814.
N 1325 oom picker, 2RN 12
roll husking bed, good oon
dition, $3,600.
Ml 702 SP chopper, 3 raw
narrow, $5,200.
717-249-2317 or
Massey 253 2WD, 1,100
hours, $12,900.
(301)662-8186 evenings.
Massey Ferguson com
bine, gas, motor model
510,4 row com head, runs
well, $l,lOO.
McCormick WD9, rubber or
steal, pulley, PTO, runs
nice. W 9. 19, bolh ran but
need work. Lots of parts for
W 9, WD9. 717-529-2943
McCurdy Com Drag, w/or
Without Motor; Also High
Moisture Corn.
MF 1130-0 2521 hours,
multi-power, weights,
130 HP, runs super, looks
great, duals available,
$8,400.00. (717)349-7447.
MF 1135 wfeab, excellent
rubber, runs good, $3300.
MF 1143, vary good,
$3,450.; IH 844, $1,450.;
Deere 443, $3,950. Many
More. Call Stephan.
717-249-2317 Leave
MF 1163 6RN com head,
good condition, $3750.
MF 165 diesel, used daily,
$4250. 610-932-5576.
MF 175 diesel tractor, good
working condition.
MF 20C Loader, Diesel,
3Pt Hitch, PTO. Excellent
Condition, 500 Original
Hours, Quick-Attach
Bucket and Forks. $B2OO.
MF 43 grain drill 22x7 w/
grass seed attachment, ex
cellent condition, $1,200.
MF 510 combine w/UII
reel. IH 1066 w/cab.
MFSIO diesel combine, 4R
com, 12' grain, best offer,
"cheap*. Early morning,
late eveings,
MF 540 dsl, always sbed
ded, late model, local
trade. 600/919-3322.
MF66 trip plow, 3pt,
2-3-bottom w/couttors and
coverboard, $295; snowb
lower T 3pt. now condition,
$1675; McCormick Deer
ing grain drill, 15 single
disc on steel, ready to sow,
$150; 24' Smoker elevator
w/molor on rubber wheels,
$76. (610)488-0723.
MH pony, good running
condition w/mower and
plow, $lBOO.
Miller Offset Disc, Cush
ioned Front Gang, Now
Bearings and Discs, Exoel
lent. $4200.
(814)466-7074 Late
New 24', 30', 36', 41' de
valors: I'-5‘ extensions for
Need a combine or heads
or seif propelled chopper?
Call Larry Stalter, The
Combine Man.’
New 220 bushel gravity
box $725.; New Pequea 6'
3pt rotory cutter $950.;
New Pequea slider blades;
Newswanger Farm Shop;
New Bush Hog 2840 front
loader w/72‘ bucket fits Ku
bota M7O3ODT lists lor
$4,898, sell for $4,000.
Brackets available for most
tractors 55-70 hp. Call Da
vid (717)784-0250.