Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 114
C22-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 21, 1995 CATTLE .. = v.- ■ •reford ws, Bulls, feeders WANTED Open Holstein Heifers 717-687-6698 i Nine 15 Mon. Old ; ; Holstein Heifers ', 4 reg., 5 grades, ; i open heifers, i (717)530-8443 FOR SALE Open Shortbred and springer * Holstein heifers 717-789-3003 BUFFALO CALVES (717) 222-9815 MD ANGUS ASSOCIATION Futurity Calf Sale 30 hand selected steers 15 fancy show heifer prospects Sat., Oct. 28 th , 1:30 pm Sale location: Dawn Acres Angus, West Friendship, MD Buyers can win premium awards from his sale only! For information; (301) 447-2101 BULLS ' BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS * BULLS • BULLS • 3 On Sale .99 <= Per Lb. | g | J s<ssuju« ! Maternal Traits On Sale « • \aA Growth, Traits On Sale i “ Easy Calving On Sale f= s Plenty of Muscle On Sale £ “ V*/ G® n t |e Disposition On Sale • w x Jo enable eveiyone to use our c J genetics to improve their herds, F 03 Bulls From we aic selling some of our bulls ? J> 600 Lbs. for a limited time for 990 per Lb. ® j Take this opportunity to visit us and choose the bull P S to fit your needs FREE DELIVERY « tn Bred Cow i & Heifers for Sale c a Please Call Ed {j; ? Days 1-800-878-0056 * 3 Evenings & Weekends 410-275-1239 c | Worscll Manor Farm, Warwick, MD 21912 w “BC LS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS • BULLS* LOOK WHAT’S NEW! Ml| We lime chicken house pits. We spray liquid lime sRHI on walls, girders ft pit Will floors. Helps kill SE, darkening beetles ft fly * J larvae. Brightens up your chicken house pit. All your washing needs. Will Travel. a Chicken House v;^ 1 ! Veal Barns - etc. ft 717-949-3212 Leave Message &&rjcu/fur*/ e lfisMowns Save on Ralgro (As low as $22.80/cartridge, plus 1 free with 20) and other cattle health products delivered to your door. Toll-free ordering, same day shipping. Call 800-321-0235 for your free 96-page catalog or to place an order. PBS Livestock Health PO Box 9101, Canton, OH 44711 LF9S Beautiful Chia-Angus-Simmintal Cross Bull, Jet Black with White Star. Beautiful Conformation. One of the Ones you Must See to Appreciate. Will Make Excellent Commercial Herd Bull. One of the Best we have ever Raised. Just a Yearling. Please Call (814) 342-7261 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. or (814) 857-7709 After 8:00 P.M. BUY DOWN & INJURED CATTLE 100 Mile Radius Of Harrisburg, Pa. Prompt Payment - Top Price Paid JOHN JONES 717-249-7685 Res. 717-432-4225 Shop DAIRY CATTLE BOOKS COMPREHENSIVE! AUTHORITATIVE' FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING J "VETBWMRY BOOK FOR DAIRY FARMERS” by RW Btowey B Sc Bv Sc MRCVS On-the-farm prevention, symp toms treatments complete from catf to adult cow Up-to-date techniques This book is an essential tool in the daily fight to Keep intensively-managed stock in first class condition and to optimise productivity This book will pay for itself over and over again Every herdsman should have a copy of this unique vet erinary book 1993edtion 240 photos (35 color) 496 pgs Hard cover $36 95 J “HERDSMANS BOOK" Topics covered include general stockmanship feeding, cow management milking, housing, herd health catf rearing, herd replacements, breeding bulls, prepar ing stock for the show and sale maintenance of machinery & equipment, records and recording 103 photos (30 color), 200 pgs Hardcover $32 95 □ “CALVMG DC COW A CARE OF THE CALF’ NEWI Re vised editon Now has 297 full color action photos The leading book dealing with calves Covers birth sequences in full color, rearing calves housing, calf health, husbandry and much more Eddie Straiten author has 50 years expenence as a veterinary surgeon 144 pgs Hardcover $34 95 J ‘WinXFOOTCMACLMW'naMNNG” This text is Ulus-1 trated by more than 270 superb diagrams and illustrations show ing just how the foot and daws function why ailments occur the courses of these disorders and diseases and the precise role and techniques of daw trimming This is then placed in the wider context of footcare by chapters on footbaths, housing, nutrition and breeding 127 pgs Softcover $32 95 J SnCHLI Complete above Dairy Cattle Library All 4 book* ($139.80 value) $109.80 FREE’ FULL C OI.ORFO BOOK CATALOG ! 1 MASTLtU AUD VISA CHECK C 0 1) Shippmy & M.mdlnuj S 4 50 pet Shipment I I ORDER BY MAIL OR TO I L HUE. PHONE 1-800-481-1353 'MON fri h 5 l s r i DIAMOND FARM BOOK PUBLISHERS Dept. LF, Box 537, Alexandria Bay NY 13507 Phone (613) 475-1771 • Fax (613) 475-3748 FOR RENT FLOAT-A-COW i-L m - j «'* With The Aqua-Cow Rise System Get that down cow up on her feet with warm water therapy. Warm water supplied, also a cow strecher • a well designed cart to get down cows out of barns. For More Information: LEE-MAR FARM 2724 Conestoga Creek Rd., Morgantown, PA 19543 (610) 286-9052 MARYLAND POLLED HEREFORD ASSOCIATION suM Mm® ©all® Saturday, Nov. 4, 1995 ■ >';.h 10 a..m. - Chili Cookoff Steer Club Calf Sale 1 p.m. ederick County Fairgrounds, Beef Barn Frederick, Md. K Selling 40+ Lots nal, Profitable Polled Hereford Females Consignors • £ . Armidale Ann. Cathy Heu, (510) 434-5170 f Jlbl) 865-5155 The Johnson*', (703) 777-3312 CtUCOhJphr Finn. (410) 923-3276 RAT Acre*, (301) 898-5366 Cerattltdhe Farm, (717) 334-8205 SCH Polled Hereford* (301) 824-4771 v’ ’Pjwfile D A Gary Nothnick SAJ Ranch, (410) 771-4483 _ 4 (609) 694-2818 Small Time Farm, (301) 831-8203 ' Pdtpknd Acre*, (310) 972-0859 Soloman* Chance Farm, *<gKrft°ttom Farm, (410) 775-2205 (717) 235-5117 d&lAviev Farm, (410) 267-6730 Stone Ridge Farm, (914) 439-4359 Sires and Service Sires Represented PKF Ammunition 6114 Beau Donald Rival WTK 554 Bond 7SA FA Drew* Truitee 53K3 GVF Stockman 18C PF Victory 751 W D2E WV CCC PPH BT Mohican Tradition JR 413 T Network 453 Graismaiter 530 For Inftmnatlon and catalogs contact; o- i. Cre4rßl>fM, Secretary . , Association . FoggrTSOttOPl Farm r * MULVANEY LIVESTOCK SERVICES Top Prices For DOWN A CRIPPLED CATTLE Cull Cows, Bulls & Steers Livestock Hauling to New Holland Sales 1-800-789-2697 or 610-258-1670 Serving PA counties - Northampton, Lehigh, Berks, Lancaster & Parts of Lebanon & Chester Evening and Early Morning Calls Appreciated