) Mill Creek, PA 717-483-6940 John Yoder, Mgr. The reaulte you may achieve with vow Harveetore® lyatem depend! primarily upon yew manaaement ahilla and may vary from euoceeeful taaulla achieved huy othere. Any application In a particular tanning operation raqulraa the advice of qualified expert! and la eahject to Umltatlona of good management, weather or other condltlona preeent at the Individual location. Harveetora la a roglatered trademark of A.O. hmith Harveetoie Frodncta, Inc. Fanwlfiq, Saturday, Stpttmbf », 1995 V k !v* * Our second building crew is now in action to accommodate you! , '•*niv * * j-*N **' .. * 1 * >* % >. '**• i _ ♦ w ■» * tv PENN JERSEY PRODUCTS, INC. P.O. BOX 7 • NEW HOLLAND, PA • 717-354-4 NOW SERVING ALL OF MARYLAND AND DELAWARE Berlin, PA 814-267-3308 Joe Slmpnon, Mgr. v ‘<■'<#'* ► YOUR LOCAL INDEPENDENT AUTHORIZED HARVESTORE® SYSTEMS DEALER Newville, PA 717-776-3397 Maynard McCullough, Mgr. , £ •»*♦«. « ■ »v S* i '* XV A - V*'* A A HARVESTORE® SYSTEM FOR CORN SILAGE? doesn’t cost... it PAYS! Columbua, NJ 609-298-7136 Charlea Van Mater, Mgr. It In Maryland 800-384-4062