Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 1995, Image 206
Page (>—Com Talk, Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 14, Farm Calendar (Continued from Pago 1) ence, extension offices, con ference downlink, 7 p.m„ ference downlink, 7 p.m, 1996 Kvents Tuesday, January 16 Lime, Fertilizer, and Pesticide Conference, State College, Pleasant Gap, 9:30 a.m. 'Crr*' tdDr' D; Kauffman Community Cen ter, 9:30 a.m. Berks County Crops Day, Berks County Ag Center, York, 9:30 a.m. Lehigh/Northampton County fALffi Crops Day, call extension office. I luiisd;i\, .|;inu;ir> 25 Cumberland County Com Clin ic, 9:30 a.m., call extension office. Bucks/Montgomery County Crops Day, Family Heritage Chester County Crops Day, Newcastle, 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Armstrong County Crops Day, Kittanning, 7 p.m.-10 p.m. Huntingdon County Crops Indiana. ■— Clinton Administration Reaffirms WASHINGTON, D.C.— Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman voiced the Ginton Administration’s strong oppos ition to a House Ways and Means Committee proposal to end the excise tax exemption for ethanol. According to National Com Growers Asso ciation (NCGA) President Rod Gangwish, this proposal is the biggest threat the ethanol industry has ever seen. The proposal as outlined by Committee Chairman Bill Archer (R-TX) in the Commit tee’s budget reconciliation package would “cap ethanol production at current levels and would virtually guarantee that there would be no new investments in ethanol produc tion,” Glickman said. The pro visions also would reverse a recent Department of the Treasury rule, which has facili tated the use of ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE). It removes the primary excise tax exemp tion mechanism which will shutdown some existing operations. According to Glickman, this congressional effort to reduce or repeal the exemption would have a devastating impact on the nation’s com farmers and effectively halt a period of unprecedented growth in the ethanol industry. “As a result, ethanol produc Don’t tet This Happen To Vou A9 a\n\ Valuable Harvest Time is tost WAITING On Others * • • Commitment To Ethanol tion would decline by as much as SO percent from current pro jections,” Glickman said. The U.S. Department of Agricul ture estimates that com net farm income could decrease by $3.6 billion over the seven vear period FY 1996-2002, compared to current projec tions. On a state-by-state basis, that would mean decreases of $6OO million each in lowa and Illinois and $3OO million or more in the states of Indiana, Minnesota and Nebraska. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Carol Browner also voiced support for ethanol, calling it “a vital part in reducing air pol lution” in her agency’s quest to give U.S. citizens clean air. Not only does ethanol reduce carbon dioxide emissions and smog, but Browner also said that renewable fuels such as ethanol combat global warm ing. In its support of ethanol, EPA has proposed the elimina tion of the oxygen cap on refor mulated gasoline. The agency has also proposed model pump labeling so consumers can r (O®lN fMJI I®WO PENNSYLVANIA MASTER CORN GROWERS ASSOC., INC. Improve your options for both harvesting and marketing. Order a BROCK bin today—outstanding discounts are now in effect. BROCK TmiiOWfOM. 1248 South Mountain Rd. ■ A< Dillsburg, PA 17019 ■ 188 717-432-9738 • FAX 717-432-831 rnc. knowledgeably choose a renewable fuel, and has asked the National Academy of Sci ences to review date on fuel certification so ethanol can be used in summer months. The NCGA has worked closely with the Administra tion in its efforst to increase the use of ethanol. “We all know how hard the battle has been to build an ethanol market. NCGA, its state associations and members have worked together to make that happen,” Gangwish said. “Sixteen years ago there was no ethanol mark et, and today we produce and sell 1.4 billion gallons of etha nol from com each year. That market is now at risk, and we appreciated the Administra tion’s insistace that this prop osal not become law.” NCGA is conducting a mail ing campaign for its com grow er members to contact Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, Their plea: that Gingrich and fellow legislators remove the proposal before final action is taken by the U.S. House of Representatives.