Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 23, 1995, Image 5
NE Chicken Pts 1&2 SEPTEMBER 20, IMS Tiucklot buy mg intereit wit iluggiih. Offerings wen ntuilly folly adequate for the disappointing buyer intereit. Move ment through retail and distributive chan sels was light with tone out front intenit developing at the increasingly competitive price levels. The market lone was generally weak with trade sentiment remaining cau tious. PRICES PAID PER POUND, ICE PACKED AND CO2 PACKED BROILER/FRYER PARTS, deliv ered TO FIRST RECEIVERS IN POOL IRUCKLOT AND TRUCKLOT QUAN TITIES. ITEM CURRENT NEGO TIATED TRADING* BREAST - B/S (W ft W/O TENDERS) I6S-170 BREAST - WITH RIBS 75-76 BREAST - LINE RUN 75 LEGS 50-51 LEG QUARTERS (BULK) 39-40 DRUMSTICKS 54-55 THIGHS 43-44 WINGS (WHOLE) 72-73 BACKS AND NECKS (STRIPPED) 10-12 LIVERS (5 POUND TUBS) 45-50 GIZZARDS (HEARTS) 45-50 INCLUDES NEW YORK CITY METRO POLITAN AREA. NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, MASSACHUSETTS, CON NECTICUT, RHODE ISLAND. AND PENNSYLVANIA (NORTHEAST OF HARRISBURG). Pennsylvania Agricultural Commodities Marketing Association, Inc. We can lock-in your prices for Hogs! HOG FORWARD CONTRACTS Also Grain Forward Contracts Available CALL TODAY - 717-838-7050 or 1-800-PACMA INc. Discover Daiiylea's ability to impact your profitability. Dairylea Offers Its Members: ■ Highly Competitive Premiums ■ Quality & Production Incentives ■ Member Loan Program ■ Energy Loan Program ■ Milk Check Direct Deposit ■ Top-Rated Insurance Coverage ■ Flexible Benefits Program for Farmers and Farm Employees For more information on Dairylea membership, please call 800-654-8838. Dairylea Cooperative Inc. "XV National Grain Market ST. JOSEPH, MO SEPTEMBER 2ft, 1995 Continued export intereit and favorable export outlook kept wheal bidi on the rite. Com and toybean bidi wen mixed ai pro fit taking continued to puth bidi lower but improved export demand and expected froit over the weekend limited decline!. Wheat iteady to 4 centi higher. Com moit ly 1 to 3 centi lower. Sorghum 1 to2cemi lower. Soybeini mixed from 1 to 3 centi lower to 4 centi higher. Oveneai wheat orden continued to ihow up and indica tion! that Runia may tender for US wheat and flour, added further itrength to bidi. Fund buying on the board began after report! that Runian officiali will meet with the USDA next week to diicun a poi •ible GSM-102 offer for not only wheat but alio com and toymeaL Tnden ipent another day of fund telling in com and bean piti at froat concemi eaied lome whaL Ideal are that the predicted froit may not hit until Saturday, giving crop* a cou ple more dayi to mature. Late planted wybeani are itiU filling podi and a heavy froit would be damaging to beam. Mon of the com ii made by now but tome damage to late filling ean could cut into yieldi. Recent good export talei and optimum for additional orden offered tome inppoit to bean and com bidi. Export demand: Purchater Commodity 475 East High Street. Palmyra, Pa. 17078 Started by Producers for Producers Call today to see how PACMA can broaden your marketing efforts whether you’re BUYING or SELLING fiiTT Tonnage Del date CCC Turkmeniitan PL4K) Hard Red Winter Wheat 53300 Oct/Nov South Kona Soft White Wheat 19,000 Nov/lan Hard Red Winter Wheat 18,200 Nov/lan N/DN Spring Wheat 8300 Nov/lan Total*; Wheat 98,800 tonne*. Date Change Year ago Truck bid*: 09/20/95 09/19/95 09/21/94 Wheat: Kan aa* City (HRW, ORD) 5.00-5.03 up 2-3 3.96-3.97 Minneapoli* (DNS, 14%) 5.16 1/2 up 1 1/2 4.16 3/4 Portland (SW) 4.88-4.98 unch 4.35-4.38 St. Loui* (SRW) 4.66-4.69 up 4 3.62-3.65 Com, US 2 Yel low: Kama* City 3.03-3.02 dn 3-2 2.18-2.20 Minneapoli* 2.68 3/4 up 1 1.97 3/4 Southern lowa 2.81-2.86 dn 2-up 1 2.01-2.06 Omaha 2.85-2.87 dn 1-2 2.00-ZOB Soybean*, US 1 Yellow: Kama* City 6.46-6.47 dn 1-3 5.44-5.45 Minneapo li* 6.14 3/4 up 1 1/4 5.32 Southern lowa 6.24-6.31 dn 3-unch 5.29-5.37 Cen 1L Pro ceiion 6.43 3/4-653 3/4 up 4 1/4-dn 3/4 5.40-5.51 Future* Cloie: Kama* City (Dec) Wheat 4.92 3/4 up 2 1/2 3.95 1/2 Minneapoli* (Dec) Wheat 4.861/2 up 1 1/2 3.89 3/4 Chicago (Dec) Wheat 4.89 1/4 up 11/2 3.891/2 Chicago (Dec) Com 3.09 3/4 dn 1 2.17 3/4 Chicago (Dec 96) Com 2.76 1/4 dn 21/4 Chicago (Nov) Soybean* 6.54 3/4 dn 3/4 5.56 Chicago (Nov 96) Soy bean* 6.59 3/4 dn 1 1/4 Export Bide Barge or rail, Port of New Orlean* or North Texa* Gulf. US 1 HRW Wheat, Ord. Protein; 5.34 3/4-5.35 3/4 up 2 1/2 4.31 1/2 US 2 SRW Wheat: 5.16 1/4-5.17 1/4 up 5 1/2-2 1/2 3.98 1/2-4.00 1/2 US 2 Yellow Com: 3.36 3/4-3.37 3/4 up 4-3 2.43-2.47 US 2 A privately held full service commodity merchandising firm l£ra& Bulk Water Delivery KURTZ WATER SERVICE 717-768-8453 EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. HOURS EFFECTIVE SEPT. 5 THRU OCT. 31 To Better Serve You' During The Busy Harvest Season MON. ★ TUES. ★ THURS. ★ FRI. 7:00 AM-8-.00 PM WED. 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Sat. 7:00 AM - 12 NOON BJSSSR' 11 *“ e ssm ■ Lltitz PA 17543 Farm Plan. 717-626-0996 cu.iw WHOLESALE & RETAIL HOYDKLL FARMS 302 lona Road. Lebanon. PA 17042 Phone: 717-272-8943 s' Laneaslar Farming, Sunday, Saptawbar 23,1W8-A5 Yellow Sorghum: Rail 3.89 dn 2 4.10 Barge 6.00-6.01 dn 1-2 4.10 US 1 Yellow Soybean*: 6.86 3/4-6.89 3/4 dn 3/4 5.81-5.83 Middleburg Livestock MIDDLEBURG, PA SEPTEMBER 19,1995 CATTLE 389... PDA ..Compared with la 11 week’l i ale.. I teen moitly iteady to STEERS: few High Choice and Prime 1180/1390 lb*. 63.00-64.25, Choice 1075/1350 lb*. 58.75-63.50, Select 54.50- HOLSIEINS: Choice 1150/1550 lb*. 57.50- one 60.50, Select 48.50- few Standard 43.00-45.50. HEIFERS: Choice 1000/1325 lb*. 58.50- few Select 47.00-52.25. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commer cial 37.00-40.00, couple 42.50, Cutter and Boning Utility 35.00-38.75, Catmer and Low Cutter 31.50-35.00. Shell* down to 25.00. BULLOCKS: few Select 46.00-50.00. BULLS: Yield Grade No. 1 1150/1925 lb*. 39.75-47.00, No. 2 850/1350 lb*. 30.75-40.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: few Large Frame No. I SOO/S2S lb*. 60.00-62.50, few Large Frame No. 2 500/875 lb*. 47.00-50.00; HEIFERS; one lot Medium Frame No. 1 470 lb*. 55.00. CALVES IS2...VEALERS: Standard and Good 75/100 lb*. 35.00-40.00, Utility 55/85 lb*. 23.00-36.00. FARM CALVES; No. 1 Holitein bull* WHEAT SMALL Madison, lyier - Coker 9803 GRAINS Cardinal - Wakefield - Freedom Wysor - Dynasty - Agri 942, Clemens, Sawyer Pennco SEEDS WILL COME FROM VARIOUS STATES timothy ALFALFA and SPELTZ 84VWAP VERNAL CLIMAX TIMOTHY Wetfoot 94MPR BALER TWINE~ DANCO RYE FERTILIZER BALBOA TYPE RYE 90/123 Ibf. 73.00-117.00, few to 121.00, No. 2 73/113 Ibt. 37.00-30.00, few 63.00; No. 1 Holttein heifen 90/120 lb«. 110.00- few No. 2 29.00-93.00. Beef croti buH> tod heifen 73/93 Ibi. 40.00- HOGS 357...(09/18 ft 19/95)..8u1k of supply sold on Monday and reported by the auction. Barrowi and gilts 1.00 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 230/260 Ibt. 31.00-33.23, US 1-3 230/260 Ibi. 49.00-31.00, US 2-3 220/265 Ibt. 46.00- US 1-3 200/230 Ibt. 40.00- SOWS; US 1-3 450/500 Ibt. 34.00- 300/700 Ibt. 33.00-36.00. BOARS; all weight* 27.50-29.00. FEEDER PIGS 147... US 1-3 23/30 Ibi. 13.00-19.00, one lot 40 Ibt. 24.00, lot 63 Ibt. 31.00. per head. SHEEP 124... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 50/100 lbs. 71.00-80.00, couple 64.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: 25.00-47.00. GOATS 2...0ne Medium 38.00, one Small Kidt 10.00. per head. New Holland Horses New Holland Sales Stables New Holland, PA Monday, September 18, 1995 Report Supplied By Auction 281 HEAD. MARKET LOWER. WORK HORSES 850.00-1050.00. DRIVING HORSES 525.00-900.00. BETTER RIDING HORSES 1110.00- RIDING HORSES 485.00-900.00. REGISTERED RIDING 775.00- KILLERS. 3 HEAD 950.00-1070.00, HEAVYWEIGHTS 760.00-875.00; LIGHTWEIGHTS 380.00-660.00. PONIES 160.00-385.00. LARGE PONIES 410.00-505.00, 2 AT 725.00 AND 900.00. COLTS 210.00-460.00.