f.CWtiSi S i9dmoiqs2 .yebictee ,g.tltrn6l tafasofie.! *3Mancwt»f Firtntofl, Saturday, September 2, 1995 \ MANHEIM (Lancaster Co.) To develop hybrid com and soybeans for die mid-Atlantic slates, the DeKalb Plant Genetics farm is ideally situated because of the unique plant environment of the local area. A field day at the farm was held Thursday, and Brent Godshalk, plant breeder and farm manager, said they wanted to show their customers die new hybrids in com, soybeans and sorghum. In addition, new bt com resistant to com bore and hybrids resistant to herbicide were shown. Correction At last week’s Elizabethtown Fair Sale of Champions, some facts were incorrectly reported. Brandon Ziegler, Lititz, sold his grand champion selling lamb to John Ebersole of Speedwell Con- Shop Key-Aid for Sept Savings = (Sale prices good till Sept 30, HNS) BB »-.>»■■ 707190 - Hoofmakcr Boz $ 2.50 707200 - Hoofmakcr 32 oz $ 4.29 "'"i"'