Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 144

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    TIMONIUM, Md. Breeden
paraded 67 heifers, 11 bulls, and
two cow-calf pain for judge Jim
Gillooly, Washington. Ind., at the
1995 Eastern National Angus
Show here recently.
Top honon in the bull show
went to O S U Mr Ultra 4162, the
senior bull calf champion. Star
Lake Cattle Co., Skiatook, Okla.,
owns the September 1994 son of
O S U 6T6 Ultra.
The reserve grand champion
bull award was given to Maple
crest Kramer, a February 1994 son
of G D A R Executive 727. Ma
plecrest Farms, Decatur, Ohio, ex
hibited the entry that was first
named the junior champion.
In the heifer competition. Clear
View Farm, Louisa, Va.. took
both top positions. The grand
champion title was awarded to
Ankony Pride V 714, a February
1994 daughter of N Bar Emulation
EXT. She fust topped the entries
in the junior division. A February
1995 daughter of N Bar Emulation
EXT, Ankony Camilla Bell C V,
was the reserve winner. She was
also the junior heifer calf cham
A complete list of winners fol
Timonium, Maryland
HEIFERS ((7 Shown)
Junior Hollar CaH Champion - Antony
Camilla Ball C V. Exhibitor Clear View Farm,
Louisa, VA.
Raaarva Junior HaHar Calf Champion -
Wayvisw Prlmraaa 8, Kyla Panick, Habron,
Senior HaHar CaH Champion - D A Gln
ger Thyme 644, Mark Moxtay, West Friend
ship, MO.
Raaarva Senior HaHar Call Cham plan -
Rolling Knoll Jewel, Becky Walker, Damas
cus. Md.
IntermedMa Champion HaHar - Daltons
ST. JOSEPH, Mo.—Judge Don
Boggs, Brookings, S.D., evaluated
the 63 heifer, bull and cow-calf
pair entries that were exhibited at
the 1995 Kansas State Fair Angus
Show. Breeders from five states
were recognized with champion
honors at the event held Sept. 9 in
Top honors in the bull competi
tion went to Scdgwicks Dividend
4174, a March 1994 son of TC
Dividend 963, after first winning
the junior division. The grand
champion is owned by McCurry
Brothers, Sedgwick, Kan.; Black
Wave, Middletown, Md.; and
Middleficld Farms, Fort Collings,
Donamcrc Krugerrand 2993
captured the reserve grand champ
ion bull award for Quirk Land &
Cattle Co., Hastings, Neb. The
June 1993 son of Krugerrand of
Donamcrc 490 was also the senior
In the heifer show, Kansas
junior Angus breeder J.W.
McCurry, Mt. Hope, led Scdg
wicks Barbara 9054 to the grand
champion title. His March 1994
junior champion is sired by TC
Dividend 963.
Jacs Latoya of 3K Cattle was
Boggs’ pick for reserve grand
champion heifer. Raclynn Brcm
bcr, Blakesburg, lowa, owns the
February 1994 daughter of Jacs
Lombardi 1335. She qualified for
the honor by first being named the
reserve junior champion.
A complete list of winners
1995 Kansas Stats Fair
Angus Show
Hutchinson, Kansas
Total number shown 63
Judge Don Boggs, Brookings, South
Hsilars: 45 Shown. Junior Heifer Calf
Champion Kmnaber Miss Gina 581 E; Exhi-
Eastern National Angus Show Draws 80 Entries
O S U Mr Ultra 4162 was the grand champion bull at the
1995 Eastern National Angus Show in Timonlum, Md. Star
Lake Cattle Co., Skiatook, Okla., owns the September 1994
son of O S U 6T6 Ultra. He was first honored as the senior
bull calf champion.
Belle Anna, Judion Dalton, Altavista, VA.
Reaerva Intermediate Champion Halter
- B S F Mu Aberdeen 390, Way View
Farms Inc., a Ballard Stock Farm Nashport,
Junior Champion Halter - Ankony Pride
V 714, Clear View Farm. Louisa. Va.
Raaarva Junior Champion HaHar • Way
view Blackia 18, Kyla Panick. Habron. OH.
Senior Champion Female - Wayvisw
Primrose 4, Kyla Panick, Habron, OH.
Raaarva Senior Champion Female •
Branston Maxlll Jo, Brmndston Farm, ML
Airy. MO.
Grand Champion Female - Antony Pride
V 714, dear View Farm, Louisa, VA.
Raaarva Grand Champion Female - An
tony Camilla 801 l C V, Clear View Farm, Lou
isa. VA.
BULLS (11 Shewn)
Junior BUN CaH Champion - Daltons
Monarch, Wynn Dolton, Altavista, VA.
Raaarva Junior Bull CaH Champion • C
A Emulation Kris SO4, Monica Feasor,
Tanaytown, MD.
Senior Bun CaH Champion - O S U Mr
AMta 4162, Star Lake Cattle Co., Skiatook,
Raaarva Senior Bull CaH Champion -
Southsldas Ban do, Douglas Dalton Jr.,
Angus Champions At Kansas Fair
biior: Kmnaber Cattle Company, Courtland, Exhibitor; Gina McCurry, Sedgwick, KS;
KS; Reserve Junior Heifer Calf Champion; Reserve Senior Bull Calf Champion: Laflin
Laflins Lady Oscar 504; Exhibitor Karen Laf- Noir 489; Exhibitor; Karen laflin, Olsburg,
'in, Olsburg, KS; Senior Heifer Calf Champ- KS; Intermediate Champion Bull: Krugerrand
on: Sedgwicks Blackbird 9664; Exhibitor: of Donamere 1214; Exhibitor; TJR Angus,
Grady McCurry, Mt. Hope, KS: Resenre Hastings, NE, A Myron Linstrum, Davenport,
Senior Heifer Calf Champion; CTMCV 802 WA; Reserve Intermediate Champion Bull;
Mag 11D; Exhibits' - Ch'istopher Taliaferro, Silver Ridge Levi; Exhibitor; Heartland
Effingham, KS; Intermediate Champion Half- Angus, Lawrence, KS; Junior Champion Bull;
er: MCC Miss Juice; Exhibitor; Jamie Meyer, Sedgwicks Dividend 4174; Exhibitor: MoCur-
Douglass, KS; Reserve Intermediate ry Brothers, Sodwick, KS; Black Wave, Mid-
Champion Heifer: Springvale Blackcap dletown, MD; 8 Middlefield Farms, Fort Col-
Queen 34; Exhibitor; Bill Splitter, Utica, KS; ims, CO; Reserve Junior Champion Bull;
Junior Champion Heifer. Sedgwicks Barbara QLC Krugerrand Y118D; Exhibitor: Fred
9054; Exhibitor; JW. McCurry, Mt. Hope, Kraye, Mullen, NE; Senior Champion Bull:
KS; Reserve Junior Champion Heifer; Jacs Donamere Krugerrand 2993; Exhibitor: Quirk
Latoya of 3K Cattle; Exhibitor: Raelynn Bre- Land & Cattle Company, Hastings, NE;
mer, Blakesburg, lA, Senior Champion Reserve Senior Champion Bull: None; Grand
Female: Laflins Sunset Galaxy 369; Exhibi- Champion Bull; Sedgwicks Dividend 4174;
tor Karen Laflin, Olsburg, KS; Resenre Exhibitor- McCurry Brothers, Sedgwick, KS;
Senior Champion Female: Sedgwicks Erica Black Wave, Middletown, MD; A Middlefield
8793; Exhibitor Kami McCurry, Mt. Hope, Farms, Fort Collins, CO; Resenre Grand
KS; Grand Champion Female: Sedgwicks Champion Bull; Donamere Krugerrand 2993;
Barbara 9054; Exhibitor- JW. McCurry, Mt. Exhibitor. Quirk Land A Cattle Company,
Hope, KS; Reserve Grand Champion Hastings NE.
Female-Jacs Latoya of 3K Cattle; Exhibitor Cow-Calf Pairs; 1 Shown. Grand
Raelynn Bremer, Blakesburg, IA Champion Cow-Calf; KM Blackbird Linda Sedgwicks Dividend 4174 tOOk the grand Champion bull
Bulls: 17 Shown. Junior Bull Calf Champ- 323, Exhibitor: Joel Green, Fredonia, KS. honors at the 1995 Kansas Qtata Pair Annus Chnuu in
ion Sedgwicks 1483 6335, Exhibitor. McCur- Group Classes. Get-of-Sire: TC Dividend ‘ ® statS ,
ry Brothers, Sedgwick, KS; Resenre Junior 963; Exhibitor-McCurry Brothers, Sedgwick, MUtChlnSOn. The March 1994 SOn Of TC Dividend 963 IS
Bull Calf Champion TJR Krugerrand T 569, KS; Junior Get-of-Sire: Minerts Fortune owned by McCuriV Brothers, SedgWlCk, Kan.; Black Wave,
Exhibitor: TJR Angus, Hastings, NE; Senior 2000, Exhibitor: Karen Laflin, Olsburg, KS. Middletown Mri • and Middlefield Parms Prtrt Pnlllne rnln
Bull Calf Champion Sedgwicks 1483 5374; Best Six Head: McCurry Brothers, Sedgwick, MIQOieiOWn, MO., ana MiadieTieid Farms, FOII COIIInS, COIO.
ks , He was also the junior chamolon.
Farm Cfity Festival A Hit
The Second Annual Farm City
Day Festival was once again a hit,
with kids of all ages joining in the
More than 1,100 people attend
ed the Adams County Farm City
Festival and Farm Open House
held at Getty Acres Holstein
Farm, owned by Larry and Doris
Wilkinson, Ed and Tina Wilkin
son, and Dan and Laurie Wilkin
son and families.
The Festival was held to reach
the general public and educate
them about current agricultural
practices and our basic need for
During the day, kids could visit
the petting zoo, and could also en
joy free pony rides, apple bob-
Sycamore, VA.
Intermediate Chemplon Bull - Wayview
Touchstone, Kyle Penlck, Hebron, OH.
Reeecve Intermediate Champion Bull -
Brandston 727 Razor, Brandston Farm, Mt.
Airy, MO.
Junior Champion Bull • Maplecrost
Kramer, Maplocrest Farms, Decatur, OH.
Reserve Junior Champion BuH - South
Branch Trans Am 1084, Sunset Hollow
Farm. Hanover, PA A South Branch Farms.
Sevan Valleys, PA.
Senior Champion Bull • HH Crest Viper
033, Annlield Corporation, Boyce, VA: Susan
Rucker, Dolaplana, VA; A Houston Moore
Jr., Lawisburg, WV.
Reserve Senior Champion Bull • None.
Grand Champion Bull • O S U Mr Ultra
4162. Star Lake Cattle Co., Sfclatook, OK.
Raaatva Grand Champion Bull - Maple
crest Kramer, Maplocrest Farms. Decatur,
Grand Champion Cow-Calf ■ Kruegers
Senara 1060, Jeremy Andrews, ML Airy,
Reserve Grand Champion CowCaH -
Thombrook Btackio. Mark Butler, Emmlts
bitrg, MD.
Beet 81* Heed-Kyle Per**, Hebron, OH.
bmg, face painting, and balloons.
Meanwhile the adults could visit
the displays and exhibits present
ed by county commodity groups.
Adams County Apple Queen
Kristin Johnson, Adams County
Beef Queen Emily Miller, and
Adams County Dairy Princess Ju
lie Zepp were all there to promote
the benefits of animal products to
consumers and to hand out promo
tional goodies to'the kids.
There were also antique trac
tors, an emu display, and a mulch
hay/mushroom industry exhibit.
Children could also register to
participate in tug-of-war, pedal
tractor pulls, and a pie eating con
test There was even a milk carton
boat race contest for kids who
brought their own milk carton
Ankony Pride V 714 topped the heifer .entries althe 1995
Eastern National Angus Show In Tlmonlum, Md. The grand
champion is a February 1994 daughter of N Bar Emulation
EXT. Clear View Farm, Louisa, Va., owns the entry that was
first named Junior champion.
Wayview Erica 263 was tha grand champion female at
the 1995 Eastern National Junior Angus Show in Tlmon
lum, Md. Kyle Penlck, Hebron, Ohio, owns tha May 1994
daughter of S A V Security. She was also the intermediate
boats. A celebrity milking contest
was held with local radio person
alities and Adams County com
missioners vying for the coveted
title of champion milker. The
grand finale of the day was a cow
chip bingo held in the Wilkinson's
field, for which people could pur
chase tickets throughout the day.
Everyone could travel on an
educational hay-wagon ride to see
the crops produced on the Wilkin
son farm and visit the Wilkinson’s
milking parlor, dairy housing fa
cilities, feeding facilities, and
manure handling facilities. During
this hayride, tour guides explained
conservation practices, crop rota
tion. and other general cropping
practices. Participants could also
see modem farm machinery, rang
ing from tractors and harvesting
equipment to tractor-trailers.
Throughout the day, Adams
County food commodities were
available at the concession stand.
There was also live music present
ed by Ray Owens. Hiis event was
co-sponsored by the Adams Coun
ty Farm-City Week Committee,
Adams County Farm Bureau, Ki
wanis Club of Historic Gettys
burg, Gettysburg/Adams County
Chamber of Commerce, and the
Upper Adams Jaycees.