Do gardeners make the best codes? They do, some believe, because they grow food, love to experi ment, and fine-tune recipes until they come up with a culinary masterpiece. If you have any doubts, try “Great Recipes from Great Gar deners,” compiled by The Pen nsylvania Horticultural Society. The 272-page hardback with 500 recipes. 100 gardening and garnishing ideas is the result of the Society’s Harvest Show. Every year at the Pennsylvani a’s Horticultural Society’s Harvest Show, visitors and competitors clamor for recipes of the prize winning baked goods and home grown garden bounty. Harvest Show chairpersons Sandy Manthorpe and Sally Gra ham compiled recipes submitted from members and friends of the Society. A nice feature to the cookbook is that each recipe includes a nutri tional analysis so you can keep tract of exactly how much protein, fat, and fiber you eat. Proceeds benefit The Pennsyl vania Horticultural Society’s Phi ladelphia Green Program, which works with more than 700 Com munity groups who help green up vacant lots, plant trees, and rejuve nate city Spaces into vibrant green ones. Vibrant color photographs scat tered throughout the cookbook capture the fresh beauty of fruits, flowers, and vegetables. For more information, call (215) 625-8250. KEYSTONE GUN-KRETE Featuring ■■■ • Sidewinder 4S Concrete Pimm • Up To 40 Cubic Yards Per Hour • Pump Up To ISO Ft. Vertical And Boo Ft. Horizontal CONCRETE SPRAYING SERVICE • Repair Retaining Walla • Manure Pit Construction •Strengthen Existing Masonry • Trench Silo Construction Walls • Silo Repair •Reseal Manure Pits KEYSTONE GUN-KRETE II Poplar Street Qordoovflle, PA X7SZ9 (717) 768-3641 CHIMTEK™ ADVANCED CHIMNEY TECHNOLOGY SAFER: CHIMTEK is designed to withstand severe chimney tires without breaking or transmitting high temperatures to adjoining combustible materials. LESS CREOSOTE: Wood smoke contains moisture (H 2 0). When the smoke comes into contact with a surface under approx. 250 degrees F the water will condense to a liquid. This liquid combined with other products in wood smoke will result in creosote. Creosote can be very dangerous when it ignites. The inside of a CHIMTEK chimney stays much war mer and greatly reduces the amount of creosote formation. In many cases CHIMTEK chimneys are completely clean after years of use. IMPROVES STOVE PERFORMANCE: The draft produced by a chimney is what pulls oxygen into the fire for combus tion. The three main factors affecting draft are the chimney's height, size and temperature. CHIMTEK contains a great amount of a very special insulating material that is not affected by moisture saturation and will not Seattle or deter iorate. Poor draft will result in poor combusion. Poor combu sion will create more smoke. Smoke is wasted fuel. Newere ERA certified stoves are especially dependent on proper draft to perform properly. i tB,B, memiMiE smog 2388 Old Leacock Rd., Gordonville, PA 17529 717-768-3853 Great Recipes From Great Gardeners To order “Great Recipes From Great Gardeners,” send a check for $22.26 to Pennsylvania Horticul tural Society, 325 Walnut St, Phi ladelphia, PA 19106. Here are a few recipes from the cookbook. BRAISED LENTILS Chosen as one of the country's best recipes, this is featured in "America’s Best Recipes ..A 1995 Hometown Collection," published by Oxmoore House Inc. 6 slices bacon, chopped 14 cup chopped onion 1 carrot scraped and chopped 3 cups chicken broth VA cups dried lentils 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar 2 tablespoons butter 1 bay leaf 'A teaspoon salt '/• teaspoon pepper Cook bacon in a large skillet until crisp; remove bacon, reserv ing 2 tablespoons drippings in skil let Set bacon aside. Cook onion and carrot in drippings in skillet over medium-high heat stirring constantly, until vegetables are tender. Stir in chicken broth, len tils, white wine vinegar, butter, and bay leaf; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat and simmer 1 hour. Remove and discard bay leaf. Stir in salt and pepper; sprinkle with bacon. Serve immediately. Yield; 4 servings. It’s important to use a skillet with a tight-fitting lid when brais ing the lentils. It will keep the liq uid from evaporating during die lengthy cooking time. CONCRETE PUMPING SERVICE The cover and photographs throughout the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society Cookbook integrates gardening and food. ALMOND-APPLE CHEESECAKE VA cups' flour 'A cup butter, softened ‘A cup plus A cup sugar V • cup almonds {'A cup chopped, '/ cup sliced) 3 A teaspoon vanilla extract 8 ounces cream cheese, softened 2 eggs 3 to 4 cups apples, sliced and NEED YOUR FARM BUILDINGS PAINTED? Let us give you a price! Write: Daniel's Painting 637-A Georgetown Rd. Ronks, PA 17572 (or leave message) " (717) 687-8262 * Spray on and Brush i in Painting E A SURE SOLUTION TO MASONRY CHIMNEY PROBLEMS: Outer casing of chimney; made of brick, atone, block, or other suitable masonry material. CHIMTEK INNER LINER: • Mad* of volcanic pumic* and high-tamparatur* • avan tamparatoras inski* tlua, and oontrlbutaa to affidant (low otsmoka and tlua • Stahly raaiitant to tharmal shock. • Evanlt cracks should occur, tha round shape and Chimlak Sacondary Untr pravai* piacas from falling • Tin* votoanlc pumic* in Chimtak linars adds considarabla insulating vaki*. CHIMTEK SECONDARY LINER: • Providas axcaptfonal insulation to maka chimnay mora affidant and raduca haat transfar to combustiW* • PreSdas structural support tor Inner Knar. • WIN not absorb molstura or craosots. HELP Y oußsEt f Enjoy More Retirement Income Than You Ever Thought Possible Now you can turn your farmland into a retire ment income you can't outlive, with tax and financial advantages you never thought possible. A "Farm Trust," administered by the Dank or trust company of your choice, makes it possible for you to sell all or a portion of your farm, penalty capital gains tax free, increase your income, decrease your federal and state taxes, plan your estate for the benefit of your heirs, and benefit health care in northern Lancaster County. For more information and a confidential no cost proposal on the ECH Foundation Farm Trust program please call Bill Treible, • Development Officer, Ephrata Community Hospital Foundation, today (717-738-6569) Beer ledotaO ,yebiuJß2 .Qntonffi wiasonu-da lancasfcr Farming, Saturday, Octobtr 14,1H5-B7 peeled 'A teaspoon cinnamon Combine flour, butter, 'A cup sugar, 'A teaspoon vanilla extract, and chopped almonds in bowl; mix well. Press over bottom and sides of 9-inch springform pan. Bake at 400 degrees for S minutes. Cool for S minutes. Combine cream cheese, eggs. mmmmw' K/I I iNX % cup sugar and remaining vanilla in mixer bowl; mix well. Spoon into crust. Toss apples with remaining VJ cup sugar and cinna mon in bowl. Arrange over cream cheese mixture; sprinkle with sliced almonds. Bake for 25 minutes longer, or until filling is firm and apples are cooked through. Cool on wire rack; remove side of pan. Serves 12.