Pago 4—Dairy of Distinction Supplement to Uncaster Farming, Saturday, July 29,1995 Bi-Ran Farm Brian, Randy, and Kevin Zembower are partners In the Bi- Ran Farm operation, located south of Bedford. The Zem bowers farm 400 acres on five farms and milk 90 head of Holstein cows that average 18,000 pounds of milk. They feed TMR from an upright silo and say that to be successful on the dairy farm you need to work hard. Members of the Zembower family are as follows: Brian and his wife Faith have three children, Amy, 12; Heidi, 9, and Holly, 5. Randy and his wife Lee have three children, Jeffrey, 19; Steven, 16, and Thresa, 3. Kevin and his wife Dawn have Brandon, 2. BEDFORD Wakefield Farm Brothers Jim and Tom Wakefield have incorporated the family farming operation located south of Bedford. The farm has been in the family for nearly a hundred years and by sharing responsibilities, Jim manages the crops and Tom manages the cows, the brothers can provide the man agement needed to keep track of the small details that must be considered in a successful farm operation. They farm 400 acres of corn, alfalfa, and a little wheat. Minimum till and no-tlll farming practices are used. The herd consists of 120 milk cows and about that many replacement heifers. The cows are milked In a double six herringbone parlor and fed TMR from three bunker silos. The herd average is over 20,000 pounds of milk. Tom and his wife Cathy have two children, Thad, 4, and J.T., 6. Jim and his wife Beverly have Scott, 13, and Betsy, 12. Dairy of fl| Distinction Dairy of fl| Distinction Carrdale Holsteins Can-dale Holsteins, owned by Gerald and Patricia Carr and family, have become know for their high production and superior type. This new Dairy of Distinction was one of the stops In Bedford County for the National Holstein Con vention Tour last month. They farm 300 acres and milk 95 cows that average 24,487 m 904 f 804 p and their classifica tion shows BAA at 106.3 with 7EX,and37VG. The Carrs are the first generation on the farm. They started their farming operation with few assets and borrowed money. The pre sent show place and excellent herd of registered Holsteins Is an example of what can be done with determination and hard work. Gerald and Patricia have three children: Daniel, Michael, and Paul. Daniel and his wife Lisa, have one son, Auston, 3. n I BEDFORD Helsey Farm After farming for 16 years in Lebanon County, Marlin and Brenda Heisey and their six children moved from to their new Dairy of Distinction farm located west of Osterburg last year. They farm 250 acres of corn, alfalfa, grass and wheat. The 80 head of Holstein cows average over 21,000 pounds of milk and they have another 80 head of replacement stock. Milking Is done In a tie-stall barn, and a TMR mix of corn sil age, haylage, and high moisture corn Is used In the feeding program. To be successful, Marlin says you need to keep the debt load low and labor costs to a minimum. The Heisey children are Colette, 16; Parke, 14; Chad, 10; David, 8; Lynette, 4, and Brandon, 1. Dairy of WM Distinction Dairy of M Distinction