Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 145

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More than 600 poultry industry
leaders from across the country
and around the world are expected
to attend the Oct 18 - 20 National
Meeting on Poultry Health and
Processing in Ocean City, Md.
This highly respected meeting
is sponsored by Delmarva Poultry
Industry, Inc. (DPI), the trade as
sociation working for the contin
ued progress of the Delmarva Pen
insula’s more than $1.4 billion-a
year poultry industry.
“Improving the Qaulity of
America’s Poultry” is the theme,
according to Dr. Mark A. Dekich,
meeting chairman. “While onr in
dustry already produces the high
est quality poultry in the world,
there are opportunities to make it
even better.
“Speakers from 13 states were
selected by DPl’s Poultry Health
Committee and Processing Com
mittee and will share information
that will allow us to accomplish
that goal,” Dckich said.
In the two-day growout session,
topics ate;
to rue Jones Family
On Their New 900 Cow Dairy complex
Free stall Barn
• Milking center with Double 20 •50’x168’ Heifer Barn with Waffle
Parlor Slatted Floor
• 12’ Wide Gravity Flow Manure • Special Needs Area
Channel to Lagoon 44'x203 , x12'
• Commodity Building 36’xi20’
f *
— -- '
DPI National Meeting
* Why Control Devastating Dis
eases - A Lifetime Experience
* Economics of Disease
• Mexican Avian Influenza Up
• Avian Influenza in the United
States - Where Are We Now and
• USDA Plans for Emergency
• The Biology of Avian Myco
• Poultry Industry Micoplasma
Case Studies
• The Argument for Eradication
of Mycoplasm
'• The Economics of Living
With Micoplasmas
• Biosecurity - A Worldwide
• Dietary Interactions and Coc
• Nutritional Control of Im
mune-induced Depression of
Food Intake and Growth
• Bronchitis Diagnostic Tech
• Field IB Experience in the
Of Massey, md
triple H Construction
430 Springsville Road, Ephrata, PA 17522
Builders of Dairy, Horse, Storage, Residential & Commercial Buildings
• ELT Research
• ILT - U.S. Experiences.
The one-day processing session
on Thursday, Oct 19, has topics
designed to help processing plant
managers and quality control per
sonnel deliver higher quality pro
ducts while improving their effi
ciencies. Topics are:
• USDA Poultry Microbiology
Baseline Study
• Reducing Bacteria From Farm
Through Processing
• Working With a Multicultural
• Water Reduction in Process
ing Plants
• Waste Recycling
• New Eviscerating Systems.
The combined session on
Thursday, Oct. 19, is devoted to
food safety topics, including pre
sentations by Dr. Stanley I. Sa
vage, University of Georgia, and
Dr. S.F. Bilgili, Auburn Univer
sity, on ways to deliver better
broiler chickens to the processing
plants. Dr. Richard H. McCapes
will discuss on-the-farm good
calf Barn 30X248'
120 Head Capacity
• Observation Area
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, September 30, 1995*05
Oct. 18-20
management practices related to
food safety. All segments of the
poultry industry should find the
combined session of interest and
Course Set
Co.) Can you legally hire an
employee and pay cash “under the
table” or provide board in
exchange for work?
What is new in the world of
horse fencing, bam flooring mater
ials, and arena footing?
Can written contracts and
releases protect you in the event of
a liability law suit?
These and other issues will be
addressed at the bam manager’s
short course, scheduled in Monroe
County at the Ramada Inn in Dela
ware Water Gap on Oct. 31 and
Nov. 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The sessions will be repeated in
Don’t Attempt To
Renovate Parched
UNIVERSITY PARK (Centre Co.) Record high
temperatures in July followed by a prolonged drought
lasting into September have resulted in parched and
bumed-out lawns over much of Pennsylvania and the
rest of the Northeast
Unless soil-soaking rains provide relief soon, home
owners should forego the usual fall lawn renovation
practices, which could further damage drought
stricken turf, according to a Penn State turfgrass
“With no significant rain for more than a month,
coupled with low humidity, many of Pennsylvania’s
3.3 million lawns are under severe drought stress, and
some have begun to die,” said Dr. Peter Landschoot
associate professor of turfgrass science in Penn State’s
College of Agricultural Sciences.
“Ordinarily, lawn repair or renovation such as aera
tion and dethatching should be done in early September
when temperatures are cooler and rains are more fre
quent” Landschoot said. “This summer, however,
renovation should be postponed until later in the season
or perhaps until next spring unless the lawn has been
adequately irrigated.”
Aeration and dethatching will severely damage
drought-stressed turf. Fertilization and weed control
practices also can be damaging and should be delayed
until turf begins to recover. “The best thing to do at the
moment is nothing,” Landschoot said. “Simply leave
the lawn alone until it begins to recover.”
If the Northeast experiences steady, soil-drenching
rains within the next few weeks, most turfgrass will
recover. “However, lawns that were in weak condition
at the beginning of summer or that have received heavy
traffic over the past few weeks may not grow back and
will have to be reseeded,” Landschoot said.
If significant rainfall does return to the state by mid
to late September, homeowners can overseed bare
places in their lawns. “In most areas of Pennsylvania,
seeding after October with Kentucky bluegrass may'
not yield satisfactory results,” said Landschoot “If you
plan to seed in early October, use perennial ryegrass,
which germinates and establishes much more quickly
than Kentucky bluegrass."
For more information on reseeding your lawn,
request the free fact sheet “Turfgrass Establishment,”
from the Penn State Cooperative Extension office in
For more information about the
30th National Meeting on Poultry
Health and Processing, contact
DPI at R.D. 6, Box 47, George
town, DE 19947-9622, (302)
Montgomery County on Nov. 1
and 8 at the Heritage Family
Restaurant, Route 113 in Franco
nia. The equine short course has
been developed as a cooperative
effort by extension agents from
Penn State and Rutgers
A high caliber of professionals
in the equine Held have agreed to
serve as instructors for the short
course. Speakers include represen
tatives from Footings Unlimited,
Stocton Fence Company, Penn
State and Rutgers Extension, Blue
Bridle and Posse Walsh Insurance
Company, and Keystone Farm
The cost of the two-day program
is C/0, which includes lunch and
instructional materials. To receive
more information or a registration
form, contact your local Coopera
tive Extension Office or the Mon
roe County Extension Office at
(717) 992-7344, the Montgomery
County Extension Office at (610)
489-4315, or the Warren County
Extension Office at (908)