Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 07, 1995, Image 7
Leesport Livestock LEESPORT, PA OCTOBER 4,1995 CATTLE 225... PDA.. Supply Mndß l 92 tL Keen A heifen ...Compued with hut week’* si. iteen uneven I.oohi|herto 1.00 lower, cowi needy to 1.00 higher. STEERS: Choice 1105/1340 lb(. SB.SO-60.00, one 63.00, Select 55.00-58.50. HOLSTEINS: few High Choice and Prime 1490/1570 lbs. 58.25-58.75, Choice 1300/1605 lbs. 59.00-57.75, Select 49.25-54.50, few Standard 45.00-51.00. HEIFERS: Choice 1060/1265 lbs. 58.50-60.50, few Select 55.25-58.00, few Standard 45.00-51.75. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commer cial 34.00-37.25, Cutter and Boning Utility 30.50-34.25, Conner and Low Cutter 27.00-31.00. Shells down to 20.00. BULLOCKS: one Choice 54.00, few Select 45.75-46.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1350/1730 lbs. 41.25-45.00. few No. 2 1015/1735 lbs. 35.25-41.25. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; few Medium Frame No. 1 390/700 lbs. 55.5062.00, few 750/300 lbs. 91.00, few Large Frame No. 2 475/850 lbs. 44.50-5Z00; HEIFERS: few Medium Frame No. 1 460/64$ Ibf. 42.50-48.50, few 265/350 Ibe. 102.50; BULLS; few Medium St Large Frame No. 1 360/565 Ibi. 48.00-57.50. CALVES 136... Holstein bulls mostly steady. VEALBRS: few Good 140/170 lbs. 62.50-67.50, Standard 73/105 lbs. 30.00- Utility 70/110 lbs. 25.00- FARM CALVES; No, 1 Holstein bolls 85/120 lbs. 80.00-105.00, few 110.00. No. 2 BQ/120 lbs. 45.00-75.00, few 37.50; few Every acre on your farm is an individual challenge. Filled with its own set of obstacles. But you can be confident every one of those acres can produce for you. So MAKE EVERY ACRE COUNT. 3525 106 CRM ' Proven performance leader in this maturity. 3525 is a widely adapted, stable, high yieldmg hybrid. Tall plant, excellent for grain and silage. Outstanding ear flex and good ear attachment. Strong performer under stress. Manage gray leaf spot placement. IMPORTANT: Each hybrid has unique strengths and considerations. Contact your Pioneer sales representative for more complete Information on these and other Pioneer hybrids. /3g\ PIONEER. A. BRAND * SEED CORN PIONEER Hl-IRED INTERNATIONAL INC All uki art sutytct to the forms of laMmg amt tala documtntt •Rtglsfortd trademark of PtofiHr Hl-lrtd Inttmational Inc Ott Moinas lowa USA 01996 PHII No. 1 Holstein heifers 80/100 lbs. 142.50-177.50. few No. 2 70/90 lbs. 75.00-115.00. Beef cross built and heifers 75/120 lbs. 65.00-100.00. HOGS 161...8an0ws and gibs 1.50 to ZOO higher, tows steady to spots 5.00 higher.. BARROWS AND GILTS; US 1-2 205/255 lbs. 47.00-48.50, one lot 49.25, US 1-3 220/260 lbs. 45.50-47.00, US 2-3 215/290 lbs. few US 1-3 175/200 lbs. 40.004Z00. SOWS: US 1-3 350/455 lbs. 32.00-35.00, 505/630 lbs. 34.00-38.00, few Medium 325/420 lbs. 25.00-30.00. BOARS: few 250/680 lbs. 24.00-27.00. FEEDER PIGS 194... US 1-3 25/40 lbs. 60.00- one 92.50, 40/55 lbs. 71.00- few Utility 20/45 lbs. 45.00- per cwt SHEEP 43... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 80/110 lbs. 70.00-84.00, few Good and Choice 80/105 lbs. 61.0067.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 21.00-30.00, couple 40.Q0. GOATS 7.. Pew Medium 55.0063.00. few Small 40.00-52.50, couple Lame Kids 34.00 A 5Z50. per head. Frederick Livestock Auction Frederick, Md. October Z 1995 Report Supplied by Auctfew SLAUGHTER COWS: 78 HEAD. SO LOWER. UTILITY 33.00-36.50; HIGH DRESSING 37.00-39.00. 1 AT 42.25; CANNERS SHELLY 29.00 DOWN. BULLS: YG«I 1600 LBS. TO 43.25; 1920 LBS. AT 39.25. FED STEERS: NO CHOICE BEEP BREEDS; SELECT HOLI6OO-1800LBS. 44.50-45.75; STANDARD 1200-1750 LBS. 41.00-44.00; FEW 38.00-40.50. And watch your fields deliver come harvest 3394 <**3335 110 CRM Record setting yields and exceptional agronomics This exciting hybrid combines traits corn growers want; Impressive early growth, strong stalks and roots, exceptional stress tolerance, outstanding drydown and lengthy staygreen. Widely adapted to varying soil types, tillage methods and populations. Well suited for corn silage. Manage gray leaf spot placement. FED HEIFERS; NONE. VEAL CALVES: IS6HBAD. CHOICE, NONE; CULLS SS-115 LBS. 30.00-37.00; SO-SO LBS. 25.00-34X0. FARM CALVES: HOLSTEIN BULLS «1 90-120 LBS. 10.00-106.00; «2 6S.OOSO.OO; SO-SS LBS. 40.0060.00; HOLSTEIN HEIFERS «1 90120 LBS. 170.00-204.00; *2 75-100 LBS. 115.00155.00; BEEF X BULLS AND HEIFERS 40.0072.00. BUTCHER HOGS: 4S HEAD, STEADY PRICES. US«IA3 225-260 LBS. 45.75-47.00; #2*3 290 LBS. AT 32.00; SEVERAL 400-4 SO LBS. 28.0033.00. NO SOWS OR BOARS. STOCK CATTLE: STEERS, FEW OFFERED. HEIFERS: FEW4OOLB. HEREPORDS TO 39.00. BULLS: 400600 LBS. TO 45.00. LAMBS: HIGH CHOICE 90100 LBS. 75.0079.00; LOW CHOICE 7090 LBS. 65.0073.00. PIGS AND SHOATS: 23 HEAD. BY THE HEAD, 25-40 LBS. 10.001100. HATFIELD QUALITY MEATS... 46 JO PLUS BONUS ON QUALITY HOGS. BUYING STATION HELD EVERY TUBS. AT POUR STATES. OK City Feeder Cattle OKLAHOMA CITY, OK OCTOBER 4,199 S Compered to last Monday: Feeder steers steady to 1.00 lower; steer calves steady. Heifers over 500 lbs steady; heifer calves under 500 lbs recovered last weeks losses and 3.00-4.00 higher. There wasn't enough feeder heifers over7oolbs to test the mark et, those few available sold steady to 3.00 lower. Demand moderate for most classes and greatly improved for calves. Quality of 113 CRM A future full-season yield leader for your better soils. Exceptional yield potential. Very good staygreen and above average test weight. Good roots with acceptable stalks and strong staygreen. Taller plant type with Impres sive tonnage and digestibility. Moderate resistance to gray leaf spot. Plant at moderate rates. die rapply wii average to moatly plain, however several wu of attractive calves offered avenge lo full. Feeder cattle in thin to medium flesh; calves most - ly medium to heavy flesh. Cold from moved dim the state Monday morning leaving 1-3 inches of min. Dry weather expected balance of week. One mote open week needed for completion of wheat planting. Slaughter cows steady. Slaughter bulls IXO lower. Demand moderate. 730 cows and built sold with 70 percent to packers. Receipts this week 8,200; last week 9,571; last year 9,909. Supply con sisted of 59 percent yearlings and calves over 600 lbs; 32 percent calves under 600 lbs; 9 percent cows and buDt. Prices follow with weighted avenge weight and price in parenthesis. Feeder Steers: Medium and Large 1300-400 lbs (350 lbs) 71.00-77.00 (75.63); 400-450 lbs (431 lbs) 68.00-75.50 (71.71); 450-500 lbs (480 lbs) 63.50-71.50 (66.62); 500-600 lbs (SSO lbs) 62.25-67.75 (65.26); 600-700 lb calves (650 lbs) 61.0066.25 (64.01); 650-700 lb yearling. (678 lbs) 65.0068.75 (67.50); 700-800 lbs (7SO lbs) 64.0067.7 S (66.46); 800-BSO lbs (813 lbs) 63.0067.2 S (65.53); 850-900 lbs (874 lbs) 61.75-64.25 (62.38). HoUtem- Large 2 650-900 lbs 43.75-45.75. Feeder Heifers: Medium and Large 1 300-400 lbs (SSO lbs) SB.2S-65.7S (61.97); 400-Soolbs (450 lbs) 55.50-62.75 (59.98); 500600 lb calves (SSO lbs) SS.SO-59.7S (57.34); 600-700 lb calves (6SO lbs) 35.50-57.00 (56.37); 600-700 lb yearlings (650 lbs) SB.7S-62.7S (61.26); few 700-800 lbs (7SO lbs) 57.0063.2 S (60.52). Slaughter Cows: 116 CRM Excellent potential in both high-yield and drought-prone environments. 3223 is a widely adapted hybrid with good overall agronomics. Good root and stalk strength Exceptional drought toler ance. Above average early growth. 3223 should be an excellent silage hybrid. Man age gray leaf spot placement. UnoMtar. finmUag. Carter, boring aid tatting Utility aver age dreuing high druting 34.00- high boning Limonain 39.00; low droning 21 JO-31 .50. Cm and low Cutter 25.00-21.30. Slaughter Bulb; Yield Grade 1 1300-2100 Iba avenge dreuing 41.50-43.00; high dreuing 43.30-45.50; low dreuing 40.00-42.00. Replacement Cow*: Ptetaated for bang*, pregnancy, and age Medium and Large 1 Avenge quality, group* aid tingle brad *ale* 4-6 year olu 1100-1150 lb* 6-8 month* bred 470.00- 850-1250 lb* 3-5 month* bred 350.00-425.00; 9-10+ yr old 1100-1200 lb* 6-8 month* bred 390.00- Northeast Lamb Pool Tele-O-Auction SLAUGHTER LAMBS: 112 HEAD. CHOICE 85-115 LBS. 67.50-78.00; FEW CHOICE 120-130 LBS. 54.00. FEEDER LAMBS: 308 HEAD. GOOD AND CHOICE 60-85 LBS. 82.00-84.50; GOOD AND CHOICE 40-60 LBS. 88J0-90J0; ONE LOT UTILITY 35-60 LBS. 50.50. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 42 HEAD. 100-225 LBS. 23.00-36.00. We will see you soon on twine, Kentucky Bale Boxes & Lath Holders. Strip your tobacco early as Tennessee and Kentucky crop is short and their market will last only 4 weeks. They are stripping now in Tennessee and Kentucky. • When marketing your tobacco, think Paradise - where you get the most. We have 6 to 8 buyers to sell tobacco to at any time during the season. We want your tobacco. PARADISE SALE BARN (717)687-0990 Black walnuts are falling , and now is the time to cash in at your local hullerl When you pick up black walnuts, you pick up extra cash! Ask your neighbor - ask your local farmer - find out if they plan to harvest tneir wolnutsl Then get your truck, or trunk, and cash in for Christmas money, vacation money, dinner out... "black gold" is falling today. $I0^100°NOW! Price Per 100 Lbs. Based On Weight After Hulling. Elam Nolt 493 Linden Rd 717-445-7101 Elmer Weaver - Kutztown 610-683-8446 Left on Schery Rd.-2nd Farm on Left Jonas Stoltzfus - Christiana Hwy. 26 North off 1-80 Jonathan Lapp - Myerstown 501 to Cherry Lane/Turn Left Christ King - Nottingham 610-932-5542 Hwy. I - Right on Red Pump Rd David Beiler - Willow Hill hammqns. 1 st Farm on Right »TocKtoM™««ttooiti Troy, P»- Friday, Sept 29, 1995 Report (applied by FDA - East Earl