C26-L«ncast»r Farming, Saturday, October 21, 1995 Idkho Alfalfa Top Quality, High Protein Call Brad or Kayo 800-223-7163 Spencer Hill Farm selling all types of hay. 717/942-6466 SELLING HIGH MOISTURE CORN Will Deliver LUKE H. KURTZ L' 610-944-0263 Berks Co. Alfalfa Seed Taking Orders. * Tested for germination and purity. * Will ship UPS. * $1.65/lb., * 50 lb. bags. Homestead Nutrition Inc. (717)354-4398 WANTED , Large Square ; Bales of Grass ! Hay for Mulch ]: Picked up at your farm i John J. Murray (610) 444-1651 '•mm* Kiln dried sawdust & shavings Delivered in 30.50 yard bulk loads Serving New Jersey & Bucks Co., PA STEVE TRSTENSKY 908-996-2656 Hay - Straw - Shavings - Shredded Newsprint - Peat Moss Western-grown irrigated alfalfa Bishop Hay 607-865-6278 R-K.^OGT "“5“* PA BUYING BAR CORN, SHELLED CORN & WHEAT (717) 653-2510 1 (800) 654-2510 Spot or contract prims available EAR CORN FOR SALE DELIVERED TO THE FARM _s % NELSON L. ROHRER £ Extruded * Soybeans 4 Bagged 80 lb. or Bulk ? Shelled Corn. Ear Corn and £ Soybeans - Barley ft Wheat | Buying - Drying - Contracting * (717) 569-7929 % (717) 569-4383 1-800/758-3226 - bulk Order early, limited supply due to drought conditions FOR SALE Peanut Hulls, Sawdust & Shavings Hay & Straw Bulk - Bagged - Bales 717-529-2855 If no answer 717-529-2552 R A I Vi*VV'Vi*i*Vi*VV‘W r)«ec)««)«« >m< )«< w w >»< *«|| EAR CORN WANTED £ | Picked up or delivered. Prompt Pay. | v Kreider & Faus Farms * ” - 44 * Mervin M. Kreider 717-933-8943 c Daniel 717-933-8473 || | No Sunday Calls | f We nil everything you need to meke e quelity feed J/^NUTRITION Base Mixes - Medications - Vlt-Mln Paks Animal Health Suppllea Creep and Nursery Pellets (717) 354-5741 475 VoganviUs Rd. Lve. msge. 656-1095 New Holland, PA 17557 WANTED TO BUT: Organic Corn, Soybeans < Barley or Wheat Must Be All Chemical and Commercial Fertilizer Free For At Least Last 3 Years Affidavit Required Paying Premium Prices CORNERSTONE GRAIN (610)693-5529 Kiln Dried Wood Shavings & Sawdust . Delivered In Bags or Bulk ★ Ideal Material For Dairy Cows ★ Bales of Pine Shavings ★ Clean Shavings and Sawdust For Horses ★ Mushroom Mulch Penn Ag Products (1 1 ) 403 S. Custer Ave. New Holland, PA 17557 Ph, 717/354-4174 Fancy Timothy and Timothy Alfalfa Mix $l5O-$l6O/Ton Race Horse Quality • Mixed grass hay for horses, heifers or dry cows $lOO-$llO/ton • Dry clean straw $lOO/ton • Straight alfalfa also available Delivered free in truck load lots within 100 miles of Hanover, PA Further delivery available anywhere Pleasant Hill Farm 717-633-7002 days 717-637-7586 eves. Locust Brook AG Center Feeds and Seeds Sales-Service— Delivery 717/665-4821 • 1-800-248-4418 1822 Mastersonvllle Road Manhelm, PA 17545-9433 Seed Bariev Seed Wheat Pamunkey Dynasty Pennco Cardinal Wysor Sawyer Pennbar 66 Hickory Starling • Hoffman 89 Coker Seed Oflts Agra 863 Spring (Cover) 876 Speltz 915 Antifreeze Cover Crop Ryg Custom mixos Group Buying Plan Delivary Available /7T\ M.H. MARTIN U j) LANCASTER COUNTY. PA (717) 738-131^ WHITE PINE SHAVINGS Picked Up At Barn $3.50 Per Bale naliuaroH 30 bale® $120“ Delivered bateB $225“ (4 cu. ft.) 120 bales $450“ Bagged Dry Shaving* For Dairy ft Horses Picked Up @ Bam - $2.50/Bag 30. :..$100“ Bags (4 cu. ft.)} 60 slBo* Delivered > 20 0 bu. bulk $1 SO* Save This Ad Attention dairymen and ranchers. If you are looking for top quality small square bales of alfalfa and timothy /alfalfa, clover and straw Sprung Farms has a large supply of high quality New Yorks finest. Satisfaction guaranteed. Delivery possible to any location. We also drop partial loads. 716-768-BSB2 S| KILN DRIED WHITE PINE g WOOD SHAVINGS 3 bagged - dust free 1/2 or full trailer loads Call Bob or Rob 1 (800) 433-7431 Mid-West Wood Shavings Box 513 Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44222 Have you tried toasted grains? Consider these advantages over traditional roasting methods: ♦ Consistent by-pass proteins and low moisture levels. ♦ Improved energy density of your rations. ♦ Excellent quality control ♦ Exchange programs With feed mills ♦ Economical storage, rolling and grinding available. ♦ We also buy com and soybeans For more information call (717) 866-BEMU (%w<