Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1995, Image 56

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    Bi6-Lancastar Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 23, 1995
The Freys enjoy relaxing outside where they are surroundi
the purebred Angus cattle, which the Freys raise.
Family Adds Another Venture
(Continued from Pago B 14)
ideas to a manufacturer and helped
develop it,” Fritz said.
The Freys often felt frustrated in
trying to provide supplies for the
4-H members because all supply
sources were in the West.
The need for local livestock sup
plies inspired the Freys to begin a
mailorder business. The Freys also
haul a livestock trailer filled with
supplies to sell at fairs and shows.
In addition to selling the halters
and sheep fitting stand Fritz
makes, they purchased a line of
private label supplies for cattle,
sheep, swine, and horses.
“We get to a lot of shows so we
always see the most up-to-date
techniques used,” Nancy said.
One of these is a fluffer comb,
which the Freys say are really
popular. The Freys offer free
engraving so that kids can keep
track of their supplies when at
The Freys buy in volume from
manufacturers and pass on dis
counts to 4-H’ers.
They try to be as self-sufficent
A versatile, economical elevator for
bales and Ear Corn.
as possible (n keep overhead low.
Nancy runs off catalogues on a
copier. The cover is a silhouette of
Fritz showing a heifer. Nancy
paints the farm name on sheep
blankets and Fritz engraves sup
plies and sharpens blades.
“We sell quality items, not
Family Living Day
To Be Held October 3
Co.) “You Deserve to be Pam
pered” is the theme for Fall Family
Living Day to be held on October 3
at the Grace Methodist Church in
South Williamsport.
Registration is 9-9:30 a.m.
Speakers include Mary Ann
Zeidler on Introduction to Herbs
and Theirllse in Cosmetics; Karen
Makos demonstrating unique
kitchen gadgets and time-saving
This is
A Rugged
N Speed
:ar Corn,
or Bales
Exhaust Fans
Including Efficient
Belt Drive Unite
With Houelng
And Shutter
30”, 36” And 48”
by acres of pasture for
cheap stuff. If it breaks, we make it
right,” Nancy said of the supplies.
For more information about
Fritz C. Frey Livestock Supply,
write to 435 Blackburn Rd., Quar
ryville, PA 17566 or call
cooking ideas; Bobbie Jo Simcox
on “Cooking with Herbs; and
entertainment by Carl and Opal
Registration is $6 payable to
Lycoming County Extension and
must be postmarked by September
23. Send to Fall Family Living
Day/Doris E. Sargent; Lycoming
Co. Extension Office, Room 406,
Courthouse, 48 W.Third St, Wil
liamsport, PA 17701.
125 King Court/
Hollander Rd.
New Holland, PA 17557
(717) 354-9611
Available In 5000 Thru 10,000 GVW. Other
Models 3000 to 24,000 GVW Alto Available
Berks Extension Annual
Meeting To Feature
Covered Bridges
ibpcpobt sn*rir« “We thought we would ccle-
Co Lgi a4H •»* Uje history andi charm of
fashion show and a report to the b " d « c * "« ht bere . “
community of BerkV County Beric* County and Pennsylvania,”
Cooperative Extension’s cduca- R ®“ * aid- _ . TT _ ■
tionalprograms efforts are the fea- Berk® County 4-H Fashion
lured highlights of the Berks Revue constants will model their
County Cooperative Extension
for Curative programs
Monday. Oct 16. with doors wd ‘ Ixs Pr®scntcd
’ r . IT * Reservation are requested by
im October 10th * A buffct mCal «>"-
. Earl Pike, a a ateu sisting of roast turkey, baked ham,
.. m Fte j „ cole slaw, fruit salad, applesauce,
tn™,n in T!t'c assorted pies, coffee and tea wiU
taown m Berks County for his scrve J with cost at SIQ {qt
mi SCem ° adults and 57.50 for children
Covered bridges' have been olease
Extension, Berks
son County, sard Carol Reed, - 7n T ' DA
extension volunteer and program ig L-_ . 0 7 0^ 7
chair for the annual meeting 19533 ’ phont (610) 378 ‘ 1327 '
Family Day
Co.) —A special day for children
and their families is planned for
Springton Manor Farm on Satur
day. September 30. From 10
a.m.-4 p.m., the county demon
stration farm will feature child
ren’s activities, craft and farming
demonstrations, agricultural exhi
bits, music and games to highlight
the fall harvest season.
Springton Manor Farm Is on
Springton Road, off Route 322,
west of Guthriesville. For more
information about Family Day,
call (610) 942-2450.