Congratulations To All The Dairy of Distinction Award Winners Dairy of Extinction Supplement to Lancaater Farmli And Forage Quality: Other Alfalfas Don’t Stack Up To Sterling. Outstanding yield or excellent quality. Most alfalfas will give you one at the expense of the other. But Sterling delivers in both cate gories. You get a 1-2 yield and quality punch that outstacks the competition. Forage yield and forage quality of selected varieties Wisconsin and Minnesota Variety Sterling LegenDairy 7.55 DK 133 Multi King 1 7.00 5262 Magnum 111 7.27 WL-322 Dominator Dairy of ■ Distinction IMryFMmttwlHlealiwiPrafnm Yield (T/A) RFV Lbs Milk/A 7.74 7.37 7.32 6.98 6.97 nYutllU 1-800-634-8941 SEEDS 7773019599 B«turd>y, July 39, 1W5—Pi 145.7 20,699 140.6 19,737 138.7 19,116 143.4 18,503 137 5 18,861 136 3 18,239 140.2 18,166 136.6 17,913 ’tg* it