Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, September 16, 1995, Image 54

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Bi4-LancasMr Farming, Saturday, Saptambar 16, 1995
Dairy Fun At New
Dairy Farmer’s Daughter Wins
SYRACUSE, NY -Eight-year
old Dara Hanselman from Bloom
ville, NY, was named the grand
prize winner in the New York
“Why I Love Ice Cream" essay
contest sponsored by the American
Dairy Association and Dairy
Council, Inc. (ADADC). The
daughter of Ernie and Barbara,
Dara was awarded a year’s supply
of ice cream, donated by Borden’s,
a mooing ice cream scoop and an
ice cream ‘t-shirt after reading her
winning essay to dairy enthusiasts
on Dairy Day at the New York
State Fair.
The statewide essay contest was
held for all youngsters, ages 8-10.
Local dairy princesses throughout
New York state conducted county
contests by publicizing through
newspapers articles, radio stations
and school presentations. Winners
were chosen in their local counties
for prizes such as ice cream parties
and ice cream freezers. Each coun
ty winner moved on to the state
level, where the grand prize win
ner and two runner-ups were
selected based on creativity, writ
ing ability and knowledge and
usage of product
Dara says she loves ice cream
bccaucs “it’s sweet, smooth, made
with lots of toppings, and made
with delicious ice cold milk.”
According to her mother. Data eats
ice cream every day after school
and will eat any flavor or combina
tion of ice cream possible. The
Hansclman family lives on a
200-acre farm in Delaware County
where they milk 65 registered
seen the famous faces with milk
mustaches in the magazines. Now
milk mustaches aren’t just for cele
brities. The National Fluid Milk
Processor Promotion Board is
sponsoring a nationwide search for
an alternative portrait to the mod
els, athletes, and movie stars you
sec now. At the New York State
Fair in Syracuse, the American
Dairy Association and Dairy
Council. Inc. (ADADC) prom
oted the nationwide contest by tak
ing complimentary photos of fair
goers daily. Kick off day was
Tuesday, August 29 at 10 a.m. and
photo taking continued through
Labor Day, Monday, September 4.
Pocket change is all that was
Onondaga County Dairy Princess Kim Fesko takes a
Polaroid photo of these milk mustaches, while the ABC affil
iate Syracuse television station captures the action for a
teatu re story. For seven of the 12 days at the New York State
Fair dairy princesses took photos of the first 50 milk musta
ches each day. The American Dairy Association and Dairy
Council organized the event as a local extension to the
national milk mustache contest, where the winner’s picture
will be featured on the cover of Life magazine.
Holsteins and Brown Swiss dairy
cows. Dara is one of seven
Also reading their award win
ning essays were runner-up win
ners Amanda Adler, Seneca Falls.
NY; and Susan Deßotds, Erieyille,
Here are the winning essays.
Grand Prize Winner
Dara Haselman
I love ice cream because it is
sweet, smooth, made with lots of
loppings, and made with delicious
ice cold milk. It’s my favorite
snack. I eat it in the winter, spring,
summer, and fall. My favorite kind
is vanilla but I’ll eat any kind of ice
cream. So come on grab a spoon
and join me.
Susan Dcßottis
Runner-Up Winner
I love ice cream'because it com
es in all kinds of colors. I love them
all. I have an ice cream maker and I
enjoy making ice cream with teal
cream and sugar in it I love the
names of the ice cream flavors like
Rocky Road and Heavenly Hash. I
love ice cream because it’s healthy
and it tastes good when you’re sick
and when you’re healthy. Some
times my family has sundaies for
dinner. You can do so many things
with ice cream and that’s why I
love ice cream so much!
Runner-Up Winner
Amanda Adler
I love ice cream for lots of rea
sons. It’s cool on hot days and it
tastes so good. It’s something my
family enjoys eating together and
we make home made ice cream at
Participate In Milk Mustache Contest
needed to enter. After purchasing a
25-ccnt glass of ice cold white or
chocolate milk from the Rainbow
Milk Bar in the Dairy Products
Building, fairgoers posed with
their best milk mustache. After
dairy princesses snapped the pic
ture, official entry blanks were
given which explained a register
receipt for a gallon of milk must
accompany the photo by Septembr
30. The winning smile will be the
next full-page milk mustached per
sonality in Life magazine. Fifty
pictures were taken daily.
Farmers can participate too.
Milk drinkers of all ages are
encouraged to chug a cold glass of
milk and then smile for the camera
with some attitude of charm, char
Posing with New York State Dairy Princess Jonelle Smith and Borden's district
sales manager Randy Scroger are Ice cream essay contest winners left to right:
Amanda Adler, Seneca Falls, NY; Dare Hanselman, Bloomvllle, NY; and Susan Deßot
tls, Erleville, NY. All three winners received Ice cream t-shlrts and mooing Ice cream
scoops. As grand prize winner, Hanselman received a year’s supply of Ice cream,
donated by Borden’s.
most of our birthday parties. Ice are many flavors to choose from,
cream is my favorite dairy product My mom says that the best way to
It tastes great with toppings. There eat ice cream is in a cone becaues
jsefairgoei io taken milk mustache and are anxi
ously awaiting the results. Allegany County Dairy Princess Kim Kellogg, second from
left, served as photographer and shares their excitement.
isma or mystery. Send your photo
and proof of purchase for a gallon
of milk to the following address by
Saturday, Sept. 30: Milk Mustache
Butter Sculpture Shows
body Loves Cookies and Milk”
was the theme of the 1995 Butter
Sculpture, unveiled at the New
York State Fair by the American
Dairy Association and Dairy
Council, Inc. (ADADC). Crafted
from 800 pounds of butter in 84
hours over eight days, the sculp
ture features a milk carton and car
toon cookies and cupcakes. The
York State Fair
Ice Cream Essay Contest
Photo Contest, P.O. Box 8552,
Prospect Heights, Illinois 60070.
Don’t miss this chance to make
your lips famous.
Cookies And Milk’
sculpture plays off the popular
television commercial featured in
the “Milk. Help Yourself* adver
tising campaign. Donated by
Dairylea Cooperative and Milk
Marketing. Inc., the butter comes
there aren’t any dishes to wash,
and I love eating ice cream much
much more than washing dishes.
AD ADC is a dairy promotion
organization that represents dairy
producers in New York* New
Jersey and Pennsylvania.
from O-At-Ka in Batavia. NY, and
is donated to charity after the Fair.
The butter sculpture has enjoyed
a long and reputable existence at
the Fair. For mote than a quarter
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