B&Lwicmw Farming, Saturday, Soptombor 30, 1995 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of each week’s publication THURS. OCT. 5 - 9AM Herd Dispersal, Horse, Crops & Farm Equip. Loca tion: I'/, Mi. West of Stras burg 741 West to Lime Val ley Rd. to Hager Rd.. Straight to Sale on Right. Watch for Signs. Owner: Jacob Y. & Susie L. Fisher. Mel Hoover Auct. THURS. OCT. 5 -11 AM Holstein Complete Disper sal. Direction*: Farm is 2 Mi. South of Buck, PA on Rt. 272 on East Side of Rd. Owners: Robert & Donna Kreider. The Cattle Exchange and Stonehurst Farm. THURS. OCT. 5 - 6PM Real Estate. Directions: From Harrisburg Travel North on Rts. 11 & 15, Just North of Liverpool, Turn Left onto Rt. 104, Continue into Middleburg and Stay on Rt. 104 for Approx. 3 Mi. Toward Penns Creek, Turn Left onto Middle Road and Proceed Approx. 4 Mi., Turn Left onto Bergey Rd., Farm is ’/. Mi. on Right. (Not Far From Zion's Church) Signs Posted. Owners: Thomas & Melin da Yoder. Kenneth E. Has singer & Neil A Courtney Auct. THURS. OCT 5 - 6PM Investment Real Estate, 84 Gross St., Ephrata. Fern wood Auct. THURS., OCT. 5. FRI„ OCT. 6 & SAT. OCT. 7 - 11AM The Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art. On the a rounds of the Ward luseum, Salisbury, Md. FRI. OCT. 6 - Keystone Classic Hog Sale, Farm Show Bldg. Harrisburg, PA. Harry H. Bachman Auct. FRI. OCT. 6 - Private Gun Collection. Sale Held at Port Royal Community Bldg., Port Royal, PA. Owners: Wendel Smith, Bill Kottmyer. Bryan D. Imes Auct FRI. OCT. 6 - 9AM Anti ques, copper, iron & agate & woodenware, glassware & china. 17 Horse Hollow Rd., next to Sickman's Mill, Marticville, Lane. Co., Pa. By G.D. ‘Buck’ Price Estate. Howard E. Shaub, Inc., aucts.< FRI. OCT. 6 -10 AM & SAT. OCT. 7 -9AM & SAT. OCT. 14 -10 AM Estate Auction. Directions: Approx. 35 Mi. North of Baltimore & 35 Mi. South of Philadelphia. Exit 100 Off 1-95 onto Rt. 272 West Bound. Go Approx. 4 Mi. to Brick Meetinghouse Rd. & Make Right. Near the Inter, of Rt. 272 & Rt. 273 Across From Calvert Nurs ing Home. Williams Auction & Appraisal Service. FRI. OCT. 6 -10 AM Farm Equipment. At 1950 Pion eer Drive (IV4 Mi. South of St. Thomas, Franklin Co., PA) From U.S. Route 30. Turn South One Block West of St. Thomas Square to Brindle Hill Farms. R.A. Fulton, Owner. J. Robert Meyers, Auct. FRI. OCT. 6 -10 AM North ern VA Contractors' Auc tion. Bealeton, VA. Direc tions: From Richmond, Rt. 95 N. to Rt. 17 N. (Towards Warrenton), Sale Site Approx. 15 Mi. on Right From O.C. Rt. 95 S. to Rt. 17N (Towards Warrenton), Approx. 15 Mi. on Right. From Frederick, MD Rt 15 S foRt.29S Turn Left (’/. Mi Past Opal Trk Stop) On To Rt. 17 S, Sale Site Approx. 12 Mi. on Left. Wolfe Industrial Auctions, Inc. fri. oct. e - lafiSoh KHng’t'Dairy Salt, UA% burg, PA. Sale MaflflMf by; Wing’s Auctiona. Up. RD. 1. Box 66. Landla|NM|. PA. (717)789-3863. FRI. OCT. 6-4PM*BAt- OCT. 7 - SAM ChicK*r\fiWP' B-O. Mao. Hama, Cflfc. Hay i Wood, Quilts- WoA- FRI. OCT. 6 - 6PM Hand guns, Hunting Rifles, & listerville Community Park. Shotguns. Located at Bldg. Rt. 35 7 Mi. North of #l2 of the Frederick Fair- grounds, East Patrick St., _ _ Bi, , Frederick, MD. Trout Auc- Rl. OCT. 6 - 5 PM 2 par- - |nc fIHPUBLIC AUCTIONS Mifflintown. ® THE LATE CLYDE BAVER AUCTION ANTIQUE HORSE DRAWN FARM EQUIP ANTIQUE FARM TOOLS PARTS; TRUCK Sat., Oct. 21,1995 at 9 A.M. Exit off 1-78 (between Fogelsville & Hamburg) at the Krumsville Rt 737 Exit, S toward Kutztown 1.7 miles, turn R at the Three Mile House, go two blocks to Y, take left onto Dunkels Church Rd., 1.8 miles to auction, Berks Co., PA Watch for full ad! Note—This is the final auction of these fine col lectibles for this family, plan to attend. Terms Cash or acceptable check Refreshments available Conducted by PO hi ZIWOMIKIIII. PA UNI ((Illns-MM* Fu(ill|9(M»7 Fn Uctm «AU-NIIN-l BKTTLEMOTER AUCTION (PUBLIC AUCTION! ®FARM EQUIP; TRUCKS ANTIQUES BUTCHERING EQUIP; MISC Sat., Oct. 14,1995 at 9 AM between Topton & Fleetwood at Lyons Station, next to the Gulf gas station, Berks Co., PA TVactors Ford 871 Selecto spd w/only 300 hrs on eng overhaul, live PTO; plus #7Ol fit end loader; Oliver 70 njw crop tractor; Beaver riding tractor w/culti; Tillage —lnt 4-16” trl pi; Oliver 10’ transport finish ing disc; Brillion 8’ coil tooth subsoiler; 3 pt one tooth subsoiler; 10’ single roll cultipacker; Planting —White 5400 four r air com planter; JD 8250 21 single disc grain drill w/fert & grass; Misc N 1214 two beater PTO spreader w/pan; NI tandem axle spreader; Hesston PT-7 mower condi tioner; Gehl 204 3 pt wheel rake; NI five bar rake; NI 3pt two stage 90” sn blower: bale side wagon; Gehl 99 PTO silage blower; 60’ silo pipe; MC frt end loader; 3pt 4r fold up weeder; 4 whl farm wagon w/6 ton hoist; two whl farm trl; wdn bale side wagon; 3 pt post hole digger; 7’ fit mtd loader sn blade; Smoker 24’ bale & c elev; wdn side bale wagon; JD 3pt 6’ rotary cutter; 12’4” auger; Belt single chn elev; 200 gal poly tank trl weed sprayer; 3pt 200 gal poly tank weed sprayer; Little Giant com drag; port cement mixer; five tier turkey battery brooder; Buzz saw; Vac-A-Way seed cleaner w/screens; Davis 10” x 10” roller mill; MC #5 flail chopper w/hood to wagon; Little Giant 36’ bale & c elev; MM 2r cult fits Z or R models; 9’ overhead dr; 30’ ext ladder; Gasboy elec pump; air comp; 5 ton fir jack; 4-20’ antique wdn beams; old broad bam boards; 71 gal h w heater used 2 yrs; 2 pony saddles; Stewart cattle clipper; oil h air furnace; Butchcriny Equip Hobart 102” band meat saw; 2 beam scales; 550 lb wall mtd scale; one kettle butcher stove; wdn scalding trough; sausage staffer; Trucks— 1983 Dodge Ram ISO custom 4 spdtrans, 318 eng, 31,000 miles; 1962 B-172 Int truck w/dual cyl 12’ metal dmp body w/hoops & canvas, 20,000 GVW, 8:20x9:00 tires; Antiques safe sgnd Dr. Edwin D. Schaeffer, Top ton; S’xs’ early fireplace front & mantle; Victrola console radio & 78 rpm record player; Bowers post office slant top desk w/4 drawers; blanket chest; 2 mantle clocks: 7 Big Little books; 5 pcs carnival glass; 2 wdn rakes; apple peeler; 20 lead soldiers; few misc toys; lot of printed feed bags; 2 BB guns; old straw cutter; knotted & crazy patch comforters; cherry pitter; antique 5 gal at a time gas pump; Sale Order 9 AM antiques, 10 AM misc smalls, term equip approx 12 Noon bw—Cash or acceptable check 7 I Refreshments available For Harvey & Virginia Silfies Conducted by wimW-nwiwi, wuwnnww iTHiiuiwinttTFMLUMwiMmiim, cels prime Columbia Co. Real Estate. South Center Twp., Columbia Co., Bloomsburg, Rd. Kenneth E. Massinger, Neil A. Court ney, aucts. Public Auction Joseph Kingston Estate Real Estate - Machine Shop Tools - Farm & Construction Equipment Vehicles - Guns - Antiques - Household Goods Saturday, October 14 & 21,1995 Both Days aft 9:00 A.M. LOCATED: 7 Mites east of Lewlstown, PA off Rt 322 at the Bumhan & Yeagertown Exit going weat, come off ramp to etop sign, turn right, go 1000’ to Stop sign & turn left, keep straight for 7*/io mile, turn left In macadam road. Going east on 322 go off ramp & turn left & follow previous directions OR 8 mile east of Lewlstown on Rt 522 at Alfarata, turn west, go to Stop sign & turn left to 1 st road on right. Watch forSlfln#l “THIS IS A 2 DAY AUCTION” Selling Saturday, October 14,1995 9:00 A.M. Antiques - Household Goods - Costume Jewelry - Jewelry Equipment Marble Top Dresser w/Oval Front, Poster Bed, Pineapple Poster Bedroom Suite, School Master Desk, Jel ly Cuptx>ard, Dry Sink w/Hutch Top, Wash Stand, PA House Wooden Breakfast Set, Hutch w/Doors, Oval Table, Knee Hole Desk w/Leather Inlay, Oak Stand, Oak Coffee Tables, Night Stand, Credenza, Empire Chest, Wood en Wardrobe, Old Wall Mirrors & Picutre Frames, Dresser w/Leaf Pulls, Clothes Tree, Dough Tray, Victorian Chair, Trunk, Wooden Kitchen Cabinet w/Glass Doors, Old Ceramic Tile Oval Coffee Table, Rockers, Elec.* Sewing machines, Jewelry Stand & Boxes, Cigar Boxes, Drop-leaf Gate Leg Table, Steeple & Mantle Elec. Clocks, Weight Mantle Clock, Knee Hole Desk, Hoover Elite II Upright Sweeper, Spool Cabinet, Kerosene Lights, Panasonic Video Camera w/Battery Pack, Speakers, Stereo, Entertainment Center w/Stereo & Radio, Magnavox TV, VCR,- Sectional Sofa, Sofa Bed, Cane Chairs, Recliners, 2 Dr. File Cabinets, Homart Portable Sink, Homemade Afghans, Treadmill, Exercise Bike, Rod Iron Patio Furniture, Lawn Furniture, Xmas Decora tions, “DUCO DECAL BOX w/DECALS,” Mosacik Tile Items, G.E. Washer & Dryer, G.E. Ref/Freezer, Upright Freezer. 1000 s of Pieces of Jewelry (Early Corocraft, Sterling, Beads, Earrings, Necklaces, Etc.), Stones for Making Jewelry, Jewelers Lathe, Polishing & Buffing Equipment, Waltham Mens & Ladies Gold Watches. Glassware, Westmorland, Fenton, Coin Dot, Ruby, Imperial, Green 1900 Ashberry Park Souvenier Pieces, Brass Items, Spode Set of Dishes, 1893 World Fair Redware Souvenier, Vases, Pitchers, Colored Glass, Ster ling Silver Flatware, Bird-on-Nest, Plated Silver Items, China Angels, Old Glasses, Wash Bowl & Pitcher, Wash Bowl Stand w/Mirror, Set of Presidential Spoons, Old Valentines, China, Figurines, Cracker Jars, Weeping Bright Gold Items, Lance jar, Punch Bowl Set, Stemware, Pet Toats, Glass Prism Lamp, Stillard Scales, Towels, Rugs, Bedding, Pots & Pans, & Many More Items Not Mentioned. TERMS: Cash or Good Check - Full Settlement Sale Day. ****************************** TO BE SOLD 2ND DAY! Saturday, October 21,19959:00 A.M. Real Estate - Construction & Farm Equipment Machine Shop Tools - Vehicles - Guns LOCATED: 7 Mile* east of Lawlstown, PA off Rt 322 at the Bumhan & Yeagertown Exit going west, come off ramp to stop sign, turn right, go 1000’ to Stop sign & turn Isft, keep straight for 7Vio mile, turn left In macadam road. Going east on 322 go off ramp & turn left A follow previous directions OR 8 mile east of Lewistown on Rt 522 at Alfarata, turn west, go to Stop sign & turn left to 1 st roed on righL Watch for Signal PARCEL A: 111.36 Acres of mountain land w/a 2 room cabin w/electric only, (Percolation passed for an on lot sewage disposal system). 1 Acre reservoir, timber wasn't harvested for 20 years, deeded right of way ingress and egress to property. PARCEL B: 141 Acres with 3 ponds (4 acres, 2 acres, &Vs acre). 3000’ Road frontage, building sets private in macadam lane w/2Vz story log and frame house with 8 rooms, 2 baths, & Florida room, 1 car garage, 2100’ private PA Lie. landing strip w/hanger, large block & metal garages & workshop, approx. 90 acres tillable & some wooded. NOTE: These properties set privately & are secluded in Mifflin County, PA-Decater Township, 7 miles east of Lewistown off Rt. 322,17 a hour west of Harrisburg, PA Very nice for outdoor, recreation & hunting retreat Farm land is rented to local farmer, don’t miss this opportunity. TERMS; Cash, Certified, or Cashiers Cheek, Deposit of $20,000 Per Parcel Day of Auction, Balance In 60 Days. Shown By Appointment, Phone (717) 543-5483 or (717) 242-1648 “OPEN HOUSE” ON REAL ESTATE ONLY Sundey, October 8 - 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Machine Shop Equipment & Tools Reed Prentice Corp. Lathe 6' Bed 16” Swing, Logan Model 200 w/3’ Bed 10” Swing, hendey 3' Bed 10" Swing, Craftsman Drill Press w/15'/2" Throat, Belt Sander, 2 Pedestal Grinders, Craftsman Band Saw (Metal & Wood), Lincoln 225 Amp Welder, Power Craft 230 Amp Welder, Black & Decker 14” Chop Saw, Borke Milling Machine, Buffalo Drill Press 18” Throat, B”Jointer, Craftsman Radial Arm Saw, Craftsman & Rockwell Table Saws, Grizzley Planer 15", Craftsman 200 Amp Battery Charger, Onan 4000 Generator L.N., Air Compressor, Acetylene Torch Sets, B'/