Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 12, 1995, Image 146

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Sei-CwcttW SrfdHlay,' Aufl’wt tt. IMS
Brantner Big Wi
Cumberland Co.
land Co.) —Melissa Brantner
probably needed a basket to carry
home all the awards she won dur
ing the Color Breeds Show at the
Shippensburg Fair.
Brantner, who is from Lurgan,
won the FFA Brown Swiss grand
champion award with her senior
3-ycar-old, Swamp Creek Jill. She
also had the Brown Swiss reserve
grand champion with her winter
yearling, Willow Grove Start Rek
Jill. »
Afterward, Brantner had the
FFA Guernsey grand champion
with her 5-year-old Franks Prin
cess Di. She then took the FFA
Milking Shorthorn grand champ
ion title for her senior 2-year-old,
Twilite Big Time Star, and also
captured the FFA and open
reserve champion awards for
Milking Shorthorns with her
senior 2-year-old, Walnut Hol
lows Cathy.
Michael Brant of Mount Union
took home his share of victories as
He started by winning the Ayr
shire grand champion award with
his senior 2-year-old, Rushing
Springs Mose Misty, and took the
open reserve champion honor for
the same animal.
C. David Layman of Waynes
boro won the 4-H and open
Guernsey grand champion titles
with his 4-year-old, Hooverville
Alfs Roseanna.
Rebecca Comman of Carlisle
won the 4-H grand champion
award for Milking Shorthorns
with her fall calf, Three Spring OT
Her brother, Aaron, won the
4-H Brown Swiss grand champion
title with his spring yearling,
Quaker-Haven Patrick Queen. He
then won the Brown Swiss reserve
grand champion open honor for
his junior 2-year-old, Justa-
Beauty Crafty Lucky.
Michelle Ocker of Shippens
burg took the 4-H Ayrshire grand
champion spot with her 4-year
old, Masonic Homes Jade Megan.
The open grand champion for
jQ pi ..the Brown Swiss
open show were, left to right, Mike Heath, Judge; reserve
grand champion shown by Steve Cornman and owned by
Aaron Cornman; and the grand champion, Lonnl and Vicki
left, Mike Heath, judge; best animal bred and owned,
Richard Martin; reserve grand champion, Michael Brant;
and grand champion, Jeff and Michele Reasner.
Ayrshires was Jeffrey and
Michele Reasner of Shippensburg
with their 5-year-old, Sunny-
Acres Misty Polly.
The open Brown Swiss grand
champion was Lonni Wickard of
Shippensburg with his 5-year-old,
Lo-Vi Lady Ensign Lilt.
The FFA reserve grand champ
ion for Ayrshires was Richard
Martin of Chambersburg with his
senior 2-year-old, Benefactor
Maya Mandy.
The 4-H Ayrshire reserve grand
champion was Jennifer Zinn of
Newvillc and her 4-year-old,
Maulfair Acres Legend Gay.
Amy Witmer of Newbuig won
the Brown Swiss 4-H reserve
grand champion award for her
winter calf, Lo-Vi Tasha M K
The 4-H and open reserve grand
champion Guernsey winner was
Brian W. Nailor of Mechanics
burg and his fall calf, McCullough
Slymer Flirt.
Linnea Hoover of Boiling
Springs and her junior 3-year-old
Walnut Hollows Rose View won
the open reserve grand champion
Milking Shorthorn title.
In the junior competition, the
open winner for Ayrshires was
Jennifer Zinn and her winter calf,
Jems Transtar Michele. Michelle
Ocker took the 4-H champion title
for that breed with her fall calf,
Ockerdale Reliable Julie Joy.
The FFA Ayrshire junior
champion was Richard Martin for
his winter calf, Benefactor Sailor
The open reserve junior champ
ion Ayrshire winner was Martin
with the same animal.
Jennifer Zinn and her fall year
ling Jems Ayshire St. Nick Milissa
took the 4-H Ayrshire reserve
junior champion honor. The FFA
reserve junior champion Ayrshire
award went to Christopher Semple
of Shirleysburg and his spring
yearling, Rushing-Springs Babes
The open Brown Swiss junior
champion was Lonni Wickard and
his summer yearling, Lo-Vi Near
PR Nanny.
Aaron Comman had the 4-H
nner At Colored Breed Sh
Shorthorn grand champion
award was Rebecca Corn
Grand champion Guernsey
in the FFA competition went
to Melissa Brantner.
Brown Swiss junior champion
with his spring yearling, Quaker-
Haven Patrick Queen.
The FFA Brown Swiss junior
champion for FFA was Melissa
Brantner and her winter yearling.
Willow Grove Start Rek Jill.
The Brown Swiss reserve junior
open reserve champion was Sarah
Wickard of Shippensbmg and her
winter calf. Top Acres Peerless
The Brown Swiss 4-H reserve
junior champ was Amy Winner
with her winter calf, Lo-Vi Tasha
M K Tena.
Brian Nailor won both the open
and 4-H junior champion spots for
Guernseys with McCullough
Slymer Flirt, while Melissa Brant
ner took the FFA junior champion
title for the breed with her spring
calf. Brandy O Merrily Hunter
Joie. The same animal won the
open reserve junior champion
award. Brantner then took the
FFA junior champion nod for the
breed with her winter yearling,
Brandy O Di Victory Priscilla.
For thi Milking Shorthorns,
Rebecca Comman won the open
and 4-H iunioi champion posi
tions with her fall calf. Three
Springs O T Jet-EXP. Linnea
Hoover took the reserve junior
champion open award with her
spring calf, Le-Lin Joe Rustic.
Mike Heath was judge feu the
Fair Color Braada
Show Raaulla
Aynhire Fill Calf Open: 1. Michelle Ocker, 2.
Michael Brant; 3. Heath Ocker. Aynhire Fall
Calf 4-H: 1. Michelle Ocker, 1 Heath Ocker.
Aynhire Fall Calf FFA; 1. Michael Brant.
Guemaey Fall Calf Open: 1. Brian W Naylor.
Ouemaey Fall Calf 4-H: 1. Brian W. Naylor.
Milking Shorthorn Fall Calf Open; 1. Rebecca
Comman. Milking Shorthorn Fall Calf 4-H: 1
(Turn to Pag* qtj
Winners of the 4-H and open grand champion titles went
to, left to right, Brian NaHor, reserve grand champion and
grand champion, C. David Layman.
4-11 Ayrshire grand and reserve grand champions went
to, left to right, reserve grand, Jennifer Zlnn and 4-H grand
champion, Michelle Ocker.
Winning the grand and reserve grand chamoion titles In
FFA Milking Shorthorn competition was Melissa Brantner.
Showing the FFA reserve grand champion was Benjamin
Mickr 1
Winning the reserve Junior champion title h the Milking
Shorthorn competition was, left, Linnea Hoover and win
ning the Junior champion award In the open and 4-H divi
sions was Rebecca Cornman, right. Standing beside the
winners was, left, Shlppensburg Fair Queen Laura Strayer
and at the far right, Cumberland County Dairy Maid Julie