Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 58

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1995 Keystone International Livestock Exposition Oct. 4-9
The Keystone International
Livestock Exposition is in its 39th
year at Harrisburg. Hie Exposi
tion is recognized nationally as a
showcase for the nation’s top beef
cattle, swine, sheep, and horses. It
will be held at the Farm Show
Complex in Harrisburg on Octob
er 4-9, 1995.
1995 has been designated as
‘.‘Year of the Beef,” so beef exhibi
tors will receive special attention
as part of the effort to increase
public awareness of the beef
industry and the high caliber of
shows held annually at KILE.
Increased interest and entries
have led the show management to
expand the horse program to six
days, which moves the Appaloosa
8 00 a m Appaloosa Horse Show
800 am!
4 00-7.00 p m
300 pm
4 00p.m
4 40 pm
Draft Horse Hitch Show
Stockman's Trade show
Animals of Distinction Performance
Opening Ceremony & Awards Presentation
Wool Judging
Southdown Breeding Sheep
Breeding Swine; Landrace,Poland China &
Spotted Swine in order
Animals of Distmctiion Performance
6 00 pm
600 pm
6 30 pm
Columbia, Menno, Comedale Breeding Sheep
in order
600 am
Hampshire followed by Dorset Breeding Sheep
Draft Horse Halter Show
Shorthorn Breeding Cattle
Breeding Swine; Hampshire, Yorkshire,
Berkshire, Chester White & Duroc in order
Sheep Shearing Demonstration
Stockman's Trade Show
Shropshire Breeding Sheep
Sheep to Shawl Demonstration
Animals of Distinction Performance
Sunmental Capital Futunty
Draft Horse Hitch Show
Animals of Dstinotion Performance
Feeder Calf Show
Suffolk & Montadale Breeding Sheep
‘Keystone Classic Sale*
Animals of Dsti notion Performance
Glatfelter 'Challenge ol the Breeds' plus Draft
Horse Registered Mares/Stallions 4-Horse &
6-Horse Hitch Classes (Admission Charge)
600 am
8 00 am.
900 am.
900 am
1000-3 30pm
10 00-7 00 pm.
11 00 a m.
11 00-4.00 p m.
1200 noon
1230 pm.
200 pm.
4 30 pm.
600 pm.
600 pm.
630 pm.
7 00pm
Draft Horse Youth Classes
Junior & Intercollegiate Livestock Judging Contest
Shropshire & Rambouillet Breeding Show
Stockman's Trade Show
Fleece to Shawl Demonstration
Animals of Distinction Performance
Keystone Lead Line ■ following sheep judging
Lebanon Valley National Bank - ’Agn-Kid Olympics'
8 00 am
8 00 a m
800 am
10 00-7 00 pm
11 00-4 00 pm
1200 noon
12 00 noon
12 00 noon
show to Wednesday and the Quar
ter Horse show to Sunday. Once
again, part of the draft horse-hitch
show is a qualifying event in the
North American Six Horse Hitch
Classic Series, and many of the
country’s top rated hitches will
work to earn points for the nation
al event in Ocala, Florida.
Other livestock will also gamer
international attention. The
Limousin Show has been desig
nated as a Limousin Medal of
Excellence Show, Level 11. One of
eight approved regional competi
tions that qualify exhibitors for the
national show.
Sheep competition at KILE fea
tures the Great Lakes Regional
Rambouillet Show and a Regional
Strolling Ei
Montadale Junior Show.
Hundreds of collegiate, FFA
and 4-H students from several
states always enter the junior
livestock judging and stockman
contests at KILE. These keen edu
cational competitions are excel
Glatfelter Named Hall Of Fame Winner
Arthur J. Glatfelter, a resident
of Dallastown, York County, has
been chosen as the Livestock Hall
of Fame Award winner for 1995.
He will be honored at a ceremony
at 4:00 in the Small Arena of the
Farm Show Complex in Hanis
burg on Thursday, October 5,
1995. His picture will be hung on
the Small Arena wall with the
Polled Hereford Breeding Cattle
Paso Fino Horse Show
Animals of Distinction Performance
Yearling Bred Ewe Sale Hampshire, Southdown,
Dorset, Shropshire, Montadale & Suffolk in order
Evergreen Tractor Kiddie's Pedal Pull
Feeder Calf Sale • Feeder Calf Pens
Animals of Distinction Perioimance
Heavy Hitch Classic -Draft Horse 4-Horse, 6-Horse
Hitch Show & 8-Horse Hitch Show
(Admission Charge)
1200 noon
3.00 pm
300 pm.
3.00 p.m.
630 pm
6'30 p.m.
7 00 p.m
Family Sunnse Service
Junior Breeding Sheep: Cheviot, Oxford. Tunis,
Hampshire, Southdown, and Dorset in order
Junior Beef Breeding Cattle
Quarter Horse Show
Junior Breeding Sheep: Comedale, Menno,
Rambouillet, Montadale, Shropshire, and Suffolk in
8 00a m
8.00 a.m.
8 00am
8.00 am
800 am.
Duroc Barrows On-Foot, followed by Cross
bred and Purebred Barrows of Other Breed
Stockman's Trade Show
Junior Steers (4-H & FFA)
Reece to Shawl Demonstration
Animals of Distinction Show
Live Hog Evaluation Contest
Junior Barrows followed by Truckload of 6 Market
9 00 a.m
10.00- p.m.
11.00- p.m.
1200 noon
12.30 p m.
130 pm
Limousin Medal of Excellence Show
Animals of Distinction Performance
Animals of Distinction Performance
2 00pm
3 00 p.m.
6 30 p.m
Arabian Horse Show
Keystone Arabian Horse Judging Contest for
Youth - Large Arena
800 am
800 am
Breeding Sheep. Tunis, Oxford 4 Cheviot in order
Angus Breeding Cattle
Open Barrows On-Foot Berkshire, Chester
White, Hampshire, Landraee, Poland China,
Spotted Swine 4 Yorkshire in order
Keystone Stockman’s Show
Stockman's Trade Show
Simmental Breeding Cattle
Keystone Stockman's Contest Awards
800 am
800 am
9 00am
9 30am
10 00-3 00 p m
1200 noon
2 30pm
■ntertamment Daily
October 4 To October 9, 1995
The show is sponsored by the Pennsylvania Livestock Association,
the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture,
and the Pennsylvania Farm Show Commission.
Published In Lancaster Farming, September 30, 1995
lent tests of knowledge and skill,
providing students with valuable
experience for their futures in
With the newly-expanded
Pennsylvania Farm Show Com
plex, KILE has been able to
twenty-five previous winners of
this prestigious award. This award
is given by the Pennsylvania
Livestock Association and is cho
sen on the following three criteria:
contribution to the livestock
industry, involvement with the
Pennsylvania Livestock Associa
tion and contribution to the
Our recipient was bom in York
County in 1924. He graduated
from William Penn Senior High
School and holds an Honorary
Doctorate in Human Letters, York
College of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Glatfelter hs supported
numerous farm-related organiza
tions during his 25 years involved
in agricultural pursuits. In 1977
Art and Lee Glatfelter purchased
their first American Paso Finos.
Through (he years he has estab
lished a herd of Paso Finos that
include the National Champion
2-Year-Old Colt and many other
champions. He is a steward of the
land, saving hundreds of acres of
wide open land from the real
estate block, practices efficient,
state-of-the-art farming and is an
example to all who look for effi
ciency and integrity in farming
His bear preserve in western
Pennsylvania and his game bird
operation in central Pennsylvania
gives him wide experience in
environmental concerns. His wide
range of activities included the
Farm Safety & Occupational
Health Board and active in legisla
tion as Workers’ Compensation.
He has been instrumental in fund
ing several activities for the Farm
land Trust and is a leading board
member. He has sponsored the
scholarship program for the youth
at the Pennsylvania Farm Show.
He has organized the Agri-
Business Insurance Agency,
which has a policy to insure far
mers to give them the protection
they need without due problems
and concerns. He feels farmers
should have an opportunity to
have crap insurance available that
is “farmer friendly” and economi
cal without concerns over claims.
He has been a major supporter of
the Keystone International Live
stock Exposition and the founder
and. sole sponsor of the “Chal-
spread out through two additional
acres of indoor exhibit space.
Over 4,400 entries are expected
for the 1995 show, which offers a
record $200,000 in premiums.
(Turn to Pag* B 20)
lenge of the Breeds” since it
started six years ago. He also has
been a significant supporter of the
Keystone National Rib Cookoff
He is active in the York County
Democtratic Party and major sup
porter of many candidates. He
served on the Pennsylvania Com
mittee for Tort Reform and has
supported many bipartisan efforts
for the common good.
Mr. Glatfelter supports many
religious bodies. He has been an
exemplary board member and
officer in organizations ranging
from the York YMCA to the York
Jewish Community Center, the
Christian School of York, Holy
Care Day Center, among many
Mr. Glatfelter has served on the
boards of many organizations.
Local, regional, state, national and
international groups have been
enriched by his dedication to the
handicapped, the poor, the help
less, as well as the truly gifted. He
has served on the boards of the
York Hospital, the York YMCA,
the Agricultural and Industrial
Museum of York County and the
Fire Museum of York. Mr. Glat
felter has led major fund-raising
campaigns for the American Red
Cross, the Margaret E. Moul
Home for the Handicapped, the
Rehabilitation and Industrial
Technical Center, the Mason-
Dixon Paso Fino Owners and
Breeders Association and many
others. He has served as President
of the County Chamber of Com
merce, the Independent Insurance
Agents Association of York
County, the International Associa
tion of Fire Chiefs’ Foundation
and others.