Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1995, Image 61
SS milk strainer, SS milk palls, gas burner for bulch •r kettle. Northumberland Co. 717-758-3024. Young femahe pea hen, black snakes. Lane. Co. 717-426-3992. JD 7000 planter, Nl 4 NR frame mounted colters. York Co. 717-229-2128. Wanted: Play tin bams. Give name on barn, condi tion. Phone: (717) 394-4219. Looking for three pen alu minum double, deck gooseneck trailer, willing to pay $4OOO-6000, depend ing on condition. Bristol Co. 508-238-1388. Flow over stripping system, good condition only. Chea ter Co. 610-869-2270. Used cast iron hot water radiators desperately needed, enough for one house. Hall, Fretz Valley, Ottsville, PA 18942. Bucks Co. 215-795-2155. Old cigar box labels with Kres, paying top prices, i Cigar Labels, RD«I, Box 593, Wrightsville, PA 17368. York Co. 717-252-2023. Hunting buddy wanted, looking for someone to go hunting with. Berks Co. 810-926-4410. Buck saw, 3 point PTO dri ven. Huntingdon Co. 814-448-2711. Alum step van VB, auto, 12-16 ft, reasonable price, must pass PA inspect, or Chev 5 window pu. Bedford Co. 814-652-2319. Outdoors wood fueled fur nace, boiler. Leave mes sage. Lehigh Co. 610-967-1012. Silver King tractor with wide frontend, good or restor able condition, call after 8 p.m. Perry Co. 717-444-7478. Two tractor tires, size 13.6x26 50% tread or bet ter, no dry rot or holes. Northumberland Co. 717-538-2448. | ATTENTION! I | | DAIRY PRINCESS SUPPORTERS | « WINROSS TRUCK COLLECTORS « g ONLY 800 g « & # $ # « # « X ORDER TODAY ojt Pennsylvania Dairy Princess Sc Promotion Services, Inc. jjjf if 40th Anniversary | g # & tit Name tit tit Address tit # tit County Phone Each truck $40.00 plus $9.00 tax, shipping and handling. oftj. Number of trucks at $49.00 each S $ Total » Mail form and payment to: Make checks payable to: PA Dairy Princess Trucks « Wanda L Yoder RR 2 Box 250 Belleville, PA 17004 Note; Orders will be filled according to postmark. Wood stove, prater baker golden eagle or similar, good cond and reasonable. Northampton Co. 610-837-1086. Snow blower 2 stage, 22' minimu self propelled, like new or excellent condition. York Co. 717-993-9463. Old farm toys, also peddle tractor, also trucks, cars, B lanes, etc. Also wanted lit A Miss engines. Mon tour Co. 717-742-9766. Gannas and other peren nial flowers for landscaping farmhouse. Carroll Co. 301-262-9037. Allis Chalmers, 460 loader and brackets to fit 60-60 tractor. Juniata Co. 717-436-2765. Rim for rear tire for Fatmall M. Snyder Co. 717-837-3386. Want 48' machinery truck trailer, drop deck w/rellback deck and winch on air ride tandems. Dean or Leonard. Lane. Co. 717-626-4705. Allis Chalmers, no 7 rear mower, must be In good condition. Highland Co. 540-396-3478. Late model com shelter, prefer PTO drive. Orange Co. 914-892-4072. 1000 gallon steel tank, Joh nathan Esh, 1601 Fonder white Rd, Lebanon PA 17042. Lebanon Co. 10x10 foot used overhead door, also chain link fence wanted. No Sunday calls. Lebanon Co. 610-589-2787. Need person to make brooms in Carlisle PA area. Cumberland Co. 717-249-5043. Conveyor rollers, type used for milk cans, potters pug mill and daw mixer. 2'4 5 gallon buckets. Franklin Co. 717-369-4941. Draft horse or crossbred for carriage use, traffic safe, also need iron comer stall, grain boxes, call nights. Keswick, VA. 804-293-9012. Wanted to buy used mea dowbrooK cart, lor 44* pony. Luzerne Co. 717-283-0442. Propane gas refrigerator in fair condition. Line. Co. 717-653-2122. Late Model Case IH 1394 or 1494 tractor must be in excellent condition with low hours. Elk Co. 814-787-8911. Female poodle pup or young adult at reasonable '.'lice, must be purebred but M.iy or may not have pap vis. Berks Co. 717-933-8473. Wireless doorbells, or any other remote control items, toy or tool, any condition, also misc ropes, straps, chains, cable, etc of any kind. Lane. Co. 717-768-3387. Gear box for Case 1740 skidloader. Bedford Co. 814-766-3656. Someone to take down tow 30ft wooden silos for wood or reasonable price, must have insurance, leave mes sage. Northampton Co. 610-588-2522. PTO shaft and 3 point hitch assembled for 2000 series Ford tractor. Dauphin Co. 717-652-1957. Boom sprayer watned 50-150 gallons, in good condition. Mon Co. 609-259-1102. Nubian and Alpine buck service, young, unproven, but excellent breeding. Dauphin Co. 717-469-0658. Free stack of lumber for firewood you load and haul, Ist come basis. Lane. Co. 717-684-8915. AKC German Shepherd stud service. Aqullla Smucker, 49A North Harvest Road, Bird-in- Hand, PA 17505. 2 males to choose from. Lane. Co. Dagleman rock picker for rent $lO per hour. Also earth mover for your big tractor or we will run it. Lebanon Co. 717-272-0041. Tailgate sale and swap Oct 8,1995. Waterfowl, poultry, peafowl, quail, rabbits, etc. Carroll Co. 410-885-2134. Sale Reports LANTZ SALE A Public Auction of real estate and personal property was held Sep tember 16 by Ruth M. Lantz, 323 May. Post Office Road, Strasburg, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 248 registered bid ders attending the sale. The frame ranch dwelling with a one-car garage was sold for $96,000 to Amos S. Zook of May Post Office Road. Other items sold were: 1989 Oldsmoble Cutlass $7lOO, 9 piece dining room suite of Depression style $9OO, S piece porcelain topped kitchen suite $4OO, 4 piece Depression-style bed room suite $360,4 piece bedroom suite $625, upright Crown piano $750, six player croquet set $lO5, knee-hole desk $130,14 ft exten sion ladder $4B, Art Wenger milk bottle $135, Queen Dairy milk bottle $5O, Hamilton wall clock $160,7 piece Fiesta set of juice glas ses $200,6 Fiesta sauc ers $54, McCoy apple jar $35, 1863 Gettys burg cup $3O, Nippon tea bag strainer $46. three-gallon crock $32, 1853 three-cent piece $29 and 1816 large cent $2O. Robert E. Martin, Jef frey R. Martin and apprentice Michael L. Martin were the auctioneers. UmcMter Farming, Saturday, Saplambar 23,1M5-821 MYERS ESTATE SALE A Public Sale of anti ques and household items was held Septem ber 8 at the Springetts Fire Hall. 3013 E. Mark et St, York, Pa. for the estate of Anna Geary Myers of Hanover and other local consignors. Some prices included: 1991 Gravely riding mower $2300, Washington sofa $625, kneehole desk $l7O, kitchen cabinet $3lO, small oval marble lop table $285, Marlow table & chairs $3400, Victorian gents chair $220, matching dresser & chest of drawers $240, 11 piece rattan porch set $625, 5 piece bedroom suite $750, chaise chair $250, electric recliners $125 & $l7O, dresser $l3O, small stand with shelf $l4O, Simon Halbig doll $4OO, German dolls $2lO & $3OO, apple but ter kettle $l4O, iron skil let with lid $B5, iron door stops $65 & $90,8 assorted candy jars $230, rose lamp $lO5, stool $35, Ithica shot gun $l5O, Wards double barrel shot gun $l2O, pair of baby shoes $52.50, pair Weller candle holders $l7O, Dick Tracy game $3O, sprinkling cans $l5 to $2O, bear rug $6O, small fans $l3O ea., and 100 vinegar cruets from $l5 to $35 each. Brian L. Gilbert and Jacob A. Gilbert were the auctioneers. GEHMAN SALE A Public Sale of real estate, antiques, house hold goods and guns was held September 16 by Richard M. and Pau line E. Gehman, 1702 W. Main St, Ephrata, Lane. Co., Pa. There were 340 registered bid ders at the sale. The frame two-story house with a 2 car frame garage and office and an additional 1 car garage and two 2 story frame chicken houses all on 3.1 S acres of land was sold to Paul Z. Nolt of Ephrata for $152,800. Other prices were: Honda riding mower $430, Craftsman garden tractor $350, Honda rototiller $250, Fox 12-gauge Sterling shot gun $350, Fox Ster lingsworth double barrel shotgun $350, Fox Savage .410 gauge shotgun $5lO, Savage model 300 rifle $270, Winchester 12 gauge shotgun $165, Winches ter .22 gauge shotgun $lOO, children’s table and chair set $7OO, John F. Long reverse painting on glass $5OO, antique quilt $l7O, iron pointer dog $4O, pedal car $l6O, microwave oven $7O and refrigerator $l7O. ’ Horst Auction Ser vice conducted the sale. Sale Reports GEHR SALE A Public Sale of farm equipment and tractors was held September 16 by Edwin B. and Flor ence Gehr, 560 Mount Airy Road, West Coca lico Twp., Lane. Co., Pa. There were 230 registered bidders attending the sale. Some prices received were: Ferguson 30 trac tor $2lOO, tractor snow blade $l2O, front-end loader $ll5, two bottom plow $270, generator $2lO, Jacob sen mower $320,40 ft extension ladder $6O, trailer $l5O, cart $5O, wooden wheelbarrow $B5, Snapper rototiler $950, air conditioner $2OO, bookshelf case $B5, belt sander $75, weedeater $9O, several slate tools $3O, Crafts man socket set $235, -Craftsman vise $95, 2 sets of bits $37 & $5O and large assortment of shopsmith parts $7OO. Art Pannebecker Auction Service con ducted the sale. GAS ENGINES SALE An Outstanding Publ ic Sale of 34 gas engines was held September 16 at 131 Church Road, Titusville, (Mercer County), New Jersey. These engines were not restored and most were on skids. It was the col lection of the late Her bert O. Niederer. Some prices were: Chicago Aeromotor air cooled 3 h.p. $2600, InL 3 h.p. Famous vertical engine $1350, N.H. S h.p. engine $l4OO, Domestic 2 h.p. high water hopper $2OOO, Jaeger 2 h.p. engine $525, Nova VA h.p. vertical engine $llOO, Schramm 2'A h.p. engine $1075, Excel #2 plate mill $2OO, Water loo Boy 2 h.p. $825, N.H. plate mill $205, Ideal model R engine (air cooled) $350, Mes singer 2'A h.p. engine $2300, Int. 6 h.p. on truck $l4OO and Eco nomy VA h.p. engine $7OO. Russell Wright and Ralph Brenneman were the auctioneers. KANAGY SALE A Public Auction of farm equipment was held September IS by Marvin and Jayne Kanagy, 'A mile north of Allensville,* Mifflin Co., Pa. •Some prices included; White 2-105 D tractor $7900, White 2-62 tractor $5500, Hes ston forage harvester $l3OO, Dion unloader wagons $B5O & $llOO, J.D. 336 baler $3350, snow blower $7OO, N.H. manure spreader $l4OO, N.H. 478 haybine $9OO, N.H. hay rake $825, Pequea hay tedder $825, bale elevator $525, bale wagons $425 to $7OO, J.D. disc $2400, power feed cart $6OO, milker pump $lOOO and 650 gal. bulk tank $6OO. Mark Click was the auctioneer. BLOUSE SALE A Public Auction of real estate, antiques and personal property was held September 9 at R. D. #l, Wrightsville, Pa. at Long Level for J. Allen Blouse. The 1 bedroom frame ounplow was sold to a Lancaster County buyer for $Bl,OOO. Other itetns sold were: Whirlpool refrigerator $220,6 oak pressed back chairs $6OO, table & 4 chads $l9O, small hanging cabinets SI4S & $l7O, duck decoys $lBO & $2BO each, small goat figure $90,1 gallon jug $4O. 6 gal. crock with handles $lO5, Ingraham shelf clock $3OO. 1910 calendar plate $135, arrow heath (groups of 6 each) $3O & $45. 7 fishing license $l5 each, fish gig $26, fish ing license $4O, fishing lures $5 to $l5 each, 4 piece bedroom suite $290, camel back trunk $7O, bench $llO, stand With drawer $l4O, iron bull dog $5O. Lauxmont milk bottle $50,2 Long Level post cards $55. pair of boat oars $BO. Eureks sweeper $6O, small bench grinder $6O, Aliens snow blow er $375, 1978 Buick LeSabre $250, quilt $l2O and cactus bottle opener $77,50. Brian L. Gilbert and Jacob A. Gilbert were the auctioneers. MOORE ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of household items was held September 14 for the estate of Lester Moore, 2410 Longview Dr., Coatesville, Cain Twp., Chester Co., Pa. There were 115 regis tered bidders at the sale. Some prices included: Wheel Horse tractor $3OOO, Wheel Horse snow blower attachments $340, 2 bedroom suites $4BO & $420, Harvest table & chairs $250, cedar chest $135, poker table $75, manetel clock $75. Ste vens .22 rifle $llO, Craftsman compressor $lBO, Craftsman band saw $l7O and drill press $lOO. Barr/Davis managed the sale. HOUSER ESTATE SALE A Public Auction of real estate was held Sep tember 14 for the estate of Miles H. Houser, 275 North Zinns Mill Road, Lebanon, Pa. There were 500 bidders. The 104 acre farm included a 214 story limestone house and a limestone bank dairy bam. Chester L. Scholl, 25 Briarwood Road, Elverson, Pa. purchased the land for $605,000. A separate woodland tract of 5 acres in Leba non was sold for $36,000 to Larry L. and Catherine Cox of Corn wall, Pa. Jay M. and Luke R. Witman were the auctioneers.