818-Lancaatar Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 23, 1995 MAlt BOX MAHM 1 | F RESALE i 1 B6e equipment, lot $76. Repairable #6 McCormick horse mower $149. 7x15 wagon with rack $570. Horse pasture shelter. Chester Co. 610-932-2453. Com picker 2 row narrow, 12 roll husking bed. (air shape $2900 or make offer. Cumberland Co. 717-532-3258. Service age domain son should sire very correct ani mals, dam VG 22000 M 3.2 P. Brown Valley Farms. Adams Co. 717-359-7700. Locust post, T $2.50. Fire wood 3/4' chord $3O. Berks Co. 610-488-6035. 1 pair whooper swans these unusual swans are extremely showy $650 080. Bucks Co. 215-257-7562. 2 wood stoves, 1 air tight coal cooking stove, needs repair, aro air grease gun on wheels. Lane. Co. 717-336-7659. New Idea 323 com picker, good condition, $l2OO. Benjamin Lantz, 965 Stras burg Pike, Strasburg, PA 17579. Rye seed, combine run, $7.50 per 100 lbs, also a pair of tires and tubes 20.8x38 50% $l5O. York Co. 717-235-6733. 32' cook stove for coat or wood, cast iron, some enamel is chipped, well constructed, Pntzer brand. York Co. 717-246-0202. 24 inch Ampro Bhp Kohler rear end tiller, new tines, $650. Lane. Co. 717-445-7189. dig size warm morning stove, good cond $3OO. Also firewood. Elam Stolt zfus, 210 Farmland Rd, Leola, PA 17540. MF 410 combine gas 4wr quick tach, com head, 13ft drain head, $3500 80. Somerset Co. 908-359-6759. Troy Bill horse anniversary tiller, never used $lB5O. Troy horse factory rebuilt new condition $ll5O. Mor ris Co. 201-694-0834. Ford 8N good shape, with loader disc plow, $2BOO. Lane. Co. 717-284-2191, Wic straw blower, Honda 11hp eng, IH 1250 grinder mixer, gravity wagon, 1976 mt dump truck, Detroit eng. Harford Co. 410-452-5861. Rye, bin run $4.75 bushel. 431 Oliver combine with grain and corn heads. Adams Co. 717-334-7060. Combine 1980 550MF diesel 16' flex head, auto header, height Vll alum reel stalk spreader, field ready $llOOO. Lane Co. 717-445-4090. Holstein heifer calf, 12wks old, dehorned, vacc, tame, bred Suffolk ewe, two years old Cumberland Co 717-776-3624 Carriage 6 yrs old, VG cond, $2BOO 080. Also 85 gal hot water heater, electr ic commercial type $250 080. Sam Stoltzfus, 265 Millwood Rd, Gap PA 17527. Lane. Co. WANTED For Stealing Profits Shifty Starling Avitrol treated gro..i baits successfully remove pest birds from feedlots and farm buildings HESS AGRI MARKETING 218 Rockpolnt Rd, Marietta, PA 17547 (717)426-3135 EPA Approved JD Model H serial no 6424, new paint, good rubber. Evenings. Clarion Co. 814-379-3528. Farm wagon. Eli Esh, 5170 Martin Rd, Kinzars, PA 17535. Call Mon or Tues morning btwn 8-8:15. Lane. Co. 717-768-7566. Nl 709 uni 4x4, Nl 839 gray unihusker, Nl 838 umhu sker, NH 962 W 4 corn head, all nice. York Co. 717-456-7375. Birch 4 speed record play er, film strip projector, mod el 33 Knox Panorama pro jector, screen rex rotary model 16M sound projec tor. Carbon Co. 610-377-5111. Simmental cattle bulls, heif ers, club calves, cow calf,, pairs, good prices, excel lent breeding, call anytime. Bedford Co. 814-733-4705. Gehl chopper with corn snapper and pickup heads, excellent condition, used this fall. Culpeper Co. 540-937-5375. Ear com old and new and new hi moisture, or dry shelled, also spelt avail able. Bedford Co. 814-766-2754. IH 300 utility parts tractor, MF 102 loader $4OO. IH4S field cultivator $lOOO. Anne Arrundel Co. 401-721-2897. Bee hives, 5 boxes, 19' col or TV, cap fiberglass fits long bed, gray color. Lane. Co. 717-872-6793. 1991 equipment trailer, HD 28x8' blair gooseneck flatbed, adjustable beaver tail, winch, low miles $B9OO new, asking $5900. Sussex Co. 201-579-1226. Layer house manure avail able, no charge, you pro vide hauling. Lane. Co 717-656-3440. Krone disc mower, 7Vi' cut, 3pt hitch, 2yrs old, like new $4OOO 080. New Idea rake 9' with dolly wheel good shape $lOOO. Ches ter Co. 610-932-5760. Aermotor Dempster rv Monitor ‘ FI ASA New and Excellent Used Mills In Stock Ohio Windmill 8 Pump Co. 8389 So. Pricetown Rd. Berlin Center, Ohio 44401 216-547-6300 RECON ENGINES imOO DIESEL PERFORMANCE SPECIALISTS (717) 354-4801 Specializing In Used Rebuilt, And Exchange 3208 Caterpillar Engines DIESEL POWER SI DIESEL ENGINES - POWER UNTO 415 PETERS RD. OORDONVILLE, PA 17620 Mlsc, New-Used And Trade-In Diesel Engines B&C SERIES White Oak 13’wide $llOO. No Sunday calls. York Co. 717-637-4887. 6' JD disc and packer. Lane. Co. 717-464-3940. Hay and straw for sale, can deliver. Lane. Co. 717-393-4683. Two Balton incubators good running condition, 12000 chicken egg capaci ty each. Dauphin Co. 717-365-3234. JD B 52 $7OO. 86 Camara Sspd.AC, 110 K, $2590. 90 Qeo Metro. AC, AT, 52k, $3BOO, nice. Lane. Co. 717-665-4308. 2 pc sectional sofa $5O. Recliner chair $5O. Rattan chair $25. Floor lamp $lO. Lane. Co. 717-367-2055. 12V hyd pump, vales, flow vales, make offer, feed blower pipe, 1/2 price. Lane. Co. 717-733-2808. Gruber wagon parts, tongues, coupling poles, etc. 1 pair hydraulic to fit JD B, butcher kettles. Lane. Co. 717-336-6846. 24 feeder steers, angus, angus-cross, and Hereford. Also split rail fence. Lane. Co. 717-445-6203. Texas longhorn cow, three years, three bull calves, one year old bull senator grandson, all very gentle. York Co. 717-235-3319. Nice saw-buck and Lane hand pump, call after 4 p.m. Lane. Co. 717-733-7855. I’/» acre farmette, large bank bam, 2 car garage, 2 story house, meadow excellent for animals, nice country setting. Lane. Co 717-733-9367. John Deere 750 grinder mixer, long auger, hydraul ic drive, good conditior $1750. No Sundays. Lane Co. 717-336-6280. NJ colonial home, 4BRs 2'4 bath, HW floors, ful attic, yard, slrore home o live fulltime. Bucks Co 215-956-9755. SALES SERVICE • PARTS IPPLY Peafowl 1 year old, pea cock $5O, 1 year old peahens $4O, bikes 18* $35. Call evenings. Leba non Co. 717-838-1534. Used wire safeguard cages with trays, 24x24x20* and 24x36x20* $lO to $l5 each. Adams Co. 717-334-2757. SOft trusses, good condi tion, best offer. Lane. Co. 717-665-7764. Concrete pump with 37hp Wisconsin engine, crank start, $675. Beiler Engine Service, 280 Pennsy Rd, New Providence, PA 17560. Lane. Co. Home grown clover seed, cleaned, medium red, $5O a bushel. York Co. 717-927-6084. AKC German Shepherd male pup, extra nice mark ings, large, heavy boned, chicken feeder, 56' of 1 Vi" auger, 21 pans $5O. Lane. CO. 717-354-5697. JD 2RN snapper head, with adapter and screen for harvester $l2OO. 400' irri gation hose reel and pump $4500. Wash Co. 301-733-9288. Lane 80' belt feeder, 25' belt conveyor, Gehl 800 recutter for himoist com. Harford Co. 410-836-2283. Osmia pollinating bees work harder than honey bees and don't get mites, taking orders for colonies, emerging next Spring. Chester Co. 610-983-9550. Mower horse drawn IHC No 9, regular $35 080. Little Genius, 2B plow on rubber, round spoke wheels 80. Ocean Co. 908-928-5029. Tree Vac #854 three point hitch, PTO driven complete with all attachments, used one time brand new, leave message. Howard Co. 301-854-6018. 12x50 mobile home dean $lOOO 080. New Idea fer tilizer spreader 10' $65. Wisconsin VH4 with irriga tion pump $175. Northamp ton Co. 610-837-4989. ImmFP H(M)BER EQUIPMENT. INC, Middletown, DE *■ TWO LOCATIONS (302) 378-9555 GET YOU YOUR PARTS... FAST!!! WE SHIP PARTS DAILY Via FED. EXP. - UPS - PPSH - BUS - AIR FREIGHT. ETC HO IBS .fc Mon.-Fn. 7 AM-5 PM, Sal. 7 AM-Noon mK CALL US... If CouU B$ W$ Hm It Troybilt rototiller $2OO. John Deere 12HP track snowblower, used twice $900.1890s Eastlaks sec retary desk $l5OO. Lane. Co. 717-445-6671. 6xlo' dump trailer, 7000,2 snowblowers, one stain less steel sink, with gar bage disposal, one salellte dish, sxs', new window. Berks Co. 717-445-5399. 390 Quincy air compressor, $2900 20np. Dauphin Co. 717-692-4T04. Farmall C wide front, fast hitch, hydraulics, 12 volt, good rubber, runs well, $l4OO. Frederick Co. 301-898-0195. IH two bottom mounted plow fast hitch, with top link $125. IH 8' disc pull type, $125 spring wagon. Cum berland Co. 717-732-2626. Golden red pullets, have one or hundred, no Sunday calls. Lane. Co. 717-445-6423. Farmmaster feed mixer F 8404 used two years, beam scales with motor mixing 280 cu ft $6975.7-5. Lane. Co. 717-733-6654. Adaptor plate with chains sprockets like new mounts, John Deere heads on Mas sey Feguson combines, call 9:30-12:00 a.m. Berks Co. 610-562-8004. Hearth Glo wood stove two glass doors, burns 24 in logs, nice cozy heat, heat saver induded $3OO. Berks Co. 610-682-4374. Lane single mill $4900. Knotty white pine 4/4 boards $.40 ft Aged saw dust 3yrs old. Paul Yerger, Auburn, PA. Schuylkill Co. 717-754-4661. One bottom plow, 2 row corn planter, sickle bar mower, companion equip ment for Farmall Super A $450. Will separate. Hun terdon Co. 908-735-7572. JD 4010 tractor diesel NF dual hydraulics, completely gone over, field ready, tires 50% wide front available asking $6500. Cumberland ■■ Co. 717-532-9501. The Saving Place Purebred Suffolk ewes, sell or trade rams. Salem Co. 804-656-8140 or 609-769-2984. 150 ft of green sft high chain link fence with 2 gates $6OO, like new, call eves. Pike Co. 588-6350. Ginseng seed, ready for fall planting, limited supply, order now. York Co. 717-432-6938. 1950 Chris craft mahogany boat 17 very rastorable, garage kept $l2OO 080, must sell. Lebanon Co. 717-867-1381. Case loader for 430 530 470 570 good cylinders, new bucket, cylinder and valves, best offer. Mercer Co. 609-448-2110. JD B tractor cultivator, side dresser $l5OO. JD 45 com bine 10' $2200. Farm all Super M tractor $lBOO. Good rubber working con dition. Midd Co. 908-297-1673. BMW sedan, new distribu tor drives like new, blue book price $4265. Negoti ate original paint, air condi tioned, lasts forever. Bucks Co. 215-862-2506. Mobile home, 1972 crest wood, 12x65, 2BR, central air, oil heat, must be moved $3BOO 080. Bucks Co. 610-346-8404. 1000 gal Zero milk tank with Leigh compressor 20ft patz silo unloader, lOhp motor, new chain. Lacka Co. 717-945-5091. Underwriters Laboratories \ Approved Master Labeled d-Tv Lightning Rod Systems TEATES PROTECTION LP.I. Certified Matter Installer Farm, Residential and Commercial FREE ESTIMATES TIM SHAFFER P.O. Box 136 (717) 3747090 Fraeburg, PA 17827 Authorized UPS Station NH 30' elevator $BOO. MU 495 12’ hay bine folds! transport $2500. NH a baler $1250. Bale wage! $BOO. Perry d? 717-834-4017. 1980 Brigade er silver 6VBf twin screw $2500. 44 ft 100000 lb lowboy s2ooo 080. Leave message York Co. 717-292-3543* Allis Chalmers WD4S diesel parts, block crackad. all other parts availabli Gravely 8120 tractor wifi, mower $lOOO. Princo George Co. 301-390-7480 10 hollow core doors w/ hardware $lO each. 16x7 garage door w/track $5O, 3pr sliding glass doors $5O each. 1972 MBQGT $2300, Lane. Co. 717-367-9474. Bolens 1050 garden! rector with new mower deck show or mow condition $6OO. Aik for Joe, evenings. Sufletn NY. 914-357-7735. Pair registered Belgian mares, nine year old fifty colt, one heavy foal four year stallion broke. Webor wagon. Bedford Co 814-733-4243. Roller chain #5O, nickel plated in 10ft packages it $lO per package. Salem Co. 609-358-651 AC Dl7 gas recent over haul, NF snap coupler, belt pulley $2OOO. Fast hitch post hole digger $3OO. Cambria Co 814-472-8068. EFM hot water boiler, stok er coal or oil A 1 condition Snyder Co. 374-4401. YHJT (*\> Plck Up Your Phone And ‘l- ■ A Place Your 1 L"' ■ , T#t Parts r*— ' ’*st| ,;~4 '1 r
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