•/m Michigan 4-H’ers Visit Mifflin Countians During a week-long summer exchange program, new friends from Gradiot County, Michigan, visited Mifflin County. Members of the Mifflin County Junior Leaders Club plan to reciprocate next year with a trip out west. Whatever your dairy nutrition program is missing, Crystalyr has a supplement to fill the gap. From birth to drv off. Crystal>x‘ brand supplements., available from Agway, plug the nutritional gaps in vour dairy production cvcle Mineral-nth for cow s> already in your herd aids in reducing metabolic disorders and rebreeding problems Anionic salts and chelated trace minerals in and energv needs of your growing heifers while enhancing growth and performance, choose breeding and appetites during high-stress situations, use of molasses solids protein vitamins and trace minerals Then dissolve slowly with licking, and are naturally self-limiting To learn more about how Crystalyx' supplements “plug all your herd's nutritional gaps” contact your local Agway Feed Sales Specialist, Agway store, or representative xrl V « enhances feed intake and helps prevent lameness throughout the life c\cle help reduce the risk of milk fever and transition stress during pre-calvmg To meet the pi olein Cry stale \ supplements are a hard cr\stalh/ed blend Caoway| T *3*3l The Wolverine State’s 3,258-mile shoreline is longer than any other in the United States except Alaska. While this shore line touches four out of the five Great Lakes, Michigan’s interior farmland produces crops similar to those grown in Pennsylvania, com, soybeans, wheat, cherries and apples. It also produces lesser grown crops such as sugar beets and potatoes. While Michigan’s leading farm commodity is milk, it’s rural counties also raise another product commonly found' in Pennsylvania - 4-H kids! As the end of the July sweltered into the dog days of August, mem bers of Mifflin County’s 4-H Junior Leaders club welcomed 14 Michigan teens and their chape rons in a week-long cultural exchange experience. The group from Gradiot County, Michigan, stepped off the train in Lewistown tired and hungry but also looking forward to new friends and experi ences in Central Pennsylvania. “You can get lost out here! ” one youth exclaims of central Pennsyl vania’s twisty Appalachian toads. Coming from a perfectly square To improu' Gail Strock Mifflin Co. Correspondent county where all roads run either directly north-south or east-west, these youth describe their own county as very flat During their visit, thye youth joined their hosts in their busy pre-fair week prepa rations and saw a wide variety of Central Pennsylvania’s highlights. “We plan to visit an Amish farm and to tour Penn State,” says Amy Laughlin, president of the Mifflin County 4-H junior leaders. Rounding out their busy itinerary will be visits to the Belleville Livestock Auction, breakfast at AJ. Peachey and Sons, and a tour of the Ford New Holland plant At Penn State, they visited the dairy bams, deer pens, and Beaver Sta dium, as well as campus centers such as the creamery, the HUB student center, and the bookstore. Earlier in the week, the group spent the day at Greenwood State Park picnicking, swimming in the spring-fed mountain dam, and playing baseball. During a break in the action, a few gathered to talk about their experience. “I came on the exchange because it sounded like fun and a good experience. I’ve traveled within the state, but not out of the state,” Jessi Skinner says. A Michigan 4-H’er invovled in sheep, steer, and food clubs, she also takes part in a club called “collections” or still exhibits. Jessi is staying with Amy Laughlin. Joined by Kelly O’Boyle, another Laughlin guest, the three girls (Turn to Pag* Bit) Diesel Engine Service • New - Rebuilt Used Engines and Power Units • New John Deere Ind. Powerunlts 19-375 HP 60S9T Power for Shops, Sawmills, Irrigation Pumps, Harvesters, Grinders, Generators, Any Power Need You May Have. 13 Pleasant Valley Rd. 717-733-3890 Ephrata, Pa. 17522 • Detroit Diesel - 53- 71-92 8.2 Series engines 48-500 HP • Sales 8i Service • New & Used Parts • PTO Clutches & Gear Reductions • Complete Rebuilding FAX 717-738-3146
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