Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 151
Fox 6600 SP harvester, cab, hydro. 3RN, 671 De troit engine, good condi tion, $6500 080. 304-538-6194. Gehl 100 portable grinder mixer, very good condition. 717-374-8833. Gehl 309 Manure Spreader, 1992 model, well maintained, asking $2750 717/386-5033. Gehl 99 blower w/swmg-a way blower pipe. JD 300 3R corn picker, 1 owner 717-733-4516 Gleaner 435 corn head, good condition Overum 4 bottom rollover semi mounted plow. Hydraulic reset, excellent condition (717)356-7654 Gleaner F Combine w/13' Flex Head $4500 (717)799-0049 Gram Dryer, ABB 120 Bushel, Excellent; Oliver 13' Transport Disc, 12' JD Cultipacker, Small and Large Gram Wagons, Hy drauhc Auger (717)432-8587 Grinder mixer, only 5 years old (teed mill), Nome mod ern mill, Volumetric station ery mill, 49 ton overhead storage Went out of busi ness, must sell Must See* Cut feed bills in half Jacob or Rm 201/694 91 14 201/696-8562, Farm -201/694-2551 HAY RAKE Nl 5 bar rubber teeth, front whl $BOO 410-833-9091 HAY RAKE NH 56, field ready $ 1 000 410-833-9091 HERCULES, CONTINEN taI Waukesha farm, indust rial engine parts M4M Surplus Sales, 807 Zerega Avenue, Bronx, NY 10473, (718)828-9026, fax 828-9851 Heavy Duty Painted Bale Wagon 16'. new racks & bed ext tongue 717/362-9475 Lancaster Farming 1 E. Main St. Ephrata, Pa 17522 717-394-3047 or Utitz 717-626-1164 FAX 717-733-6058 PHONE HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Thurs. 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The following categories are available for your classified advertising. In Section D. Deadline Thursday morning at 9 of each week's publication 1- Equipment 2- Eq. Wanted The following categories are available for your classified advertising In Section C. Deadline Wednesday afternoon at 5 of each week's publication. fa-Construction Equipment 3- and Unloaders 4- and Supplies 5- Equipment 6- Equipment 7- Equipment 8- Ba-Exotlc Animals 9- & Mules 10- & Goats 11- 12- Breeding 13- Eq. & Supplies 14- & Supplies I4a-Ratites 15- & Seed 16- 17- 18- & Vegetables 19- 20- & Garden 21 -Services Offered 22- Work 23- Wanted 24- Wanted 25- Opportunities 26- 27- 28- 29- 30- 31 -Notice 32- 32a-Antiques 33- Vehicles 34- 35- & Trailers 36- Estate HIGH TORQUE DIESEL STARTERS with 3 yr warranty for most domestic tractors and select imports. With 6 month no risk money back guarantee Call Gary D Sneath at 1-800-622-7892 Houle 40' Manure elevator w/lOhp motor, almost new. $2OOO 080, 750' lengths 5/16" galv or SS cable, $25/11 410/635-6141 Hydroax 621 w/mower, shear, stump gnner attach ments 215-572-7700 IH 0-6 1947 Runs Good. Looks Fair, Good to Re store, Photos and Delivery Available (717)328-2336 IH 1066, Cab and Air, New TA, Clutch and Rubber, (717)393-6466 Leave Message Benco IH 1086, Cab and Air, 3000 Hours. (717)393-6466 Leave Message. Benco. 1H1420 Combine, 1981, 13Ft Flexhead, 743 4RN Cornhead $15,000 080, 4-150 White for Parts, No Motor, $2,500 (717)286-0650 IH 3288, ROBS, Nice (717)393-6466 Leave Message Benco IH 4786 4WD 3pt hitch, 3800 hours, dual wheels, excellent condition, $1 5,500 080 (412)586-6816 IH 510 gram drill, 21 hole, Arps 3pt hitch backhoe 908-879-5851 1H560 gas w/pulley & hyd , 65hp, rubber or steel; IH 6-cyl power unit w/2V4 xl reduction clutch Both run nice 71 7/529-2943 8-8 15am IH 706, diesel. NF. FH. 2 owner, 540/1000, nice, $3,450 410-833-9091 IH 735, 6 bottom plow, ASR variable width, coul ters, power slide hitch, shed kept, $4,000 (410)378-4375 We Now Accept Visa (Word Ads Only) ' CLASSIFIED AD ORDER BLANK ' PLEASE WRITE CLEARLY \ LANCASTER FARMING A i P.O. Box 600, Ephrata, PA 17522 \ NOTE: Please do not use this form for Mail Box Market Ads, see instructions with Mailbox Markets Name - Addresi City Zii Please publish my. starting with the □ Check Enclosed □ Visa(l3 or 16 numbers) □ Mastercard (16 numbers) Card# Exp. Date: Signatun Box Replies: Ads with answers coming to a box number, c/o Lancaster Farming: $1.50 per ad per week additional. This newspaper will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. M 37 M 3® 40 ■ ■ J P JJ°Jj E JUMBERS COUNTASONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■» IH 766, WFD, Fender, (717)393-6466 Leave Message Banco. IH 856, WFD. Fender, (717)393-6466 Leave Message Benco IH 986, Cab and Air, 2500 Hours, (717)393-6466 Leave Message. Benco IH late 806 D shafts, re motes, 3pth, 4130 hrs , ex cellent, $6,650 (717)292-6441 IH T 340 Dozer w/6-Way Blade, Runs Very Good, $3OOO, Nl 1R Corn Picker w/Oliver Gravity Wagon, $lOOO, Long R 9500 97HP Runs Very Good $2750 (609)767-0444 IH TD 6 dozer, VG condi tion & U/C B'2" wide blade man angle & bit, $3,500 (301)371-9346 l&J MANUFACTURING, 5302 Amish RD , Gap, PA 17527 717-442-9451 call between 8 45-9 AM EOT Cultivators, hayrakes, slit tillers, Truax no-till grass seeders, round bale movers Int 1460 combine w/wheel extension, 180 bushel gram tank, field ready, no heads, $14,500 Int 550 manure spreader, very good condition, $l,BOO 7 30am-6pm, (717)567-7955, after 6pm, (717)567-6059 International 786 Diesel WF Tractor, Excellent Con dition, Case International 8420 Round Baler, Like New (908)996-4769 After 6PM International fast hitch post hole digger, $425, Oliver 14’ wing harrow, $875, NH 328 2b spreader, $1375, IH #l5 hay rake, $985; Bush Hog 7T, 3pt chisle, $lO5O 610-562-4464 Irrigation pumps 4BT Cummins/ Hale pump, $4,900 671 Detroit/ Berkley pump, $6,500 (717)867-4896 Phone( ) word ad times issue. Classify under I enclose. (Be sure to include all numbers) JD 8300 gram drill, fair con dition, $B5O Lancaster County, (717)354-6829 JD 830 electric start w/ PTO. unstyled G. styled G, R 1929 unstyled D on steel Evenings or leave message 717-222-4432. JD (8) 4WD diesels, 650, 750, 770. 850, 950 trac tors, loaders, snowplows, 850 4WD backhoe loader unit Call 610-298-3206 nights JD B in parts, all there; H rough, AC unstyled WC, styled WC, WD4S W-WF Case L, LA or will part out 717/529-2943 8-8 15am JD 80, 1937, runs good, painted, $3OOO, JD MT, runs good, $2OOO, Farmall Super MIA, runs, $2OOO, JD G, WFE, good rubber, $3OOO 717/965-2561 JD B Serial #186072. needs sheet metal, runs. $B5O, JD 3pt hitch for B. $5OO St Mary's Co 301-475-5111 JD 8R corn head #843 in good working condition Garage kept $9,000 080 Can deliver. Harrington. DEL. (302)284-8774 JD & Gleaner combine heads, good selection Call us for your needs 800/919-3322. Zeisloft Farm Eq JD gram drill, model 450, 21x7'/r* spacing, press wheels, hyd. markers, wheel track removal kit, new condition, $6500 080 717-653-5359 JD harvester adapter plate complete, $BOO (301)582-2670 JD MT tractor 3pt, VG rub ber w/x-hyd in rear, $1.300 (301)371-9346 JD M tractor, bought ar ound 1950 610/589-4121 JD tractor 720 diesel, ex cellent running condition, dual factory hydraulics, 3pth, $4,295 080 (215)536-8624 VISA PLEASE CALL OUR CLASSIFIED AD DEPT. IF YOU WANT TO ADVERTISE A DISPLAY BOX IN OUR PAPER State JD 14' disc, 9’ spacing, $1,200. Ml 2RW corn picker $BOO. IH grass mower $2OO (610)944-0593 JD 1938 A complete, run#, $l6OO, JD 1941 B, long hood, runs good, $l2OO 717-677-6703 JO 1988 215 Hex head, ex cellent Choppers off 6620 and 7720 Gram loss moni tor for JD combine. 717-334-2760 JD 2010 gas, NF, nice paint, $2,800 (610)593-1199 Deere 5440 chopper w/44 small Knives 3-30" & 7' 4WO, rotary screen, air, 90% rubber, excellent, $26,900 Trade & Finance 1-800-248-2151 or 717-249-2317 Stephen Leave Message DISC JD BWF, 14', folding, excellent. $1,375 410-833-9091 Dion silage wagon NHB9O & 900 grass pickup 717-665-4743 Dismantling for Parts Hun dreds of farm tractors new and old several JD 2 cylin ders also dozers and track loaders Call for any part you might need Atkins Tractor Salvage Union WV 24983 Phone 304-772-3741 Dismantling for parts Case, NH, Bobcat, IH, Hy dro Mac, Toyota and Mus tang skid loaders New, used, reconditioned parts for Kubota, Ford, Wiscon sin, Perkins engines, Cessna, Vickers, Sun strand hydrostatic trans missions G D Equipment, 717/859-3533 Distributor for Agro-trend Snowblowers Available from 4 -9' In stock are 6'SA, $l,BOO, B'DA, $2,995, 9’HD DA $3,825 10% off list til Oct 31, 1995 (717)286-7851 ft Master Card f CLASSWffcß^V^^ ] ■ V 450 per word per week • 1 or 2 times ' j * K 40p per word per week - 3 or more times j ■ \ 11 word minimum \ ■ { Wgrft lUmft 2 Times 3 Times I ■ p up to 11 4.95 9.90 13.20 I ■ P 12 5.40 10.80 14.40 \ ■ P 13 5.85 11.70 15.60 T ■ A 14 6.30 12.60 16.80 i ■ I 15 6.75 13.50 18.00 j ■ V 16 7.20 14.40 19.20 j ■ \ 17 7.65 15.30 20.40 \ ■ \ 18 8.10 16.20 21.60 A ■ r 19 8.55 17.10 22.80 J ■ f 20 9.00 18.00 24.00 \ ■ - 11 i H Un&stw ftnriiftfl, Saturday; Scptwfibcr'36,' i**£b?t Daffin faed mill on 1075 Ford F-750. automatic, new mixer bottom and con centrate hopper; bulk feed truck Ford F-750 410-308-4561 Deere 215 rigid, big auger, $3,450; Deere 443, $3,050; Deere 6600 gas, immaculate, $5,050; Deere 213 flex, dial-a-matic, $4,250. Call Stephen 717-240-2317 leave mes sage or 1-800-248-2151 Deere 215 flex, very good, $4,250. IH 820, 13' float bar or rigid, emmaculate, $1,450 A $1,250 Call Sam, 717-630-2736 or 1-800-248-2151. Deere 3300 through 0600. IH 1420 through 1680. Others & heads. Trade & Finance Larry Stalter ‘The Combine Man' 1-800-248-2151 or Steve 717-240-2317 Deere 4400 diesel, very good, $5.950,6620, super nice, $27,900., 7720 Titan 11, $37,900 Finance Call Sam, 717-630-2736 J&L feeder wagon, 28', like new, best offer After 9pm (717)485-4820 J&M bin wagon, $975, Nl 323 picker, $1950, Bnllion 14' packer, $1175 610-562-4464 John Deere 227 corn picker, $4OO or best offer 410-771-4706 J-Star Nesseth manure pump, 12', top agitation w/ tanker fill kit, new never been used, $5500, 400’ Jamesway flat link cleaner chain, used 2 months $4 50/per foot 814-684-1777 Just Arrived 3 trailer loads JO & Gleaner corn heads & gram heads Zeisloft Used Farm Equipment 800/919-3322 Krause 2V disc, reduced $4200 800/919-3322 DEADLINES: SECTION C - WEDNESDAY AT 5:00 P.M. SECTION D - THURSDAY AT 9:00 A.M. OF EACH WEEK’S PUBLICATION Kubota BI7SO 4WD Trac tor w/Loader and 94’ Mid- Mount Mower. Sun Roof, PS, 3Pt Hitch, Diesel En gine, 20HP, Like New, 150 Hours. $14,200 (301)824-2348 Late Deere 7700 hydro, very good, no junk, $10,900 . 20' Goliath silo unloader, single phase, good, $4,500 Finance Call Sam, 8 to 5 717-630-2736 Late Case IH forage blower, about like new, $2,500 Call Stephen. 717-249-2317 LOADER ATTACHMENT JD *37 w/hyd dump, $1 000 410-833-9091 LOADER ATTACHMENT IH 1850 w/valve, $1,500. 410-333-9091 MANURE SPREADER NH 519, new chain, single bea ter. $1,200 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 362, top beater, gate, excellent, $2,200 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 218, tandem, top beater, works daily, $1,200 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER IH 570, nursery owned, never had manure in it, nice, $1,500 410-833-9091 MANURE SPREADER Nl 244. $1,500 410-833-9091 MASSEY HARRIS #33, excellent engine & tires, $1,450 410-833-9091 Manure Spreaders Nl ground drive Buy, Sell, Trade, Repair Lancaster County (717)786-3387 Manure spreader 676, NH tandem, good condition, $l5OO Monroe 717-629-1150 McCurdy 230 bushel grav ity box w/10 ton running gear, 610/524-6227