Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1995, Image 86
mAnumi dWf ilX&Tmt Public Auction Register Ctataf Date Monday 5:00 P.M. o t aack week’* publication FRI. NOV. 10 - 1:30 PM Stats Qradsd Fssdsr Pig Sals. Carilsls Livestock Market, Inc., Exit 12o(f 1-81 turn South than Isft onto Alexandar Spring Rd., 249-4511. SAT. NOV. 11-213 Acre Huntington Co. Farm, Household, Collectibles. Located at Blairs Mills, PA. Estate of Helen R. Clayton, Glen L. Clayton, Shirley J. Goshron, Executors. Bryan D. Imes Auct. SAT. NOV. HI - 9AM AC Tractor & (arm equip for Roy Gruber, 3451 Sunnys ide Rd., Manheim, Pa. John 0. Stauffer, auct. SAT. NOV. 11 - 9AM Real Estate 12NOON Personal Property. Perry County, Between Millerstown and Ickesburg Along Rt. 117 West. Cart Yoder Estate. Russell M. Wright and Frank Swartz Aucts. t PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., OCTOBER 14 at 9800 A.M. MAHANTONGO VALLEY FARM Midway between KLINGERSTOWN and PITMAN net to the Mahan tongo valley Elementary School. From 1-81, Exit 34, take Route 25 Weat to Hegine, turn right unto Route 125 crose Over Mahantongo Mountain and go to let stop sign at Jack’s Spot Cafe, turn left con tinue 3 miles to sale site. PARCALNo. 1; 75 ACRES. more or less Approximately 54 Acres in High State of Cultivation, balance Wooded and Pasture Land. Frontage on both sides of the Klingerstown to Pitman Road. A PICTURESQUE FARM THAT YOUR FAMILY WILL SURELY BE PROUD TO OWN! Investigate now, arrange your financing, be prepared to bid & buy at the auction. FOR INSPECTION CALL: 717-425-3313 PARCEL No. 2: 5 ACRES MOUNTAINLAND In Upper Mahantongo Township, on the North side of Mahantongo Mt. FARM EQUIPMENT Oliver Super 55 Tractor, nice condition; Oliver 3-14 Plow; Ford 78 3-Pt. Sickle Mower; Lilliston 7-6 Roto-Speed Mower; Oliver Superior 13-Disk Grain Drill on Steel; 3-Pt. Harrow; 3-Pt. Cultivator; Lely Spinner Spread er: 2-Bottom 14" 3-Pt. Plow; MF 3-Pt. Blade; Bale Elevator; Belle City Sin gle Row Corn Picker; 2-Row Corn Planter; 9’ Brillion Single Roll Culti packer; Manure Spreader; Century Weed Sprayer; Farm & Utility Trailers; Single Horse Plow & Cultivator: Cast Iron Trough; Platform & Counter Top Scales; Wooden & Metal Wheelbarrows; Turkey Crates; 20’ & 28’ Alu minum Extension Ladders; Log & Auto Chains; Sump Pump; Fencing; Hand Truck; Mechanic Hand Tools; Sm. Air Compressor; Circular Saw; other Carpenter Hand Tools; etc. FULL LINE HOUSEHOLD FURNISH INGS Including: Frigidaire Refrigerator; Hotpoint Range; Whirlpool Portable Dishwasher; Maytag Automatic Washer; GE Dryer; Zenith Table top Color TV 1976 CHEVROLET NOVA V-8; 1969 NOVA 6 Cyl. ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, GUNS Flour Chest, Original Graining w/Dough Tray & Bake Board; Oak Sideboard w/Bevelled Glass Mirror; Step-back Cupboard Top; Drop-side Fainting Lounge; Early Mohair 3-Pc. Living Room Suite, nice condition; Rockers, (2) Extension Tables, Claw Foot Stand, (4) Pressed Back Chairs, Pressed Back Highchair, Dressers, Chest of Drawers in OAK; Bentwood & Cane Seated Chairs; 3-Pc. Cottage-style Bedroom Suite; Wood Chest; Library Table; 3-Section Stacking Bookcase; Glass Door Bookcase; Dome Trunk; Day Bed; Butter Print Comb Case; WENDLAND PLAYER PIANO, needs repair; Piano Rolls; Philco Floor Model Radio; Lg. Bible; CHILD’S WICK ER PULL-TYPE 2-WHEEL CART; Butter Bowl; Stereoscope & Pictures; Picture Frames; MALICK PRINT “IF I COULD FIND A HIGHER TREE”; MALICK PLATE “FROZEN PUMP”; Dishes including; Pressed & Pattern Glass, Depression, Carnival, Stemware, etc.; Griswold #9 Dutch Oven; Iron Skillets; Coffee Grinder; Crocks; Cuspidor; Coal Bucket; Splint Baskets; Michter’s Decanters; Sad Irons; lg. Slaw Cutter; Stumpers; Hustler Toy Walking Dog, needs repair; Tinware; Early Alarm Clocks; Quilt Frame; Patchwork Quilts; Doilies; Butcher Bench; (2) Butcher Kettles; Kettle Stove; Meat Hooks; Huckster Scale; other items not listed. Model 37 Winchester 12 Ga. Single Shot; 22 Mossberg W 468 w/Scope; 22 Cal. Springfield 538 Single Shot; 12 Ga. Single Shotgun; Lunch by SALEM CHURCH HOWARD S. BROOKS, HARRY R. BROOKS, & HAZEL B. ASPINWALL, Owners Harry J. Brown, Esq., Pfeiffer, Brown & Brennan nCIDCDT MIKE, AUCTIONEER AU1599-L717-425-3313 UCIDCn I GEORGE, REALTOR & AUCTIONEER, AU2O9-L Dairy and Livestock Sales FEEDER CATTLE CONSIGNMENT SALE TUBS., 5EPT26,1995 at 8:00 p.m. Penns Valley Livestock Centre Hall, PA (814) 349-5099 or (814) 349-8760 TUES. NOV. 14 - Fed Cattle Sales. Carlisle Lives tock Market, Inc. Exit 12 off 1-81 turn S. then left onto Alexander Spring Rd. 249-4511. 9-ROOMS & BATH plus Summer Kitchen; Oil Hot Water Heat; 3-Car Garage; 2-Bay Shed with Lg. Overhead Doors; Dri ve-through BARN; other Outbuildings. Conducted By RUSSELL M. WRIGHT, Auctioneers Newport, Perry County A Collection of oO Years SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,1995 8:30 A.M. Location in Perry County, PA, Juniata Township, 3 mi. west of Newport and 1 mile north ofc Little Buffalo State Park along Middle Ridge Road and Lake View Road. From RL 322010' Newport Exit onto Rt. 34-South approximately Imile, cross River Bridge and cgnfmue on Market Street to Sixth Street. Turn left off of 6th Street onto Ridge Road. 3 mltefo Sale on left. TRUCKS - EXCAVATING EQUIPMENT, SHOP TOOLS HG-7 AC Track Loader, TD-9 International Dozer with blade and winch (Diesel Engine), Fordson Major Diesel Back Hoe and Loader, self contained Tow Dolly (Electric over Hydraulic), Hobart Welder 260 Amp powered by 1932 Model-B Ford Engine with original hood and grill mounted on 2-wheel trailer, also Lin coln 225 Amp AC Welder, Log Splitter Vertical-Horizontal 5 HP, 20 ton-jprave, Trucks and parts including 76 Chev. Dump 9000 GVW - 350 VB-4 speed, 1970 Int. Dump 21000 GVW? 5 speed-2 speed Rear, 1962 GMC Dump V-6 Diesel with 5 speed and 2-speed Rear - was road tractor, 1970 Kenworth Road Tractor- Cat Engine needs work, 1980 VW-Diesel Rabbit Car-as is, 1951 Int. dump Tk., Chev Tk., V-8 (not running) with 12 ft. Van body, 8 ft. xlO ft. Dump Bed, Gruman House Car with all aluminum body, hay Loader, Cul tivators for Oliver Tractors, Oliver-70 Farm IVactor, 6 ft. Rotaiy pull type Mower, 8 ft. by 9 ft. Flat Truck Bed, Side Hay Rake. OXYGEN SUPPLY SYSTEM model-XMC 400 Xorbox Division, Towaqda, N.Y., Alton bottle, Oxygen- Acetylene cutting and welding Torch with bottles, Coleman Gasoline Powered 5000 Watt Generator Model PMS 2-5020 with electric start 120-240 Volts (like new), also 500 Watt Portable Chain Saw Genera tor. Mitsubishi 100 HP-Diesel Model 6DRSA, Series 1693 Cat Engine for parts, truck parts to fit Freight Liner - Cat - GMC and others including transmissions #RTO 913, Rear End Pails, new Full Rear Fender, also Bumpers Flaps, South Wind Engine Heaters, Auto and RV Parts, oil heater. Tool boxes, Carline and Mid way Oil Heaters, (also NV-WAY), heaters. Gas Grill, 8 ft. Truck Tool Boxes, A-Frame with I-Beam Trolley, Chain Hoists, Cinder Spreader, Lots Tire chains for trucks, many Log and Tie Down Chains for trucking. Large Rubberized Truck and Trailer Tarps, Load Binders, Rope and Cable, Battery Chargers. 3-McCullouch Chain Saws (like new), Carpenter Tools including Saws, Squares, Hammers, etc. mechan ics Tools including Hand, Power and Tools -1/2 inch, 3/4 inch and I inch Drive Air Wrenches, also Drills, electric and air, various sizes, lots of Wrenches and Hand Tools of various sizes and descriptions, including Sockets of various size drives, Air Powered Grease Guns and others. Pipe Vice, Welding Table, Large Vis es, Platform Scales, Bench Grinder, Hose Reels, Oilers, Babbit Ladles, Air Hoses, Heavy Copper Lead Wire, Trailer Cords, Sledge Hammers, Paint Sprayers, Air Compressor, Come-A-Longs, Ladders, Hydraulic jacks and other including Floor Jacks, Wheelbarrows, Express Wagons, Cant Hooks, Cabinet Clamps, Galvanized Pipe, Rebar of various sizes, Steel Roof Decking, miscellaneous Lumber, Mobile Home Skirting, Portable Sign Frames, Plumbing Tools, Hydraulic Oil, Grease, Shop Vac, Oil Heater, Poles for Pole Shed, used Appli ances. OLDER COILECTABLE, including Meat Grinders, Milk Cans, Duck Decoys, Coal Stove, various Old Wooden Cupboards, Draw Knives, Grind Stone, Wood Advertising Boxes, Monkey Wrenches, Coal Sifter, along with Grain Cradle, Forks, Windmill Seed Cleaner, other collectibles sure to be uncovered. GUNS Savage 222 Cal. over 20 Ga. Model 24-V, Crossman Air Rifle, 303 British Rifle. Order of Sale. Heavy Equipment and trucks will not be offered before 11 ;30 AM. Shop Equipment, Pow er Tools, etc. will be offered at random throughout duration of sale. Sale parking on North side of Ridge Road in field at your own risk. Owners and Sellers not responsible for accidents. Lunch Stand by Community Grange. Terms CASH, Travelers checks or checks approved by Owner or Sellers. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any previous printed material. AUCTIONEERS Russell M. Wright, AU-1353-L Ralph Brenneman, AA-708L PUBLIC AUCTION SALE TRUCK PARTS AND ENGINES TONS OF SCRAP IRON f V ELMER H. EBERSOLE p^Tmmm COUNTRY RANCH HOME AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT., OCT. 21,1995 9:00 AM 400 GOLF ROAD MYERSTOWN. JACKSON TWP. LEBANON COUNTY. PA 17067 REAL ESTATE Consists of a ranch home situate on almost 3 acres with apple trees, nut trees, etc. The home has 3 bedrooms, 1 3/4 baths, living room, kitchen with dining area, glass doors lead to a covered deck, one car attached garage and a detached pole building. The home has full cement basement with hearth for wood stove, New Yorker oil hot water furnace, well water and on site septic. INSPECTION; Open House, Saturday, October 7, 1995 from 12 to 3 PM or by appointment with auctioneer. REAL ESTATE SOLD AT 12:00 NOON LOOK FOR FULL LISTING OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IN FUTURE ADS DIRECTIONS; 1 mile north of Myerstown on Rt 501, turn right onto Golf Road, 6th home on left. CONDITIONS BY: Elmer H. Ebersole ATTORNEY: C.V. Henry, 111, Esquire FOOD STAND AUCTION CONDUCTED BY; NELSON L. EBERSOLE AUCTIONEER LICENSE * - AU-001307-L PHONE (717) 867-5221 FAX (717) 867-5606 30 WEST MAIN STREET ANNVILLE, PA 17003 OWNER Edna M. Saul R.D. #2, Newport, PA 17074