Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 54
814-Lanca«tar Farming, Saturday, Saptambtr 30. 1995 Potato F LORETTA GOLDEN Cambria Co. Correspondeni EBENSBURG (Cambria Ci The 4th annual Potato Fest being held in the main streets Ebcnsburg on Saturday, Septet ber 30, beginning at 9 a.m. Thi harvest festival) celebrating thi potato, is sponsored by the Ebenr burg Business District Author (EBDA). Spokesman Tim Hout promises that “the festival wi feature all-day family fun and ei tenainmcnl.” The Potato Fest was initiated > the EBDA m an effort to promoi the area’s potato industry. Most the area’s potatoes are grown in the northern pan of Cambria County and Ebensburg seemed the logical place to hold this festival. In addition to a Farmer’s Mar ket featuring locally-grown pro duce, the business district will hold an m-iown sidewalk sale. The food booths are popular, as they arc at any festival, and many ol these will be serving a “potato” menu. This includes such items as potato candy, potato soup, baked potatoes, the ever-popular Ircnch Ines, potato picroghis, and even “llowenng” potatoes A large assortment ol home made crall items is expected in the craft booths and a variety of enter tainment will be continuous throughout the day. This includes music, a dog show, an ice sculp ture demonstration, a clown, ma gician, and “Unicycle Sam.” “Mr. Potato Head” will even make an appearance. A “children’s activi ties” tent will also be in operation. Local schools participated in the poster contest and potato carv ing contest held this past week. Entries arc to be judged and prizes will be awarded to the winning students. Last year, carved like nesses ol Bill and Hillary Clinton were entered in the contest. Another feature of the festival is the Miss Potato Fcst Pageant. A few of the’chipping compan ies which purchase Cambria County potatoes distribute sample Doug Weakland, 4-year-old son of Rick and Dawn Weak land of RO Portage, holds spuds from his dad’s recent po tato harvest. Mid Mandichak (left) and her sister, Donna Penatzer, In the kitchen of “Mid’s Homemade Candy,” RD Ebensburg, are busy preparing potato candy for Potato Fest ’95. bags of their product to festival goers. It’s quit possible that these chips were made from locally grown tubers. Why the potato? The lowly spud may seem an odd thing around which to center a celebra tion, but here in Cambria County, potato is king! In fact, according to figures given by Ron Hostetler of the local PSD extension office, Cambria County ranks second in potato production in Pennsylva nia. Only Erie County produces more. Both “chipping” and “table stock” potatoes are grown in the area This year's potato season has been a real challenge to area farm ers. Present drought conditions are making harvesting a little more difficult since the ground is harder than usual. Hostetler did remark that surprisingly, in spite of the drought, yields seem to be pretty respectable. “In general, the area potatoes are not as big as usual as a consequence of the drought, but there are a lot of potatoes on the vines.” The potato is an economical and versatile vegetable. Potato candy, the stuff that you ate as a kid a concoction of mashed potatoes and confectioners' sugar, rolled out and smeared with pea- nul butler, will be featured. How ever, Mid Mandichak, owner of “Mid’s Homemade Candy” locat ed in RD Gbensburg, has taken the old-fashioned potato candy recipe and through trial and error in her candy kitchen, updated it for a more modem taste. Mid, a member of the Ebens burg Rotary, along with several other Rotary members prepare some of the candy during the week previous to the festival and donate it back to the club for sale during the Potato Fest. She remarked that her “newer” version of potato can dy has been quite a “hit” during the Potato Fest and generally sells out before noon. Potato soup is another featured item at the festival and Gbensburg area resident, June Griffith, was gracious enough to share her “tried and true” recipe. She has prepared this particular soup for other activities held in the Ebens burg area and it has received “rave” reviews. According to Tim Houser of the EBDA, “it is abso lutely delicious!” June also shares her version of a recipe for potato bread which is made in a breadmaker. She re marked that this recipe has quite and interesting flavor due to the chopped green onions and tops which are added. It uses potatoes in another form dried potato buds. June and her husband Richard N. live at “Bryn Teg Farm” (Welsh, meaning “Pleasant Hill”) a few miles outside of Ebensburg. For years they owned and operat ed a retail farm dairy until the ear ly ’7os, and then went in to the po tato growing business for a num ber of years. June is a “Jack of Trades” hav ing been a home aconomist for the loca extension office before her children were bom, a home eco nomics teacher, substitute teacher, and now a realtor. June is also called upon to judge entries and exhibits at fairs in neighboring counties. As a home economist, June re marks that potato soup is a very economical and hearty meal. When asked what the secret is to making delicious potato soup, this wife of a former potato farmer an swered “begin with good Cambria County potatoes!” The crew at Rick Weakland farm In RD Portage Is busy sorting potatoes before shipping. MID’S ‘MODERN’ POTATO CANDY V* cup mashed potatoes (home made or from instant mashed po tato puffs) 4 cups flaked coconut 4% cups sidted confectioners’ sugar 2 cups smooth peanut butter CHOCOLATE COATING: Mix 2 tablespoons soft butter, 2 tablespoons com syrup, and 3 ta blespoons water in the top of a double boiler. Stir in one pkg. (15.4 oz.) chocolate fudge flavor frosting mix until smooth. Heat over rapidly boiling water S min utes, stirring occasionally. Combine ingredients except coaling; drop by leaspoonfuls on waxed paper. Roll in balls, refrig erate 'A to 1 hour. If mix is too soft to form balls, refrigerate first, then shape balls. Dip balls in coat ing, turning to coat on all sides. Keep chocolate over hot water while dipping candy. With tongs or forks, lift balls out of chocolate on waxed paper or cake rack. Place candies in refrigerator to harden. (6 doz. candies) **"Mid’s Homemade Candy” uses Neslle’s Pure Milk Chocolate m place of chocolate coating. Museum Begins Activity Program HERSHEY (Dauphin Co.) —Registrations are currently being taken for two adult classes scheduled this fall at the Hershey Museum. “Watcrcolor Tech niques” instructed by Robert' Nisley will be held on Wednes days, October 18 through Decem ber 6. This eight-week course is designed to accommodate a varie ty of experience levels. Many watercolor techniques are explored in this class and particip ants are encouraged to progress at their own pace. The instructor. Bob Nisley, is a signature member of the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, winner of an honor award in the WITF exhibit. He exhibits his paintings at many regional arts and crafts festivals. A list of materials will be supplied upon registrations. Class fee is $35 for JUNE GRIFFITH’S POTATO SOUP 6-8 potatoes, peeled and cubed 2 onions, chopped 3 carrots, chopped or shredded 2 ribs celery 1 tablespoon parsley 7 cups water 'A cup butter salt and pepper to taste Cook all of the above ingredi ents together and mash with a po tato masher. Add ‘/i of a 13-ounce can of evaporated milk. Heat and enjoy! JUNK’S BREADMAKER POTATO BREAD I egg plus enough water to make 1 cup + 3 tablespoons 3 tablespoons oil I teaspoon lemon juice 3 tablespoons dry milk 1 teaspoon salt 'A cup sugar ‘A cup Potato Buds 2 tablespoons green onions 3 cups + 3 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon dry yeast Bake according to manufactur er’s directions for Basic Biead Dark. This recipe is designed for a l'/j -pound loaf breadmaker. nonmemhers and $3O if you are a museum member. Please register by October 9 by calling (717) 534-3439. “Introduction to Honeysuckle Basketry Workshop” taught by fiber artist and basketmaker, Susan Kelleher will be held on Ttiesday, October 24, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Honeysuckle vine grows wild throughout the mid- Atlantic region and has long been gathered and prepared to be woven into baskets. Students will make a small basket using wicker basketry techniques. Instructions on how to gather and prepare hon eysuckle vine and natural dy? materials will be given. Class fee is $29 nonmembers and $25 museum members. Please register by October 13 by calling (717) 534-3439.