M-Uncwr Fanning, Saturday, August 19, 1995 National Egg Market ATLANTA, GA AUGUST 16, 1995 Prices were higher on mediums in the Lancaster farming • Staff- Everett R. Newnwanger Managing Editor Lou Ann Good, Staff Andy Andrews, Staff Vernon Aehenbacta Jr., Staff NEWS CORRESPONDENTS Joyce Bupp, York County Seven Valleys (717)428-1865 Carolyn Moyer, Bradford County Roaring Branch (717) 324-2482 Randy Welle, Indiana Marion Center (412) 397-2529 Judith Patton, Union Mifflinburg (717)966-4770 Call Strode, Mifflin Belleville (717)935-5675 Linda Williams. Bedford, Huntingdon, Juniata Bedford (Sl4) 623-5745 Gay Brownlee, Somerset Salisbury (814)662-2127 David Hiebert, Westmoreland Soottdale (412)887-5929 Loretta Golden, Cambria Portage (814)736-8266 James Martin, Mercer Sandy Lake (412)376-2682 CJ. Hough taxing, Tioga Middlebury Center (717) 376-2821 Beth Miller, Cumberland Newville (717)776-6571 Lois Szymanski, Maryland Westminster (410) 648-5241 Karen Butler, Maryland Frederick (301)698-5436 Joanne Monray, Maryland, Adams ft Franklin, Pa. Taneytown, (410) 751-0451 Subscription Information Subscription Price: $25.00 per year; $48.00 - 2 years $35.00 per year outside ot. PA. NJ. MD, DE, NY, OH, VA & WV $68.00 - 2 Years Non-Refundable Lancaster Farming (ISSN 0023-7485) is published weekly for $25 00 per year; $4B 00 • 2 years by Lancaster Farming, P O. Box GO!) 1 E. Man Street, Ephrata, PA 17522. Second Claus postage paid at Ephrata, PA 17522 POST MASTER: Send address changes to LANCASTER FARMING, 1 East Mai Street. P.O Box 609, Ephrata, PA 17522. Phone: Lititz (717) 626-1164 or Ephrata (717) 733-6397 Lancaster (717) 394-3047 FAX; 717-733-6058 For address change form or new subscription, see near Mailbox Markets Members of National Association of Agricultural Journalists Pa. Newspaper Publishers Association, and National Newspaper Association. National Advertising Representative J.L. Parmakls, Inc. Phone (203) 966-1746 Available On Microfilm Copies of Lancaster Farming are available on microfilm from University Microfilms International, 300 .North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan Any questions about their ser vice should be directed to the publishing manager. PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR The publisher shall hot be liable for slight changes or typo graphical errors that do not lessen the value of an adver tisement The publisher's liability for other errors or omis sions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Northeast, and generally unchanged else where. The market tone was steady on the larger sizes, and steady to fully steady on lighter weights. Demand was mixed, rang ing light to good, best where featured and into vacation areas. Supplies of jumbos were adequate to tight, large mostly adequ ate and available, and mediums and smalls were adequate to barely adequate. Break ing stock supplies were mostly adequate for the lackluster demand; the undertone was steady. Light type hen supplies were limited, yet sufficient for processing requirements. Hackettstown Poultry & Egg Hackettstown, NJ. Report Supplied by Auction Tuesday, August 15, 1995 Report Supplied by Auction HEAVY FOWL .40-.65. LEGHORN FOWL .65. ROOSTERS .55-1.65. TURKEYS 1.15. BUNNIES EACH .50-ZOO. DUCKS .30-1.35. RABBITS .20-.75. PIGEONS 1.20. GUINEAS 2.10-2.60. EGGS: WHITE EXTRA LARGE & JUMBO .50-.90, LARGE .44-.70, MEDIUM .34-.40. BROWN EXTRA LARGE ft JUMBO .84-.90, LARGE .70-.80, MEDIUM .43. Belleville Poultry Belleville, Pa. Wednesday, August 16, 1995 Report supplied by Auction Geese; 3.00 ea. Turkeys; 6.00 et. Guineas; 3.00 ea., chicks .90 ea. Roosters: 4.50-7.25 ea. Bantams: .50-2.00 ea. Heavy hens; 2.00 ea. Silkies: none. Muscovy hens: 4.00 ea. Mixed ducks: 2.50-3.75 ea. Muscovy drakes; 11.00-12.00 ea. Guinea pigs: 2.00 ea. Bam pigeons: 2.50 ea. Fancy birds; none. Quail: bobwhite 2.50 ea. Peacocks: none. Pheasants: 15.00 ea. Rabbits; under 4 lbs. 1.00-3.00 ea., 4-6 lbs. 3.20-4.80 ea., over 6 lbs. 3.00-9.00 ea. Quality Assurance Programs Risk Management Programs Flock Computer Records Financial and Performance Analysis EAST PETERSBURG, PA AUGUST 17, 1995 Ducks - Drakes 1.20 - 1.44 Muscovy Ducks - Hens 1.10 - 1.28 Pekin bucks .60 - .74 Red Fowl 4-4.3 .30 - .54 Red Fowl 5-6 .50 - .72 Crossbred Fowl 5-9 .18 - .62 Crossbred Roosters 4-6 .30 - .94 Crossbred Roasters 7-11 .40 - .86 Benty Roosters 3.00 - 6.50 ea. Benty Hens 1.00 - 2.75 es. Silkies 2.00 • 2.85 ee. Pigeons 1.75 • 2.50 ee. White Pigeons 3XO - 3.85 es. Rabbits 4-6 .60 - .92 Rabbits 7-11 .70 - .98 Bunnies .50 - 2.50 ea. Guinea Pigs .50 - 4.75 ea. Doves 2.50 - 5.00 ea. Pullets 4-6 .40 - .54 Total Coops Sold 806 Movement of ready-to-cook whole bird! wu moderate to good. Seller offeringi were adequate to well cleared. Live rup pliei were moderate, initancei heavy; weighla were defirable to light. Procening ichedulei remained very heavy. Leu than trucklot aiking pricer were 1 cent higher at 61 to 72 centi. Trade rentiment varied from Heady to higher. In the parti com plex, leg quarter! were fully adequate. Other itemi were generally noted ai adequ ate or clorely balanced and clearing latii factorily ESTIMATED SLAUGHTER OF BROILER/FRYERS IN DELMARVA (000) ESTIMATED ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT ACTUAL AVG. WEIGHT 08/16 08/14 08/14 08/09 08/07 2,466 2,394 4.65 2,250 4.61 *BROILER/FRYER CURRENT NEGOTIATED PRICES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES MOSTLY MULTIPLE-DROP SHIP MENTS OF BRANDED AND WING TAGGED TO NEW YORK CITY FROM DELMARVA BRANDED U.S. GRADE A RANGE 57-71 WEIGHTED AVERAGE 61.81 NO. OF BOXES 11,264 *9 of 9 plants reporting. New York Egg Market ATLANTA, GA AUGUST 16, 1995 Price* were unchanged on extra-large and large, and unchanged to higher on medium*. The market tone wai mixed, ranging from iteady to fully iteady. Demand continued mostly fair. Supplies of larger sizes were adequate to ample, with mediums becoming less available. PRICES TO RETAILERS. SALES TO VOLUME BUYERS, USDA GRADE A AND GRADE A, WHITE EGGS IN CAR TONS, DELIVERED STORE DOOR CENTS PER DOZEN. RANGE EXTRA LARGE 72-74 LARGE 69-72 MEDIUM 47-50 Feed Formulation Flofck Service Visits Agreement Supervision Egg and Fowl Marketing Accounting Services Joint Ownership Flocks Heinsey’s Poultry Delmarva Broiler ATLANTA, GA AUGUST 16, 1995 Weekly New York Egg Market Northeast Quotes WHITE JUMBO EX. LARGE LARGE MEDIUM PULLETS OFF GRADE BROWN EXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM OFF GRADE UNDERGRADES AND CHECKS BREAKING STOCKS; FRI. 42-44 LBS. .29-.31,48-50 LBS. .41-.43,50 LB AND UP ,43-.44; WED. 42-44 LBS. .31-.33. N.E. Weekly Shell Egg Report August 15 Report Supplied by USDA PRICES PAID PER DOZEN GRADE “A” BROWN EGGS IN CARTONS DELIVERED TO RETAIL STORES; EX. LARGE 1.14 MAINE N. HAMP. MOSTLY RHODE ISLAND MOSTLY VERMONT MOSTLY E. PA & NJ Poultry ATLANTA. GA AUGUST 14, 1995 Final prices trended higher than a week earlier. Offerings from production areas were limited and short of full trade needs. Demand was moderate to good. Undertone folly steady. HEAVY TYPE HENS (7 POUNDS AND UP) • FINAL PRICE, CENTS PER LB., GENERALLY FOR SLAUGHTER THE WEEK OF 14-AUG-9S RANGE MAJORITY WTD A VG AT FARM BUY ER LOADING 9.5-1 S CENTS/LB. 9.5-10 10.06 AT FARM PRODUCER LOADING TOO FEW TO REPORT FOB PLANT TOO FEW TO REPORT • WEIGHTS UNDER 7 LBS. SUBJECT TO DIS COUNT. North Atlantic Shell Eggs Thursday, August 17, 1995 Report Supplied by USDA MARKET COMMENT; THE MARK ET TONE WAS ABOUT STEADY FOR THE LARGE SIZE WHITE EGGS, STEADY FOR ALL BROWN EGGS, AND FULLY STEADY FOR WHITE MEDIUM EGGS. DEMAND WAS MIX ED, BEST WHERE FEATURED. SUP PLIES OF THE SMALLER SIZES WERE ADEQUATE TO INSTANCES TIGHT, EXTRA LARGE AND LARGE WERE ADEQUATE TO AMPLE, AND JUM BOS REMAINED TIGHT TO ADEQU ATE. BREAKING STOCK SUPPLIES WERE GENERALLY ADEQUATE. A EXTRA LARGE .70-.74, LARGE .6S-.72, MEDIUM .43-.47. Kissers Poultry Inc. P.O. BOX 52 • LITITZ, PA f Buyers and Haulers /I 'I of Leghorn, Medium, I / I Heavy Fowl. Now using cads for Over 60 years of the most efficient prompt payment means of moving and dependable spent fowl service. Tel. 717-626-5466 FAX 717-627-3599 From Friday, August 11-17 FRI, MON. TUBS. WED. THURS. .92 .92 .92 .81 .81 .81 .74 .74 .74 .49 .49 .49 .40 .40 .40 .62 .62 .62 .85 .85 .85 .85 .85 •81 .81 .81 .81 .81 .57 .57 .57 .59 .59 .28 .28 .28 .28 .28 LARGE MEDIUM SMALL 1.04 .76 .47 .97-1.01 ,69-.73 .40-.44 .99-1.00 .71-.72 ,42-.44 1.00-1.04 ,72-.76 ,43-.47 LOO .72 .43 1.05-1.07 .79 1.07 1.07-1.11 1.09- 1.10- 1.10 1.15-1.17 1.17 Pricei were unchanged. The market tone wai about steady. Demand remained light and continued to focui on short term immediate needs. Floor stocks were adequ ate. Breaking stock supplies were at lean adequate, and plants ran full schedules. WHOLESALE SELLING PRICES (CENTS PER FOUND IN 30 LB. CON TAINERS) TRUCKLOTS LTL (MIN. 25 CONT. RANGE MOSTLY RANGE WHOLE 48-54 51-52 54-60 BLENDS (0 TFEWR 64-78 WHITES 37-39 37-38 40-49 SUGARED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 61-65 63 65-73 SALTED YOLKS (MIN 43% SOLIDS) 58-62 60 63-68 (0 - WHOLE PLUS YOLK PLUS SWEETEN ER, GENERALLY 28-32% EGG SOLIDS. .92 .92 .81 .81 .74 .74 .52 SI .41 .41 .62 .62 NY Phil Frozen Eggs ATLANTA, GA AUGUST 15, 1995 Sell direct to us foi cash. * Fowl * Pigeons * Bantams * Pullets * Capons * Rabbits * Guineas * Chukars * Turkeys * Lambs * Goats JACKMINTZ i POULTRY ! (718) 498-4810 J A