Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 116
C24-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 21, 1995 US] SHEEP i ■■ GOATS Boar goats, full blood and 1/2 blood. SO head shipped every month. Many ages and varieties to meet your breeding program needs All goats ABGA registered. Prices starting at $3OO. Call His Kids. (215)766-2706. Dorset Ram: bom 9/25194. (f BOARS YORKSHIREHAMPSHIRE Nix Besser bloodllines, HAMP DUROC CROSSES BiSSSI Carr °" ’ and Buy" Directly SWEDISH BOARS GaMionTOK) grader super- ,or^at& .o,neye charged Cummins front 5*50-5400 blade, 2nd owner. $3,000. Full-blood. Open Gilts, Club Pigs, Feeder Pigs 1965 Eager Beaver Bucks Starting Certified Free Herd 18,000, tri-axle trailer, At $5OO ««v snap $1,400. IIMIMSSZ ' , /“***" ov ** l SHEEP EQUIPMENT: went«lMM-1102 VV Lean Cut out PercgntagesAyallabjg Poldenvale steel portable handleing system com plete w/panels, sorting gates, swing gates etc. Fiberglas foot bath, wool rack, creep gate, Martin hy draulic scale. Asking $2,300 for all. Wooden pens, tanks, hay feeders and mice, supplies for 500 sheep operation. Call Sunday- Thursday 7am-9;3opm (717)549-7571. Suffolk Rom, Reg. 3 year old, proven producer. 410-239-7434; 410-239-1922. WANTED TO BUY: Span ish or Spanish cross nan nies. 717-363-2106 717-363-2385. Purebred Finn ewes bred to Dorset ram, to start lambing 10/17/95. Dauphin County, (717)362-3634. Registered Cheviot Year- ling, 4-H Animal. $l5O (814)632-6801. I HOOVER BOER GOATS Tyron, PA 16686 814-804-0302 Jayton, TX 79528 806-237-2006 Full blood bucko 8 dooo Top bloodlines - Full blood bucks for lease. Live pasture breeding and frozen semen available. Quality half bloods and 3/4 bloods, kids at all times | Cathy Hoover Jj RD 3, Box 4626, Tyron, PA 16686 SMaaaaaaaaaiiiiaaniiMnnni l Texas guided 1 I hunts: | Wv* !| Quail, deer and turkey S VL. w * Nov. Ito Feb. 28,1996 | s Hogor Hoover g . if a FOB 3 g j Jayton, TX 79528 g SWINE Boars, Gilts, Club Pigs. Healthy proven herd. Great pricing! 717-345-8035. Boars, Ready for Service, Hamp and York Hamp X. Rugged, Big Boned and Long. $175. Delivery Any where Free in Lane. Co. (717)637-7586 Early or Late or (717)633-7002 Daytime. Yorkshire and Hampshire boars and gilts from healthy and productive herd, Delivery available. Charles B. and Mark W. Hall, RD«I. Box 263, Ju lian, PA 16844. Centre County. (814)355-1647. GILTS $40.00 Over Market Swedish York & York x Hamp BOARS YORK -HAMP-DUROC Custom Ordered Bred Gilts WILSON YORKSHIRES RDM Box 210 New Freedom, PA 17349 717-235-3478 Lambs: 600, whethars, ewes. 70# average, feed ers market breeding, pas ture raised organically, verv dean healthy, Pickup at farm, Monsour Slieep Farm, Bedford, PA, 15522, (814)623-8243. Purebred Jacob sheep, 3 rams, 13-years-old, proven breeder, 2-horned. (717)786-8154 between 8-8:30. * /•_ Bred Sows and Gilts: PIC and Lieske genetics due late October, November, and December, $250 each. (717)927-9765. m HOLLOWAY DUROCS M P.O. B( 7327 * 717-235-6966 M 1995 GRAND CHAMPION & RESERVE CHAMPION PA FARM SHOW Grand Champion Duroc Boar, Hampshire Boar, Hamp Gilt Spnng PA State Show & Sale SUMMER TYPE CONFERENCE - SPRINGFIELD, IL Top Selling EPD Boar 2nd Top Selling Open Gilt FALL PA STATE SALE Grand Champion Hampshire Gilt Reserve Champion Hampshire Boar Reserve Champion Duroc Boar 1995 KEYSTONE RESULTS • Res. Champion Hampshire Boar * Grand Champion Durco Barrow • Res. Champion Duroc Boar ■ Res. Champion Duroc Barrow • Res. Champion Duroc Gilt . , II izzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzil Good, healthy .feeder pigs for sale. 50-75 per week. Can deliver. Ken Gebhart, (717)637-0192. Hi Performance Breeding Stock. 100 Gilts Ready to be Bred 250 Lbs. Swedish, York. Largo White. Scanned, Vaccinated, Ear Tagged. $25 over market 717-637-0192. The pigT)T Tomorrow at*Oui'Pl'ace'rwi ”7 ;= o Vti SI ' Genetics L£.jr Large whites -->!■—l FI Crossbreds rJK. R A* S BRED GILTS - OPEN GILTS - BOARS Write Or Phone For Your Needs. : r Certified Brucellosis end Pseudorabies Free Hsrd Reno Thomas (717) 658-5821 RD #l, Box 24/'Q, Beavertown, PA 17813 ATTENTION PORK PRODUCERS If you believe your choice of genetic seed stock line affects your bottom line, all you need to do is memorize this number... 717-949-3990 THRM6S S€ND P€NN lIHHFR WEW MANAGEMENT Canadian Genetics v Mike Leininger Ray 801 l or Ray Meyer RR 2, Box 416-5 717-295-8791 Myerstown, PA 17067 Fax 717-949-2204 717-949-3990 ABMOILD HOG FABMS Hand Mated Bred Gilts Due Nov.-Dec.-Jan. Carrying Service To Superior Tested Boars ★ 60 open gilts monthly ★ Project Feeder Pigs PA Farm Show ★ 21 Boars Oct.-Nov. Service Scan Figures Available Yorkshire & Landrace Crossbred Hampshire & Duroc Leon L. Arnold Lawrence Arnold 355 Schaeffer Rd 38 W. Four Point Rd. Lebanon, Pa 17042 Womelsdorf, PA 19567 717-273-5880 717-933-8153 Success for us— means Success FOR YOU! Take Advantage of Nationally Known Genetics Available To You Locally. MARYLAND STATE FAIR— SUPREME CHAMPION FEMALE Grand Champion Duroc Boar, Duroc Gilt, Hampshire Gilt RES Champion Hampshire Boar NATIONAL BARROW SHOW Grand Champion Gilt T\vo Class Winning Boars Quality FEEDER PIGS For Sale From Pseudorabies Free Herds Fred Patterson 615-364-7050 Park Thomas Mark Stehr (717) 658-6544 (717) 658-7007 ■MHOGBOUWEMT WKMa supplies Feeling Hog Tied? Check out Polygrate Flooring First. II will be the only inquiry yen'll have le make when shopping lor the nghl fleering lor yeur hog production 1 High Void Space 4. Installation !r Maintenance POLYGRATE ts the only piaihc An anh-corroswc POLYBEAM (laonog with (ugh vnd space hhorglaci support ifiloin mokes laitaUatiottaioap 2 Sanitation POLYGRATE > high void space amt its 5 Superh Traction unique design promotes maximum Different floor cadigurabons (or stU-cieamog vanoui growing stages ore attend POLYGRATE s unique deugo give* 3 Censtructien locked miroctioo Fiberglau reinforced interlocking ptscss lussd with uon corns.v. ">• Ht W ,h fiberglass (rains POLY6IIATE Fleering Systems 1 1 2 5 Croat. First Cbaict it Top Producers IB mMBsS “We’re Here To Serve You” SNOOK’S EQUIPMENT RD 3, Box 130, Mlfflinburg, PA 17844 717-966-2736 Ask For Ernest Or Dean Pride of the farm, 60bu 12-hole hog feeder, excel lent condition; Mlrafount energy free hog waterer, almost new. 717-776-7549. Bobwhite quail started |£J ARTIFICIAL and up F17)653 Cash for Chucker, Quail, n .. —„ Squab, Silky, Rabbits, Peldmonty Semen. 460 Muscovy Ducks, Mallard Units w/Mach 3 Tank. Will Ducks BO BO POULTRY n-ITwIfSSIS 1 ® $2OOO WHOLESALE MARKETS. (717)292-4210. 718-386-1117 6am-3pm. HIGH PRESSURE WASHING AND DISINFECTING • Breeder Houses i Hog Finishing Bams • Layer Houses • Sow Units • Pullet Houses • Dairy Bams • Turkey Houses • Veal Pens • Broiler Houses We Spray For All Types Of Beetles and Insects That Cause Structural Damage to Your Poultry House For More Information Call; BEITZBL S SPRAYING Witmer, PA 17585 717-392-7227 or Toll Free 1-800-727-7228 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM CERTIFIED COMMERCIAL APPLICATORS LICENSED Spraying Since 1961 INSURED |E| POULTRY l SUPPLIES 2 Bolton incubators in good condition, 12,000 chicken egg capacity each. Call (717)365-3234 for price. ICI POULTRY i SUPPLIES ChoreTimo dura-cage sys tem ultra-flow Zggity nip plea Zimmerman scrapers 50kw Kohler automatic generator; 7/48’, 3/36* tans, 1-SHP electric motor diamond 809 cages; F-80 feeders; 3/25T, 1/1 ST bins 25'XIO' auger; Big- Outchman feeder parts (410)848-9368. Farmer Automatic. Cage systems for pullets and lay ers , 4-5-6 decks, 410-833-1840. Full grown Silkies for sale weekly. Call (717)425-2513 days, (717)425-2332 evenings. Pheasants; Ringneck, Chukars, Elliots. Swinhoe, Impeyans, lady Amherst, Red Golden, Silver, Tern minck. Red Leg Partridge, Gamble Quail, Cockabels. 609-299-9131. Shenandoah LP gas brooders, SO units, good condition, one or all. 717-776-7549. Used Poultry Equipment; 4&B' Trough Feeders w/ Legs and Perches, $5 Each; Conventional Nests, 3 Tier, 15 Hole $2O Each; Round Feeders; Egg Ba skets; Wooden Coops and More. Appointment only (717)235-8056. CHUKAR CHICKS 690 Buy 1000 Plus Postage Guaranteed Live Delivery 10,000 weekly WOLFE’S GAMEBIRD HATCHERY RD #2 Box 359 Brookville, Pa i 5825 (814)849-3430 E&E Bam Spraying Introducing “All White" bam spraying. Easy clean up. Compatible with fly sprays. Disinfects. Washes off wind ows & pipelines with ease. 717/949-3212