Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 150

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    DlO-Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 30, 199$
Sponsors Tour, Meeting
Co.) —The Franklin County Con
servation District, along with
nutrient management specialist
Mark Dubin from the Pennsylvani
a Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP), hosted a Chesa
peake Bay Program meeting and
farm tour recently.
Directors and staff from the
Franklin, York, Adams, and Ches
ter conservation districts attended,
in addition tp representatives from
the DEP, Bureau of Land and
Water Conservation, and USDA
Natural Resources Conservation
Service. Also, Franklin County
commissioners Sam Worley,
Doug Niemond, and Cheryl Plum
mer were present.
Attendees toured two Franklin
County Chesapeake Bay Program
PHONE: 717-626-1164 or 717-394-3047
FAX 717-733-6058
Mon., Tuet»., Wed., Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM; Thun. 7 AM to 5 PM
1000 gal fuel tank, good
condition 717-626-8773,
1020 JD diesel w/145 Con
tend loader, good rubber,
good condition, $7200
1200 Auto Ear Corn Mill,
good condition, $5900
13' MF header $1 295
6600 diesel turbo, super
clean, $8,500 Call for
6620, 7720 and IH axial
flows 717-630-2736, ask
for Sam
15861 H tractor w/cab & du
als forage wagons Gehl
$9OO Lamco $l,OOO Rot
ary hoe 400 JD $750 For
age harvester 818, NH
$lOO (717)966-1658
15' Great Plains No-Til
Drill, 1993 Model, Has
Planted 900 Acres.
$19,500 (301)831-9828
190ACXT& 160 AC diesel
tractors, hyd & 3pt
1947 John Deere A, Ford
BN 717-336-2497 after
1953 Super M Farmall, all
new tires, live hydraulics,
fenders, belt pulley, asking
$2,000 (717)362-8776
1971 Gleaner K, like new,
2-40" header & 12' rigid
table very good, $4,950 ,
Nl picker 2 30" 12 roll
bed. priced reasonable
Call Sam. 8 to 5
1977 4400 diesel, air, 90%
tires, super sharp, $8,950
Deere 215 flex & low tin
643 1-800-248-2151
Conservation District
projects on the Paul Swartz Farm letted from die frcestatl bom ban
and the Carl Wenger Farm, both in be easily transferred to the storage
the Pleasant Hall area. unit Now six months of manure
On the Swartz farm, a concrete storage is available to the dairy
lined pond was to pro- operation without risk of contami
vide six months storage for solid nation of Lehman Run.
manure. The barnyard was con- Before heading back to Sho
creted and sloped to direct the ney’s Restaurant for lunch and a
storm water to the drop inlet, brief Chesapeake Bay Program
which also pipes milkhouse waste Meeting, a final stop was made at
water to the sump for irrigation. A the Hamilton Heights Dairy Farm
picket fence arrangement was con- owned and operated by Clifford
strutted as a means to separate out Hawbaker.
the liquids. A sump and irrigation Hawbaker is implementing
system was then designed to sup- many unique practices on his dairy
port the picket fence separator, farm including flushing systems in
A manure tank was installed to the milking parlor and the frees tall
provide long term storage for man- bams, water sprinkling for cooling
ure produced by the Carl Wenger cows, cropland irrigation system,
farm and to enable the proper, and various composting piles. The
application of these valuable nutri- Hawbaker Farm was the site of the
ents at the proper time. Designed Franklin County’s Fall Farm Fun
with two pushoffs, the manure col- Fest several years ago.
1200 bushel wire corn crib
(1) gravity bin, no gear
717 665-4743
1979 4400 Deere combine,
big tires, E H C . chopper,
super clean. $10,850
Finance Call Sam
1979 International 1440
axle flow combine, 2900
hrs 13'. 1810 gramhead,
4R 843cornhead, 1 owner
1979 International 1440
Axial Flow Combine, 863
Corn Head, Excellent Con
dition (410)775-7519
1980 6600 JD side hill
combine, 6R corn head,
216 flex, excellent Condi
tion 304-725-6642
1980 IH 1440 combine
about 1,800 hrs , super
nice, $18,900 Trade &
Finance Stephen,
1981 IH 1420 combine
1114 hrs, 1981 IH 843 4R
30" corn head; 1981 IH 820
13' gram head; IH 1206;
Farmall w/2350 loader,
new tires, WF, 3200 hrs,
1H656, Farmall NF hydro,
4700-hrs, IH 12' disc; plus
much more. All garaged
since new, all 1-owner.
21 5/679-9266,
1982 Deere 6620, low hrs.,
Indiana machine, emma
culate, 90% tires, $26,650
77 6600, 404 engine, hy
dro, $9,850 6600 diesel,
50 hrs on engine major,
$6,500 Larry Stalter, ‘The
Combine Man"
1986 Lmkbelt 2800 w/
Harncana Forestry pack
age, new U/C, oil reports.
20" shear and/or ‘93
Timbco 33" sawhead, low
hours excellent condition,
$85,000 215-572-7700
1988 Ravens 36' frame
dump trailer, aluminum,
spread axle, 66” sides,
3-way gate, forklift pack
age. air ride Also see ad
for 'B6 Pete $21,000
(1) Silo w/
Unloader, 20X40, for
Gram, $2500, (1)20' Bad
ger Unloader. $1250,
(2) Tanks. $lOO
Each, (1)6 Head Head-
Gate. $250 Call Evenings
1 King wide corn drag
$550. 1 Little Gamt corn
drag $450 , 1 Elevator for
corn or hay $5OO ,
26' Dunham flat fold culti
packer w/dual wheels, all
cylinders and hoses.
$2BOO, Gehl 920 silage wa
gon $5OO, 3 beaters and
roof, JD gram drill on rgb
ber as is $65
(2) BPly 18-438 Tractor
Tires, 60% Tread, for 806
International Tractor.
2 Forage wagons w/2 bea
ters and auger unloading
Were being used to pick
ear corn Good condition,
best offer (717)733-8921
(2) hay rakes, $225-$125,
8' spring tooth harrow,
$375, 3X plow, Oliver 346,
$350,10' transport disc cut
harrow $5OO 9' rotary hay
cuttir, $l2OO, NH 269 hay
baler $2400
(2) Ml 1R corn pickers, 1
excellent $lBOO, 1 good
$l2OO 717/966-3012
3000 Gallon Liquid
Spreader, Excellent Condi
tion. $5500, NH 355 Grin
der Mixer w/Scale, $5500
Oswalt 320 TMR Mixer w/
Digital Scale, $BOOO,
3200 Gallon Calumet Tank
Spreader (717)667-3479
36‘ Allied elevator, good
condition, excellent tor
corn, $B5O. Lancaster
County. (717)367-8958.
(3) Gravity bins w/gear. Ml
#lO corn picker, field
ready MF 3b trip plow, 3pt.
Int 15 disc gram drill
Astrotrend snow blower, T,
3pt, new condition
(3) gravity bins, 175-250
bushel size, 200 bu. gravity
bin JD gear Will sell sep
arate 717-665-4743
4030 OR outlets, diff re
built engine, excellent.
$B9OO, 2640 Ind outlets,
rack and pinion 38’ Ores,
excellent $B9OO.
4400 JD Combine, Air, 443
Corn Head, Good Working
Condition Reasonable
44' Zimmerman Bale &
Corn Elevator
471 Detroit engine, $2000;
Propane 75KW, 3-phase
generator, $l5OO
510 Combine; 849 round
baler Both very good con
dition Will trade for cattle
or $ 717/328-9098
6200 Fox self-propel chop
per, 4WD, 6’/.’ pickup
head, 3R 30" cornhead, re
built eng and hydrostatic
drive in 93, shed kept and
held ready. Archway tub
grinder exc oond , Mel row
Spra-Coupe model 220, 6‘
booms, $525 . Ml elevator,,
50 long. call
6600 gas combine, in near
mint condition, $6,500 ,
4400 diesel, $5,950
Finance Call Stephen,
717-249-2317, leave
(6)9X20 Oilier Hay Wa
gons, 2 Years Old $2OOO
Each (301)972-7374
6"X4B‘ Mayrath PTO Drive
Transport Auger. Excellent
Condition, $l2OO Lane
Co (717)285-5544
705 Uni diesel, 737 husker,
743 corn head, low hours.
76 4400, zero field hrs on
engine major, air, nice,
$8,750 , Larry Stalter “The
Combine Man*
78 Gehl skid loader. 4WD,
runs and operates good,
$3OOO 080.
■79 Volvo truck. GVW
29,000, 6’ Beaver Tail w/
winch, as is, $1350
8700 White combine, w/4
and 6R corn heads, plus
15' gram table, good condi
tion, best offer. 1970 GMC
tandem grain truck, good
condition, best offer
8N Ford new tires and
rims, w/new 7' blade,
$2175.; Lane. Co
8 ton Kory running gear, 1
year old, new tires
'94 Ford 1320 compact
diesel, 20hp, 4WD, hydro
stat, turf tires, 5' mower
deck, rear bagger, loader,
rear blade, wt set, brand
new condition, factory war
ranty, 56 hours. $18,900
AC 185 w/AC 500 loader,
good condition. $5500
AC 7045 diesel, power
shift, new tires & paint, fully
serviced, excellent condi
tion. $13,500, Nl 327 2R
30" R corn picker, 12-roll
husking bed, kept inside,
excellent condition, $5200,
Fox model 109 hay pickup
head w/Dmo belt for old
style Fox self-propelled
harvester, works or for
parts, $5O 717/786-5122
AC Dl7 gas tractor, good
condition, new tires &
many other new parts
717/644-2443 late even
ings or early mornings
AC G Gleaner Combine,
15' gram table, #438 corn
head, shed kept, $6OOO
080 410/634-2922
AC Gleaner combine M 2,
IS' flex, 438 corn head, low
hours, very clean
Allis Chalmers snap cou
pler blade $395 . Lane Co
Antique JD W power unit,
good condition, $3,000
080 Daniel Hosteler,
RD#2, Box 1611, MCClure,
PA 17841,
Auger cart, JD #6B, works
well, not rusted, new paint.
WOODS 15‘ & 20', $6,500
& $8,500 410-833-9091
Badger 260 bushel
spreader, late model,
$2,450 Cumberland
County. (717)243-5768
BELARUS 820, 85 h.p.,
diesel, 4x4, cab w/loader,
$7,300 410-833-9091
BELTING: We specialize in
flat belting, cut to order,
baler throwers, self unload
ing wagons, long table
blower belts. Franklin CO.
717-263-0573. NO Sunday
Blueberry cleaner, sorting
tables, peach water (imita
tor, axle for farm trailer
5-11 pm, (609)561-5279.
Brillion 8' & 10' packer/
seeder, Brillion 5'4" land
scape seeder; Nl & me
chanical transplanters,
pull-type & 3pt hitch. Thom
Wheary Jr„ 717/687-0102.
Brillion 14' packer w/
transport wheels, used less
than 100 acres, best offer
After 9pm, (717)485-4820
BUSH HOG Ford 944, T
two tail whls. $7OO
Bush Hog 10' pull-type rot
ary mowers, $3995 Ta
neytown Farm Equipment.
410/751 1500
CAT 3304, 100 KW
3-phase, gen set, $7OOO,
very good Union
Calumet 4500 gallon tank
spreader, good condition
Carefree 30' tree spade,
used 2 years, great condi
FARM 717-943-2019
Case 1845 skid loader,
needs engine. $lBOO
Case 310 crawler loader.
$3250 610/932-5576
Case 580 gas loader trac
tor, no 3pt or PTO, $2500
Case IH 8420 round baler,
just like new, $6OOO 080
717-458-6085 evenings
Case IH 8600 30' like new
air drill, disc openers 875
versitile 4WD very good
condition, good rubber,
3pth 8850 4WD tractor,
3plh. field ready condition,
Can arrange delivery any
where (315)549-8887
Case Int 275 diesel, 31hp,
Cat D4D with good under
carriage, blade, PTO, dual
hyd 20" tracks, $9 500
Ontario Co.
Christmas tree planter me
chanical model CT-8, 2
sets packing wheels rubber
& steel, $llOO, Loftness
snow blower model
601EGM, 60", for skid
steer, used 1 time, $ll5O
609/561-4650 leave
Class 46 round baler, good
as new. 3 years old
AC tractors, 220 $6900,
180, $3900, Papac mixer/
grinder $2500, Ml forage
harvester w/heads, $6900,
3000 gal liquid manure
spreader, $2500, Lagoon
Manure pump/agitator,
$2OOO, Papec mixer grin
der, $2500, Gram auger,
41'6" $lOOO, Silo blower
$BOO, Tillage equipment
Forage Wagons
DXI3O powermatic 70%
rubber, field ready, $6,800
Ask for Irvy Jr .
Elevator 30', good, $3OO,
Power Unit Ford industrial
engine, good shape, runs
nice & quite, good for rotOr
beater, hammermill, or tree
chopper machine
Engine for 5000 Ford trac
tor, 233 cu in Montour Co,
F 2 Gleaner combine, 435
oornhead; 13' grain head;
Farmall 350; Farmall 656;
White 2-85; NH #2B
blower, McCudy 190 bin
wagon 717-458-5193
FARMALL 140 w/6'
mower, 12 volt, nice,
$2,500. 410-833-9091
FARMALL 350, gas, FH,
pulley, 50% rubber, nice,
$1,600 410-833-9091
FARMALL 450, diesel,
tricycle, FH, PS, TA,
$2,000 410-833-9091
FARMALL CUB. late style
w/new 5' Woods Belly '
Mower, $2,500
Farmall 230 fast hitch w/
blade, needs paint, $l,BOO
Farmall loader. Morh blade
forks, 'B5 Chevy, 12' dump,
$7OOO 717-355-0279
Farmers = Dealers ■ Your
advertising pays tor itself
when you advertise your
equipment in the farm
equipment section
717-394-3047 or
Farmhand grinder blower
Brillion 14' transport
packer, $1,200 Flat-fold
field cultivator, 19', $1,995.
25KW generator, $2,500
Krause disc w/rock flex,
15’ IH 3 bottom plow, auto
reset. 3pt (717)336-6547
Ferguson 3pt backhoe,
$lBOO 610/932-5576
F Gleaner, gram & A 4-30"
pm stripe head, 90% tires,
chopper, $6,950 Call Sam
12', like new, $1,500
Fidility Stationary Genera
tor. Excellent Condition,
Used Only in Emergencies.
30KW, 125 Amp. 120/240
Volt IPh 540 PTO
$2700 (814)255-3177
Field Queen Very Good
Condition W/3RN Corn
Head and PU $12,500
pull type. $5OO
FORD 1700, 4x4 w/loader,
needs engine, $2,800
FORD 2600, diesel,
$4,000. 410-833-9091
FORD 50Q0, gas, needs
motor work, $2,800
3 pt. 4,000 lbs . 6’. $750
FOR RENT. Butler liquid j,
manure spreader, 2,800
gallon w/MEGA flotation
tires $l5/Day, $5.00/Load
FOR SALE. JD 1360 dis
cbme, (2) JD 4020 diesel
tractors, NH 848 round
baler. Case 58QC backhoe,
Ford lime and fertilizer
spread truck with pup
trailer; JD 672 hay rake,
Wilmer tender box Berks
717-933-8695 or
FOR SALE Small farm
equipment, plows, pack
ers. discs, harrows, mow
ers. crimpers, tedders,
rakes, etc Trade ms wel
comed NH mowers, rebuilt
and guaranteed, engines,
hydraulics, crimper hoo
kups available KIRK
Coopers DR, Kirkwood,
PA 17536 717-529-3299
BAM-8 30AM
Ford 3000 new paint, new
tires, clean w/live PTO
$4 175 Lane Co
Ford 3500 Diesel w/JD 3Pt
Mower and Box Blades,
$5500, IH 4 Bottom Semi-
Mount Plow, Excellent
Condition, $650, 4R Stalk
Chopper. $5OO
Ford 4000, gas, rebuilt
engine, PS, live PTO, 3 pt,
$3,200 410-833-9091
Ford 4500 diesel loader
tractor, no 3pt or PTO.
$2500 610/932-5576
Ford 4W drive, aiDculate
mg trontend loader, model
A 62, new motor, good
cond $15,000 ,
Ford 6600 4x4, new tires,
roll board, ind PTO, field
ready Call after 5 30.
Ford BN. runs good, just
overhauled, $2,500 080
Call after 7pm.
Fox 2300 Harvestore, Hay
and 2R Corn Heads.
$2400 Badger 8N545
Blower. $9OO.