Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 145
Mml Announces Insurance Program SYRACUSE, N.Y. Milk Marketing Inc. (MMI), the na tion’s third largest dairy coopera tive, announced it was introducing a new Blue Cross/Blue Shield health insurance program for farmers. “We designed it specifically for dairy farmers after asking than what they wanted and needed,” said Anthony Schlesier, MMl’s manager of cooperative relations. According to Schlesier, some of the program’s highlights include a comprehensive medical plan, 16-month rate guarantee, $2.5 million lifetime maximum bene- PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047 FAX 717-733-6058 Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thura. 7 AM to 5 PM MM FARM EQUIPMENT 10' Billiton alfalfa seeder; 717/445-6156. 10' Rail chopper, like new $3500; Summit Hid Weld ing, 94 Summit Hill Dr., Strasburg, PA 17579; 717/667-6266. Bam-B:lSam 12 KW PTO driven genera tor, excellent condition. (717)397-1772. 12R com planter, Kinze model 2300, no-til, twin line, low acres, $28,000. (717)664-2629. We Now Accept Visa Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main St. Ephrata. Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Lititz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Thors. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available for your classified advertising. In Section D. Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq. Wanted The following categories are available for your classified advertising in Section C. Deadline Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week’s publication. la-Canatruction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- Ba-Exotic Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq. & Supplies 14- & Supplies 14a-Ratites 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21 -Services Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31- 32- 32a-Antiques 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate fits, more than double the norm, $3OO accident supplement, option al high deductible, maternity cov ered as any oilin' illness, special toll free MMI number for insur ance help, and a prescription drug card. Health insurance is one of the benefits of being a member of the co-op, Schlesier said. He added that the program was being ad ministered by a service organiza tion devoted solely to working with cooperatives and their mem bers. RUY.SEI 13' MP header, $1,295.; 6600 diesel, turbo, super clean, $8,500. Call for 6620, 7720 and IH axial flows. 717-630-2736, ask for Sam. 1947 John Deere A; Ford BN, 717-336-2497 after 4PM. 1964 Ford 4000 Backhoe, 4 Cyl. Diesel, Rear Urea 95%, Very Clean, Must Sell. $5500. (410)287-8587. (Word Ads Only) CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY \ LANCASTER FARMING } 80x609, Ephrata, PA 17522 NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets Name Addrei City _ Zip— Please pubttsh my. starting with the # I enclose □ Check Enclosed □ Visa(l3 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) Card# Exp. Date; Signatun Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. 3* 37 31 39 40 ■ ■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ - 1070 Ford Rirfrho# Moriol MMI is the legion's largest s“' dairy producer-owned cooperative $12,500 080 and die 73rd largest U.S. food (717)366-4809 company. Headquartered in Strongsville, Ohio. MMI is owned by 9,000 dairy farm families in an 11-state area, including Ohio, In diana, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New York, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Vermont and Delaware. In fiscal year 1995, MMI mar keted and processed more than 7.1 billion pounds or 824 million gallons of milk and generated re venues of just over $1 billion. 1966 INTL Tandem; 671 Detroit; 10spd; air brakes; wlB' Omaha Dump Grain Body, $2,900. (410)557-6161. 1971 Gleaner K, like new, 2-40“ header $ 12‘ rigid table, very good, $4,950.; Ml picker, 2-30“, 12 roll bed. priced reasonable. Call Sam, 8 to 5. 717-630-2736 Phone( ) word ad times issue. Classify under (Be sure to include all numbers) 1977 4400 diesel, air, 90% tires, super sharp, $8,950. Deere 215 flex 8 low tin 643. 1-800-248-2151 1978 Kubota L 260 tractor w/loader, diesel, 26hp, 3pth, PTO, $3,750. (410)658-2886. 1979 4400 Deere combine, big tires, E.H.C., chopper, super clean, $10,850. Finance. Call Sam. 717-630-2736 VISA PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER State 1979 International 1440 axle flow combine, 2900 hn., 13', 1810 grainhead, 4R 843 oomhead, 1 owner. 814-629-9566. 1979 International 1440 Axial Flow Combine, 863 Com Hoad, Excaflent Con dition. (410)775-7519. 1980 Gleaner N 5, only 1200 seperator hours., working in field now, $19,800. 717-437-2604. 1981 Gleaner F 2, AC, com plus, extra sharp, $12,900. 1-600-919-3322. 1982 Deere 6620, low hrs., Indiana machine, emma culate, 90% tires, $26,650. 77 6600, 404 engine, hy dro. $9,850. 6600 diesel, 50 hre. on engine major, $6,500. Larry Stator, “The Combine Man' 1-800-248-2151 1982 MF 550 hydro., diesel, AC, nice, $9BOO. 717-437-2604. 1986, 1988, 1989 Case 1845 C Skid Steer loaders, low hours, nice; Call 717/532-9472. 1986 JD 1250 2WD w/100 Loader, 3300 Hours, $10,600 (410)374-6309. 1986 Pete Model 359 trac tor; 36* walk-in sleeper; Cat 400; recent major; 460 k mi; lake; alum wheels; wet-line, $29,500. 410-557-6161. 1991 CASE INI. farm trac tor w/1200 hrs., kid. 2-flial mower attachments, IS' cut, $16,500 OBO; 302/368-2824. 25,000 Watt, 3 phase alter nator, never used, $2,000. Muncy, PA, (717)458-4403. & Master Card f ADTORTISING RATES* j »45c per word per week -1 or 2 times j r 40C per word per week - 3 or more times j ( Words f up to 11 } 12 I 13 t 14 I 15 \ 16 > 17 i 18 i 19 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 21, 1995-D5 •81 4400,23* rubber, off of an aetata, $11,000.; Deara 443, $3,050.; 444, $2,850.; 1083 JP 215 haadar, sharp. Trada & Rnanca. Call Sam, 717-630-2736 or 1-800-248-2151 AC 186 w/loadar, good condition, $4BOO. 610-932-5576. AC 7045 diasal, power shift, new tirap 6 paint, fully serviced, excellent condi tion, $12,500. 717-786-6123. AC 010 tractor, factory. 3pt, vary good condition, $4OOO. 301-845-8029. AC G Gleaner Combine, 15' grain table, #438 com head, shad kept, $6OOO 080. 4101634-2022. AftW Dynomometer modal 375, bought new, approx. 80 hours use, will test 200 hp at 540 RPM, 400 hp 1000 RPM. Like brand new. $5500.410-756-4036 days; 410-756-1466 evenings. BACKHOE FORD 420 w/ cab, cametery machine, $5,500. 410-833-0091 BATWINQ MOWERS, new WOODS 15' A 2C, $6,500. I $8,500. 410-833-9001 BATWINQ MOWER WOODS 315, nice shape, $4,500. 410-633-9091 BELARUS 820, 85 h.p., diesel, 4x4, cab w/toader, $7,300. 410-833-9091 BELTING: We specialize in flat belting, cut to order, baler throwers, self unload ing wagons, long table blower belts. Franklin Co. 717-2630573. NO Sunday calls. Bobcat 743 diesel skid loader, 2600 hours, good rubber, 1988 model, auxil iary hydraulics, asking $8,500 080. (814)766-3393. 11 word minimum 1 Time 2 Times 4.95 9.90 5.40 10.80 5.85 11.70 6.30 12.60 6.75 13.50 7.20 14.40 7.65 15.30 8.10 16.20 8.55 17.10 9.00 18.00 DEADUNES: SECTION C - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION (2) BPly. 18-438 Tractor Time, 60% Tread, for 806 International Tractor. (717)205-3137. (717)684-8780. (3) gravity bins, 175-276 bushel. NH 28 blower. 717-6654743. 46005 U Ford tractor w/ Ford loader, 1 original owner, lees than 1700 hrs., excellent condition. 301-334-0765. 5140 Case INT. full cab wMWD, 1400 hrs.; 885 Case INT. 4WD w/2255 loader, 2200 hrs; 203/484-0687. 6600 diesal combine, 50 hrs. on engine overhaul, $6,950. Can Rnanca. Call Stephen, Leave Message. 717-240-2317 6620 Sidehill, very good, $26,900. Financing. Call Sam. 717-630-2736 703 Uni tractor w/737 husking bed and either 743 W or 743 N head, Very good unit, 2300 hrs., see it workl $B5OO complete. 717-753-3210. 705 Uni diesal, 737 husker, 743 com head, low hours, (301)8937426. 78 7700 hydro combine, 643, 215 (lex, super nice, $21,900. Finance. Call Sam. 717-6332736 811 Northwestern skid loader. NH 479 9' haybine. Lancaster County. (717)6235460. Brillion 9' cu Hi packer. JD 5 bottom plow. AC 4 bottom plow. (717)2331766. BUSH HOG Ford 944, T, two tail whls, $7OO. 4138339091 Bush Hog 10* pull-type rot ary mowers. $3995. Ta neytown Farm Equipment 410/751-1500. Bus hog s', JO 506, $650. (215)7639519. 3 Tlmei 13.20 14.40 15.60 16.80 18.00 19.20 20.40 21.60 22.80 24.00 r —S**.