Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 65
Sale Reports KREIDER SALE furniture and collecti- A Public Auction of Wes was held Septem- COMPLETJE j^^^^SERVICE Public auction^ Mon., October 9« 1995 6:00 p.m. Super Commercial Property Near Selinsgrove - Kantz DlnclkHiK From ScMngrm Urol mat an Run* X M VHwt of Km*. at bbabln* nd Inffle b*t tea r%ht ud pracatd appnatamWy 2 Modu, •Mllon on Mt Property bat both bone and |nr plot commercial mm. Juu I I a mil* from Seliniprovc. The home conrtiu of 3 bedroom, I 1/2 bad*. livint note, dininc room, Ulcbon and laundry and 22x30 earafc. Ctantmcial buUdini it 30*60 with 16x41 addition. Currently med at body tbop wtlh paint nan and olTicc. fully intuluod. wind, air lira tbroufliout drop and pit. • Owntr Wry Medrutad. Mutt Sal • Cab mttlontan rordtowiaf. ownm; Rich & Judy Varner Attorney: Moon ft Cravftz KENNETH E. HASBWQER NEIL A. COURTNEY McClura, PA 17841 Rlchflald, PA 17088 (717)858-3836 (717)538-8711 MI-H 01532-1 AM-002881-L PUBLIC AUCTION COINS Sat, Oct 7,1995 9:30 A.M. Preview from 8:00 A.M. . Murry Auction Emporium 23 N. Water St, Lititz, PA. directly to rear of Sturgis Pretzel House. Proof Sets —Individual Assorted US Coins, Franklin Mint Pcs. Partial Sets, Foreign Coins, Send SASE for List... Next Auctions Oct 14 Coins, Nov. 18 Currency. Jlaodah LICENSE NO. 6494. J 23 N. WATER ST. (717) 6264176 or (717) 6262636 UTTTZ, PENNSYLVAMAI7S43 FAX (717) 627-6757 APPRAISERS «nd ADVISORS service V C 1 PUBLIC AUCTION Sat., October 7,1995 6:30 a.m. Lg. Selection of Old Car Parts Model A & Ts To Include Frames, Lights, Fenders, Electrical Pts., Wheels & More. Selling Antiques & Collectibles From The Estate Of Paul Lahr. Direction*: From Northumberland travel North on Rt. 11, proceed approx. 11/2 mil**. Turn left on Park Lana, than right on Ofd Oanvllla Highway, auction I* on the left. Sign* potted. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Tall Miuion Clock. Oak Bookcase, Sm. Blanket Chest; Plano Stool: 5 Oak Cham. Oak Rocker: Oak Hall True, Oak Server, Depression Vanity, Depression Square China Closet, Drop Lear Table. Kitchen Cupboard. Floor Model Radio, Gilded Mirror, Cast Floor Lamps. School Desk, Fruit Dryer, Sled, Northumberland Bridge Picture, Broad Ax-Mannedgc. Lewistown, Ray- O-Lamp, Dietz Inspectors Lite, PRR Signal Lanterns, Kero Lamps. Finger Lamps, Lite Brackets, Brass Miners Lamp. Stcrcoptic, Griswold Waffle Iron. Slight Damage. 35 Pc Halls Fall Pattern, Walpak Waffle Iron. Indian. Damage. Wagner #l2 Fry Pan, Egg Scales. Wood Planes. Spider Cherry Seeder. Zinc Lids. Squirrel Nut Cracker; Jumbo Peanut Jar, Halls Tfea Pot A Others, Bear Bank. While House Vinegar Jug, Misc Crocks A Jugs. Swirl Blue Granite Dish. Gloss Baskets. Salt Dips; Shirley Ibmple Creamers. Ruby Glass, Chicken On Nest, German Bowl, Carnival-Ware Northwood: Cups A Saucers. Mouse Creamer, Austria Pieces, Pressed ft Pattern Glass; Misc Depression, Violm/Case. Cavalier Trumpet, Costume Jewelry, Hat Pins, St Razors, S S Salts A toppers, Wanatta Co Co Jar, Milk Bottles, Tobacco Tins, Humpiy Dumpty Bowl Tin. Shed Peanut Butter Tin, Allentown Lard Can. Wise totalo Chip Tin, 45 Records, Careen Board. Coburn Mill Calendar, 1939 World’s Fair Cane, Date Jars Including Midgets, Glass Wash Board, Clover Date Thermometer, Hand Bells. Flail, Cast Lemon Squeezer, Roscdole N B Box, Sirawcuttcr, Bag Can, Gig. Pilcher Pump, Milk Stool, Hay Fork, Coro Shelter, Oram Cradle, Beam Seales, Buck Saw, Nail Kegs. Bushel Measure. Glass Oil Jars, Buggy Poles, Cant Hook. Bone Grinder, Platform Scales, PRR Spike Puller, Apple Peeler, Sod Irons, Dough Scraper. Tnvets, Meal Saw, Cow Bell, Milk Cons, Draw Knives, Hay Fork, Augers. Tongs; Scales. Oiler, Anvil, PRR Shovel, Masons Tools, Sprinkle Cun, 2 Man Saw, D.T Boxes; Shoe Last Hood Ornaments. Milk Bottles’ Fisher's, Manchester Cream Top. Brcmkhuff Cream Tbp, Kauffman Cop Top, A.H Myers, Ross. Glen Cove. Shsmokm. Poitzlinc; Whiling. York, Billows. Rothermels, Harrisburg: Hoffman. Clover Leaf, Shaffer. Elijah Balmer, Lycoming. Romhcrgere: Liverpool, Glendale. Vincents, Campbell. United, Irwins, East Malta, Engles, Erdlcys. Ncidiga, Fetters. Selinsgrove, Guns Win MD 94-55#2820987. HOUSEHOLDS, SHOP & BUTCHER EQUIPMENT 18 Cu Fl Refrigerator Wuhcr. Fall Front PA Houae Desk Also Oropleaf Tabic, Sofa ft Choir, Miac Upholstered Chairs, Roll-A-Way Bed, Hoover Upright Vacuum. Hutch Top, Bedding, Card Ihhlc, Folding Tkblcs. Poreh Swing, Step Stool. Potato Plow, Walk Behind Cultivator, Metal Traps, Chisels ft Slicks. Stanley #45 Plane. Still m Orig. D T. Box, Cyclone Seeder, Chains, Bench Grinder. Vise, Handles, Lawn Roller. Creeper, Buckcl-A-Day Stove. Butcher Kettle ft 1 Foot; #l2 Meat Grinder, 1 Qi Sausage SuifTcr, And So Much More. AUCnONEB* ’S NOTE: GrmtttUctUm, Amtmintkit Burdette Lahr, to* KENNETH E. MASSINGER NEIL A. COURTNEY RR 02, Box MS R.D. «1 Box 239 MeCluro, PA 17541 Rlchflold, PA 170 M (717)868-3536 Urlii (717)539-8791 AU-001882-L AU-002851-L ber 23 by Thelma A. bowl $47.50, Marlin Kredier and others at 33 30-30 rifle $925, Marlin N. Kinzcr Rd„ Kinzers. 22 rifle $lO5, table and Lane. Co., Pa. There 6 chairs $2OO, chest of were 190 registered for drawers $l4O, wooden the sale. wheelbarrow $205 and Some prices received cement mixer $l9O. were: Gap advertising Barr/Davis were the auctioneers. COMPLETE SERVICE Public auction^ Mon., October 16,1995 6:00 p.m. • Real Estate • Homt/CommtrcM Building -10.58 Acres nncftMi FMi Harrietafg timi MfCi m Rad II ft 15, Jm aoitt <f Uverewl ban 101 l ad Rad 1M Mi cmUno nmwftMldy 4 ■!(•. jm pail emni briifß ban ibht O mcOm ipi Mi MsiM* 1M aMt. AmOm m K.fiwyTiwilt,lo)6fCiNiii. Jdlißa wifciMtFlaml HI Hie home cousins of 3 bedrooms. 1 3/4 balks, living room, dinning room, kitchen, roll basement with 1 car garage and 3/4 bath, deck oft of dining room with sliding door. Also on the property is a 40x90x16 It fully insulated garage with oil hot air heat and separate sewer facilities and well Complete with office and parts room. This real estate is very versatile with possible subdivision possibilities. Cal Aacliaaaan ftir *owtaf on« David and Kathy Varner KENNETH E. HASSINBER NEIL A. COURTNEY MeClura, PA 17M1 /Wpfev Richflald, PA 17086 (717)658-3536 U-Sm (717)539-8791 AU-001532-L AU-002651-L Reed AUCTIONEERS Since 1962 AUCTION SALE EARLY QUALITY ANTIQUES A COLLECTIBLES WINFIELD L. ERBS TAVERN A (10) ROOM APT. COMPLETELY FULL OF NICE ANTIQUES 6 COLLECTIBLES, FURNITURE, GLASSWARE-CHMA (30) LAMPS - BAR RELATED ITEMS - CIVIL WAR NICE OAK STORE FIXTURES ■ STATUES ■ PRINTS, ETC. PHIUPSBURG. PA (17) West Pueqeiele St, Downtown (Near Mid-State Bank). Generations Of Inventory From 20'a - 30'a. ate. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8. 12:31 PM AlWqua Furniture A Fixtures: (2) 3 pc SaM Oak Bedroom Sukaa, wftlgh Back Bids With stand, Dramri, Oik Chun, Platterm Rockers, Victorian Dnm, Iron Bids, Slip Back Cupboard, Nice 2 pc KHchan Cupboard, Hoilir lypi Cupboard, Claw Fool Chairs, Small ok) Cupboard, Sawing Machlnas, Mahogany Levs Baal, Buffats, Chastnut Table, Round Oak Psdastal, Claw Fool Tabla w*S Chairs, S Pc. Early lea Craam Sal, Victorian Chain, Oak Claw Fool, Übrary Tabla, rnarbls Top Tablaa, Victorian Whin Matbla Top nWaa. 4 Victorian FhgarCarvad Chain, Victorian Minora, High Back Bookcasa Sscmaty Disk, 3 Re High Back Badtoom Suita, Droplaal Tablaa, walnut Chssts, Baldwin Spinal Plano Ex. Core) nica. Lamps: Approx. 30 dlffamnt asaottad lamps Including' Early hand palmed hanging calling lamps, Cirda Piano Lamps, Alladsn lamps, numarous banqual lamps, savanl lamp stands, 2 aariy Brass floor lamps. Rad Satin Floor Lamp, 3 Sons With Tha Wind Lamps, AHadan disk lamp. Cotlactiblea: Cories Grinders, Deitz Lanlamt, Many Many Bsautiful Fmmsa, Rsgulator Wall Clock, Signed Laroy Dalad 1888 Wal Prlnla, Toros Ihs but rights, Mogatt busL Balhovan bust, many ok) raootda, mounted hsada, signed bisque llg urines, brass buckets, teddy bast*, aariy book markers, carxanrs, brass tur- Das. manna docks, photo album a, Balhovan status, aariy Ink wets. Oso BuaL many 30s pictures. savaral Karmen rugs, vlokn, thS Ortantal Rug, ok) BWaa, waeh bowl tat, kerosene lamps, wash stand, wicker baskets, Leroy F.MMsr and Sons Plano NICE, 100 other flams 100 numarous to mention In glassware, china, dishes, ale Country Blom and Bar Raided Mamar Nice old dya cupboards, decorated L-ahapsd gists from oak atora cab. unusual 8 nice, Quean Ann China CloisL Early Bear Trays. 2 Brest Cath Registers, Other Bar and Store Related Fixtures and ktma too numarous to mention. Special Note: Ntoa Dtooreltd Sds, alto boar coders, gas grid, Hotpolm flafrig., Maytag Auto. Waahsr. TERMS: CaeMer Cheek • Food • Port*|ohn • Bring Chain Autfioriaed Sofd By Carmen Mootore ■ QuerdUn, Deve Meeon - Counc* DON’T MISS THKAUCTIONII CLINTON COMMERCIAL AUCTION TRUCK & HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR SHOP INVENTORY TWO WRECKERS, TOOLS, PARTS, etc. from a Retired Doyles town, PA Mechanic TO BE HELD @ THE WARWICK TWP. FIRE CO. BANQUET HALL, RT. 263 (York R<L), JAMI SON, BUCKS CO., PA. ON Wed., Oct 18th, 1995 @ 9:30 AJM. INCLUDING: OTC SS Shop Press, Ammco 3000 Giant Safe Turn Brake, Van Norman disc brake grinder, port, engine crane, 10 ton floor jack, pres sure washers, Miller 200 amp mig welder, Robin Air recycling machine, Vacula brake tools, CP & Snap On Impact tools, Mateo 10 ton porta power. Coach tire repair tools, PLUS: INTERNATIONAL 10 WHEEL WRECKER, FORD WRECKER, wide variety of brand new hardware & bins, parts, etc. WATCH FOR FULL LISTING IN UPCOMING ISSUES OF THIS PUBLICATION ROBERT H. CLINTON & COMPANY, INC. AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS P.0.80x 29, Ottsville, PA 18942 (610)847-5432 * FAX (610) 847-2536 AY-000093-L 1* . REITZ ESTATE A Public Auction of antiques and toys was held September 23 for die estate of Florence K. Reitz, 4 miles east of Red Cross and Rt. 224, Northumberland Co., Pa. Some prices included: oak kitchen cabinet $4OO, 3 piece oak bedroom suite $425, Hannan wood & coal stove $775, Colum bian parior stove $3OO, butter print $l3O, butter bowl $65.1 quart glass butter churn $2lO, decorated jug $260, red ware plate $2BO, Charlie McCarthy wind-up toy $360, Fisher-Price Mickey Mouse Safety Patrol car $175 and Fisher-Price Pop Eye toy $l5O. Mark J. Jones and Jeff Dunkelberger were the auctioneers. DISTRICT HEIFER SALE The District Heifer Auction was held Sep tember 22 at the Leba- Peiiod 18th dr 19th Century Furniture From Chester Co., Balt., Mass.; Samplers From 1786-1818; Coverlets; Primitives; Advertis ing dr Ephemera; Books; Cast Iron, Christmas Items; 6" Mocha Mug; and Morel The Lifelong Collection of Raymond St Audrey Delano, of (Advert, Cecil Co., MD will be offered at “Hebron's Gift" ■ 211 Brick Meeting House Rd„ Northeast MD ons FRI. OCT. 6 -10 AM, SAT. OCT. 7 - 9AM, & SAT. OCT, 14 • 10AM DIRECTIONS: Approx. 35 mi. north of Baltimore A 35 ml. south of Philadelphia. Exit 100 off 1-95 onto Rt. 272 wost bound. Go approx. 4 ml. to Brick Meetinghouse Rd.'A make right. Naar tha inter, of Rt. 272 A Rt. 273 across from Calvart Nursing Roma. FRIDAY OCT. 0 • 10AM: Staffordshire China, C. 1830; pressed pattern glass; some flow blue; Liberty Bell glass; Mercury glass; Nippon; T. Haviland; Hsisey; salts; books to incl. old chil dren's books (Mother Goose), old atlases: history, Martha Findley books (Elkton, Md.) military; 1893 Exposition World's Fair Book; 1877 Cecil Co. Atlas; Christmas Items (Die Cuts, miniature figure) balls, small feather tree); early women A children's clothing; lady's & men's hats; Scout items; advert, pcs. to incl. Oxford, Lancaster, York, Balt., & Cecil Co. calendars, shotglasses, bottle openers; 1900's Cecil Co. postcards; 1863 Balt. Daily Gazette-death of Stonewall Jack son; 1865 Cecil Whig art-death of A. Lincoln; beadwork purses, Viet, drapes; M. 1.8. doll manikin; dolls to Incl. Effanbee "May Star* in orig. box; Pinnochio; 20* & 30* composition dolls; McCarthy puppet, windup tin toys; plus much more! SATURDAY OCT. 7 - BAM: Approx. 80 pcs. of furniture to incl. (mostly 18th & early 19th cen tury) wal. tilt top tea table, birdcage base, w/cabriole legs & padded snake feet C. 1790 (minor repair); 2 pc. mah. banquet tables, hand turned spiral legs w/some carving around apron, C. 1820; 7' drop front plantation desk; early 7' double door china cupboard (14 panes of glass per door), pegged, glass cemented in; Viet. sofa from Robt. Fulton House in Lancaster Co.; mah. swivel top game table, empire pedestal w/4 legs; 2-earty candle stands & lamp stands; camphorwood stagecoach trunk, leather bound with brass nails; 6-Vict. upholstered chairs; Sheraton wal. backsplash graduated chest of drawers, C. 1780; Sheraton chest of drawers; wal. wardrobe signed Henry Oubree-Unionville, PA (Chester Co.), May 30,1843; early pine bench table; Windsor A Heywood Wakefield Windsor chairs; Sleigh bed C. 1820-Mass.; mah. 3 door bookcase; linen press; several blanket chests; very nice early needlepoint rocker; child's drop leaf table; Deacon's Bench; early pine baby cradle; Adirondack rockers; foot warmer stool with punched tin hearts; fantastic metal A wooden music/book stand; jelly cupboard; mah. drop leaf table; plus many more pcs. MATERIALS TO INCL: 5-homespun Samplers dated 1785-1815 (1786 made by Liza Lovtjoy), 5 coverlets (2-dated); several rugs to incl. Chinese oriental room size rug; small braided rugs; old patchwork quilts A tops; MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO INCL. IT Mocha mug (banded creamware); carved folk art horse A sleigh w/driver approx. 36‘ long); cast iron door stops, early trivets, A boot jacks; ABC tin plate-Maiy Had A Little Lamb; 6 pc. Britannica tea set; pewter chargers; hallmark pewter plates; blue decorated stoneware crocks A pitcher w/flowers; primitive fireplace tools A utensils; andirons made by local blacksmith (Jackson) from Battle Swamp, Port Deposit, iron forks A turners, bellows; coffee grinder; pantry boxes; numerous old cookie cutters; squeeze box accordion; tin oil mammary warmer; muzzle loader percussion shotgun; butter molds A prints; candle boxes; sugar firkin; paintings to incl. C.X Carlson (Chester Co.Pa); 3 steel etchings by G.H. McCord, J. Henry Hill, A W. Wellstood in beautiful frames; decoys (19S0's M. Mitchell); etc. SATURDAY OCT. 14 - 10 A.M.: Household items, tools, planes, unfinished furniture and odds A ends left over from first 2 days of sale. TERMS: Cash uniats known to Auction Co. If not, Bank Lsttsr of Credit nsadtd I.D M/C A VISA aecsplad. Out of stala tax I.D. * not accepted. Tan percent buyer's premium. NOTE Hebron's Gift was first recognize In 1730 A was used as a lanyard by a John Day. The Estate pasted through many hands until the Delano family purchased it in 1956. Both Raymond A Audrey were well known In the area both at collectors of fine antiques. Their personal collection will now bo available, with no reserves, at public auction. It it with great honor and pleasure that we have been commissioned to conduct this auction. Please join us to honor On Delano family at this auction that will be remembered for some lima In the Cecil Co. area. Auction held under tent rain or shine. UntieiMfcmhfl, fcifcmHy; September fe, non Area Fairgrounds, offRL 72 south of Leba non, Pa. SALE The 75 head of regis tered and grade Hols teins, red and whites. Brown Swiss and Guernseys averaged $lOOO. The top heifer sold for $3OOO and a two month old calf $lOOO. Harry Bachman was the auctioneer. HAMILTON ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate and antiques was held September 23 for the estate of Harry W. Hamilton, 2 miles west of While Horse along Route 340, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 456 registered bidders attending the sale. The S 3 acres with a 2i4 so try brick house and a barn was sold for $336,000 to Emanuel Floyd of Bird-in-Hand, Pa. An additional 17 acres of land were sold for $175,000 to Amos Lapp, Hershey Church Road, Kinzers, Pa. ** FANTASTIC 3 DAY ** ESTATE AUCTION Other prices were: 3 piece marble-top bed room suite $1650, C roll secretary desk $l5OO, maple wardrobe $BOO, kitchen cabinet $5OO, oak chest-of drawers $290,2 Empire bureaus $2OO & $225, ' oak dresser $250, spool oak bed $2OO, pressed back rocker $lOO, blanket chest $350, North Pole wooden ice box $350, feather Christmas tree $360, nightstand $lBO, wooden high chair $3OO, 2 flower stands $460, wicker W)y coach $3OO, pie 'pup board $325, thrpe gallon jug $l9O, four gallon corck $l2O. old salt box $l4O, copper kettle $450. oak head board $3OO and box of zinc lids $llO. Roberts. Martin. Jef frey R. Martin, Randal Ranck and apprentice Michael L. Martin were the auctioneers. WUIAMS AUCTION A APPRAISAL SERVICE P.0.80X 381, FOREST HRi, MO 21050 RICK-410-838-3031 -FAX #4lO-838-1123 EARL-410058-2001