If You Need Machinery With Financing For Over $2,000 See Binkley & Hurst Bros. Now! Short Term Financing For Purchase Under $2,000 Through Farm Plan Credit Accounts. used for approx. 150 acres, like new Gravity Flow Bin AirailableNow IDH| 326 l ILxIS 8 ply dres, ■ ' New Holland (Horst double pole coupler gear) m Wiuiw Square Baler tow away for oiuy $2,200 Only $2,950 New Holland Model 499 12 Foot Swing Frame Mower Conditioner (1) UM2834 Load King Tag-A-Long 20,000 GVW Trailer, 1987 model, with 19' flat bed and S' beaver tail $4,250 (2) UM2833 New Holland 326 Baler with out thrower, quarter turn, good condition with liquid applicator $8,500 Used 18 Foot Mid West Grain Body ~Wm* 3HB 18 Foot with 52" sides with 20" aluminum extensions with top hinged aluminum tailgate with grain chute, in very good condition Ask for Dean (3) UM2841 41 foot Speed King Grain & Bale elevator with electric motor $1,350 (4) UM2840 New Holland Grinder Mixer Model 355100 Bu. with folding unload auger $3,450 (5) Clay 800 gallon Vacuum Tanker Harvester Ready to Chop Reconditioned Hesston 7155 Forage Harvester (previous owner purchased new 1989) 2 Row Harrow Corn Head & Hay Pickup New Knives & Shear Bar, 1000 RPM Make Reasonable Offer WMETTZZIZ? Don't Miss This One! I#"' Large Late Model New Idea Tandem Aide Spreader Mode! 3639 " end gate only 2or 3 yra. old (6) UM2832 Case 63” Uniloader dirt bucket (7) UM2831 3 pt. 8 foot scraper blade with manual turn 133 Rothsville Station Rd. P.O. Box 0395, Lititz, PA 17543-0395 Located 1/2 Mile North of Rothaville With Financing Pending Credit Nice Straight 9 Foot Gehl Mower Conditioner With Stub Guards .V,' '•‘r lawn seeding Ith power rotar. Come & See this good used machine 3uy early and save 30% on this good condition IH 80 T 3” cut snow blower double auger 1895 less 126 (15) UM2658 New Holland 489 haybine with hyd. swing hitch $2,950 Don't Miss This One! double gear box rake & tedder 17 foot working width, good condition (17) UM2530 Donahue Implement Carrier T 4”x28 foot long tandem axle flat drop for loading machinery or crops Save $ Price Reduced losSr. New Holland 452 I 3 pt. 7 10" cut disc mower in good working condition!! Only $2,950 Choose a Used Skid Loader Today! (1) UT3205 Like New Case 1845 C Case-Cummins Powered 56 HP Diesel, One Owner only 645 hrs., aux. hyd., work lights, 12:00 x 16.5 tires, sold and serviced by our Co., Easy Service Roll from Cage and Lots of other fine features. (3) UT3252 Case 1840 Uniloader 50 HP Case-Cummins diesel, only 1577 hrs. Sold new by our Co. Dec. 1993, Lights, 63" utility bucket. Stop in & See! (4) UT3238 Case 18458 Diesel, 1985 Model with 73" dirt bucket. Lights, rear wts., aux. hyd. Come & See $9,900 (5) UT3228 Case 1845 C (1994 Model) 430 hrs., 73" dirt bucket with tooth bar (6) UT3163 Case 1845 diesel Uniloader 1981 Model with good 12:00x16.5 tires. New 73" utility bucket, rebuilt motor and miscellaneous repair, $8,650 (7) UM2772 72" wide manure fork for straight 1845 Uniloader, Very Good $475 Good 7 Lights, Ready to Work! (2) Mustang 445 Diesel 44 HP Perkins with 1500 lb. load carrying capacity, aux. hyd remotes, 10:00x16.5 tires. No Trade Fob. Price Only $5,950 1-800-487-2978 Fax 717-626-0906