Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 149

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    Stockdale Champ At Polled
Bringing Polled Hereford youth
into the spotlight and preparing
them as future breed leaders was
the goal and the outcome of the
2? nit Junior National Polled Here
ford Show and Forum held in
Louisville, Ky.
Participation was at an all-time
high for the breed, with last year’s
record-setting numbers smashed
by the 1995 turnout of 726 head,
Polled Hcrefords were paraded
through the ring by 402 juniors
representing 32 states. This
surpassed last year’s all-time
record by more than 70 head.
In addition to the cattle show,
youth and their families had a
wide array of competitive, educa
tional and entertaining activities to
fill the days and evenings. Even
though the temperatures outside
passed the century mark, the cool
bam kept spirits and enthusiasm at
a peak all week long. Unity among
families, unity among state com
petitors and the uniting of friends
horn throughout the country were
central themes. It was a week to
learn, a week to compete, and
most of all. a week to enjoy.
“Show For The Roses” was the
motto for the July 8-13 show
hosted by Polled Hereford breed
ers in Kentucky, Ohio and India
na. Evaluating the cattle were lead
judge Greg McCurry of Sedg
wick, Kan., and associate judge
Ernie Wallace of Leeton, Mo.
A new feature of this year’s
event was the separation of the
heifers bred and owned by the
junior exhibitors and the heifers
owned, but not bred, by the exhi
bitors. Taking the grand champ
ionship in the 107-head bred-and
owned competition was K.C. Kef
fer of CrawfordsvUlc, Ind., with
KCK Nicholette 2D. This was a
second-generation win for K.C.,
as Nicholette’s dam, KCK Lucky
Penny, was selected as K.C.’s
16th Junior National bred-and
owned champion in 1989.
Nicholette, who won Division ID,
is an April 1994 heifer sired by
Gerber Acclaim 43A. K.C. is the
15-year-old daughter of John and
Terri Keffer and will be a sopho
more at North Montgomery High
School this fall.
A jubilant Mandy Peak of Mex
ico. Mo., captured the reserve
bred-and-owned heifer title with
Division n winner Peak’s Jewel
9407. She is a May 1994 heifer
sired by Boyd New Style 2A.
Mandy, who is a junior at the Uni
versity of Missouri-Columbia, is
originally from Mt. Gilead, Ohio,
and her parents are Dwain and
Connie Peak.
The show’s finale was the
selection of JR 2Z Sauly D2S4 as
the Division II and grand champ
ion of the owned heifer show. Curt
Stockdale of Dayton, Pa., is the
proud owner of this May 1994
heifer sired by Haroldson Raider
PlB3 2Z. Curt, who is 17 years
old, is the son of Denny and Jo
Stockdale and will be a senior at
Dayton High School. The heifer
was bred by John E. Rice & Sons
Inc., Sheridan, Wyo.
Josh Taylor, Good Hope, 111.,
received die reserve champion
owned heifer award on RST Miss
105 A Rcba 10D. The Division IV
winner is a February 1994 heifer
sired by RF Target 10SA and bred
by Torrance Polled Herefords,
Scioto, 111. Josh, 20, is a junior at
Western Illinois University and is
the son of Steve Taylor and Mari
lyn Walters. There were 460 heif
ers competing in the owned heifer
The cow-calf competition is a
supeib opportunity for juniors to
bring back the results of their heif
er projects from earlier years. Of
this year’s lineup, 25 of the 41
cows had been shown in previous
Junior Nationals. The grand
champion cow-calf was a return
ing star from the 1994 show for
Craig Reed, Green Ridge, Mo.
Last year, Craig won the champ
ion bred-and-owned heifer honors
with CSR Reba Too 88C. This
year, the 2-year-old DL Victor
85X 7A daughter returned with
her March heifer calf by RHF Vic
tor 767 2105 to win the cow-calf
championship. The son of Jim and
Linda Reed, 19-year-old Craig is
attending DeVry Institute in Kan
sas City, Mo.
K.C. Keffer stood second with
her entry in the bred-and-owned
cow-calf class and then came back
in the overall champion lineup to
be selected reserve grand champ
ion cow-calf. Her winning duo
included KCK 43A Victra 7C. a
2-year-old Gerber Acclaim 43A
daughter, and her May RWD
Skipper 32 heifer calf.
Curt Stockdale was another
dual winner as the recipient of the
grand champion bull award. Only
bred-and-owned bulls were eligi
ble to compete, and Curt’s CS
Exclamation 6D was selected
champion from among the 30
entries. Exclamation is a March
1994 son of Gerber Acclaim.
The reserve bull championship
went to Pat Huizenga, LeComp
ton, Kan. His winner was PWH
Photon 23C, a September 1994
son of SL Beau Rivals Force 2C.
Pat, who is a 21-year-old senior at
Kansas State University, is the son
of Mary Huizenga.
The youth brought 46 steers to
Louisville for evaluation. The
judges selected an 1,106-16. April
yearling exhibited by Dustin
Koepke, Bristol, S.D., as their
grand champion. The steer was
sired by HI Sinclair 17Z and bred
by Hansmeier & Son Inc., also of
Bristol, S.D. Dustin is the 11-year
old son of Dylan Koepke and will
be a sixth grader this fall.
Lyndse Peterson, Minneapolis,
Kan., earned the reserve steer
championship on her 1.022-lb.
April G&R Raceway 2265 son
bred by Bob Johnston, Frankfort,
Kan. Lyndse is a 13-year-old
eighth grader at Dclphos Atten
dance Center and is die daughter
of Sally Peterson.
Following the selection of the
live steer champions, the steer car
cass champions were announced.
Factors included in the scoring
formula for carcass champions
included ribeye area, fat thickness
and marbling, which were all three
determined by ultrasound mea
surements, plus weight. Taking
champion carcass steer honors
was Mike Maier II of Pittsford,
Mich. His Big T Mitchell A2O son
bred by Ron Yake, Sturgis, Mich.,
weighed 1,142 lb., had .28 in. fat,
a 13.0 sq. in. ribeye area and low
choice quality grade. Mike, who is
12 years old, is the son of Mike
and Cheryl Maier and will be in
the sixth grade at Pittsford Area
The reserve champion carcass
steer was a WS Arch Impact IET
son exhibited by Michael All
bright, Holly Pond, Ala. The steer
was bred by Tennessee River
Music Inc., Ft. Payne, Ala.,
weighed 1,180 lb., had .24 in. fat,
a 13. S sq. in. ribeye area and aver
age choice quality grade. Michael
is the son of Karen Allbright and
the 10-year-old will be in die fifth
grade this fiill.
Curt Stockdale look home both
the premier exhibitor award for
the cattle he showed and junior
premier breeder award for cattle in
the show bred by him. The senior
premier breeder award, which is
presented to a non-junior member
in recognition of winnings of
cattle bred by the firm and shown
in the Junior National, went to
Star Lake Cattle Co., Skiatook,
Okla. Junior exhibitors from Illi
nois placed first in the state group
of five class.
Oihar Bred-and-Owoed Heifer Divisional and
daw Wirmara. Division I Champion; Eric Tho
mas. Richmond, Ky., on ET Dub* D4S, dnd by
BT MoUoui Da 544 T. Division 1 Reserve
fb«d Davie. l.esiininn.N.C..onTF
Quiatean 9040, sired by WDI-Via Headline
5133. Dividon U lunw Champion: Bile Tho
mu cn BT LT Priscilla D 27, airad by IGT 654
Payload 2775. Dtvixion m Reserve Champion:
Cun Slockdato on CS Bonita 90, almd by WTK
SSY Bond 75A. Dividon IV Champion: land*
Horde, Toulon, DL, on 1H Miaa Malice, aind by
Beau Donald Rival. Divitior IV Raaarve Champ
ion: C.J. Hamah, ContinentaL. Ohio, on SSF
Mm Mona, airad by BB MSU ISS Wisdom.
Oaaa 1: Kriad Summer. Axtell, Taaaa, on SLS
Tan, dnd by WTK SSY Bond 7SA. Oaaa 2:
Caihy Han. Harrisonburg, Va.. on CH Flights of
Racy, dnd by OK Aiibouma AS*. Claaa 4: Dar
cy Hynek, Gndicott. Nab., on Vicaoria'a Sactat
SO, airad by VCR Gaat Hard Bull 2228. Oaaa S:
Nicole Benedict, Maaon City, DL, on BH Lady
Dy 710, dnd by FD Max In. Conceit 5181.
fi— 9; Heather Hicks, Cullman, Ala., on HFH
Sinn SSD, Bind by Boyd Rullege Stockman.
Him iQ; Jamaa Allan, Nabnaka City, Neb., on
GHF Priscilla 1220, Bind by Donwalka Pred
tian 063 Z. n.» 12: Matthew Ttdwell. Hance
ville, Ala., cn MAT TCP Pridaa Chaim 114 C.
aind by TRM CCF Pride.
Other Owned Heifer Dividonal and Claaa
Winners. Division I Champion; Chris MuDinix,
Woodbine, Md., on PVF Brash A Sauy 410 S,
aind by PVF Invatt High 065, bred by Msrgarete
RilTaL Entaipriaa, Kan. Division I Reserve
Champion: Catie Sims, Elgin, Okie., on MCS
871 Viva 47, aired by MS Beau 871 ET. bred by
Margaret Sheriff. Washington, Conn. Dividon H
Reserve Champion: Tony Bye, Seward, Neb., on
Hath Sweet Sheila 200. dnd by Dtry KJ Herd
bull, bmd by Steven L. Folkman, Ixonia, Wia.
Division m Champion; Shane Carnahan, Oil
man, lowa, on CCF Mias Rival 194, sited by HPF
WCF Digger! Rival, brad by Curran Cattle Farm,
Muon City, lowa. Dividon m Reserve Champ
ion: Kyle McMillan, Highland, DL, on T Bar L
Mi Quaatrix 406, aind by 4S Beau Quest, brad
by T Bar L Polled llanforda. Watsaka, DL Divi
don IV Raaecve Champion; Randy Mullmix.
Woodbine, Md., on STAR Misty Jo 420, sired
by OK Eacello, 1168, bmd by Sur Lake Cattle
Co. Dividon V Champion: lake McOee, Oxford,
Neb., on VCR Mm Banda 4010. died by WTK
SSY Bond 75A, bnd by Valley Creak Ranch,
Fairbury, Nab. Division V Raaarve Champion:
Chris MulDaix on PVF Ms Dream High 312,
aired by PVF Invert High 065, bnd by Tammy
Rifle), Enterprise, Kan. Clan 3: Carole Hicks,
Statesboro, Ga., on CM Victoria S9SD, aind by
Louada 243 Smasher 445, bred by Circle M
Polled Harefbida, Jasper, Ga. Clan 4: Patrick
Gray, Munfotdville, Ky., on TS Victren 410
359, shod by WS Arch Impact 1 ET, bmd by
Touchstone Palled Hemforda, Monfordville, Ky.
Clan S: Darias McMahon, Blue Hill, Neb., on
MCM Mi Madia 4710, sired by MCM Rebel
quart 2108, bmd by Stanley J. McMahon *
Sons, Ayr, Nab. Class 6: Josh Taylor on SDF
Keepsake 9D, dnd by Hamldaon Ruder PII3
2Z, bmd by Someday Farm, Libettytowa, Md.
Clan 9: Yamiko Tanooys, Harvard, 111, on
Louada 378 Fridcy 37D, aind by Louada Design
Lamb ‘Walks’ To Supreme
Championship At Reading
Kelly Glaser, right, won grand champion fitter on Monday at the Reading Fair.
Hunter, left, was reserve. In center Is David Lytle, show Judge.
eeer ,oe ißdftistqss wiasonsj-eo
Lancaatar ftrmWfl, Siturtay, Sapwmoir 30.1**»0»
Hereford Show
Curt Stockdal* of Dayton exhibited the champion bred
and-ownod bull at the 22nd Junior National Polled Hereford
Show. The March 27,1994, winner was CS Exclamation 6D.
Thla eon of Garber Acclaim 43 A waa alao named the winner
of Claaa 3 Brad-and-Owned Bulla.
Curt Stockdale exhibited the grand champion owned
heifer at the 22nd Junior National Polled Hereford Show In
Louisville, Ky. The winner was JR 2Z Sauly D 254, sired by
Haroldson Raider PlB3 2Z. This May 17,1994, heifer was
bred by John E. Rice and Sons Inc., of Sheridan, Wyo. She
was also the winner of Division 11.
378, bred by W.W. Donaldson, Peterborough,
On. Clan 10: Kyle McMillan on OD Mi Jasey
Joyce 429, died by CD Top Perfection 125, bred
by Oeh Schumcht, Barrington, DL Clan 13:
Nicole Benedict on BBH 02 Promise 41 ID, tired
by FLK Deliverance 02, bmd by Blueberry Hill
Farma, Norfolk, Nab. Class 14: Dustin Simmons,
Petrolia, Taxu, on Allas DSF Julie Anne 7D,
aind by Boyd Pinnacle 34Z, bmd by Precious
Atlas, Grandview, Texn. Clan IS; Cody Dar
bonna, Prairisville, La., on SOF Bond Fallal Gal
SD. dnd by WTK SSY Bond 75A, bmd by Jen
nifer Hughes, Baton Rouge, La. Chin 20; Patrick
Ony on TS Victoria 647 315, aired by PAF Vic
tor 137 647, bred by Touchstone Polled
Oihtr Cow-Cilf Cliu Winnen. CUu 2;
Meghan Siutar, Muull, Nab., on £B Brown
Eyw S7C, liiad by BV Viper 166 X, aid bull ulf
•irod by SB Qi»ckm*ks- ’rsd by E||*Hin|
(Continued from °*)
Bror, Mi nail, Neb. Clue 3: EHn Williama. Ml
Oileed, Ohio, on OK Revone 621 C, find by GK
Treniition Z 29, end bull self fired by Tjerdu
Dunwelke DL Bred by Otaikirk Fermi, Maye
ville, Ma due 4: Sieve Soulu, Skialook, Okie.,
on RJY Sen 9201, eind by HPH Receweye
Decher 34Z, end bull cell eind by 4S Renewal
Bred by RJY Palled Henforde, Edgar, Neb.
Other Bred-and-Owned Bull Clear Winn on.
Clau 2: Shawn Etheiton, Buffalo, 111, on SE
Pica, eind by VO Pneti|e 690 A. Clan 4: Jock
Beam, Wayne, Neb., on JB Power Pack 7S2D,
tired by JB Tniatwonhy.
Other Steer Clan Winner*. Clau 3: Kim Ben
edict. Maeon City, DL, on tteer eind by PD Max
in Concert 61Bt, brad by Darwyn Behreode,
Muon City, 111 Clau 4: Itmi Stump, Blue
Rapida, Kan., on fleer aired by OAR Raceway
2265, bred by Bob Johnitcn. Franfon, Kan.