Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 21, 1995, Image 10

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    AKRancaster Farming, Saturday, Octobar 21, 1995
Good Works!
Good things about farm youth programs surfaced at the Man
heim Fair FFA and 4-H livestock auction last Friday evening.
Record total receipts were received by the young project owners.
But the real story is about selling and reselling these animals to
benefit community projects.
Hoss’ Steak and Sea House bought the grand champion steer
and donated the steer to be resold for 4-H and FFA projects.
Stiegel Construction bought the steer the second time.
Casey High, owner of the grand champion steer, bought a lamb
and had it resold to benefit the 4-H livestock judging team’s
travel fund.
The Seibeit family bought a lamb and had it resold to benefit
the FFA greenhouse building fund. Larry and Carol Huber and
Ken Witmer got into the act as this lamb was resold two more
times for the same cause.
But the gift with feeling was recorded when Katye Allen, who
had been given a bottle lamb to raise by Kin Diffenderfer,
donated all the proceeds from the sale of her lamb to Clare House,
a home in Lancaster for battered and abused women.
Without telling anyone, Dorothy Heistand came to the sale to
buy this lamb and paid $9 a pound or atotal of $846 in memory of
her late husband Walter. Walter and Dorothy had been long-time
4-H leaders in the community.
A few tears were shed at the memory of Walter, the impact of
the generosity of a little girl and her lamb, and the needs of the
occupants of Clare House, spread over the consciousness of the
crowded sale bam.
And before the emotions could quite calm down, it was
announced that the gift lamb would be resold for additional sup
port of the home. Lancaster Ford added anotheis2SB to the fund
for a total gift of more than $l,lOO.
Last week, our editorial focused on bad examples set by adults
and youths in showing their livestock. This week we are happy to
report that we saw some great examples of what’s good about
youth programs and the adults who lead them.
And these kinds of “good works’’ were not limited to Man
heim. Over and over again during this fair season from June to
October, charitable causes were supported by special donations
from buyers at youth livestock project sales across our large
coverage area.
To say “keep up the good works” seems a bit inadequate in
light of all the good works that have been done. But we are going
to say it anyway.
“Keep up the good woiks!”
Olde Queen Anne’s Days, Queen
Anne’s County 4-H Park, Cen
treville, thru Oct 22.
Blue Mountain Antique Gas and
Steam Engine Association Fall
Harvest and Sawmill Show,
Jacktown Community Center,
Bangor, thru Oct 22.
Dairy and Animal Science Student
Open House, Penn State.
16th Annual Woodsboro Fall Fes
tival, Woodsboro, Md., thru
Oct 22.
Horse Trials, Baby Novice
Through Open Novice. Thorn
croft, Malvern.
North American Maple Syrup
Council annual meeting,
Ambassador Hotel and Con
vention Centre, Kingston,
Ontario, Canada, thru Oct. 24.
Pa. State Grange Annual Conven
tion, Radisson, West Mid
dlesex. thru Oct 26.
-—l■ I I M I
Mimd.i'. (H'lolrt 23
ADADC Dist. 14 meeting. Tally
Ho Restaurant, Kapona, N.Y.,
7:30 p.m.
❖ Farm Calendars
Pa. State Grange Annual Conven
tion, Radisson, West Mid-
ation annual banquet Willow
Valley Convention Center,
Willow Street 6:30 p.m.
USDA Livestock Export Work
shop, Sherton Inn, Ithaca, N.Y.,
thru OcL 25.
Nutrient Management Regulation/
Legislation meeting, Lebanon
County Ag Center, 8:30 a.m.-3
Alternative Ag Fall Farm Tour to
vist farms in Charles. St.
Mary’s, and Calvert counties.
Dairy Cattle Foot Care bam meet
ings, Crystal Spring Farm,
Schnecksville. 10 a.m. and
Woßo Farms, Ottsville, 1:30
Using Small Grains/Btassicas to
Extend the Grazing Season,
Nevin and Audrey Mast Dairy
Farm, (Hey, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
To Watch For
Moldy Feeds
Glenn Shirk, extension dairy
agent, warns us that moldy feeds
may be a problem this year.
We had the right conditions
around harvest time to cause mold
growth, especially in com. With
mold growth comes mycotoxin
Shirk also reminds us that feed
ing moldy feed may be very costly.
It affects animals in various ways.
Pigs, horses and poultry are more
sensitive than ruminants. Howev
er, molds and mycotoxins can
affect ruminants. Young,
unhealthy and stressed animals are
more susceptible.
For more information on moldy
feeds and how to prevent and man
age them, read Glenn Shirk's arti
cle in this week's Lancaster
Proper action now could prevent
serious problems later.
To Know About
Junk Science
A coalition of food and nutrition
professionals and scientists con
cerned about the proliferation of
reports that exaggerate and distort
science have developed a list of 10
red flags to help people spot “junk”
According to Dr. Janet Hunt,
chair of the Food and Nutrition
Science Alliance, people may use
these tips to evaluate reports on
nutrition and health issues before
jumping to premature conclusions.
These 10 red flags of junk sci
ence are:
1. Recommendations thatprom-
Pesticide Applicator Certification
Training and Exam, Carroll
County Extension office, train
ing 1 p.m.-3 p.m. and 7 p.m.-9
Chester County Holstein Associa
tion annual meeting. West Fal
lowfield School, Atglen, 7 p.m.
ADADC Disk 18 meeting. Bonan
za Restaurant, Gelatt, 8 p.m.
Lancaster County 4-H Swine Ban
quet, Country Table Restaur
ant, Mount Joy. 6:30 p.m.
Lebanon Holstein Banquet, Ml
Show Complex, Harrisburg,
thru OcL 29.
Bam meeting on foot problems,
Gordon Hoover Farm, Gap, 1
Calf Sale, Frederick Fair
grounds. Frederick, Md.. 7 p.m.
HRM Discussion and Pasture
Walk, Bonanza Restaurant,
Mansfield, 10 a.m.
(Turn to Pag* A 26)
ise a quick fix.
2. Dire warnings of danger from
a single product.
3. Claims that sound too good to
be true.
4. Simplistic conclusions drawn
from a complex study.
5. Recommendations based on a
single study.
6. Dramatic statements that are
refuted by reputable scientific
7. Lists of “good” and “bad”
8. Recommendations made to
help sell a product.
9. Recommendations based on
studies published without peer
10. Recommendations from stu
dies that ignore differences among
individuals or groups.
To Keep Heifers
From First
Calf Heifers
Beef herds on heifer AI prog
rams are finding that the
replacement heifers retained from
first calf heifers provide the best
genetics, combined with low birth
weight EPDs and high maternal
value, according to Chester Hugh-
■ * ■ ■
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October 22, 1995
October 22, 1995
Background Scripture:
Acts 10:1-11:18
Devotional Reading:
Acts 10:9-23
Some of us may not mind so
much that God accepts others into
his kingdom besides us and our
kind, but it is disconcerting to
learn that God has no favorites. At
least that’s what Peter tells us:
‘Truly I perceive that God shows
no partiality, but in every nation
any one who fears him and does
what is right is acceptable to him”
And if you read these same
verses in the Jerusalem, Moffat,
and New English versions, it
seems even clearer “I now see
bow true it is that God has no fa
vorites ..(NEB). Well, of
course, we all know that, don’t
But do we really believe it?
Isn’t favoritism what attracts some
to a particular religious group
the opportunity to become God’s
favorites, to have the inside track,
to stand in some special relation
ship with our creator? On a con
scious level we would deny that,
but this expectation often shows
up in our unconscious altitudes.
For Peter this was a shocking
discovery. As a Jew, he counted
himself as one of God’s chosen
people. That conviction couldn’t
help but affect his thinking, as
well as most of the fust Christians.
It was one thing to tolerate Gen
tiles among the followers of Jesus,
but that didn’t mean that Peter and
the others accepted them as full
fledged disciples.
From our vantage point of time
we can see how wrong they were,
that the good news of Jesus Christ
was not just for the Jews but for all
people—just as the angels at his
birth had proclaimed. “I bring you
good news of a great joy which
will come to all the people” (Luke
2:10b), and Jesus had commanded
es, extension livestock agent.
Since these heifers are sired by
calving ease sires, a majority of
them will reduce frame size and be
earlier maturing than heifers from
mature cows.
If your management is on target,
these heifers will often be the older
ones, ready to breed before the
main cow herd.
In fact, one common mistake
producers may make is selecting
heifers on adjusted weaning
weights, often ending up with
many young heifers in their
replacement group. These heifers
couid be 45 days younger than the
majority of your calf crop and may
not reach puberty in time to breed
them ahead of the cow herd.
By choosing older heifers, you
can avoid these problems and keep
your replacements from the cows
who calved first.
Good replacement heifers are
certainly worth the expense of rais
ing them. Knowing the genetic
potential of the heifers and cows in
your herd can help make important
selection and culling decisions.
Feather Prof.'s Footnote:
“Recognize your unique gifts and
strive to maximize their use."
after his resurrection, “Go and
make disciples of all nations ..
(Matt. 28:19).
Yes, we are hardly in a position
to condemn them, for Christians
since then have hardly compiled a
more attractive record. History re
minds us of those painful episodes
wherein Jews were hated and per
secuted as “the killers of Christ**
Most of us can remember when
churches barred their doors to
African Americans and when Pro
testants and Roman Catholics re
garded each other as “the enemy”
instead of “brothers and sisters.”
Of course, some of these prejud
ices still plague the Church.
Today, some are as surprised as
Peter was when they find that pas
toral gifts fall upon women as well
as men. It was only 40 years ago
a long or short period of time
depending upon your point of
view that I was ordained. I
thought then that I was very en
lightened. but I must admit that I
never dreamed in those days that
there would ever be women cler
gy. It seemed part of God’s great
plan to keep that calling as an ex
clusive enclave for men.
No matter how reluctant Peter
was to accept this message from
God, we ( can appreciate what it
cost him to acknowledge: “if then
God gave the same gift to them as
he gave to u 5..., who was I that I
could withstand God? (11:17).
That’s what we must realize, too:
to exclude other people on the bas
is that they are different from us,
that their ways are strange to us, or
that we have always believed that
they were in some way inferior to
us, means nothing less than with
standing God—a fearful position
for any follower of Jesus Christ!
Even I’ctcr’s listeners had to
acknowledge that: “When they
heard this (Peter’s testimony) they
were silenced. And they glorified
God ...”
And so may we all.
Lancaster Farming
Established 1955
Published Every Saturday
EphraU Review Building
IE. Main St.
EphraU, PA 17522
Lancaster Panning, Inc.
A Slelnman Enterprise
Roberta. Campbell GeneralMenager
Everett R. Newawangar Managing Editor
Copyright 1995 by Lancaster Farming