Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1995, Image 89
We sell complete herds (Reg. or Grade) privately or by auction. Check with us as to what we have available and for sale dates at our arena. (5) 40-50 Reg. & Grade Herds For Sale Sales Ltd^ R.R.#7, Guelph, Ontario, NIH 6J4 (519)822-3147 (519)824-0796 or (519) 654-7833 MEL’S STABLE DRIVING HORSE SALE SAT.. OCT. 7 - 10:30 A.M HORSES HITCHED AT 1:30 A.M. SHARP SALE HELD AT 134 WALLACE RD., NEW HOLLAND, PA DIRECTIONS: FROM NT. 23 M NEW HOUANO, QO SOOTH ON SUMMER AYE, GO 2 MLES SOUTH ON NEW HOLLAND HOAD TO MLL RDi TURN LEFT ON HU RDi PROCEED L2MUS TO SALE ON THE LEFT. FROM RT. 340 EAST OF KTERCOURSE TAKE NEW HOUANO RO.UHUS TO HELRO., RIQHTONHU.RO. TO SALE ON LEFT. APPROX. SO HEAD OF STANDARDBRED HORSES APPROX. 28 HEAD OF BADPLEBREP HORSES 1 Load Driving Honan For Elam Stollslua 1 Load Driving Horaao For Chriat Z. StoHzfua 1 Load Driving Horaaa For Jaromo Wannor 1 Load Driving Horaao tor Jonaa Bailor 1 Load Driving Horaaa tor Stopbon StoHzfua PLUS MANY MORE HAND PICKED TOP QUALITY HORSESII DON'T MSS THIS SALEIII IP YOU ARE IN NEED OP A HORSE, COME AND FMD THAT SPECIAL HORSE. Com* and *riv* Vwni yurwtt. B*m *p*n on FrL OCT. • from »:00 A.M.tM4*rk. BIEL’S STABLE omn - mel hoove* PHONE - HOME - 717-084-8397 ■apommß Poe AcenwHra FOOD ON PREMISES NOT | NfcXT HORSE SAI t NOV 1 ' - -- Jeff Miller • Wayne Miller & Sons CLUB CALF SALE Friday, October 20,1995 Selling 30 head thick cross bred steers; Calves born April, May & June; Sires Represented: Zapper, Akeem, Sweet Willie, Pistol Pete, KK New Design SALE LOCATION MARLEE FARM SALE PAVILION, DR. LEE MILLER, WOODSBORO, MD Food Available • Sale Day Phone: 301-898-7272 For Information Contact: Jeff Miller Wayne Miller Rt. 1, Box 326, Cutler, IN Rt. 1, Frankfort, IN Ph. 317-268-2409 Ph. 317-258-3492 Green Dragon Livestock Sales Located 1 Mi. N. On ibgF North Stale St., Ephrata ° ' Sale Every Friday 11:00 A.M. Beef 7:00 P.M. Smell Animal Sale 200-300 Stocker & Feeders Every Friday. Regular Shippers Of Northern Cattle Walter H. Risser, Prop. Home 717-838-4318 Office 717-733-2444 NT ROCK FARM FALL DAIRY COW SALE Thurs. Sept. 28,1995 7:SO RM. Located south of Carlisle, Pa., off 1-81 at Plainfield Exit to RL 11, south 2 miles to Cumberland Golf Course, turn right, go 1 mile to Clay Rd., left to stop sign, left to 2nd farm on left. 100 Head - GRADE & REGISTERED HOLSTEINS-100 Head Approx. 50 Head fresh - 20 Springers 15 Heifers due for November 2 Bulls (1 Registered) - All Heifer Calves bom before Sale Majority of Animals Selling are local Cattle! All 2 & 3 yr. olds • Good Animals (Will suit the most discriminating buyer) All Animals Innoc. for Shipping Fever - Calves will be sold first. Don’t Miss This Sale if you need Some Good additions to Enhance Your Herd! Food Stand - Trucking Available - Health Charts BILL & CYNTHIA MCKEEHAN, 235 Springview Road Carlisle, Pa. 243-7651 Rick Foreman, Auctioneer Lie. #AU-1163L Henry Kettering, Pedigreee SAT. NOV. 18 - 12 Noon. Rati Eatata Auction, 403 S. Main St, Shrewsbury, Pa. From 1-83 Exit I,Rt. 851 W to square L, to sals on L Kenneth Keeny, auct. TUES. NOV. 21 - SAM Quilt, craft & Buggies. AIC Oiffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jackson St., New Holland, Pa. TUES. NOV. 21 - TPM Feeder Cattle Sale. West minster Livestock Auction. TUES. NOV. 21 -TPM Pigs Graded Sale. Westminster, MO Westminster Livestock Auction. TUES. NOV. 21 - 6PM Feeder Cattle Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit CONSIGNMENT HORSE SALE SPECIAL DRAFT HORSES & MULES WELL MATCHED TEAMS LOADS OF STANDARDBRED DRIVING HORSI also SATURDAY, SEPT. 30,1995 Middieburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. Rt. 522 3 miles East of Middieburg, Pa. 5 miles West of Selinsgrove, Pa. For information call: 717-837-2222 or 717-837-2512 Middieburg Livestock Auction Sales, Inc. RR #3, Rt. 522 Middieburg, PA If If Aaron Reiff (agent) lit U 922-1490 Owners Clarence Shirk & Dave Imes, Auctioneers Terms: Cash Trucking Available Restaurant Open DAYTIME DAIRY SALE Friday, October 6,1998 Selling at Kling's Sale Bam, located 15 miles North of Carlisle on Route 74,2 miles Northeast of Landisburg, Perry County. Selling for Art Kling - 50 CANADIANS • Mostly Registered A Few Featured Animals: 2 Yr. old Prelude - Due September 9 to Charles - VG Dam with 18000 milk - Big - Strong and Fancy. 2 Yr. old Broker - Fresh September 2 with Stardust Heifer Calf - 3 VG Dams behind this heifer. 2 Yr. old Inspiration - Due September to Conquest - GP Star buck Dam - VG Lancer 2nd Dam - Both with Good Records. 2 Yr. old Inspiration - Fresh September 1 with Oceanview Heifer Calf - 2 GP Dams with nice records. 2 Yr. old Lincoln - Fresh September 1 with Skychief Heifer Calf • GP Mirage Dam - He-Man 2nd Dam never scored. 2 Yr. old Lincoln - Due early October to Conquest - VG Matta dor Dam with 22000 Milk and 800 Fat. Plus: 20 Top Grade Animals all First and Second Calves • Fresh and Milking Well. All calves bom before sale - call for complete listing. Unp—nr Fwmlnfl, Saturday, Saptmbar 23, 1996-849 Public Auction Register Closing Date Monday 5:00 P.M. of ndTinck'i publication 12 off 1-81 turn South - then loft onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. WED. NOV. 22 - 9AM QuHt & craft. AfcC Diffenbach Auction, Inc. 100 W. Jack son St, New Holland, Pa. FRI. NOV. 24- 10AM Weekly Thurs Sale, 6 PM Feeder Cattle Sale. New Holland Salee Stables, Inc., 101 W. Fulton St. New Holland, Pa. FRI. NOV. 24 - I:3OPM. State Graded Feeder Pig Sale. Carlisle Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12 off 1-81 turn South then left onto Alexander Spring Rd., 249-4511. Dairy and Livestock Sales RIDING & SLAUGHTER HORSES 11:00 AM Sharp Tack To Be Sold At 8:30 AM 12:00 Noon - Ail Recently Fresh or Due In October - 10 Springing Grade Heifers from a local Heifer Raiser Big typy Heifers due to Calve in October and November Registered Holstein Service Sire and Several other Local Sale Managed By: Kling’s Auctions, Inc. R.O. 1, Box 66 Landlsburg, Pa. 17040 ■ Pa. Lie. #O5OO Office Phone #717 769-3883 SAT. NOV. 25 • 1030 AM 2 JD Diesel Traders, 2520 4800 Original Hts., 2940 4200 Original Hrs., Tillage and Hay Equipment, Vfoon 12R Field Sprayer w/Foam Markers New In 91. Ches ter County, PA. Terms by: Michael Cehula. Peter shelm Aucts. DECEMBER SAT. DEC. 2 -Mel's Stables, at 834 Wallace Rd., New Holland, Pa. From Rt 23 in New Hol land, go S. on Brimmer Ave., go 2 miles S. on New Holland Rd. to Hid Rd. Turn left on Hill Rd. Proceed 1.2 miles to sale on left. From Rt 340 E. of Intercourse take New Holland Rd. 2.5 miles to Hill Rd., right on Hill Rd. ot sale on left Mel Hoover, owner.