Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 125
K| MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: Used dasks, files, chain, drafting table, blue print filet, fireproof filet, ole. MOLTS Ephrata, PA 717-858-1617. Free Government Grants! Billions Available! Never Repay) Cash For Farmers. Call (24HRS) 1(619)589-3602. Glass front doll case (S') w/oompraeaor $600.8’ S/S work table, shelf on top, re frigerator beneath $450. S/S sink $lOO. 4’ Bain Marie $3OO. Montgomery County (215)822-7415. Hobart Meat Bandsaw, Ex cellent Condition, 3 Phase, $1450. (717)263-3404. IngertoN Air Compressor, 10hp w/tank, $1250. 717/354-3105. Large selection of Wild life Collectible Decenturee (Ski Country, Ezra Brooks, Limestone) Would like to tell in quantity. 610-756-6644. Lathe, Ikegai A20,20*x60‘, #138241, $6450. 717/354-3105. ' Lathe, Lodge 6 Shipley, 24* swing, 60* center, w/20hp 3pn motor, thraad 2Vi* hole, $3250. 717/354-3105. PA Duck Stamp, Gold Me dallion series prints, framed, al same nwnber. Ist 11 years including 2 Ned Smith prints. 610-7566644. Milling Machine, Bridge port type, $2250. 717/354-3105 Lancaster Co. paying up to (2.50/sq.fL for wide waflt nnooth attic floor. We re move. Also paying $.50-$l.OO for pine and oak aiding 1’ 6 thicker. WANTED: Cypress walk boards. 800/765-3066. Perm. magnetic chuck, 8"x24", $350. 717/354-3105. Portabia truck scale, 10x50, SO ton, fully elec- Ironic and balance beam, new in 1991; 607/278-6864. Taxidermy Mounts for Sale; mounted life size deer, life size bear, (2) Bobcats and a Mountain Lion. (610)756-6644. Two year-old WaV-McLain oil hot water furnace, 151,000 BTU, very good condition, $550. Daniel F. Stoltzfus, 4452 Forge Road, Oxford, PA 19363. Used Hammond dust od- Isctors DK-6 1200CFM; prices range from |400.00-$1,000.00. (17)792-6201. WANTED: Used tools sod machinery. Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign or Finder. B.J.TOOL* SUPPLY, RT 422 W, Myerstown, PA. 1-800-772-9645. Whitney Jansen Ihraatless power thaara, #II4FM, w/ stand, $1250. 717/354-3105. AUTOS ANTIQUES Reid 15hp engine, re stored; IShp Bessemer. $l5OO/ea. Consider trade on small engines. 814-589-7973 NO Sunday cals. jCKIBECfIEATIOWAL m VEHICLES 1983 Coachmen 33' class A motorhome; 454 Chev., 25,000 miles; 6.5 KW generator; dual A/C, plus mors; sleeps 6; Iks new. Asking $28,000, price ne gotiable. Call 4717)362-9722. AUTOS 1927 Buick, rMtorabto, fair ihapa. 717-626-6460. 1952 Jeepsler yellow with a Mack rag top, side cur tins, wire wheels, wide white wads, no rust or rot, 6 cyl. flat head. Firm price of $lO,OOO. Cali evenings, (717)5866360. 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook, 4 door sedan, good condi tion. $1,900. Call (717)9336239. 1984 Jeep Scrambler, 4Cyi. 4Spd„ 4WD, Excel lent Shape, $3250. (717)6969239. 1986 Toyota Camry, turbo diesel, automatic, AC, tilt cruise, cassette, 74,000 miles, $4900. 7176665788. 1991 Mscury Topaz OS, 28,000 miles, $6900TOBO; 717/2706064. '57 Chevy station wagon; *57 Chevy 4 door; '62 Chevy hardtop; '49 Chevy pickup truck; ‘65 Chevy hardtop; Javelin. All parts cars. 2169264618. *6416 Mustang coupe, D code, solid body and floors, brand new engine, $l5OO in new parts, needs to be put together, $6OOO 080. 610-776-5688. '75 International tandem, 238 Detroit, 13-spaed, 54,500 GVW, 18', 5-com partment feed body, $7600. 717-463-3931. 'B5 Tempo, 5 speed, over drive, nice, $950; 37 Spec trum, auto, high mileage, good condition, $1400; '67 Olds Cutless, high mi leage, excellent condition, $2300. 717-865-4696. CHEVY'S, FORD'S, etc. Cars and bucks. Over 300 vehicles. Every Monday 6:3OPM. PUBLIC AND DEALERS. YORK SPRINGS PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION. RT 16. York Springs, PA 1-800-222-2036. Fords, Chevys, Etc. Over 100 available every W«l -nesday 6:30 PM. YORK PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION. Exit 12 Interstate 83. tags and transfers available w/ proof of insurance. 717-266-5634. ~ Auctioned Wwkly TRUCKS S TRAILERS 8 1975 KW W9OO 350 Cummins, Jake, 13 Spd., New 5 Rod & Main Bearings & Injectors |i 10,000 Miles Ago, <1 New Brakes & Drums ' i Also - 3 Bulk Milk Pickup Tankers, 3 For Storage or Rebuild, 5,100 Gal., s 5,800 Gal. & 6,000 Gal. > $5,000 080 Leave Message (610) 970-7867 ■*' L . 1962 DM Mack tri-axla dump truck, 237 angina, 6 apaad. 44 raar; Michigan payloadar w/naw angina, D 5 caterpillar, good condi tion: 1975 Int rollback, CAT motor, 5 apaad trans mission, 2 apaad raar, good condition; 1972 Ford rollback, CAT motor, 5 apaad trana., 2 apaad raar; 1975 Mack roll off truck, 6000 Iba. Adaa hoist, tri axla, 237,6 apaad. 44 raar. 610-286-5172. v 1983 Chovy 7000 roman. 366 nico cab, parts or whole; 1982 Ford, strong, 370 nice cab and hood, whola or parts. 610-932-5578. 1983 Mack MR garbage truck, tandam, Oamstar packer. $8,500. 1071 LN Ford rollbed, Cummins an gina, $7,500. (610)944-9871, (610)944-7005. 1984 Bronco, 300 d, 6 cy lindw, 4 apaad, manual huba, air cruisa, atarao, 107 K, $3,900. 1717)202-2587. . BP^^ M Ford F 250 4x4 XLT Lariat 00 Ford FOOO Cab ft Chaaala 7.3 Dlaaal, Auto, PS, AC, 370 V-* Qaa, 22,602 Mllaa 132,012 Mllaa, “Qaragad” Vary Nlea Original Truck *10,900 *11,900 . •7IHC-IMOl4' BOX DIOMI, NIC* *8,750 B&KMi •3 Chtvy Suburban 4x4, •# Chaw 4x4 w/Waatarn Plow, Fully Equip., High Mllaa V». Auto, 35,000 Mllaa •17,900 *6.990 •7 Ford F-3SO Crtw C«b V-a.Airto.PS.AC •6,750 '* . ih. ? 'Si • *. s^dP * •0 Dodga EXT Carao Van 5.2 V-a, Auto, PS, AC, M.SO2 *6,090 ipaad, Rad, M|2oo Milas -Sharp *12,900 SBRIBMp mp^r^ •7 FORD CF 6,000 Cab k Chassis, 8 Cyl., Oisssl, 5 Spsad, 28,500 QVW, 157,000 Milas *8.900 93 Chav Suburban Sllvarado 1987 Ford FISO Work Truck, 4x4 Fully Equip. 59,675 Mllaa, 6 Cyl., Manual, “Not Fancy" Maroon A Tan Color •2,990 *23,900 95 Nlaaan Pathtlndar XE V 6, 68 Ford F2SO Ext-Cab 4x4, Auto, PS, PB, AC, 21,200 Utility Box, 351 VB, Auto, PS, Mllaa *22,900 AC *8,990 (2 Ford F7OO His ft Hsr's TWo-Man Buekst Truck, 41' Platform Hslght *14,900 ■-T l •1 Ford EISO Cargo Van 4.9 Utar, • Cyl., Auto, PS, PB.AC •7,990 ... Miglw _ 5 Spssd, Unusually Hlcsl *11.900 •4 Chav K 3500 Turbo Dloml 4x4, Ext. Cab, Dually, Sllvarado, 23,60* •28,000 91 Ford FI 50 6 Cyl„ Auto, PS, AC *5,900 . Jtv*'* 90 Jeep Cherokee Limited 4 Liter, Navy Flnlehed, Fully Equip., Local One Owner, 50,20 t Milae *14.090 IS Ford F-350 Craw Csb Dually, 460 E.F.1., Auto, PS, ac $11,900