Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 14, 1995, Image 20
A2O-Unc««ttr Farming, Siturdty, October 14, INS Jodi ANDY ANDREWS Lancaster Fanning Staff MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) Strong feet and width of muscling garnered a champion market goat for Jodi Gebhard, 16, Manheim on Wednesday at the Manheim Dairy Goat Show. Jodi, daughter of Sonia and Mike Gebhard, showed her 9-month-old Nubian named “Jeremy” to grand champion. Jodi, Manheim Central High School junior, obtained the goat from her grandfather, Jacob Fisher, Manheim. Jodi’s markc} goat, from the heavyweight class, weighed 101 pounds. Reserve champion was shown by Jacey Fisher, 16, Manheim. Jacey, also a junior at Manheim Central, also obtained the goat from Jacob Fisher’s farm. Jacey’s reserve heavyweight goat weighed 105 pounds. In the dairy goat show Wednes day night, judge Rick Stoneback, LaMancha breeder from Oxford, picked Nicole Eisenhower’s goat as grand champion. Reserve was shown by Amanda Grube. In addition, the Manheim Farm Show 4-H Pygmy Goat Show was held on Wednesday. Dennis Stauf fer, judge from Myerstown and a pygmy goat breeder, selected the senior doe shown by Michael Stoner to grand champion. Stauffer said he liked the doe for its “overall body capacity, straight top line—a real beautiful animal.” Michael showed Creekside Farms Missy. The reserve pygmy goat was shown by Jason Landis. Krishon Kids Picabo, the intermediate doe. Stauffer said he chose the doe as reserve champion “because it has a really nice head.” In the dairy goat show, there were a total of 71 goats and 23 exhibitors. Following is a list of show placings. Michael Stoner, right, won grand champion pygmy goat doe at the Manheim Farm Show on Wednesday. From left, Jason Landis, reserve; Erin Huber, Manheim Farm Show queen; and Stoner. From the left, Mike Miller holds the halter of Lowell Bru baker’s open division reserve Junior champion Holstein of the Manheim Farm Show, while Marsha Balmer holds the halter of her Junior champion. ‘ Jeremy ’ To Manheim Market Goat Champion Shows MANHEIM FAIR GOAT SHOW RESULTS 4-H PYQMY GOAT CLUB SHOWMANSHIP Juniors (9-11): 1. Slsphanis Landis. 2. Malinda Stoner. 3. Jason Landis. Seniors (12-15); 1. Kim Landis. 2. Michael Stoner. 3. Monica George. GRAND CHAMPION SHOWMAN Kim Landis RESERVE Jason Landis PYGMY GOAT SHOW JUNIOR DOES Dos Kids (8 mos. and under); 1. Stephanie Landis. 2. Malinda Stoner. Does 9-18 mos., never freshened; 1. Jason Landis. 2. Stepha nie Landis. 3. Mark Graybill. SENIOR DOES 1-4 Yrs., Freshened: 1. Michael Stoner. 2. Sara Graybnl. 3. Jason Landis. GRAND CHAMPION DOE Michael Stoner RESERVE Jason Landis DAIRY GOAT SHOW MARKET GOATS Ughtwe 1. Mandy Grube. 2. Kim Eber sole. 3. Nathan Mtoick. Medium Weight; 1. r-eiton Sensenig. 2. Sarah Landis. 3. Chad Fisher. Light Heavyweight: 1. Jodi Gebhard. 2. Jacey Fisher. 3. Jacey Fisher. GRAND CHAMPION Jodi Gebhard RESERVE Jacey Fisher Juniors; 12 Years and Under 1. Kim Eber sole. 2. Mandy Grube. 3. Devon Geyer. Seniors (13 Years and Ovor): 1. Nicole Eisen hower. 2. Kim Landis. 3. Sarah Butcher. Breeders Choice: 1. Denise Cost. 2. Nicole Elsenhower. 3. Mandy Grub*. Milking Haiti: 1. Nicola Eisenhower. 2. Mandy Gruba. 3. Dalton Sansanlg. Bast Uddar: 1. Mandy Gruba. 2. Nicola Eisanhowar. Danisa Goss. Undar S Months: 1. Eric Gayar. 2. Kim Landis. 3. Mandy Gruba. Kid 5 Months and Undar 1 Year Class 1:1. Donita Sensenig. 2. Devon Gayer. 3. Sarah Butcher. Class 2:1. Denise Goss. 2. Dan Millar. 3. Denise Goss. Does 1 Year and Under 2 Not In Milk: 1. Nicola Elsen hower. 2. Denise Goss. Clast 4 Doe Under 2ln Milk: 1. Denise Goss. 2. Kim Landis. 3. Nicole Eisenhower. Class S Doe Under 3 In Milk; 1. Amanda Grube. 2. Sarah Butcher. 3. Derrick Sensenig. Class 6 Doe in Milk Over 3; 1. Nicole Elsenhower. 2. Amanda Grube. 3. n,.mh Butcher. SHOWMANSHIP GRAND CHAMPION Nicole Eisenhower DAIRY GOATS JUNIOR CHAMPION Nicole Eisenhower RESERVE Donita Sensenig CHAMPION OF SHOW Nicole Elsenhower RESERVE Mandy Grube Market goat champlona at Manheim. . Show. From , Jacey Flatter, ieserve chai 'Mon and Jodi Gebhard, champion. At right la Erin Huber, Manheim F arm Show Grand champion of the Manheim Dairy Goat Show was Nicole Elsenhower, left. Mandy Grube, on right, was reserve champion. In center is show Judge Rick Stoneback. Wivell Shows VERNON ACHENBACH JR. Lancaster Farming Staff MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) A 3-year-old Holstein owned by Joe Wivell of Columbia on Thursday was named grand and senior champion of the Manheim Farm Show Holstein Show. jmman, Judge for the Manheim Farm Show, atande with Juatin Howea who holda the halter of hie reserve senior and reserve grand champion Holstein, Craig Walton who holds the halter of Joe Wivell’s senior and grand champ ion, and Farm Show Queen Erin Huber. Grand Holstein Donagel Creek Farm and has been a regular exhibitor at some area shows, having shown champions at Elizabethtown as well. The Manheim Farm Show dairy shows featured three dairy cattle breeds, though Holsteins far out numbered the three Jersey cattle and one Guernsey. owns \ i'. wV .t * f \ T { ' At Manheim Judge of the show was Creedin Comman, of Carlisle. Despite the fact that it was the only entry in its breed, Comman said that Jason Henisee’s senior calf was one of the best Guernseys he’s ever seen. Of course it was named junior champion and grand champion. 'urn to