Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 30, 1995, Image 135
•OftWKTMWWj. »«M-«»-l»-l •TsSo *8.780 MjSP 91 Ford El SO Cargo Van 4.1 Utar, 6 Cyl., Auto, PS, PB.AC •7.990 87 Font F-3SO Craw Cab V-8, Auto, PB, AC *6,760 83 Ford Explorer XLT 2WD, AutoTPS, AC, Fully Equip., Roaa w/ Saddle, Intarlor, 81,308 Mllaa •11,900 93 Plymouth LE Grand 81 Chav C-30 Cuba Van, 380 Voyager Fully Equip., Ona V 4, Auto, FB, AC, 84,200 Owner, 84,000 MHaa Mllaa *12,900 *10,990 S 3 GMC 4x2 Dump w/Plow A Spreader *6.900 90 Chav 2500 4x4 Ext Cab Utility Ttuek, 350 V-5, Auto, AC. 132,105 MIIm *10,900 IM7 Ford PISO Work Truck, • Cyl., Manual, “Not Fancy” •3,780 H|HB 84OMC7000CAB*CHASSIS 90JmdCharokaaLimitad Dautz Air-Cool Dlmol 58 2 4 Utor, Navy Flnlahad, Fully Spaad, 28,000 QVW, 142" CA Equip., Local Ona Ownar, *5.990 5*,208 Mllaa *14,990 80 Ford FISOXLT Lariat V-8. Auto, PS, AC, Local Ttoda, 83,200 Mllaa *11.900 L u ■ M Ch«v K-UOO 4x4 380 V-t, Auto, PS, AC, 112,218 MIIm *8.090 Wll LIAM 11. \\ I SSI I S I SI I) ( \RS Bit Route ISDillsbuiq PA I-SOO-440-4433 1-717-432-2') IS Notary Public - Temporary Tags WKT ■" jHjjj| « > * •• Ford E-ISO Cargo Van, 6 Cyl., Manual, High Mllaa, Nico $2,590 SO FORD F3SO Contractor Dump, 480 EFI, 8 Spied, PS, 108,204 Milas *12,900 „ 88 Ford Bronco Full Size V-8, Auto, AC, 4x4,302 Not Fancy *6,980 !’V 87 FORD CF 6,000 Cab A Chassis, 8 Cyl., Dlasal, 8 Spaed, 28,800 QVW, 187,000 Mllee *8,900 90 Dodgt EXT Cargo Van 5.2 V-9, Auto, PS, AC, 99,902 *6,990 •3 Ford F2SO, • Cyl., 4.» Liter, Auto, PS. AC, *4,200 MIIm *8,750 EZN Ramps Turn your pickup into a heavy hauler. Whatever you load on your pickup, van, flatbed, we have a ramp to suit you. 914/W4M E-TOWN DODGE (4) 1995 BR 3500 4x4, Cab & Chassis or w/Utility Body or w/Dump 1995 VlO, 4X4 12,000 Miles 1996 DIESEL dub Cabs & Pickups In Stock 1995 & 1996 DAKOTAS In Stock (15) ASK FOR MILTON HESS Certified Truck Specialist 717-367-6644 itfsl REAL W/M ESTATE . 12,000 acre SE Montana ranch, good buildings, cor rels, fences, cropland CRP reservoirs, pipeline, water spreading on hay land, 2 ranches (1 scenic, will separate), (406)775-6516 12+ Acres in Little Britain Township, Lancaster Co Excellent home site/small (armette Approx 4 acres wooded, balance good farmland Priced to sell, $96,000 Owner financing available Hayes Oxford 610/593-6684 145 A, 2 farms adjoining dairy and chicken, 2 houses, 2 bank barns, 100 free stalls, milking parlor, 10,000 breeder house 10 miles north of Lebanon. PA Will separate 717-865-4304 175 Acres +/- Columbia County, Pine Twsp, Lots of Township Road Fron tage, w/Little Fishing Creek $175,000, 630 Acres Clinton County Sur rounded by Sproul State Forest, Hyner Run, Hyner View Stale Park, Paved State Road Runs Through Property $350,000, 880 Acres Lycoming County Pine Creek Valley, Watson Township $500,000; 400 Acres, Clinton County, Bald Eagle Range. $300,000 Big Woods Land Co* (717)769-6445. 137 acres v N of Belmont, NY. exit 30, Southern Tier Expressway Timbered 3 years ago $450/acre (610)857-1320 or (610)384-5831 140 acre alfalfa and corn farm (or sale in Northern NY state Close to good schools, churches, etc Reason for selling want to retire 1 Large 4BR brick house, larg 78 stall barn (315)376-8037 anytime. 23A woodland, Mifflin Co , near SGL 107, perced, surveyed, road & electric, $28,900 717/527-2402 28x42 Ranch w/attached car port, 5 acres, 3BR, fin ished basement, 30 min to Raystown Lake, 814/542-4249 2 cabins on 3A Lycoming Co., PA Excellent hunting, fishing, loads and loads of extras Must been seen to be appreciated $135,000 717-398-1291. 300 Acre 100-cow Modern Dairy Farm, Bradford Co 717/297-2768 33 Acres, 30A tillable, 2-story house, 5 bed rooms. 1300 sq ft per floor, outside stairway for _ . _ . __ upstairs living quarters, full j 1 ? 1 '°T Sale 55 4 63 A, basement w/walk-in doors, du P lax home ' J ust reno ‘ 3 pole sheds 24x104 40x80 y atad ' ne * carpet, new 30x100, complete sswmill, kitchen cabinets & bath all buildings are new since room fixtures, etc. Small 1987 Beautiful country! cottage Large garage. Edward Keim, Rl. Box Blue spruce trees 4 , -7", 123-A. Cashton, Wl 54619 45,000 trees Deep well, good drinking water Pn -40 Acre w/2 Story Farm- vate roa d. well secured, house. Kitchen w/ Good hunting deer, bear. Cathedral Ceiling and turkey Mineral rights Solid Cherry Cabinets $250,000 Located in Di- ERA Bowen Agency Julie v ,d e , PA, Columbia Co Watts (717)743-2165 610/433-8569 50 COW DAIRY FARM , GOUVERNEUR, NY 110 A, lovely rolling fields Excellent barn Good solid house $69,900 $lO,OOO down 615-858-5182 56 Tillable Juniata Co Acres, gently rolling slope & road frontage on Rt3s, $125,000 price neg 717/463-2551 6 MONTH OLD MOBILE HOME in Ephrata, Large Deck. 2BR, 2 Baths, Living Room w/Fireplace, Dining Room, Excellent Condi tion $34,900 Call Reid at Clover Inc Realtors (717)560-9495 75A farm, Northern Berks County, PA Nice 3BR, 2 story brick home. 12 years old. 60A tillable, nice area, nice view, very private. $290,000 610-488-7468 All kinds of farms for sale in MD and PA Smith and As sociates Real Estate. Jackie Nichols, (717)762-8449 (717)597-8161 ATTENTION DAIRYMEN AND- DEVELOPERS Op erating modern 310 A dairy (arm, South Marinette Co , Wl w/impressive big 1 or 2 family 6BR, 3 bath home New septic and furnace Located w/’/i mile of Pesh tigo river frontage, 1/4 mile gravely brook frontage, prime deer and turkey hunting plus timber to harvest Additional land available to rent 715-789-2843 Beautiful cozy renovated cottage, 4 rooms, tile bath, screen porch over-looking lake and mountains. Con venient to Ephrata, quiet, non-smoking environment, SSOS/mo plus heat 610/670-1418. BRADFORD COUNTY, PA Land 50 acres, private, good views, approved for septic, $5OOOO ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ES TATE 717-297-2409. Call Diane 717-537-2850 BRADFORD COUNTY, PA Farm 147 acres, large barn, other outbuildings, older Victorian home with fireplace, new kitchen, more $229,000 ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ES TATE 717-297-2409 Call Diane 717-537-2850 CENTRAL, NY 565 A dairy farm, 120 free stalls, dou ble 4 milking parlor, 2,000 bulk tank, TMR feeding system 2 houses 607-387-9575 Chalet Style Home, 4BR, 1 Bath, Situated on 1 Acre of Land in Tioga County, PA Area (717)324-6921 Clean, modern chicken op eration w/beautiful home Small fruit orchard, pond & greenhouses Perfect loca tion for produce stand. $300,000 Call Betty Shull. 410/479-2349,'The Pru dential Caroline Proper ties, independently owned and operated Dairy of Distinction Farm 86 acres, St Lawrence River Valley, within 11 miles Clarkson & St La wrence Universities and 2 state colleges 3BR, IVi BA house, fireplace, new windows, 44 stanch ion barn, 32x64 hip-roof barn, 32x104 metal barn w/16x64 addition, pond Ideal for dairy, beef, horses, sheep, milking equipment intact Call (315)386-2126 Easton, PA 52 Acre Till able Farm, 3BR House, Barn w/40 Stalls, 5 Out buildings $249,900 (610)252-6814 FOR RENT or SALE. 45 acre farm in CNY Finger Lakes near Auburn 30 acres tillable, mostly hon eoye loam. 12 acres wooded, mostly firewood some timber, 6BR 3BA house in excellent condi tion 2 wells, stream, 2 barns and attached gar age $150,000 (401 >247-7562 FOR SALE. Farm in Perry County, approximately 140 acres About 100 tillable, balancew woodland. Two story frame house, barn, other outbuildings, pond, three silos with automatic feeder About one mile road frontage (717)789-3367 FOR SALE OR LEASE, 261 A dairy farm, approx 235 tillable Jefferson Co , PA Call tor details 814-849-2039 For Sale Lfrt w/Jumata River frontage w/cottage, $l4 000 Dan Yoder, R 1 Box 193, Thompsontown, PA 17094 For Sale Myerstown area dairy farm. 50 stalls, barn, pipeline, tank, 3 silosw/ unloaders 717/866-4891 after 5 o'clock HANOVER Adams County farmettes 8 2 to 27 0 acres, secluded, perked and probed Some deed restric tions to protect your prop erty All have considerable hard road frontage Also available 132 acre farm with brick house, well and septic, some outbuildings 717-867-3968 New dairy operation- lo cated in mild SE Virginia near historic Williamsburg 3 stall parlor setup, pur chasing all feed and inten sive grazing Currently milking 50 Jerseys, excel lent milk market, plenty of room for expansion May be subdivided w/or without new 3,000 sq ft brick home $199,000 for dairy $450,000 w/home Call be tween 7pm 9pm (804)693-6827 Quiet country setting View of Blue Mountains New 2-story house, SA, 4BR's, 2’/, baths, office Bethel 717-865-0828 Ranch 3BR, CA 2 baths, 2 car garage attached 2nd home, 214 story, 3BR, 1 bath, 1 car garage (3) Mor ton buildings, 60x42, 2 steer barns, 3 gram bins. York Co , PA. 2 car garage on SKA ground 717-292-1111 ijnpasttr Farming, Saturday, Igmiir N, \mc*i Second Milo NY. 113 A farm, large house, small tenant house, small barn, garage, pond and outbuild ings, $210,000 negotiate. 315-536-6372. Small shop for rent. Good for trucks and repairs. Church St., Quarryville, PA 610-286-5172. Somerset Area 100 Acre Farm, Brick Ranch Water, Very Nice (814)445-4792. TIOGA CO.. PA: 117 ACRE FARM! 60'x40'bank barn Older home, views from these gently rolling acres Long frontage. Just minutes from Wellsboro! REDUCED* $135,000 W-163 HOMESTEAD RE ALTY 1-800-257-5007 VIRGINIA 140 acres, 90 opened, 114 A pond, fenced and crossed fenced. $145,000 804-248-6645 WANTED TO RENT 40+ dairy barn w/house & pas ture, cropland not neces sary In area of Berks, Chester, Lancaster & Schuylkill Counties 610/323-4630 We Want To Buy: Moun tain ground with or without cabin in PA or MD. Phone evenings. (717)259-8051 Willow Street by Owner 3BR Brick Rancher, Large Carport, Central Air, FHA Oil Heat, Full Basement, Quiet Neighborhood (717)464-3231 f Thinking of marketing your farm? f You n—dlo MUentwtxyrtyMolHwTYZlininwmWitof ■ pfotNMMl cmMmMW mwi, lp«el«lTln| In t» x Mtmt «wtnne»s. f TOWN < COUNTRY REALTY f 717-296-4885 OFFICE r 717-355-2046 HOME f 1-800-472-2641 r 717-575-2542 CAR PHONE Tj[~^—, Fishing/Hunting Cabin ■'k ffk \ Western Union County near Penns Creek H tp, \nnri state Game Lands, 2 83 Acres, Well. B Seotlc. Electric and Telephone, Fumlsh ■ ings, Borders Slate Road. (717)286-7382 Eyenlnga APARTMENT FOR RENT October 1 East Petersburg 2nd Floor, 2 Bedrooms, Refrig., Stove, Incl. Hook-up for Washer & Dryer. You pay heat, electric, trash, water. $420 Per Month/One Mo. Security Deposit Req. Cell 717-653-8061 P Consultation Services i \ Need an appraisal? j f ' How can you increase you net income? ’ } should you sell, rent or exchange? j r How you can save i .t hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes! i \ Give me a call) \ (717) 671-0655 } f John B Niesley. rbb a f 4340 CrMtvlaw Road, Harrisburg, PA 17112 Steuben County, NY 110 Acre Farmette, 3BR House, Barn, 50 tillable, stream, very private, picturesque •68 000 104 Acre 1 1/2 Mile Roafeßmfeae, 20 Tillable, 103 Acre, 30 tillable, 1 Story House w/Loft, Some Marketable White Oak $75,000 322 Acre Dairy w/Pipeline, 10 Room House, 160 till able $220,000 Seller Will Divide To Suit Buyer Contact McKenna Real Estate 1043 Dryden Hill Rd. Greenwood, NY 14839 (607) 225-4256 TIOGA CO.. PA: YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL! You get a fine 4BR, 214 bad) home w/all appliances, deck, pa tio, bam, fruit trees, 15+A for $134,500. W-290 HOMESTEAD REALTY 1-800-257-5007. TIOGA CO., PA; ACCES SIBLE HUNTING LAND! 71+/-A all wooded hunting land w/2 sides bordering thousands of acres of St. forest gamelands, $40,000 M-805 HOME STEAD REALTY 1-800-257-5005. TIOGA CO DAIRY FARM: 2 story home offers 4/SBR's, 90-100 Acres* Bank barn w/facilijies for 30 head, SS pipeline, barn cleaner, bulk tank, 3 bay garage Many extras* $164,500 M-828 HOME STEAD REALTY 1-800-257-5005 TIOGA COUNTY, PA #591 Vacant lot w/ additional lot containing older 4BR home w/1 car tarage Buy as 1 or divide, 54,900 #592 Potential home site 4+/-A containing small rus tic cabin, overlooks Ham mond Lake, excellent huntmg/fishing area. $30,000 #597 NO close neighbors w/these 50+/ wooded acres, 2-3 BR camp or home, new roof, new well, pump, nice country setting, $64,500 ENDLESS MOUNTAIN REAL ESTATE CO 717-659-5684 >V