Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 154
Dl4-Lancastw Fanning, Saturday, Septambar 30. 1995 NH Model 320 baler, wire tie, you paint, ready to go. 908/446-5805. NH Super 717 chopper, 2R corn head, late model pickup head, $1,500 (301)898-7426 Nl #lO picker, nice, $650, MF #33 drill, 17 disc, $875. Rhino post hole digger, $525, MF #B2 plow, 4b. 3pt, $450 610-562-4464 Nl 12A excellent, $1350, Nl 14A rewooded, $l7OO Nl manure spreader parts, new & used We ship UPS Thom Wheary Jr 717/687-0102 Nl 14-A ground driven manure spreader, all origi nal, $6OO (717)697-9788 Nl 206 ground drive spreader, good condition, field ready $9OO 610/932-5576 Nl 2RN Late Style Picker Unit w/Super Shelter, Ex cellent PA Office (71 7)949-3769 730 5 00PM VA Office (540)879-9926 9 00-4 00PM Ml 2RN picker late style W/12R husking bed, exc cond $2950 080 Call between 7 30am-8 30am 717/949-3769 Nl 310 1R corn picker $5OO 610/932-5576 Nl 323 1R corn picker $2lOO, Athens 131 disc, 11 24" blades, $l5OO 080 717 426 2659 Nl 323 Corn Picker, Good Condition, Must Sell, Make Offer (610)286-9711 Nl 324 corn picker, WR NH 68 Haylmer hay baler Pull-type spt chisel plow manual lift Southern Ches ter County call (610)932-5873 Nl 324 corn picker, 2R, sharp $3,800 Miller's Re pair, (717)656-6109 Nl 324 picker 327 husker, good condition $3 800 (610)845-2911 Nl 325 corn picker, 2RN, 12 roll husking bed, good condition 717/258-6682 Nl 325 corn picker, 2RN, 8 roll husking bed, good condition $2 650 (717)733 1682 Nl 702 SP chopper, 3 row narrow. $5,200 717-249-2317 or 1-800-248-2151 Nl 703 Uni W/729A sheller and 730. corn head Best offer After 9pm, (717)485-4820 Nl 705 diesel uni-system w/737 husker, 744 N head, low hours, looks and runs good. $6250 neg 610-353-7304 evenings ask for Lyle Chester Co Nl 707 Uni-system, 815 flex head 844 N corn head, high moisture adapter, 767 chopper, 717 combine, any or all (717)684-8780 Nl 709 um. 4x4, Nl 839 gray um husker. Nl 838 uni husker All nice condition 717-456-7375 Nl 838, husking bed, throat 4 elevator rebuilt 2 years ago $3700 800/919-3322 Noble 9-tooth chisel plow, $6OO Grove hydraulic self unloading wagon, $1,200 Bale chopper, 3pt, PTO $1,500 (717)243-4677 OLIVER 1650, gas, WFE, 4,300 original hrs , very good rubber, 66 h p , from Midwest, $4 200 410-833-9091 OLIVER 1855 diesel, 4x4 cab PTO, no 3 pt 10' dozer blade, will separate $6 500 410-833-9091 OLIVER 1800, diesel, WF $2 200 410-833-9091 Oliver 35 Combine, 10'Gram Head, Fair Condi tion Field Ready $550 (717)245-2174 Oliver antique lime spreader good condition 3 rotary mowers, 1 tor parts Antique side delivery rake, $3OO 08 0 703-687-5823 Oswald 230 TMR mixer wagon, scales, exellent condition, $9OOO, Rhino 16/.' hydraulic fold disc, $B5OO 717-426-2659 OUTDOOR FURNACES tor sate Classic stoves are a sal your heating needs. Please call for free literature In stallation and accessories available Ken Stauffer 717/539-8365 PARTING OUT JD 1939 B. complete, hood, grills, excellent shape, cut off flat spoke wheels. 12 spline w/12 4 38 tires, 90% rub oer. Front JO A, spoke wheels w/tires 717-677-6703 PAVEMENT BREAKER Arrow SP, gas. will drive fence post, $1,500 w/extra machine for parts' 410-833-9091 Parting Out NH 770 harvester w/540 gear box, 770 W grass pickup 717/445-6156 Parting Ouf IHC, TD6, T-9, TD9, TD9-92 loader, 150 loader, IHC running en gines, diesel, 236, 282, 282 with turbo gallon, 118 grader, parts, Clark forklift 2500 lb propane, solids, runs good Somerset Co . NJ 908-658-3414 PLOWING DISC. Long 13-1/2', field ready, $1,900 410-833-9091 Plow Ford, 16" 3 bottom, automatic reset #lO Nl corn picker #7 Nl corn picker Oliver gram drill 13 disc on steel (717)292-1597 ROTARY MOWER Lilliston 7'6" 3 pt , 90“ $750 410-833-9091 Roskamp roller mill, 30“ rolls, 1000 RPM, $7OOO SAWMILL, $3795 Free in formation Silvacraft Saw- mills, 90 Curtwnght Drive, #3, Amherst. NY 14221 800/661-7746 Sawmill. Bellsaw, PTO drive 40" insert blade w/ sharpener wooden frame, always under roof, $lBOO 610-347-2338 after 7PM, Self-propelled NH 1499 haybme, good shape, low hours 610-347-1061 Several used gravity bins on gears and some without gears, excellent prices, Nl 510 grill, like new Call be tween 7 30am-8 30am 717/949-3769 SHIBAURU 16 hp 4x4 diesel 800 hrs , nice $3,500 410-833-9091 Shaver Post Drivers HDB $1125, HDIO $1750 Ta neytown Farm Equipment, 410/751-1500 SMITH FARM EQUIPMENT 30 Acker Road Newport, Pa. Perry Courtly 717-567-3562 NH 489 Haybine Pequa 710 Tedder Caae 1130 D 4x4 w/ LlOB Loader NH 254 Rake Tedder NH 256 Rake 1H154 Low Boy w/belly mower 1830 Skid Loader 1537 Skid Loader JD 4040 Cab/Alr 1H484D IH 674 Dai. IH 986 MF 65w/Loader Famuli Cub MFTO2O IH #8 Flail Chopper IH 715 D Combine IH 843 Com Head Gleaner M 2 Combine NH 770 Harveater NH 851 Round Baler NH 855 Round Baler IH 440 Baler w/Kicker NH 40 Blower NH 795 Manure Spreader )D 714 Silage Wagona (2) IH 315 Culllmuicher Michigan 175 loader Pequea Trailer* CASE 580 E BACKHOE Rugged 1/4 Inch Steal Hay Feeders Available from 16* to 27’ On Skids 2 wheels or 4 wheels. Available also with self-locking panels J&L Equipment St. Thomas, PA 717-369-2637 Did the Tax Man Take a BIG Bite out of your Bottom line fcgSOlT last year? W Cut that bite down to size y ear in the future! trap Lease Your Equipment -New or Used -Customized Terms -Tax-deductlblepayments -Preserve bank lines for working capital needs -Low or NO DOWN PAYMENT (usually 1 or 2 monthly payments) taxestodavJ Jennifer Stafford BUSINESS LEASE CONSULTANTS, INC. 1-800-743-3009 (610) 775-1607 (fax) CASE ik Case 1845 C Uni-loader Case-IH 4210 2WD & Hops Case IH 4230 MFD w/cab Case IH 5240 MFD & Cab Case IH 4500, VS Field Cult. Case IH 665011' Conser-TIII Case IH 5711 3 Pt. 11’ Chisel Plow USED TRACTORS ft EQUIPMENT Case IH 7220 MFD w/Cab 389 Hrs. Case 1845 C Unloader IH F-766D Tractor, New TA-Clutch., Kubota 86200, hydro, 4WD, w/48" Mower Kubota 85200 DT. 4 WD. w/48”,Boo IH 800 4 RN Plate Planter Kubota 87100 DT. 4 WD, 48” Mower $5,800 IH 234 Mtd. Picker IH 454 D 42HP Tractor $4,960 JO 60H Forage Blower IH Super A w/Flail Mower $2,350 NH 27 Forage Blower IH F-Cub 1 Pt. Tractor w/Blade, IH 401 Harrow 16’ Transport. Plow & Mwr $3,000 IH 55 Conser till, 10’ 1 'AO <rr- -7 ,r T "•* A -r Fotfd 1992 385 C. TL Backhoe, 4WD, Cab, Extend-a-Hoe, 1625 Hours, Excellent | Condition I $37,000 (717) 677-8411 TRACTOR! Case IH 8309,9' Disc Mwr. Cond. Case IH 1560 Spreader Case IH 2250 Loader Case IH 600 Blower Case IH 1260 Grinder Mixer Case IH 1820,6 R cultivator ...$6,500 IH 700 6F16" Auto, plow w/cyl $2,500 .$13,500 IH 1 PR Compicker IR, 1 Owner $l,OOO ...$8,500 NH 30 Forge Blower. $1,960 Case IH 900 6R Planter w/New Dry Feit. $8,600 ...$6,950 Badger 16' Forage Box w/gear (tandem).s2,6so SMVMVLL For sale, new in packaging M-14 Foley Belsaw circular sawmill, steel base, $5,000 firm. (717)677-8411 ■MENT $4,500 ....$750 ....$OOO ....$750 .51.006 $1,450 Skid loader for sale. 1991 Ford New HoHand L 553 ml bucket over the tire tracks auxiliary hydraulics, back hoe mounting plate, low hours, very good condition Call (610)759-7969 Slurry Store 1462, w/30hp single phase pump; Harvesters 20x60, 20x27 w/unloaders 717-727-2015 Small knife (44) kit for Deere SP choppers, $4,975, Late 4400 diesel, $7,750 , Deere 6600 diesel, sharp, $7,950 , Deere float & rigid heads, $1,200 & $1,675. Deere 215 flex. $4,450 , Deere low tin 643, $8,450 , Late model Case IH blower. $2,500 , Call Stephen, 717-249-2317 Martin Tractor 866 Greenspring Rd. Newville. PA 17241 Used Tractors: G lOOO Vista $4,500; White 2- 150 $7,500; Oliver 1850 3 Spd. $6,000; IH Super H w/live hyd. $2,300; JD 530 w/3pt. & front wts. $4,500; JD 4040, like new, 221 org. hrs. Used Tractor Parts Most Makes and Models Y(racto/ri^< Have Large Selection Z ’B*3B anaS- Recent Arrivals: IH 806; AC XT 190; JD 820 2 CyI.,JD 70 dsl.; JD 2040: •I* JD 2020; Case 1175; MM GlOOO, BF Avery A, Oliver 550, JO 3010, Oliver 1600, IH BN; Case 630; Case 970; IH C: IH 460; IH 756; AC Dl7; Ford 4500 Call (717) 776-7542 or 6057 (717) 776-7327 Fax for detailed information MON-FRIB-5 SAT 8-12 No Sunday Calls Will Ship UPS ■ B No Out-Of-State Personal Checks ,■ COPENHAVERS RD #2, Box 531, Cold Storage Road New Bloomfield, PA 17068 (717) 582-4240 DISCOUNT EQUIPMENT 800 Ford $2,950 Woods 4' 3Pt. Finish Mower $950 Forano V-505 3Pt. Snow Blower $950 6' 3Pt. Rake $350 6' 5 Shank Scrapper Box $4OO 2Pt. Fast Hitch 7' Blade $2OO USED TRACTORS Farmall C w/Snow Blade, Wheel Weights and Tire Chains $1,250 AC WD4S w/7' Rear Blade $1,500 Ford 9N w/Front Blade, 12 Volt System $2,500 Ford 9N 2w/Loader and Backhoe..s2,soo AC Dl7, WF, PS, Live PTO $3,200 Ford 9N, As Is, Good Rubber $1,600 1973 Farmall Cub, w/Sickle Bar $2,500 USED MOWERS Ll 2 White 12HP 38" Cut $750 6512.5 Simplicity 42" Cut, Hydro., 5 Years Old $1,500 CONSIGNMENT ITEMS Huskee 12HP 38" Cut $6OO AC C w/5' Belly Mower $2,000 Smoker Bale or Com Els valor 24’. Poplar am Maple lumbtij (717)872-6178. STORAGE TANK 1.504 gallon plastic, used once,. $2OO 410-833-9091 Styled and Handstart JO I) Just Overhauled, Good Paint, Descent Rubber, $1 500. Lane. Co. (717)285-3420 Sunflower 30' disc, met condition, 22* blades, best offer 800/919-3322 Super A Farmall w/ cultivator & plow, belt pul ley & PTO $3275 Lane. Co, 717/336-2031 TRACTOR LOADER BACKHOE FORD 4500, rebuilt engine, $4,950 410-833-9091 ■I i'