Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1995, Image 81
■m* SPECIAL FALL EQUIPMENT AUCTION Taes., Oct. 3,1995 @ 10:00 A.M. TEITS WORTH AUCTION LOT GROVELAND, N.Y. Selling a good line of farm tools, tractor, trucks, loader & much more. Call now to advertise your consignments. lnc. \L rTwortMiowM. AucnomwiTf W • (716) 243-1563 ® FAX (716) 243-3311 " 6502 Barber Hill Road Genesco, New York 14454 Rishel Farm Auction Sat., Sept. 30, 1995 215 Acre Union County Dairy Farm 9:00 AM| Sharp Located along Strawbrldgp Rd. 3 miles West of Lewlsburg, PA Just off Rt. 192. RISHEL REAL ESTATE AUCTION Union County working Dairy Farm -12 Noon Consisting of 215 acres with 1 mile hard top road frontage, 196 acres tillable heavy limestone soil, 18 acres woodland. Amodem 63 stanchion dairy bam with overhead hay storage, additional 40x40 loafing shed, ASCS approved manure pit, Delaval pipeline system, patz bam cleaner, 1000 gal. Delaval tank, 2 18’x50’ con crete stave silos, 40’x80’ pole constructed implement shed with 16' overhang, round wire corn cribs and grain storage. Also erected thereon a 2 story, 5 bedroom Victorian brick farm house with first floor completely renovated with modern kitchen, open stairway, fireplaces and more. A Must Seell Auctioneer’s Note: Farmer participates In ASCS programs and has used good farming practices having farm contoured with prime alfalfa and com with previous yields over 200 bu. per acre. Farm la located in the beautiful Buffalo Valley with scenic view of Lewieburg, Montour Ridge and Shlkeliamy Lookout Real Estate Terms: 10% down at knockoff, bal ance In 90 days. Showing Dates; By appointment, phone 717- 523-3783 or 717-527-2440. MODERN FARM MACHINERY-9:00 A.M. IH 886 dsl. tractor with factory cab; Case 970 dsl. tractor with canopy; Farmall Super C tractor with front mounted com planter and workers; Farmall M tractor I with hydr.; M.F. 510 self-propelled combine with 4 WR I corn head; Case 1840 dsl. skid loader with manure I fork and big 60" bucket, 500 hrs., new condition; J.D. I 1219 haybine; I.H. 435 P.T.O. hay baler with #l5 I thrower; Pequea P.T.O. tedder; Kewanne 500 36' hay I and grain elevator; 3-16' wooden bale wagons with I hvy. duty 8 ton chassis; IH 1250 portable grinder mix-1 er; Gehl 750 forage harvester with Gehl 2 row I adjustable com head; 2 - IH 120 16’ 3 beater forage I wagons with roof and IH 38512 ton tandem axle run-1 ning gears; Case IH 560 dbl. beater manure spreader; I IH 51016 dbl. disc grain drill; Little Giant com drag; IH I 56 P.T.O. forage blower; Ajax 25,000 watt portable I generator; IH 56 4 row com planter; N.l. 2 row mount-1 ed corn picker with 12' roll husking bed; 200 gal. I portable field sprayer with P.T.O. pump; IH 4 row front I mounted com worker; 2 - Killbros. 300 and 350 bu. I gravity boxes with hvy. duty chassis; Fav-o-rite gravity I box with J.D. chassis; IH 12' 315 cultimulcher; I Mohawk 10 tooth 3 pt. chisel plow; N.H. 37 flail chop-1 per; IH 475 12’ transport disc; 2 -12' Dunham single I roll cultipackers; Case-Oliver 400 5x16” semi mounted I plow with side hill; IH 35 hay rake; 16’ flatbed wagon; I 275 and 300 gal. fuel tanks; ventilation fans; term I gates; bam tools; Wic 5 h.p. bale chopper; 18 bu. fiber I glass feed carts; gutter grates; wagon load small term I related items. I SELLING AFTER REAL ESTATE SALE I MILKING EQUIPMENT AND GRAIN STORAGE I Delaval 1 -1/2" S.S. pipeline system fits 63 Stanchion I bam; Delaval 78 pump; 1000 gal. Delaval bulk tank I with 2- 3 h.p. compressors; Delaval tank washer. I Terms: Cash or Good Check Lunch I Owners I BRUCE A. & DIANA J. RISHEL Phona 717-523-3783 Bryan D. Imaa, Auctioneer Complete Auction Sarviea Phone 717-527-2448 AU-001656-L •>J I < H. M M nun N.. 1 Mi |, .. 1 1 >■ i I ~[ A, , ,-ii r ■ o*nc tzaW muT ellivJaipß AOS'; 4 aqpc tr AUCTION Residential real estate SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 0 11:00 A.M. 18 JUSTIN CIRCLE, EPHRATA, PA. Bi-level home in like new condition. 2-3 BR, 1.5 baths w/2 car oarage. Cul-de-sac location & day light lower level Property disclosure available. TERMS: $lO,OOO Deposit day of sale. Balance at settlement on or before 30 days. OPEN HOUSE: Sun., Sept. 24, 2-4 P.M. Also 1 hr. before auction or by appt. DIRECTIONS: 272 N. to loft on Wabash Rd. to rt. on Justin Circle. Auction by: r tnmood A HCNON CO, Auctioneer: Lead Broker: AY43L Jim McClellan ERASANDOE 717-833-4201 AY2B3IL GROUP 800-617-3850 717-738-2005 blic = iction ABRAHAM 'ABE' BOYER ESTATE ANTIQUE CARS PORD PICKUP TRUCK LOCATION: Route 1 Palmyra, Lebanon County, Pa. at the comer of Routes 22 & 743. From 181 Exit 26 Grentvllle - S. on Rt. 743. From Harrisburg - E. on Rt. 22 to Rt. 743 or from Hershey - N. on Rt 743. 1928 FORD ROADSTER - ter. #02498347 - antique plate #8666 - odometer 82278: 1929 Model A FORD - parts. 1973 FORD THUNDERBIRD - odometer 32552 ■ ser #3487A111541 - red c010r.1964 FORD THUNDERBIRD - odometer 81375 - ser. #4Y872109517 - brown color, 1939 PONTIAC - 2 door Deluxe senes 25 sedan - 6 cylinder ■ odometer 24024, 1970 FORD FAIRLANE 500 - 4 door - odometer 80730, 1991 FORD XL F2SO Super Cab pickup truck - 530 miles- V 8 7.5 fuel injected - automatic - sth wheel hitch - 2 tone brown - tool box., 1973 WINNEBAGO CHIEFTAIN 25’ 5 wheel travel trailer w/awmng - garage kept and in excellent condition Vehicles to be sold at I 00 P.M. All have been garage kept and well taken core of For more information call Norm Nomhold (717) 534-1229 Notary on premises. Full payment on aucUon day. A great group of vehicles. Also selling beginning at 10.00 are tools, garage power equipment, automotive supplies, anuque car parts, tires, etc. NOTE: TERMS - Cash or approved check - be sure by bnngmg a bank letter of credit addressed to this auction. No out of state checks. Inspection of items after 8.00 auction day. Food by Grantville U.M. Church. Tbilet facilities. HARRY H. raACHMAPI 138 Collage Avanua, Annvllle, Pa. 17003 (717)867-1809 At Paradise Sales Barn Paradise, PA. Directions: Approximately 8 miles east of Lancaster, PA on Route 30 turn left on Meadow Lane to sale on right! 5:00 P.M. Hyster Model HIOOC, 10,000 lb., 2 stage, solid tire, side shift, propane; Yale, 8,000 lb., 2 stage, solid tire, propane; White Model MA50,5,000 lb., 2 stage, side shift, solid tire, propane; White Model MYSOB, 5,000 lb., 2 stage, large pneumatic tires, reg. gas; Hyster Model SSOC, 5,000 lb., 2 stage, solid tire, propane; Towmotor, 5,000 lb., 2 stage, large dual tire, propane; Pettibone Model 50GA, 5,000 lb., solid tire, 3 stage, side shift, propane; Baker 4,000 lb., 2 stage, solid tire, propane; TCM Model FCG2S, 5,000 lb., solid tire, 3 stage, propane; Clark Model C5OO-40,4,000 lb., solid tire, 3 stage, propane; Clark Model C5OO-45, 4,500 lb., solid tire, 2 stage, propane; Clark Model C5OO-530,3,000 lb., solid tire, 3 stage, propane. Wood & Metal Working Equip., Etc. Carolina 7x12 Metal Bandsaw Cabinet Type; Sand Blaster w/Dust Collector, nice; 1,000 lb. Hein Werner Hydraulic Die Cart; Heavy Hydraulic Aiber Press: Approx. 20 New 1 AM-2AM - 4-8 AM Gast Air Motors; Approx. 150 New Air Valves, Filters, Regulators & Lubricators; Lots More New Air Related Items; Lot of Shelving; Shop Carts; Parts Cabinets; Rolling Stepladders; Drill Chucks; Tool Holders; Boring Bars; Reamers; Adjustable Reamers; and Mill Tooling; Drill Bits; Wrenches; Controls; Foot Pedal Controls; Microscope & Accessories; Electrical Supplies; Air Cylinders; Stepladders; Rolling Ladders; 40 ft. Aluminum Extension Ladder; Lot of Heat Duct Pipe, Etc.; Lots More Misc. Items. Chemical & Oil Storage Tanks 1 - 339 Gal. Skid Mounted Steel Tank; 275 Gal. Fuel Tank; 2 - 500 Gal. Poly Saddle Tanks on Casters; 2 - 800 Gal. Poly Tank. Lumber ft Steel Beams, Etc. Approx. 750 New 2’x6’ Misc. Length; Some 2'xB' & 2'xlo’; Doors; Windows; Approx. 20 Lindels, misc. length; Lot of New & Used Steel Beams, Assorted Square Tubing; Angle Iron, Etc. Plumbing Supplies, Etc. New Toilet Sets, New Water Heaters, Sinks; Ball Valve; Lots of Steel & Plastic & PVC Fittings. Office Supplies 3 Nice Office Desks w/Keys; Approx. 15 2 & 4 Drawer File Cabinets; Chairs; Lots More Office Supplies, Terms by Elam S. Stoltzfus AH'advartlaad Kama subject to prior sale. Adk Cash or Honorabla Pa. Chacks Only, jflg; All announcamants aala day taka pracadence ovar all advartlslng. Not rasponsibla for accidanta. Food on pramlsaa Aucdonaar: MaiHoovarAU-003111-L TUESDAY OCTOBER 3, 1995 10:00 A.N. Auction by RUTH BOYER & LEBANON VALLEY NATIONAL BANK Executors - (717) 274-6864 PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY EVENING, SEPT. 29, 1995 12 Forklifts 12 354-8387 Home MON. OCT. 23 - Don-Barb Octoberfett, Cazanovla, NY. Managed by The Cattle Exchange. TUES. OCT. 24 - 3:3OPM Fine Woodworking Equip ment, Toole, Household Goode, CoHectiblee, Qune, Coins. Located at 720 Chestnut St., Shoemakers ville, Berks Co., PA (Direc tions: Rt 61 North of Read ing, Turn Left at Light, Right onto Chestnut St.) Terms by: George Tom’ Qeisweit Estate. T. Glenn Horst Auets. TUES. OCT. 24 - TPM Feeder Cattle Sale. West minster Livestock Auction. 5:00 P.M. 354-6431 Bam SMr ,CS -isdmolqoa ,yßbiu}fiB .pnlrmsl latesansJ-OM Lancaster Failing, Saturday, BRMnbsr 2S, hmh Public Auction Register Closing Dale Monday 5:00 P.M. or each week’s publication Annual Dairy Show & Sale! Fu,ton New Holland Sales Pa* PUBLIC SALE FARM EQUIPMENT, TOOLS, ANTIQUES, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, CROPS & COW WED., OCT. 4,1995 9:00 A.M. Sale to be held at 1649 Dry Tavern Rd., Den ver, Brecknock IWp., Lancaster Co., PA. DIRECTIONSi From Ephrata take Rt. 272 North approx, eight miles, turn right onto Rt. 897 South, proceed approx, one mile to sale. From FivepolntviUc take Rt. 897 North approx, three miles to sale. FARM EQUIPMENT • TOOLS John Deere 3020 Diesel "Tractor On Steel, 200 Hours Since Overhauled, Power Shift, Dual Hyd., Tires, John Deere 520 Tractor On Steel; John Deere 440 Diesel Crawler With Bucket; Massey Ferguson 65 "Tractor On Steel; J.D. 3-16” Semi-Mount Trip Plow; J.D. 3 Pt. 2-14” Plow; 2- J.D. KBA 10’ "Transport Disc; J.D. 24 KBA Disc; Three Section Harrow; 10’ Cultimulcher; 8’ Cultipacker; N.H. 489 Haybine; Farmhand Five Wheel Rake; Int. Bar Rake; J.D. 24T Baler;'2- Flatbed Wagons; N.l. 30’ Bale Elevator; J.D. 34 Harvester With Pickup Head; Lamco Forage Wagon; Grove Forage Wagon; J.D. 6500 Forage Blower; N.l. #7 Cornpicker; N.l. 361 Manure Spreader With Hyd. Endgate; N.l. Manure Spreader; N.H. 350 Grinder Mixer; Int. 56 Four Row Complanter; Farmec Gravity Bin On Gear; 4’ Rotary Cutter; Deering 13 Disc Grain Drill; 3 Pt. TVvo Row Cultivator; Century Field Sprayer; Spring Wagon; Straight Back Sleigh. Meadowbrook Cart; Wiard 106 Plow; One Row Potato Planter; Potato Plow; Horse Drawn Culti vator; Shovel Harrow; 2-Garden TVactors; 2-Fuel "Dinks With Hand Pumps; Platform Scales; Alamo Vac. Pump; High Pressure Washer; Windmill Motor; Steel Saw Buck; Eight Knives For N.H. 717 Harvester; Singer Leather Sewing Machine; Wooden Wheelbarrow; Several Cattle Gates; Cow Clipper; Hyd. And Screw Jacks; Portable Grinder; Anvil; Wall Drill Press; Hyd. Cylinders; Harness; Collars; Wire Egg Baskets; Plus More Farm Relat ed Tools; Lot Of Scrap Iron. CROPS • COW 20 Acres Of Standing Corn; 1000 Bales Of Wheat Straw; 800 Bale Mix Hay. JERSEY FAMILY COW ANTIQUES • HOUSEHOLD GOODS 55”x77” Wooden Wardrobe With Drawer; Slant Top Secretary Desk With Bookcase; Fainting Couch; Kitchen Cabinet; Oak Buffet; Serpentine Front Dresser: 2-Black Columbian Kitchen Ranges With Reservoirs; Blonde Chest Of Draw ers With Mirror; Oak Parlor Stand; Oak Dresser With Towel Rack; 4- Fiddle Back Dec. Chairs; Cane Seated Chair; Sofa Bed; Singer Treadle Sewing Machine; 2-Trunks; Old Rollup Quilt Frame; Marble Roller And Marbles; Copper And Iron Kettles; Copper Bottom Kettles; Electric Holland Mold Clock; Musical Clock; OLD QUILTS: OLD MINERVA DOLL, Dressed; Old Stuffed Rabbit; Old Woolen Spread; Hem Stitched Tablecloths; Lot Of Bedding; Linens- Printed Feed Bags; Materials; Handmade Cush ions; Rag Carpets; Sad Irons; Earthen Pie Plates; Blue And White Agateware; Wooden Wheat But ter Mold; Lot Of Blue Jars; Glass Butter Churn; Dated Jars; Old Ladles; Meat Grinder; Hog Scrap ers; Pressure Cookers; Old Silverware Box; Flat ware; Misc. Dishes; Cookware; Kitchenware; Gas And Oil Lanterns; Kerosene Lamps; Misc. Books; Coal Bucket; Sleigh Bells; Metal Toys; Child’s Bench And Wagon; Sleds; Tricycle; Hanging Flowers; Plus Many More Items Not Listed. 80 Gallon Butcher Furnace; Coal Airtight Hot Water Furnace; 2-Maytag Wringer Washers. MOSSBERG 410 BOLT ACTION SHOT GUN Come Early And Eqjoy The Day With Ue. SALE ORDERt Household Goods, Antiques, Tools, Equipment, Crops, Cow. Auctioneers Nevin Z. Martin & Sons AU-1078-L Lunch By J And F Kitchenette Not Responsible For Accidents SALE FOR: ADAM M. AND LENA E. SAUDER 717-484.4131