Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 115
- KsZSI EXOTIC ANIMALS ■ Texas ■ ■H 1 Longhorns 3 SjSScaRBJ I trophy Steers 9 Pft dually males. Reason -0 S able prices, datively avail -1(8141 643-73311 IM. Pheasant Run Farm, (717)739-4852. Ona pair matura, muta, while swans. Lane. Co. ml (717)336-5332 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS , Reg. & Grade Ostriehs, South African A.I. Short Bred *tM pfeed toe* Springers & Open Evenings, (610)287-8006. Calfnood Vaco. Raindaar, soma halter Sold Dairy Cows broke, bottle fad. Baby York, PA Zebra, bottle fad. 717-628-6460. I** CSS29 m (610) 868- Cows, Bulls * II 9 0186 & Heifers t 1 L— —... Choice of □ "22/111* 40 cows SSs^== from herd 19 ? 4 Br*y «iy for IWIM sale, very correct and RHA 9,346, $2 - 000 - 36 ISt (814)364-1884. " 2 wheal braking cart, good hCISerS condition, $350. Ivan 0. ... Stoltzfus, 525 Furnace 717-698-6209 W>-.Quany*k PA 17586 2-wheel rubber tire horse cart, excellent condition, $650. After 7pm, (717)336-7311. Zimmerman’s Custom Freezing Bulls Collected On Your Farm Complete Mobile Unit P.0.80x 43 New Holland, PA 17557 1-800-472-2641 rbairv~Cowa At ) Heifers I j Bought & Sold J i Freddie ) S. Smith j I 703/639-2262 I I Attar 8 PM V 703/382-0570 | WANTED Dairy Cows or Heifers, all ages, registered or grades. (610) 286-9096 (717)656-8420 Holsteins Reg. & id grade Shortbred, Springing & Fresh Heifers & Cows. A.I. Sired and Bred to A.I. Bulls. All Heifers Calihood Vacc. All Cattle on a complete Vacc. Program (302) 424-4570 4 year old taddlabred car riage horse, lots of snap, $l2OO. Samual F. Stolt zfus, 903 A Vintage RD„ Christiana, PA 17509. 4 yr. old to laam, broke to drive $1200.; Lloyd Stolt zfooe, 413 Cains Rd, Gap PA 17527. 5 year old Tenn. Walker, gening, man's horse, great on trails. (717)656-7408. 5 yr. old Black Stan dredbred Trotter, traffic safe and sound, acumi nated, ready for road, car riage Horse; 525 Fumance Rd, Quarryville PA 17566. Byr old Saddlebrad mare, carriage horse, accla mated and ready for trips, a man's horse, shys a little, Jonas F. Miller, 1302 Ash ville, Rd., Oxford, PA 19363. Belgians: beautiful 3 year old mare, show quality, coming 2 year old colts, 'classic breeding’ priced to sell. (410)692-9474 evenings. Clydesdale Morgan crocs bay gelding, 9 years old, 15.2 H, excellent trail hone drives $lBOO firm. 717-739-4046. Emerson- Brantingham spool back buggy, circa 1880’s, $950. Open sleigh, hickory runners, circa 1860's, $775. Both very good condition. John Dud ley, Madison, VA, evenings (540)948-6290. GLICK'S BLACKSMITH AND HORSE DENTIST. Taath floating, hone shoe ing Monday’s. (1) Stati for boarding. 262 Cut Rd., Gap, PA 17527 717-442-9680. Moisture Donkeys; GaW ing $400; weanling Jack $500; (2) yearling Janny’s, 1 bred Jenny. Monroa County. 717-902-4178 De livery available. Miniature Horaaa: 5 year old pinto mara; Filly. 16 months, pinto, A regis tered; 4 year old ataman, sorrel, flax mans and tail, A rsgietarsd. Al vary gently. 717-5204628. Miniaturs donkey, gray weanling jack, very love able, good bloodlines, $5OO. Hillside Farm, 215-723-8400. Mniature horu, beautifully marked eorrel/white Pinto oolU Bom 6/96. AMHA re- r stored. Personality plus, 1,000. Hillside Farm. 215-7234490. HORSES: Waken, Spot ted. Mountain Pleasure. Racking. Ortho-Flax Tack doaier. Uaad horse, stock traitors. SPOTTED FEVER FARM (717)682-7631. Janny Donkay Wanted, 13 hands or mora. (412)935-4423. Marital wagon, good condi tion. Aaron K. Eah, 420 Fumaoo RD„ QuanyvMa, PA 17566. MILL RUN CARRIAGE Ro stering and manufacturing carts, carriages, conchas to your specifications. (610)273-9666, RD«2, Box 7J, Mill Rd„ Honey Brook, PA 19344. MINIATURE DONKEY TALK Magazine. Applic able to ad sized donkeys. Includes donkeys tor sate and health care informa- tion. S2S/yaar, MC/VISA, 1336 Highae Shop, West minstar, MD 21158, (410)8754)118. MINIATURE HORSES Rocky Maadows Is ottering for sate quality registered mini horsaa all under 34*. Al AM HA registered. Wa have a varied selection of agas and colors to choose from, especially Pintos. CaN us for mors details 6 remember ‘You'll Never Know Until You Take a Look* (610)459-1244. Miniature Donkey Jack. Exceptional Disposition and Bloodlines. Berry Patch Farm (717)361-7729. Percheran Horses; 14 Years, White, Geldings, 3 Year Old Grey Mans, 4 and 8 Year Ragistarad Black Mares Bred, 6:45-7:OOAM (717)365-3020. Registered Peroheron mare with *O5 colt foal, drives, works, rides, 16+H, black, sound, gentle. Will sell outright or would live to trade for pair of young healthy Llamas. After SPM 914-482-3509. Jefferson ville. New York 12748. Registered Qtr. horses for team pen and cutting. Doc- Bar, Col. Freck and others, JO-LARR RANCH 301-698-0954. Mules From Roy Epperson |rom Virginia I^kr2K's779 717-786-7990 304 - x Pr. Sol We T E D WORK HORSE. MULE ft DRIVING HORSE SALE SAT., Nov. 4 - 10:30 A.M. HORSES HITCHED ATI;3OA.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT 134 WALLACE RD„ NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS: FROM RT. 23 IN NEW HOLLAND, GO SOUTH ON BRIMMTR AVE., GO 2 MILES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND ROAD TO HILL RU TURN LEFT ON HILL RD. PROCEED 1.2 MILES TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF INTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOLLAND RD., 2.3 MILES TO HILL RD., RIGHT ON HILL RD. TO SALE ON LEFT. Com* and drlva them yoursatf. Bam opan on Frl. Nov. 3 from 9:00 A.M. till dark. MEL'S STABLE OWNER - MEL HOOVER PHONE - HOME - 717-354-8397 BARN • 717-354-8431 AUCT. MSL HOOVaa AUOOSUIL NOT KBSPONaiBLB FOR ACCIDENTS FOOD ON PRKMIBEB Mntahn and smal pony carts hamaas ministura horsss. (717)442-9248; NOVEMBER 51h.... Lud wig's Comar Riding 8 Driv ing Club, Compatitiva mountad oriantaaring. 9AM at Blus Marsh bike. Parking off_RTE 183 ba twaan Raadkig and Dams Vila. FMI 610-458-8448. Six year old gelded bucks kin, Syr old Chastnut geld ing, both broke. Sailing old cracks. After 3pm week days; anytime weekends, (717)949-3756. Standard-brad ..carriage horse, traffic safe, 7-yrs.old, anybody can drive, $1,500; 9-yr.old work, double or single rides, $1,500. 215-536-8210 aftsr spm. Team of Belgian Geldings, 6 Yeats Old, Wal Broke, Asking $3200 w/Hamess. (607)2264320. Thoroughbred Mara, 8, In bred, Northern Dancer, In Fowl, Sun of In Reality. Be in Frederick*burg Sal* in October. 81500. (717)648-5081. azzzzzzzzzzzzzjj Tennessee H B Walker— [j Great on Trailsl K Buy where you have choice, £ M 4Q. horses. m H M !*', Will trade & M j breed. ] Full training i * facility. M 717/225-4811 M tzzzzzzzzzzzzzzij WINDING CREEKS FARM since 1972 [Breeders Of Quality Animals | Miniature Donkeys - Young Jennys & Jacks, All Colors Llamas - Beautiful Young Males, Bred Females Highland Cattle - Nice Group of Young Heifers & Bulls, Bred Cows Also African Pigmy Hedgehogs, Jacob Sheep, Duprasi Lebanon, PA (717) 865-4473 *oke & Iroke. 560 ii ,„r J " c, * t * f ft" l ** O*** *• ,mca 1L yoon, broto to *"*> *s*wwy roan, vary smte, handM by woman. Farceur bloodlines (814)674-8503. 2SL h 2! ,w broke, $BOO. CMit R. Ebmol, 369 OM Christian*, PA R«0. Pareharon black stud, corning 2 yaara old. 10-70£5173 aftf SPU MONARCH HORSE & STOCK TRAILERS Frank Pierce RD 1 - Box 360 Newmanstown, (Schaefferstown) PA 17073 (717)949-3246 14.2 Blonde L 4k Sorrel Jack M ■B Standing at ■ “ Stud - Will buy colts at 4 months ok) Please call between 11:30412:00 Noon Ivan K. Stoltzfus 199 Shirktown Rd. Narvon, PA 17555 Ask for Ivan 717/445-5956 Pennsylvania Draft Horse and Mule Sale iL. mm* February 14, 1996 Blizzard Date - February 15,1996 » B Pennsylvania State Farm Show Building Corner of Cameron and McClay Sts., Harrisburg, PA. " f Tack -8:00 A.M. /s/' Horses • 12:00 Noon Terms - Tack and Draft Horse related items -15% - with maximum commission $75.00. Horses - $30.00 to accompany consignment Commission -6% Maximum commission $lBO.OO No Sale Fee $60.00 $3O entry fee deducted from Commission. Deadline for catalog - December 1.1995 Cataloged Horses to sell First. Horses will be sold in order of consignment. Negative Coggins test and health papers within 6 months must accompany each horse, please have foal papers in order. Note - Non-catalog consigners - you must give us one week notice so proper number of stalls are available - otherwise you will have to sell off your truck Elmer & Lapp 5080 Martin Rd., Kinzers, Pa. 17535 717-768-8177 K & K HORSE SALE Fredericksburg, PA October 28th Directions 1-78 to Exit #l, Lebanon Valley Livestock Market, Next To Esther’s Diner on Old Route 22. New and Used Tack 2 PM Horses 6:00 PM Information 717-334-7282 Steve Day Of Sale 717-865-2881 Regularly Scheduled Sales Will Be Held The 4th Saturday Of Each Month, 11/25 BIG DRAFT MULES Few Young Odd Mules ...$1,300 ea. PACLSn TBNNESSE BROKE MULES from Kentucky Just Came In HENRY E. KAUFFMAN 205 Bell Road Christiana. PA 17509 717-529-2614 Leave Message ROCKING "K" TACK 117 Paradi«3 iXw Saddles Ronks, PA 17572 and Oilskin Coats. Tack & Horse Supplies (717)687-8408 Hitch equipment BEE TRAILERS THE FINEST IN STEEL - 5 YR. WARRAI Compare Price and Quality before you buy! Featuring Affordable Horse & Livestock Trailers Custom Built The Way You Want. • All Trailers Include; Complete trailer steam cleaned with acid solution. • Self Etching Primer • 3 Coats Acrylic Paint • All Seams and Trim Totally Sealed, Inside and Out • Full Under Coatir 2” T Med W. David Keller 115 Stonemill Rd. Hummelstown, Pa. 17036 717-566-0529 (800)770-3721 (717)299-3721 HU SHEEPS, GOATS Registered Verting natural colored ram. Proven Sire he currently has fall lambs, avail, for inspection. Haul tar broke ready to go to work; 717/987-3219. Romney and Lincoln Rams brad Ewes and lambs for sale. Registered, excellent fleece quality, white and colored, flock reduction. Great opportunity for 4-H, reasonable prices, champ ion bloodlines. Call 410-655-4823.