Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1995, Image 55
On The Farm With Cambria County’s Dairy Princess (Continued from Page B 12) Her favorite aspect of the program is the school promotions espe cially those which deal with pre school age children. Marie enjoys these young children because they are so “energetic.” She encourages the use of dairy products with the children by activities such as “shaking and making" instant pud ding in a jar. Marie takes her duties as Dairy Princess quite seriously “to promote dairy products and the dairy industry an 1 to make people more aware of their importance.” Marie attended the National Hol stein Convention in Pittsburgh in June, and more recently. Ag Prog ress Days at Rock Springs. In both cases she was there in her capacity Cambria County Dairy Piineasa Marla Lleb Uvea at Barr . Rldga Farm hi Nlcktown. Ephrata's 77th Annu S 39th Annual Baby Parade Sponsored By: Ephrata Farmers’ Day Association, Inc. Saturday, September 30, 1995 - 2:00 P.M. In the event of rain, the Parade and Judging will be held in the Steffy Buick Building, 20 S. State St., 1 p.m. Route of Parade - Parade forms on Lake Street, from Main Street to Franklin Street. Leave starting point to square, left on South State Street, left on E. Fulton Street, left on Lake Street, to dispersal point (Lake Street). Must register by Friday, September 29. 1994 BPHRATA FAIR "TENT CITY" EXHIBITORS Atlantic Braadart Cooparativa Parkview Garage Lancaster, PA Ephrala, PA Binkley A Hurst Broa., Inc. Star ChavroM<OMamoblle and Lititz, PA Feathertlts Trailers Zimmerman’s Exotic Animals Ephrata, PA Ephrata, PA PA Stale Young Farmers Hoover Small Engine Repair Henry B. Hoover Inc. Agway Denver, PA Ephrata Holllnger's Lawn A Garden Plasterer Equipment Co., Inc. Equipment Lebanon, PA Brownstown/Ephrata, PA si ra po** Lebanon Valley Naf I Bank -Ag Group TunkhannocK, PA Lebanon, PA PennfMd Corporation Wes Stauffer Engines A Equipment Lancaster, PA Ephrata, PA Adamatown Equipment Adamstowh, PA as a promoter of the dairy industry. This articulate young lady has also spoken to both farm and non-farm groups, as well as school groups. She was also a featured speaker at the Cambria County 4-H Achieve ment night More recently, in taking her message to a more urban audience, Marie was in attendance at the All- American Amateur Baseball Asso ciation (AAABA) championship game at the Point Stadium in Johnstown. The Johnstown entry, sponsored by Sani-Dairy, had thrilled the hometown fans by reaching the final game, and was pitted against a team from New Orleans. Johnstown lost the game but Marie was excited by the opportunity. She walked through the crowd with a “cow,” (person dressed like a cow) passing out stickers, recipes, and coloring books. This one-on-one contact on the local level is an integral part of the Dairy Princess program. The Cambria County Fair was the next stop on Marie’s agenda. Besides attending in an official capacity as Dairy Princess she also showed “Barr Ridge Leadman Frankiea three year old dry cow. The Liebs have' a strong sense of “family” which is quite evident in Marie’s outlook on life. Marie thoroughly enjoys farm life. She feels that “it keeps the family attached...everyone must work together to keep things going.” Because the extended family is close, Marie takes pride in the fact that she knows all of her aunts and uncles and 41 cousins. In this fast paced world, it is refreshing to note that this young lady has her priori ties in order! Heritage Homes Tour NEW WINDSOR, Md. On October 1, the New Windsor Heri tage Committee will showcase eight historic homes and buildings on its Heritage Homes Tour. The tour starts at St Paul’s United Methodist Church, Main and High streets. New Windsor, from noon to S p.m. Bake Sale-10:00 a.m.; Midway Opens-11:00 a.m.; Exhibits Open-4:00 p.m.; Hog Judging, Adult Tractor Driving, Special Dinner-5:00 p.m.; Rides Open, Antique Tractor Registration-6:30 p.m.; Pig Chase-8:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 27 FAIR PARADE - 7:00 P.M. Bands - Floats • Marching Units (Rain Date: September 28) Dairy Cattle Judging: Midway & Exhibits Open-10:00 a.m.; Cloister FFA Tractor Driving-1:00 p.m.; Lamb Judging Begins-3:30 p.m.; Rides Open-4;00 p.m.; Parade-7:00 p.m. Midway & Exhibits Open-10:00 a.m.; Kiddies’ Day-1:00-6:00 p.m.; and Take” Jugglers-3:00 p.m.; Baby Beef Judging-5:00 p.m.; Livestock Sale-6:30 p.m.; Tug-Of-War Weigh-In, Suicide Wings Eating Contest, Garden Tractor Pull-7:00 p.m. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 29 Midway & Exhibits Open-10:00 a.m.; “Give and Take’ Jugglers-3:00 P ,m,: Open-4:00 p.m.; Cow Milking Contest-6:30 p.m.; Family Fun YVr Contests, Antique Tractor Games-7:00 p.m. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 30 dBI| Exhibits Open-9:00 a.m.; Exhibits Removed in Park-10:00 a.m.; Rides Open-12:00 Noon; Baby Parade Registration-1:00 p.m.; Baby Parade -2:00 p.m.; Exhibits Removed Uptown-8:30 p.m. EPHRATA Members of the Old-Time Plowboys will demonstrate turn-of-the-century farming methods at Heemet Fescht, Sept. 23*24 at Kutztown University. German Culture Fest KUTZTOWN (Berks Co.) More than 40 skilled artisans will breathe new life into traditional crafts today at the third annual Heemet Fescht. Sponsored by the Tickets are $lO per person for the tour and they can be purchased in advance or at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church on the day of the event. For further information call Judith Gray on (410) 875-0016 or Beverly Nelson on (410) 635-2881. day, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday September 26-September 30, 1995 CALENDAR OF EVENTS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 26 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 28 22ND ANNUAL PIG CHASE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 - 8:00 P.M. Tent City Classes:* 7-11 Years *l2-15 years •16 Years & Over • Ladies At The Artworks At Doneckers Thursday, Friday & Saturday - September 28, 29 & 30 Lancaster Fanning, Saturday, September 23, 1995-BIS BUSINESS EXPO Kutztown University Pennsylva nia German Cultural Heritage Center at Kutztown University, the event will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the center grounds off Luckenbill Road. Admission is free although parking donations will be accepted. In addition to craft demonstra tions, Heemet Fescht ’95 will fea ture other activities celebrating 19th- and 20th-century Pennsyl vania German culture. They in clude farming exhibits, regional foods, traditional music, lectures, a Civil War encampment and a special church service given in the Pennsylvania German dialect For more information about Heemet Fescht, call the Pennsyl vania German Cultural Heritage Center at Kutztown University at (610) 683-1330.