Middleburg ' Livestock MIDDLEBURG,PA AUGUST 29, 1995 CATTLE 396... PDA ..Compared with led woek’i sale..steers moetly 150 to 3.50 lower, cowi uneven, about steady, small supply heifen ZOO lower. STEERS: Low to Average Choice 1125/1400 lbs. 60.25-63.25. few 58.00, few Select SS.OO-58.50. HOLSTEINS; one High Choice and Prime 1520 lbs. 60.50, Choice 1075/1575 lbs. 52.75-57.50, few Select 51.00-54.25, few Standard 45.00-46.00. HEIFERS; few Choice 1050/1250 lbs. 55.00-59.50, few Select 50.50-55.00, few Select Hoi steins 46.00-47.00. COWS: Breaking Utility and Commer cial 38.00-41.00, couple 45.00, Cutter and Boring Utility 37.50-41.00, couple 43.75, Gamer and Low Outer 32.50-36.7 j, few 30.00. Shells down to 20.00. BULLOCKS; one Select 1320 lbs. 52.50. BULLS; few Yield Grade No. 1 975/2125 lbs. 42.01M5.00, few No. 2 1050/1500 lbs. 39 JO-41.75. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS; few Large Frame Nc. 2 400/900 lbs. 45.00-55.00; BULLS; few Medium Prune No. I 420/550 lb*. 41.00-54.50. CALVES 227...VBALERS: few Sum dud and Good 75/105 ttx. 33.00-40.00, Utility S3/8S lb.. 23.00-32.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holitein bull. fLOOK WHAT’S NEW! We lime chicken house pits. We spray liquid Hm« on walls, glrdfcr* ft pit floors. Helps kill SB, darkening beetles ft fly - larvae. Brightens up your, chicken house pit. All your washing needs. Will Travel. Chicken House Veal Barns - etc. 717-949-3212 Leave Message e VfasAdowns Bui do you know about agribusiness leasing? • Can you lease? • Why you should lease equipment, vehicles or buildings instead of owning them? • Are there tax advantages for you? • What payment schedule does your business need? • Is leasing more expensive than owning? • Will leasing complement your estate planning? • What happens at the end of the lease? Call your local Telmark representative or the Telmark Customer Service Center to find out abouUease financing forequipment, buildings and vehicles. f I !P i B Lbt Sonnen Paul Shipper Mike Fullam Jody Underwood Ken Darlington 717-866-0217 302-456-1031 717-066-0202 301-808-0005 717-733-3532 Telmark Inc. 800r451*3322 In the Northeast, KY, Ml, VA, OH, WV, IN, WI, IL, NC, TN, MN, and lA. Min lease: *5,000 85/125 lbs. 80.00-120.00. couple 126.00.' No. 2 75/115 lb*. 36.00-70.00. few 55/65 lbs. 26.00-30.00; few No. 1 Holstein heif en 85/115 lbs. 140.00-180.00; few No. 2 70/100 lbs. 55.00-140.00. Few beef Croat built and heifen 70/95 lb*. 5750-85.00. HOGS 292...(08/28 * 30/»S)..BuIk of •upply told on Monday and reported by the auction. Barrows and gilts steady to 50 higher. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 23Q/260 lbs. 52.00-53.50, US 1-3 230/260 lbs. 50.00-5250. US 2-3 215/260 Iba. 48.50-51.00. SOWS: US 1-3 380/450 lbs. 33.50-36.00. 480/680 lb*. 36.00-3750. BOARS: aB weiguts 26.00-29.50. FEEDER PIGS 221..Eew lots US 1-3 20 lbs. 15.00-17.00, 35/45 lbs. 21.00-25.00. one lot 50 lbs. 27.00. per head. SHEEP 21... SLAUGHTER LAMBS: Choice 50/90 lbs, 75.00-85.00. SLAUGHTER SHEEP: few 25.00-34.00. GOATS 10... Couple Large 51.00 A 13750, couple Large Kids 40.00 A 48.00, few SmaU Kids 15.00-32.00. per Mercer Livestock MERCER, PA AUGUST 29, 199 S CATTLE 201... PDA ..Compared with latt week'i sale..steers steady to 1.00 low er, cows JO higher to JO lower. STEERS: few High Choice and Prime I? 1073/1200 Ibi 63.50-64.50, Choice 1025/1350 Ibi. 60.00-66.00 mostly 62.00-64.25. Yield Orsde 4 A 5 57.25-60.00, Selects3.3o-60.00. few Su dani 49.00-5350. HOLSTEINS: cot pie High Choice and Prime 1430 A 1490, lbs. 60.00 A 61.00, Choice 110CV1300 lbs. 55.50-58.00. HEIFERS: few Choice 1050/1310 lbs. 58.5062.00. few Select 5250-56.00. COWS; Breaking Utility aid Commer cial 36.004050, Cutter and Hewing Utility 32.0038,25, Cannes and Low Cotter 28.0032.00. Shells down to 25.00. BULLS: few Yield Grade No. 1 1050/1975 lbs. 45.25-54.25. FEEDER CATTLE: STEERS: one Medium Frame Na 13701b5. 60.00, Lane Frame No. 2 450/675 lbs. 55.0059.00; HEIFERS: few Medium Frame No. 1 300/550 lbs. 49.0056.00; BULLS: few Medium Frame No. 1 450/650 lbs. 51.0065.00. CALVES 87...VEALERS; one Good 170 lbs. 65.00, Standard and Good 70/90 lbs. 24.00-35.00, Utility 35/95 lbs. 16.0027.00 FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holstein bulls 95/125 lbs. 100.00110.00, 80/90 lbs. 36.00-90.00, No. 2 90/145 lbs. 45.0090.00; few Na 1 Holstein heifers 10Q/I2S lbs. 155.00182.50. few No. 2 80/130 lbs. 80.00145.00. Few beef cross bolls and heifers 75/95 lbs. 50.00105.00. HOGS 7S...Batrows and gills .25 to 1.00 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS: US 225/250 lb*. 51,50-53.00, US 1-3 230/ Today you’ve decided to Buy. Uncaff both, Saturday, sapMifr 2, 1M5-A7 lbs. 48.0050.00. few 165/200 lbs. 455061.00. SOWS: couple US 1-3 325 A 355 lbs. 41.75 A 42.00. BOARS: few 200/625 lbs. 27.0028.00; FEEDER PIGS 10.J%w US 1-3 55/80 lbs. 32.0052.00. per head. SHEEP6...SLAUOHTER LAMBS: few High Choice and Prime 80/95 lbs. 83.0096.00. GOATS 0...N0 MARKET TEST! Dewart Livestock DEWART, PA AUGUST 28, 1995 CATTLE 28... PDA ...Compared with last week's sale...oows steady to .75 lower. STEERS; one Select 57.00. HOLS THINS; one Choice 1300 lbs. 5850, few Select 53.0056.75. COWS: few Breaking Utility and Com mercial 37.0040.75. couple 43.00, Cutter and Boning Utility 37.0040.75, Canner and Low Cutler 31.0036.00. Shells down to 25.00. BULLS; one Yield Grade No. 1 1630 lbs. 45.00. few No. 2 990/1530 lbs. 40.75-44.75. FEEDER CATTLE; STEERS: one small lot Large Frame No. 2 430 lbs. 61.00; HEIFERS: few Medium Frame No. 1 300/480 Iba. 50.00-56.00. CALVES IS6...VEALERS: few Stan dard and Good 75/100 Iba. 35.00-40.00, few Utility 55/85 lb*. 27.50-31.00. FARM CALVES: No. 1 Holitein built 85/125 lb*. 75.00-120.00. couple 125.00, No. 2 75/115 lb*. 35.00-65.00; No. 1 Holi tein heifer* 85/120 lb*. 160.00-197.50, No. 2 65/135 lb*. 90.00-130.0 a Beef cto>* bull* and heifer* 65/150 lb*. 70.00-110.00. HOGS 50... BARROWS AND GILTS: US 1-3 220/250 lb*. 49.50-51.00, lot 195 lb*. 40.75. SOWS: US 1-3 330/550 lb* 33.00-36.75. BOARS; .couple 25.75 & 28.50. FEEDER PIGS 62... US 1-3 25/35 lb*. 21.00-28.00. per head. SHEEP 0...N0 MARKET TESTI GOATS 1 ...Large Kid* 41.00. per head. Lebanon Valley Livestock Fredericksburg, PA Tueaday, Aug. 29, 1995 Report aupplled by Auction STEERS: 18 CHOICE 1355-1405 LBS. 60.25-62.75. HOLSTEIN CHOICE 1160-1605 LBS. 53.50-57.50; SELECT EXTENDED PARTS DEPT. HOURS EFFECTIVE SEPT. 5 THRU OCT. 31 To Better Serve You' During The Busy Harvest Season MON. ★ TUES. ★ THURS. ★ FRI. 7:00 AM-8:00 PM WED. 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Sat. 7:00 AM - 12 NOON "siT 0H 26-09% L "" 1 ' PA 17543 Cattle Feeders... Let Us Help You Find The Feeders & Stockers You’re Looking For! Feeding cattle is a hard enough business without all the pressures associated with finding the steers you need. Let us help you find the kind of cattle you are looking for. With the ability to locate feeder steers through five states, Willier, Incorporated can supply you with all sizes and breeds of feeder steers. We have a steady supply of Angus, Baldie, Holstein, and mixed breed steers available for you. And, we’ll work with you selling your finished cattle on the other end. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION AND PRICE QUOTE! 610 WATER EDGE ROAD LITITZ, PA USA 17543-8766 PHONE: (717) 626-6845 ' FAX: (717) 626-1260 Announcing... 2 Dairy Heifer Salea for Your Consideration The Vintage Salee-Wllller, Inc. Auguet Heifer Sale; Aug. 12,1995; 10:00 AM The Vintage Salee-Willlar, Ino. Fall Heifer Sale; Sept. 22,1995; 9:00 AM [««•«««««««««««««•«««««««««««««««< 1245-1600 LBS. 50.00-52.75; STAN DARD 1140-1315 LBS 45.75-41.50; HEIFERS: CHOICE 1400-1460 SELECT: 1055-1110 LBS 35.30-56.75. COWS: 96 HEAD. BREAKING UTILI TY- AND COMMERCIAL 40.00-43.25: CUTTER AND BONING UTILITY 37.00-39.75. CANNBR AND LOW CUT TER 35.00-37.00, SHELLS 33.50 AND DOWN. BULLS: 1 HEAD. YG#l 1990 LBS. 44.50. CALVES: 161 HEAD. STANDARD AND GOOD 60-95 LBS. 30.00-42.00; UTILITY 45-65 LBS. IS.OO-25.00; #1 HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES 90-115 LBS. 100.00- #2 HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES 85-100 LBS. 80.00-100.00; «I HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES 100-130 LBS. 137.00-187.00; #2 HOLSTEIN HEIFER CALVES 80-125 LBS. 90.00- BEEF CROSS BULL AND HEIFER CALVES 85-95 LBS. 100.00- HOGS: US#IA2 237-252 LBS, 50.00-53.00; #2*3 240-263 LBS 47.50-49.50. SOWS: YG«l*3 365-575 LBS. 35.00-38.30; YG#2&3 315-475 LBS, 33.50-35.00. BOARS; 555 LBS. 24.00. GOATS: MEDIUM 29.00-41.00. St. Louis Cattle, Hogs SPRINGFIELD, 1L AUGUST 28, 1995 Cattle and Calvei; Compared to last Monday slaughter iteen and heifers 1.00-2.00 lower, except holstein iteen steady. Cows 1.00 lower, too few bulls to establish a market. Supply mainly Choice and Select and Choice steen and heifen, with select grades of both classes on the increase. Moderate supply holstein steen. Around 10% cows. Slaughter steen; Choice 2-4 1050-1300 lbs. 58.50-60.00; few 2-3 1150-1350 lbs. at 60.00. Select and Choice 2-3 975-1250 lbs. 56.00- Select 2-3 975-1250 lbs. 54.00- Holstein steen: Choice 2-3 1275-1500 lbs. 56.00-58.00; Select and Choice 2-3 1175-1400 lbs. 53.00-56.00. Select 2-3 950-1350 lbs. 49.00-53.00. Slaughter heifen: Choice 2-4 900-1225 lbs. 57.50-59.00; Select and Choice 2-3 875-1175 lbs. 55.00-57.50. Select 2-3 850-1175 lbs. 53.00-55.00. Slaughter cows: Breaking Utility and Commercial 2-4 33.00-36.00. Cutter and Boning Utility 1-2 35.00-36.00, high yield ing 36.00-37.00. Canner and low Cutter 1-2 31.00-34.00. Shelly Canner 1-2 27.00-31.00. Bulls: Scarce. Willier, Incorporated
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